You Want It? Say So. (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She made a noise; guess it was a bit of a stretch that he would know what his people did. "I guess whatever you feel is right, honey pot.."
He made a noise and followed her. Things.. well, they were still difficult. He wasn't sure what he could do, but he tried to do what he could.
She didn't let him see that she was worried he thought they were done for. She tried acting like everything was normal again but hos spark was gone.
"Agaruk, you've been really out of sorts lately.." She said during a lunch date. She picked at her food, she didn't really want to have this conversation; she would have been happier trying to keep sweeping it under the rug, but he seemed so down.
"I've been tryin'.. but nothin Oi've been doin' is workin'.. so.. Oi dunno what to do anymore, Kimi.." he said.
She looked down at her food, had she really been so outwardly unhappy? "I didn't mean to make you think that way.."
"I've been trying to make us normal again, dammit!" She hissed, ears back, "But you don't care about that! All you seem focused on is how miserable I look!"
"Oi've been tryin' ta help make up fer my fukken mistake but ye haven' changed..! Ye been sullen an' sad an' Oi'm ou' of ideas!" He said.
"You nearly slept with my brother!!" She snapped, tears in her eyes. She stared at him angrily as she tried to keep from losing her mind at him. "You got drunk and took my brother home...! And I still don't know what hurt more; walking in on that or blaming myself for letting you go out...!" She glared down at her food as her tears poured down her cheeks, "I love you, goddammit...! You aren't some Big Dick Idiot experiment like my mother thinks you are, you're my fucking boyfriend and it took my fucking siblings constantly trying to take you from me to make me see that...!! If I didn't want this to work, I would have told you to pack your shit and get out of my life...!!" He had never seen her so small and vulnerable before; his cocky coy big mouthed half tabaxi girlfriend reduced to nothing more than a kitten in a nesting box.
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