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Fae's wishings (me and Irena)

she noticed that it took him a moment to eat what he had in his hand. she blushed deeply at his agreement and nodded. she ate her soup slowly trying to keep her heart rate down and then she jumped a bit when there was a knock at her door. getting up slightly less graceful then was normal for her she went to the door. "ill be right back."
He nodded at her words. "Ok." He slowly started to eat again, eyes closing as he savored the flavor... and wondered how it would be to sleep next to a fae.
she got the door and yelped, "dad?! what r u doing here?" she hugged him tightly. "im here because pipps told me that u brought a human home." he told her and she felt the smile fall and her small fista clench. "no one has a right to my buisness and who i bring home she nearly yelled.
He heard the sounds of what appeared to be a argument. He distinctly heard the word 'dad,' so he quickly looked around for someplace to hide, eventually finding a small closed space that he crawled into.
she finnally talked her dad down and got him to leave. shutting the behind him she rubbed her nose and went back into the kitchen to find alex. when she got to the table she realised that he wasent there. she looked around to see where he had gotten to and couldnt find him, she sighed and walked into the other room to see if he went into the bathroom.
He heard that her father left, and he came out of his hiding place, standing and brushing the leave-pants down. "I'm here, Krysta." he said softly, looking to where she went to. "Let's just finish our dinner."
she heard him come out and jumped a bit. "oh, im sorry...i didnt know where u were." she stammered and blushed a bit. walking back to the table she tried to eat but found that she was too distracted. she got up and put her food outside for the birds and came back inside to clean up.
He had sat down to eat as well, but ended up only rearranging the food that he had took. So he had dumped his food out with hers before going back to help her clean up. "What can I do to help?" He asked softly.
she smiled softly at him and said, "can u help me dry the dishes?". she pulled her hair out of the way and went to work washing the dishes,"im sorry about my father." she murmured as she kept her eyes down.
He nodded at her request, moving over to her and picking up a dry... something. it felt like linin, anyway. He slowly dried off the dishes as she washed them. "Don't worry about your father." he said softly after her words. "He's just trying to watch out for you."
she shook her head and replyed,"no him and everyone else here is so single minded." she hated the way her people were hateful towards humans and any other species than their own. she finished washing the dishes and helped him put away the rest. "ok im going to go change, u can use the bathroom first." she told him then sighed,"crap i almost forgot...u need something to sleep in." she blushed at her words and concentraited to fashion him some pj's. handing them to him she turned and walked into her room.
He nodded as he heard her words, accepting the pj's in one hand. "You can take it first, I don't know how long I will take." He looked away from her, out the window. "What will we do tomorrow?"
she nodded and walked into the bathroom. she thought about his question before answering and replyed, "well i had hoped to take u to meet maggie so we can figure out what to do about ur umm...problem." she blushed and changed into her night gown of green silk, that fell to mid thigh and began brushing her hair out. she came out into the bedroom and blushed,"ok its all urs."
He smiled as he watched her come out. She looked rather stunning in the green night gown. It showed off her figure well. He looked away as he moved to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He took his clothes off first, then used a little bit of water to freshen up before pulling on the green night pants. He didn't bother with the shirt, not liking to sleep with one. He held it as he came out of the bathroom. "Ok, let's go."
she blushed as she felt his eyes on her, but she just stood there waiting for him. when he came out she smiled and looked him over, he looked good in green but she noticed that he didnt have on a shirt. she let her eyes roam a bit but tore her gaze away at his words."is something worng?" she asked.
Her words made a small blush steal over his face. "N-no, nothing's wrong. I just don't like to sleep while wearing a shirt. Is that a problem for you? I can put it on if it makes you more comfortable..."
she bit her lower lip lightly and blushed as she shook her head. "no no its ok...i was just asking." she stammered and walked carefully over to her bed. she slid under the covers, careful not to let her dress ride up too much.
He blushed a little as she said that he would be fine without the shirt. He followed her to her bed and slid in slowly after she did, trying not to press too close. Not wanting to frighten her off. but now the thoughts of having her were coming back... thought he pushed them away again.
she smiled to herself as she felt him get in but hold back. "are u sure ur ok?" she askd him and turned to face him. her eyes were innovent and carring but she blushed and fought back the urge to run her fingers through his hair.
He turned his head to face her, holding back a blush. "yes, I'm ok." He said softly, before rolling onto his side, facing away from her. The pants were loose enough that they were tenting up some now, and that was something that she didn't need to see. Or feel.
she sighed when he turned away from her but she knew that it was none of her buisness. laying back she found herself thinking of what a human would be like. shaking her head from that though she snuggled under the covers and shivered.
He heard her sigh, but he figured it was one of her own personal things. But he felt her shiver through the bed, and he rutned his head to look at her. "Are you cold?" He asked softly.
she blushed deeply and nodded, "yes but its ok...ill be fine." she didnt want to make him uncomfortable but she was so tempted to pull him close and snuggle.
When he heard that, his mind started debating whether or not to press close to her to warm her up or to hold his ground right now. The debate lasted the better half of a moment, and the former won. He rolled over on the spot, to his other side, now facing her. "Come here." He said softly. His arms gently went around her, moving himself moving closer to her, his body pressing lightly against hers to share his warmth.
she blushed deeper when she felt his arms go around her. she gasped as he pulled her closer and wraped his body around hers. "umm...wha.." she stopped when she felt how warm he was and snuggled closer to him. she didnt notice at the time how his skin felt under her fingers but shivered lightly.
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