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You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He gripped her hair tight and pulled her back as he roared loudly, firing his massive load all over her face, moaning and snarling loudly.
She drooled a bit, "More about you~ your mating capabilities~ how virile you are~ each session opens new knowledge to me~❤"
"An' wha'have ye been learnin' this time~?" He asked, smirking down at her, loving her every reaction.
"Your orc blood causes you to be possessive of what's yours~ causes you to enforce your will over your mate to prove you're stronger~ better~ but at the same time, your human blood keeps you from being too aggressive, from thinking wholly that I would just betray you~ I find that to be rather attractive and endearing~ as well as fascinating~"
"Oi s'pose tha' is int'restin'." He snarled as he moved to press his cock to her lips. "Clean me up, aye?"
Total disregard. What a bone head. She loved him so much. She moaned as she cleaned up the small mess on his cock, face flushed brightly.
He chuckled and amirked as he watched her, pulling her back and growled. "Where do ye wanna be~?" He asked.
She shook her head, "Anywhere is fine...Warchief~" Would that trigger something in him to make him more aggressive?
He snarled loudly and pushed her back onto the couch as he pressed his cock to her entrance. "Warchief? Oi like th' sound a tha'~" he snarled.
He growled loudly and lifted her hips high, almost folding her in half as he suddenly slammed down into her with a roar.
She could see every inch, every thick, throbbing inch of his cock being stuffed inside of her, stretching her out, disappearing into her, and reappearing completely coated in her juices.
He snarled loudly and moved faster, and faster, her juices flooding all over his cock, stringing between them with, and he pulled back to the tip,and began making his movements slow,but deliberately hard. He noticed she liked the view?
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