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Fae's wishings (me and Irena)

she noticed that he kept moving away from her, and she wanted to know why. "is something wrong?" she asked as she made a small dust storm by her leg. her hair fell down to hide her face as she watched it.
"N-nothing." he said quickly, looking back to the river, which might as well be a ocean now. A big, fast moving ocean. He sighed heavily. What he suppose to do now?
she watched as his face fell and she felt bad for what had happened. she put a hand on his shoulder and sighed, "im sorry, i didnt mean for that to happen." she looked into his eyes and waited. thinking quickly she asked, "i know...i can take u back to my home,someone there must know what i can do to fix u." she smiled to him as her wings fluttered open from excitement.
Despite his despair, he couldn't help but marvel at her wings. "Yes, that does sound like a good idea." He said softly. He slowly stood up and looked her over, biting his lip slightly. She was good looking herself. "By your leave."
she didnt notice that he was looking at her wings as she floated to her feet. turning to him her smile faded as she realised that he couldnt fly. "oh i forgot...great now what?" she mused aloud. thinking for a moment she remember that they did have a way to get there. she put her fingers to her lips and wistled.
His eyes narrowed slightly, before he looked around. Nothing seemed to change from what he saw. After a moment, he looked back to her. "What are you doing? Shouldn't we just start walking?"
she turned to look at him, "it usually only takes me a minuet but with u it will take us way too long so im calling a friend to help me." she explained. she grinned as she heard some rustling and out flew batty. wincing slightly as he flew into a tree again. "oh no!" she flew up to see if he was ok.
His eyes widened as he saw the bat crash into a tree, and he took a few steps back. "Oh, no, no! I am not getting near some giant bat! You better think again!"
she heard him and she sighed softly as batty looked up and blinked. " 'ello love, what can i do for u?" "batty i need some help, im in a bit of a perdicament and we cant go anywhere." "wait we?" she sighed again and genstured down, "yes we." batty looked down and shook his head, "uh-uh, sorry darlin im not going near a human." "but why batty?!" he grabbed her and shook her, "do u know what they can do? they are evil!"
He was listening in, but when he heard that last, his temper grew. "We are evil!? We don't go around drinking the blood of things!"
batty heard him and yelled down, "yes u r evil...u kill off animals and wildlife. and i dont drink blood!" krysta flew between them and shouted, "alright thats enough!" batty gabbed her and shook her again, "but krysta?!" "no but's batty!" "alright fine, ill help."
He muttered slightly under his breath. "Alright, alright. Let's just get this over with." He took a few steps forward. "Let's go."
she gave him a look that was between annoyed and excited, "if you would rather we leave you here we can..." she told him. floating back down to him she stood in front of him with a hand on her hip. batty followed her down and looked him over, "well human we can do this the hard way or the easy way..ur choice."
He growled in his throat as he turned to her, his arms crossing in front of his chest. "What!? Don't even think of starting that! YOU are the reason I am like this right now! YOU better get me back to normal!"
she coudlnt believe that he was still being stubborn, "well u were the one that was making a fuss about this!" she was leaning towarsd him but had floated into the air accidentaly from anger. "so i suggest that u two learn to get along or im leaving both of u here!" she sighed and came back down, she felt bad that she had changed him. walking closer she looked him in the eye, "im sorry...but i am trying to help but i cant do that with out his help" she gestured to batty, "so please let him help?"
He muttered under his breath for a moment, but he sighed heavily. "Alright, fine. Lets get going." He looked up at the bat. "Get down here so we can get this over with."
she giggled at his antics and smiled up at batty. "u comming?" she watched as he came down and bowed a bit for alex to get on his back. she smiled big and took to the air, "keep up if u can batty!" she shouted before she took off full speed towards her home.
He watched the bat come down and move low before he ran forward, climbing up fast and holding on tight. "Go fast so we can get this over with." He said low.
batty looked back at him, "u think i like this anymore than u do? no im only doing this for krysta, i care for her....and by the way keep ur eyes to urself." he chuckled at him and took off, trying to catch up with krysta.

she looked back and tried to see them but couldnt so she slowed down. when she did she found that she was near a friends house and decided to pay a visit. (yes just for u raz :p ) "hey pips! how's it going?"
He saw that she was slowing down, before stopping at what looked like someone's dwelling. He pulled on the bat's fur a bit. "Slow down, she's going into someone's place."

batty looked back at him, "u dont have to pull. i know that she is." he slowed down and stooped in the tree.

krysta looked back as they landed behind her. "oh pips id like u to meet my new human." she smiled and helped him into the tree.
Alex slowly walked in with Krysta's help, and looked around. In moments he saw what looked like another faerie, a male.

Well, at least he wasn't armed with some sort of weapon.

"Hello." He said softly, trying to sound polite.
pipps looked alex over and then turned to krysta, "what is this?" he walked forward and spun him around to get a better look at him, "is he like a pet or something?" krysta glared at him, "no he's not a pet! he's my firend." pipps glared at her. "want to come home with us?" she asked and took alex's hand.
He scowled at Pip's words, already disliking him. "Watch it, or I'll have you out for a week." He muttered low. He turned to Krysta. "Let's get going, Krysta. I'm sure it's going to be dark soon."
pipp laughed at him and came closer, "u think ur going to do what?" krysta stepped in between them and put a hand on each one's chest. "whoa! enough!" pipps grabbed her arm staiking his claim, "pipps let go of me!" she yanked her arm out of his hands but he didnt budge.
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