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You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He snarled and grunted loudly, slamming deep into her again and again, the wet slaps getting louder and louder.
She melted, "I..." What could she do to appease his orc half? Think, think, think. Her tail swayed and she glanced back at him, eyes hazy, "I'll be a good wife to you, Warchief~ I'll bear many strong children if you breed me~❤"
He snapped. He slammed hard and fast into her, roaring as he slammed balls deep into her again and again, his climax building quickly. Was he really this easy to rile up?
He bellowed loudly as he suddenly flooded her with his hot, sticky cum. It filled her, and he kept slamming into her. Again and again, his cock still throbbing. Did she call to something primal?
She melted even more, slumping against the couch and hugging the arm to keep supported. She was in a dream.
He roared loudly, slamming faster and faster, fighting through the sensitivity to dump another, equally massive load into her.
He just kept going, like an animal in heat, load after heavy, sticky load was just being pumped into her.
It seemed like an eternity later when he finally began to slow down. She was painted head to toe in his massive loads, and he finished off by making a huge mess of her tits.
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