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My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

Upstairs, as Kara got ready, with her back to Noel, she commented, "Wish Candy would save her voice. It's just making it longer before her throat heals." She sighed. "I do have to admit, your brother is pretty good to her, albeit a tad strict. Did he ever tell you what all she hired him for? I know he'll be the roadie, doing all the hard work, but it sounds like he's in charge of quite a bit. Like her health and the band's manager." She was half right.
Noel did the same, changing with her back to Kara's reply after listening to her.
"Yeah I wish she would as well, and heh, Yeha Jeff though is more lighthearted with it, gets that from our father. And ad for his work I am not sure, it sounds like he does all of that stuff though, which seems like a lot.
Changed, Kara turned around and sat on the bed, tapping the spot next to her. "As long as he's handling it. I noticed that weird look Candy gave him as we were coming upstairs. She doesn't seem to have a complaint with his work ethic. Even though I know Candy's bi, I have to admit, I totally ship those two, but wouldn't be mad if they end up with someone else. Disappointed, but not mad."
Noel sat beside her and as they Kara spoke Noel nodded along.
“You think they aren’t a match dating wise? Do you think she was upset she wouldn’t share a room with us or something? What do you think that look was about?” Noel asked placing her hand on Kara’s.
Kara shook her head. "No. I ship them. I totally ship them." She thought about the look. "Like Mom said. They we're both guilty of teasing, and Candy even admitted it. Well her part in egging it on."

She adjusted her position some so they could sort of look at each other and Kara could take both Noel's hands in hers. "What about you? How do you feel having your brother here for the storm?"

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to all but Lenard as he was on the phone with the weather service... The arctic storm had just blown up* far more than even Kara would've suspected from the intensification over water.

* Intensified greatly

(Due to the nature of the winter storm, it being an arctic blizzard, happening in late September... And it being imminent. The weather service WILL set off the sirens... But not just yet. Lenard will be asking for an hour. You'll see why.)
Noel blushed lightly at the hand holding but gave Kara a bright smile.
"I am good with it, honestly I am surprised at how much I missed my family, despite their problems. And well he brings a little bit, and probably my favorite part if I should say that, here" She paused a moment leaning in a little closer to Kara.
"But I am even happier that we are here together, I Love you, Kara, so much," She told her, a slight bit of nervousness in her voice.
Kara pressed her forehead against Noel's. "I love you, too." She gave Noel a soft peck, and then a more proper kiss.

"Girls! Family emergency meeting! Now! Bring your blankets! One of you grab the covers off Noel's bed!" Lenard called from the master bedroom.

Pat could be heard shuffling around in the linen closet, and quickly as well. She popped her head in. "Lenard's never seen a storm like this. Remember when Ike hit Texas and blew all the way into Ohio and then Canada, Kara? We're talking THAT. As a winter storm."

Lenard popped out of the master bedroom. "I asked Candy if their shelter could hold up. She said she wasn't sure. I told her and Jeffrey to CALL the band and get them here. Bring all the cold stuff they can. We're going to have people sleeping in your new gym, Noel, to accommodate our extra six guests. Wainwright is trying to get as many of his off duty officers with undercode shelter over with him. Other friends are trying to get shelters for the homeless. Wainwright's daughter is worried about YOU, Noel, she's our sixth. She was practically in tears. I told her to calm down before she gets here. Girls... I need you to set up the gym best you can. Jeffrey and Candy will help after the band gets safely here. They are to wait until then. Haven't seen anything like this storm in Seattle. Seattle hasn't seen a storm like this in over 50 years. Sorry, you'll feel crowded, but we're here for you. Know that. Believe it. And yes... Seattle is going to be hammered, but we'll be fine as long as we stay off this floor. Use the bathroom downstairs. Kara will show you where it's at." Lecture over, he flew down the stairs with the sheets and blankets; his wife, her hands also full, on his heels.

Kara could only manage, "I guess we're ALL sleeping on the floor, now." She then stripped her bed. Nobody knew where Tabby ran off to. She was in the house, somewhere.
Noel jumped at the sudden call, going and grabbing the blankets from her room though she did not know why.

Jeffery nodded along and immediately got to the job he was assigned when the time arrived.

Noel's face went pale as she thought about how many people she didn't really know were coming and her breaths started to get short like she was about to start hyperventilating.
Pat grabbed her and hugged her. "It's ok, sweetheart. It's ok." She released the hug, but kept her hands on Noel's shoulders. "Deep breaths. We need your help more than ever, now. Why don't you pick out a spot for you and Kara down there, okay? You're probably going to have to be strong for Kara as well. You can do this." Another hug, "I know you can." Release. "You heard Lenard. He believes in you, too. Sounds like Stephanie is going to need you. She should arrive momentarily."

When the hour was up, the sirens wailed, warning of the storm set to arrive a lot sooner than originally planned... One a.m. in the morning. Two hours away.
Noel nodded, though was clearly still freaking out she was breathing now as she reached over and took Kara's hand as Pat released her.
"L-l-l-lets go p-p-pick a sp-spot, a-and help s-set up" She suggested to Kara.
Kara nodded, and they went down to the gym. "You know... These mats just might be big enough. We'll take the rolled up one for us... Everyone will have to pair up. Let's see... Mom and Dad. You and me, Candy and... Well... Someone. Stephanie will probably faint away, but she'd have to pair up with one of the girl members..." She shook her head and gripped it. "Ok... I'm not going to handle this well... I mean, Candy is bi so she won't care as long as they're over 18. I don't think Jeffrey will be comfortable sharing a mat with the only other guy on the band. Elizabeth... Umm... Betty... Won't be comfortable unless it's a girl, as she's like us. I don't know squat about Stephanie..."

Speaking of whom, the Nancy Drew type girl was calling for her teammate and friend, Noel, from the top of the basement steps.

The band was also arriving with their refrigerated items, and Lenard was helping bring the items in. He asked them to stay in the living room with Candy and Jeffrey. Betty gave Candy a kiss on the cheek, and lips, and glared at the male member of the band. "Sorry, bosslady, but someone was NOT getting the hint. I'm not into guys. I mean, they can be buds..." She looked at Jeffrey, "Right, Jeff?" She cleared her throat, returning the look to the sax player, "But that's IT."
Noel rubbed Kara's back as she tried to sort out the sleeping arrangements. She let her finish speaking and was about to respond when the voice came from the top of their stairs. She took Kara's hand and walked over.
"Ello! Welcome, come on down" she offered, trying to stay calm, but her accent sneaking through would show Kara that she was internally freaking out a little.

Jeff smiled back at her.
"We can all be buds here, But we need to respect each other's space and boundaries, and my pal over here gets that right buddy?" Jeff said in a friendly matter putting his arm over the Sex player's shoulder in a friendly yet slightly, demanding manner using his large size and muscles to intimidate him.
Betty would be recognized as the waitress Elizabeth at the Outback, where the Zorels and Noel went Tuesday. The guitarist sighed and as Antwan was grabbed in a bro grip... That's when he finally got it. Calla, the bassist was the only other.

Betty finally took a breath. "My brother wanted to be with his fiancee and her family. He's going to hunker down there. Wendy was invited over by her, since she's her Maid of Honor. I'm still not sure that's a wise move on their part. I mean finicky Wendy! She's liable to piss both Chuck and his fiancee off... If not her family."

Kara took a quick moment or two for a few comforting squeezes as Stephanie came down to the gym. She did a quick once over, but smiled through her tears. "Oh, so good to see you, Noel! Dunno if you know or not... We're both starters. But never mind that, how are you, doing okay?" It was obvious the police captain's daughter wanted to hug her teammate and friend, so Kara released Noel for the reunion. Stephanie blubbered slightly saying, "I'd have stayed with family if I had heard from you... Did you lose my number?" Stephanie sniffed. Well... Noel HAD lost her phone.
Jeffery smiled and continued to welcome people in and try to make sure everyone felt safe in the house.

Noel gave Stephanie a smile and let her finished talking before she opened her arms and moved toward her for a hug.
"Good to see you too, and I am okay, Oh! my goodness, Stephanie, I am so sorry, I actually lost my phone and got a new one, I am so sorry I didn't call. If you can put your number in my new phone that would be amazing. Oh, and how are you?" She asked as she went to offer the hug, though would let Stephane initiate it.
Lenard nodded to Jeffrey. "This is everyone. We're at capacity. Go help the girls set up our sleeping quarters downstairs."

Stephanie definitely went for the hug. "Just glad to see for myself that you're okay, Firecracker." The redhead who stood six inches taller said, as she was about to sniffle some. She also hoped Noel would remember the nickname Stephanie gave her. She released her with a smile. "So what's going on down here? This where we're all sleeping or something?"

Kara's eyes widened, and she said teasingly to Noel, "Geez Louise, love, you didn't tell me you teammate was Nancy Drew!" She then nodded to Stephanie. "So we're pairing people up, because the mats may not be comfortable, but they're big enough to sleep two. And we're about to set them up for everyone to have elbow room."

Stephanie thought for a minute. "I getcha. You only have five mats... And there's ten total. You know, everyone who already HAS someone should be paired up." She began to help move the mats.

"That's technically only Mom, dad, Noel and myself." Kara admitted with a blush. "Not sure about Candy Pop and Jeffrey."

Stephanie moved another mat. "Not sure, then it's not official." She dropped the corner. "So, maybe, it might be wise, and less messing around, if the guys and girls are separate. Except for your mom and dad, of course. They're actually married."

"Yeah... Not sure if Jeff would like THAT." Kara groaned, although it did make sense coming from a cop's daughter.
Jeffery nodded and made his way down the stairs to meet up with the girls.

Noel blushed a little having almost forgotten about her nickname. Noel nodded at her question but let Kara handle most things after she had spoken up. Though she did offer Stephanie her phone so she could add her number, though as she handed it over she would receive another text asking for a titty drop.
Stephanie turned and looked at the guy, or rather slightly up to the guy, six inches or so above HER. "Sheesh, Firecracker," she addressed Noel noticing the similarities between her and the person before her, "You didn't tell me you come from a race of giants! You're a David compared even to this Goliath!"

She then had a chance to look at the phone as she hadn't seen the text pop up. Turning the phone back on, there it was in the lock screen. "You got that ex pornstar's number! Cattanna Hottin Roof. You haven't been answering these dumbasses have you? Worse thing you could've done!" She then went to the messages. "Mmmk, block, block, good, good, good, ugh. Def block. Huh. You got Doc Brinker? Def good number, whoa Chief Quimby. You're text buddies with someone not even Dad has! He's just boss! Waaaaay good! She shook her head, then when she straightened that out, she put in hers and said while adding a second, "I'm giving you my dad's. And save the texts as tracing obscene texts through their phone numbers is kinda his specialty. Send him a text soon's I give you back your phone... And send me a test text." She then looked up behind Jeffrey as she heard a feminine voice say, "Thanks again Jeff, who's the redhead? She's cute."

"I'm uhhh... Nancy Drew." Stephanie blundered, clearly crushing hard, and blushing harder.

Elizabeth Conrad laughed, "Seriously? I mean I always kind of imagined she'd look something like you... But never that cute! So is your dad a lawyer like your book self?"

That snapped her out of it, and Stephanie fumblingly tried to hand Noel's phone back to her. "Umm, cop actually. Captain, precisely. Ummm. That's my nickname. It's really Stephanie. Umm... Stephanie Wainwright."
Jeffery let out a hardy chuckle at Nancy Drew's comment about David and Goliath.
"Haha, Yeah she is the runt of the litter all right, and just so you know, I am actually the second shortest of the siblings after her, both of our brothers are taller than I, as is our father," He told her to get her imagination going about the height of the rest of their family.

He then raised an eyebrow at hearing the information she spoke out about the phone, but upon hearing any creeps were being blocked he shrugged and believed that a potential issue was being handled. Jeff would move out of the way as Betty spoke up behind him, moving around to help with the job to be done while the ladies, talked, his long arms able to move several mats in the pattern he saw emerging at once.

Noel simply blushed shyly at what Stephanie had said about her and Jeff. Though looked up at her and Betty speaking again, seeing them hitting it off. She took her phone back with relative ease despite the fumbles as it was offered back and spoke up when proper introductions were given.
"H-hey umm, we-we need to pair people up into sleeping partners, so umm d-do you two have any preferences?" She asked, not wanting to presume or imply anything.
If Stephanie Wainwright had been a cartoon character, her lower jaw would have gone THROUGH the basement's concrete floor as her eyes widened at the prospect that he was actually the shortest of the giants. Betty had descended the steps and pulled Stephanie out of the way as Kara showed Jeffrey the pattern which would resemble lain bricks, but with enough room between for easy movement. With all five spots done, and the pattern made, the gym section wasn't even bothered.

Kara snapped her fingers. "Noel, after you send the texts umm, Nancy told you to, get your weights down here. Before the blizzard. These aren't normal exercise weights after all." She picked one of the hard plastic little dumbbells with ease. "They're jogging weights!"

Betty had indeed hit it off with Stephanie... Although the way that Noel's teammate was hemming and hawing as she blushingly talked about herself... Betty thought that was adorable. She talked about her jobs. Both of them. An Outback Steakhouse waitress and as a band member of Candy's. Jeffrey would hear one thing was definitely official, even if the tour was still on hold, "We're the Candy Canes. My brother's fiancee has plans to do our stage costumes, just like she made the Lollipops' little hats. It's how they met, Chuck's over the moon."

"Your brother and his fiancee...?"

"They're at her family's, hunkering down. Along with her Maid of Honor, our very finicky synthesizer. Brother, I hope that wasn't a mistake..." Betty sighed, shaking her head. "Can we pair up?"

Stephanie kind of nodded, but said, "No horseplay, though.'

Betty giggled, putting her hands up in mock surrender. "Yes, ma'am, officer, ma'am!"

Stephanie giggled too, saying to the others, "And she says I'M adorable?!"
Jeffery would nod along as he heard the two girls talking about their jobs but decided not to intervene in their conversation.

Noel nodded at getting her weights before she listened to the other two talking and seeming to decide to pair up which made Noel smile.
"You two should take the mat beside ours!" She offered, as she gestured to the mat they would use in the corner and the one beside it.
Stephanie nodded and removed her backpack, putting it on the mat indicated. "This saves our bed." She stated matter of factly. Betty then took her upstairs to the first floor to meet the rest of the band, and finally the pop star herself.

Kara turned to Noel. "You need help bringing your weights down, or are they too heavy... It didn't look like they would be, but I want to be sure before I jump in with both feet."

She looked at Jeffrey. "Well, if you take Stephanie's thinking on the pair ups, it's you and the sax player. Neither of you are going to be tooting his own horn in the wee hours are you?" She asked teasing. "What you gonna do on the work...?"

Her question was interrupted as the snow started and the sirens went off. Again. One hour to find a safe and secure shelter as the close proximity allowed all to hear the kitchen's cuckoo clock, and the living room clock chime the midnight hour.

After the noise, Kara finished, "you have to do?"

Her back was to Candy who had in big letters scrawled across one page of her notebook, held up so he could see. "Work is cancelled except your nutrition job. Socialize with everyone. THAT'S AN ORDER! Capisce?!" Seemed boss decided to throw her weight around.
Noel smiled as they took the mat and then happily looked at Kara, she was secretly worried about who would have that mat but now she was feeling a little better than it was those two.
"Oh, no you can help, I mean if you try and take too many at a time it would get heavy, but each one on its own is light. I am not trying to build mass so I use low weight high reps for toning only, and it helps burn fat as well." She explained with a smile taking her hand.
"But you will know all about that stuff once we get a workout regiment set up for you, and being trapped in the house will be a perfect time to do it." She explained taking her to go get the weights from her room now.
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Kara nodded and followed Noel, also seeing Candy's message. "You too, Candy. Relax. I don't think Jeff woulda needed to be told that."

Candy let out a scoffing breath but nodded. She then wrote on another paper. Look at the snow coming down, Kara. Ground's already covered. Wind hasn't really started blowing up a jimmy-cane yet. He won't be able to do anything until after we can safely leave. As soon as Kara read hers and raced to a nearby window (causing Candy to scoff again), Candy wrote a note to Noel, I know he means well, and I love his spirit and attention to his managerial duties... But I'm serious. I don't want him doing any work except what the doctor ordered him to as far as nutrition. Will you please pass it along to your brother? Please?

Stephanie was back up the steps to see if Noel needed a third hand.
Noel read Candy's note and nodded passing the message to Jeff about how serious Candy was about it and how he had better listen to her.

Jeff nodded at receiving this message and took Candy to speak with her.
"Alright, since we are locked in from snowfall, you make a good point I am on nothing but nutritionist duty until we are able to vacate the premises, deal?" He asked her offering a hand to shake.
"But that means you need to listen to dietary restrictions and really work on not talking if you ever want that voice back." He added as his hand was extended.

Noel nodded. "Umm Yeah maybe we can do like a fireman's carry system or something, could make it easier for us," Noel suggested to Stephanie as she offered to help.

As Noel came down and passed the first set of weights to Stephanie they would start hearing the howling sound of the wind picking up.
Candy took a deep breath, closed her eyes and nodded, shaking his hand. At what Noel said, she smiled and clapped, volunteering to be part of the brigade which included the whole band that was present, to get Noel's weights downstairs. Kara positioned herself at Noel's door and even her parents volunteered once Kara explained it. It should go off without a hitch.

(Does Jeff become the anchor in the basement? Antwan is the last right now at the top of the basement steps)
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