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You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Don' trust those pompous fuckin' elves.." he growled under his breath as he moved to sit down again. "Sorry f'r upsettin' you.."
"No, it's ok...I must apologize for him, he's a half elf; his father's he's eloquent but sometimes he lets his human side get the better of him..." So he's rather dumb for an elf, huh?
"A lot of them were really upset when I halted my research so I might get hassled some. But it's ok, cuz I have you to protect me~"
He showed her some of the spells he was having trouble with, which were still a bit easy for experienced magic users.
She showed him where he was going wrong and how to do it properly, going slow when he seemed a little fussy and frustrated.
He smiled a bit and nodded. The two of them continued studying for quite a while, not even noticing that the library was basically empty st this point.
"Hm?" She looked around curiously, "Oh, gosh, I didn't realize it was closing time..." She stood and stretched out, arms high over her head.
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