You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He nodded,his brow a little furrowed in his confusion. "Alright, well, tha's good to hear I s'pose.."
She smiled softly and ran her fingers through his hair, "That makes me pretty happy...~ I've had a huge crush for the longest time~"
Their relationship blossomed after that and he didn't really see her tutor any other men since. It made him pretty happy that they became exclusive like that.
He smiled every time she messaged him, every time he thought of her. He was still a bit of an idiot, but he was a happy idiot
He went to the Arcanaeum to see her, as he always did, a spring in his step and a grin on his face. When he came through, there was a Gnoll leaning against her desk chatting with her. Well, it looked more like flirting to him. Kimia was smiling and giggling, playing with her hair as the Gnoll grinned and snickered.
He made a noise and walked over, grunting a bit. "G'mornin, Kimia.." he said, making his presence known.
She looked and smiled brightly, "Morning, Agar~" She greeted before turning back to the Gnoll, "If you need help reading the spells, you know where to find me."
"Thank ya, Miss Kimia." The Gnoll grinned and took his books and bounded away.
"Hm?" She looked up at him and smiled, "Dukket? Oh, maybe a little, I wasn't really paying attention. He's a good boy...dumb as rocks~"
She smiled dreamily and her tail began to sway slowly, "Oh, baby~ that's so cute~ you're jealous of a Gnoll~"
"Cuz he was flirting with your girlfriend in front of you~ making her smile with his lack of intelligence~"
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