Fae's wishings (me and Irena)

she sighed and closed her eyes but didnt shy away from his touch. she opened her eyes when he said that and blushed lightly,it was what she had been praying he would say but she didnt want him unhappy. all of these thoughts left her as he leaned in and kissed her lightly. she pulled him close and kissed him back deeply,sighing happily in the kiss. pulling back enough that she could talk but her lips were still brushing his as she did,she said "i think i have made up my mind about our dilemma." she grinned and kissed him passionately.
He heard her words, and felt her passionate kiss, kissing her back just as passionately. but soon he had to break it, opening his eyes to look into hers. "Oh really? And what would that be?"
she felt slightly woozie from the strenght of the kiss as he broke it off and looked at her. she smiled up at him, her eyes filled with lust and her cheeks painted red."mmm..ill give u one guess." she giggled and ran a finger down his chest. she had to admit to herself that she was nervous,for she might be good friends with pipps and he might act like they were together, but the truth was she was innocent and he just liked to talk big.
He smiled, blushing slightly before kissing her deeply. "Mmm..." In truth, he wanted her badly, but he didn't know how to start it up with her. Her touch down his chest turned him on even more, making the tent bounce slightly. "You should tell me what you want, so I can give it to you."
she smiled shyly and blushed at his words and looked down in embarasment. she chuckled at his reaction to her touch and looked into his eyes, "i want you." she told him.
He blushed when he heard her soft laughter from his reaction, but he nodded at her words. His hands went down and slowly pulled the pants off of himself, letting himself go nude to her eyes. He blushed from it, but he kept strong.
she gasped lightly and her eyes bugged out lightly at the sight of him compleatly exposed in front of her. she had never seen a human like this before and she was enraptured by him. "oh!" she hesitantly let her hand lay on his chest and slide over his body,het touch lighter than feathers.
His whole body was rather lean but in good shape because he was always outside. He laid back completely, eyes closing as he let out a soft sigh from her fingers going over his skin. "Mmm... That feels good..."
she smiled from the look on his face and leaned down to feather kisses along his chest. looking up at him from beneath long lashes she blushed and murmured, "im glad u like it." one of her hands found its way up to his cheek and into his hair,she played with his hair lightly and came up to kiss him deeply but she held back a bit.
He let out a soft blush as he heard her words, but he kissed her back, just as deeply. His arms went around her and pulled her close to him, holding her to his warm body. "I will do anything for you, Krysta." He whispered, looking her deep in the eyes.
she blushed deeply but wrapped her arms around him to hold him close. she smiled at his words and looked him in the eyes, "problem is..we've just met." she sighed and layed her head down on his chest.
He kissed her lightly, a kiss full of his love. "Don't you believe in love in first sight?" he whispered, looking into her eyes.
she sighed happily nipped his lip lightly, "mmm....i might believe in it but to be honest im nervous." she blushed and looked him in the eyes.
His smile was soft, loving. "So am I." He admitted, pulling her close and gently nipping her lip.
she smiled softly and pulled him close to her as she kissed him deeply. "mmm..well then what shall we do about it?" she chuckled and nipped his lip.
He smiled nippiing back before pulling her close and on top of him, his hips pressed against hers, his member hard and ready for her. "I say we follow our instincts with each other."
she gasped and giggled as he moved her ontop of him, and she felt the full measure of how strongly he wanted her. she smiled at him and nodded before kissing him deeply, "i like the sound of that."
He kissed back just as deeply, his teeth gently nipping at her lower lip. His arms went around her more, hands sliding up her back to find the straps at her shoulder. He tugged at them for a moment before moving his hands back down. He saw it more proper if she would do it. Her second-to-last chance to say no.
she moaned softly and shivered under his touch, she wanted all of him but was afraid to take it. she felt him move his hands up to remove her nightgown and then stop. she looked at him to see what she had done wrong,"is everything ok?"
He smiled when he heard her words, and he gently kissed her, holding her tight to his body, tongue gently flicking against her lips. "Absolutely nothing. I just think it would be best for you to take it off."
she sighed softly and nipped his lip gently. she heard his words and blushed a bit before nodding and kissing him lightly. "very well." she stood up sowly and blushed as she put her hands to the straps and slowly pulled them down,reveiling her full chest and slender shoulders as she did. letting it go, the dress fell to the floor in a pool around her feet and she stood there before him.
He was amazed with her body as he saw her pull her dress off. He slowly stood, captivated by her beauty and curves, and moved to be in front of her. He kissed her deeply, his arms pulling her to be against him, and he slowly moved her back to the bed, laying her down and moving himself to be at her side, on his own side, facing her.
she blushed lightly as his eyes roamed over her body but she didnt look away from him this time, instead she tilted her head and watched as he got up and came towards her slowly,almost as if he was afraid he would scare her. she sighed happily as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. his kisses were almost drugging to her, she couldnt get enough of them so she tried not to break it when he moved her back towards the bed and layed her down. smiling up at him until he layed down on his side she let her finger slide lightly once more down his body as she moved closer and brushed her lips across his.
He never stopped kissing her, his hand moving to stroke her cheek. but soon that wasn't enough, he wanted to her her pleasure. His hand slowly stroked down her body, fingers running down the skin of her neck to her chest. He gently cupped the swell of her breast, his fingers and palm gently massaging her soft skin.
she shivers slightly from his tender touch and stretched out for his light exploration. her lips parted slightly as he kept her mind in a cloud from his kiss.
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