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You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

True to her word, Kimia slowly but surely told all of the young men that she needn't sleep with them anymore to give them any tutoring help. Some were too dumb to really be hurt by it, others not so much.
She made him genuinely happy, supporting his odd desire to learn the healing arts. Plus, the sex was pretty great, too.
He always practiced the spells to create food and water, finding great joy in the simple pleasures.
"Tryin', love." He said. His brow was furrowed again, had he been trying to modify the spell? He made hand motions and muttered the incantation under his breath. The plate and bottle on the table were empty, but when he finished, the bottle filled with what smelled like cheap ale, and the plate was covered in cheeses, some simple dried meats and fruits. Truly, not a hard man to please.
"Ooooh~ let me just have a quality check." She said and grabbed one of the slices of cheese, biting into it happily and swaying her tail.
It was in fact, a simple cheese. Seemingly some kind of blend? Not too sharp, an almost buttery cheese. Probably pairs well with the fruit. He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. "I's a small comfort food."
She smiled up at him but her ears perked in alarm when she heard someone approaching.
"Miss Kimia," it was an elf, and a rather attractive one at that, "I was wondering if I could use afternoon? I have a fine bottle of wine my mother sent me from the homeland."
"Ah, Katar..." Kimia looked nervous, "I'm sorry, I've been meaning to tell you; my research is really no longer necessary...though I am still offering my tutoring to you and your classmates free of charge." She told him. Katar immediately looked to Agaruk and scowled.
"I see."
Agaruk snarled a bit and stood slowly, now easily towering over the elf. "Not sure I 'preciate the looks there, friend. Is there a problem?"
"None worth mentioning in front of a woman, no." He replied. Kimia got between them quickly.
"Now that's quite enough, both of you." She stated.
Katar snorted before taking Kimia's hand and kissing it gently, "Until next we meet." He said. Kimia laughed nervously.
"T-Take care, Katar.."
"Aggie, it's fine...he was just being polite, right, Katar?" Kimia said. Katar nodded.
"Of course. My mother raised me well enough to pay women proper respect." He said before leaving. Kimia sighed softly.
"Good grief..."
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