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Fae's wishings (me and Irena)

she gasped and arched into him as he moved faster. "alex!" she moaned softly in his ear and kissed his neck lightly.
He tilted his head for her, letting out a soft moan as she kissed his neck. His hips moved faster, wanting to bring her pleasure, wanting to give her everything.
she moaned out and arches into him as her hips meet his thrust for thrust. "oh alex!" she held him close to her and writhed under him.
He moaned out with her movements added to his own. He thrusted faster, nearing his end. "Oh, Krysta!"
she felt the fire building and she gripped his arms as she felt her orgasm getting closer. she gasped out as he moved faster bringing her closer, "alex! ah!" she shivered and held him close as her orgasm rocked her body.
He moaned out at her orgasm, feeling her grip tighten. He only lasted a few more thrusts before he hit his own, moaning out as he filled her. He panted, slowly pulling out and rolling onto his back next to her.
she moaned out as she felt him fill her and she arched into him before falling back on the bed. she panted lightly and closed her eyes as she felt him lay down next to her. "mmm...that was wonderful." she murmured at him and blushed lightly.
He heard her words and blushed, rolling onto his side and cuddling up against her. "yes, it was. You are amazing." He whispered, kissing her shoulder lightly."
she smiled and rested her head against his. she blushed lightly at his words, "im not amazing."
she blushed lightly at his words and snuggled up to his side. she yawned and curled up to his warmth.
He pulled her closer to him, his free hand pulling a blanket around them before he yawned, closing his eyes and nuzzling closer.
drifting off to sleep she had a faint flush to her cheeks and a smile on her face. that night she had dreams for the first time in her three hundred years and she loved them.
He let out soft sounds as he slept, holding her close to him. he wasn't dreaming, but feeling her against him was doing stuff to his body.
she moaned softly in her sleep and snuggled close to him. sleeping peacefully all night next to him she murmured his name.
The moan registered in his mind, and he responded with one of his own, a lower, more needy one. His body was open, pressed against hers and ready, though he was completely asleep.
she felt him press against her in sleep but it didnt quite register, so she hugged him tighter and sighed happily. "mmm...alex."
He cuddled up closer to her, nuzzling his cheek against her. "Mmm... Krysta..." he whispered, rubbing lightly against her.
she smiled in her sleep at his touch and then woke slowly. "mmm..wha.." she murmured still trying to break throught the layers of legarthy.
He let out a soft sound, pressing closer to her, still asleep and completely ready for her again.
she felt him push closer to her and she gasped lightly from the feel of him and shiverd with her own want but she was still kinda sore from last night.
He cuddled against her, letting out a soft sigh and his cheek nuzzled her shoulder. "Mmm..."
she giggled softly at his antics and pulled him closer to her body. storking his hair she murmured to him,"mmm..alex."
He slowly started to wake up, and he gently kissed her shoulder. "Mmm... good morning..."
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