Pat had heard everything and came in. "Enough. Those two 19th century words you two are fighting about, are identical! One's from the west, the other from the east! Noel did nail it. For both of you. I want the coyote and the puma to lay down... Or Kara IS going to be finishing her onion dicing for Noel and leaving the kitchen. Have I made myself clear, Stephanie and Kara?" She purposely left Noel out of her targeting, because she was innocent.
"Yes ma'am." Both said calmly.
"Whopper-jawed," Kara began,
"And cattywampus," Stephanie added,
"Are both going to take naps." The two finished in unison.
Pat nodded, "Glad to hear it. Noel, remind these girls that two of their pet words have already been told to lay down if they start arguing over any more and trying to drag you into it... Again." She sighed. "And by the way... Good guess. Their definitions are identical."
Kara suddenly found her onions incredibly fascinating, and Stephanie finished mixing her guacamole.