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Fae's wishings (me and Irena)

"You shouldn't have done that." he said in a low, quiet voice. As soon as Krysta was out of his reach, he moved forward fast, his fist flying forward and catching Pips square in the face.
she saw alex move quickly and go to attack pipps. she jumped in and tried to pull alex back, "stop...stop its not worth it." pulling on his arm with all her strenght. pipps got up and rubbed his jaw, and glared at alex. "u think ur so tough? oh whats this? defending her honor? ha! dont make me laugh. but she didnt tell u she's mine." he taunted alex. krysta stopped pulling on his arm but didnt let go. "pipps shut up."
He backed off at Krysta's words, but hearing Pips' taunts, he turned around to face him again, his arms crossing over his chest. "Oh really now? From what it seems, YOU are the one jealous, that she is more interested in a plain person like me, instead of your idiocy."
she blushed hard at pipps words and waited for alex's response. she still had a hold on his arm when he turned back to pips. she blushed even deeper at his words, she let go of his arm and back towards the door," no boys...this isnt about me." she wasent sure how to react but she wasnt going to let them fight over her.
He smirked slightly, taking her by the hand and leading her towards the door. "Yes, lets get going, Krysta. We need to get back to your place by nightfall, so we don't accidentally hit any trees."
she looked at him and the fact that he took her hand but then looked up at pipps. he yelled after her, "ur not honestly going to leave with him r u?!" she couldnt bring herself to answer him, so she just followed alex out the door and took off into the forest. she held the tears at bay while they flew and tried to figure out what she was going to say to him. they finally made it her home, she touched down in the main tree and waited for them to catch up.
He jumped on batty and they flew with very little words until they reached her place. They touched down and he jumped off, following her now. "Where are you letting me sleep?"
she struggled not to look at him, as she walked around her neighborhood and into her home. once inside she wandered around aimlessly trying to find something to do so that she could avoid him. blushing deeply she walked into her room and went to her bathroom to start a bath.
He followed her as far as her house before stopping. She went inside without inviting him in. So he turned and sat down outside of her house, waiting. He wasn't going to prove himself as rude as her other male friend.
when she finnally calmed down a bit she realised that he was not inside with her so she went to find him. retracing all of her steps she found him sitting outside her door. "what are u doing out here?" she asked and offered him her hand to hep him up.
He heard her at the door, and he slowly, easily stood up and turned to face her. "You didn't invite me inside." He said softly. "It would have been rude to just walk in."
she tilted her head and shrugged," but u r with me and i wouldnt have found it rude.if i have brought u with me, it means that u can come and go where u please." she explained and lead him inside.
He nodded slowly as he followed her inside. "Well then, I ask you the same question as before. Where am I to sleep?" He looked around the room they had entered. It was rather nice, more earthen than what he was use to, but he could get use to it.
she blushed deeply and turned away from him, she was afriad to answer him so she went into the kitchen and made some soup.
He followed her into the kitchen, staying close to her so he wouldn't get lost. "Well? Where am I suppose to stay?"
she sighed softly as she turned to him, a full on blush covering her face. " well....umm..." she stammered and was still unable to get the words out. she cloudnt help but let her eyes roam over him and groan on the inside. biting her lip she looked him in the eyes and replyed, "there is only one bed in this house."
Her nervousness and blush was lost on him as he watched her... until he saw her eyes roam over him, then lock onto his own and he heard her words. Now it was his turn to blush, having to look away. The possibilities were opening up in his head, but he shut them down almost immediately. "I can sleep on the couch..." He said softly, shyly.
she sighed at his words and blush, and turned away to finish making them some dinner. "i dont have a couch." she replyed as she got out some fruit. her house was very simply and didnt have very many furnishings, due to the fact that she was always on the move or staying with pips.
He looked away completely now, the blush deepening on his face. "Then I'll sleep on the floor." He said softly. He turned his body away, trying to clear his mind of the possibilities. Of the idea of having a faerie under him.
she turned back to him and shook her head, "absolutly not. u are my guest,and will not sleep on the floor.i can do that,and even then i wouldnt be on the floor." she explained. bringing the food over to the table she waited for him to join her before sitting down."im sure u are hungry."
"I am not going to let you sleep on the floor or in the air in your own home." He said low, turning to face her, the blush gone now. He nodded at her words of hunger. "I hardly ate anything today. I brought food with me, but i'm afraid it is still normal size." He sat down at the table and waited for her to take some of the food.
she giggled at his words and took some soup and fruit. "no silly, i wouldnt sleep in the air, i would help a flower grow and sleep on that." she smiled at him and passed him the bowl.
"I am sure that your bed is much more comfortable. I have no qualms about sleeping on the floor." He took the bowl that she handed him and slowly took out some of the fruit.
she shook her head and smiled at him, "im sure u dont but as my guest i do." she told him and popped a berry into her mouth. "if it is going to be that much of a problem then u shall just sleep with me." she said before she realised what she said.
He was halfway between pulling a berry into his mouth when he heard what she said. He froze, his teeth about a inch from the berry. It took him a moment to get his senses back and eat it. He purposely took a long moment to eat it before swallowing and opening his mouth to speak. "I guess that is the only way to settle this." He said, with a blush.
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