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You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He snarled again and again, slamming faster into her. Fuck, he was like a machine. Brutal, simplistic, everything she looked for. He slammed down into her harder and faster, more brutal in his movements. F-Fuhck, y'keep gettin' wetter."
He made a noise and nodded before planting his hands beside her head and slamming deep into her with everything he had.
He roared loudly and arched to slam hard into her, grunting and digging his tusks into her flesh as he bit her shoulder. He slammed hard into her spot, roars muffled by her flesh.
"Tha's it, fukken scream fer yer warchief." He snarled loudly and flipped her onto her stomach. He slammed back into her and roared louder, gripping her hair and tugging her head back.
She gasped loudly and gave guttural sounds of delight, her tail flicking madly as she endured his abuses.
It seemed like it was a test, he didn't continue after that. He did keep pounding away at her, snarling loudly.
"I-It just feels so good, baby, your cock is so much better than the others, I've never been forced over so quickly like this~!!" She cried.
He made a noise and paused for a moment. "Hm. Guess that is good." He said with a smirk before moving harder.
She started to drool heavily, eyes almost crossing, "Oh my fucking God, you're so dumb, I love you~~ don't stop, baby, please, I'm so close...~!"
"I-I'm cumming~!! Agar, I'm cumming~!!" She cried before suddenly gasping and bouncing her hips hard against him as she climaxed hard.
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