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My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

Bonnie tutted, before being handed over. "Noel. Hunny. I got off Facedope and Twitter-pated. Nothing but extremists, bullies and gossips there, now. I suggest leaving them behind for good. You'll thank me later. Mainly cuz your stress level will decrease exponentially. Trust me."

Kara winced, because as soon as she said "Back." Bonnie tore her a new one, loudly, for not warning Noel about the two most popular social media networks and where they were headed, and the stress she and Bonnie both went through, only because they didn't agree with some things. After that tirade, the conversation went more civil. Finally the call ended, and the two could go downstairs for Karaoke Night.
Noel wanted to reply to Bonnie's statement to say that she didn't use social media of any type. But she decided to just agree with her and pass the phone on. Once the call had ended Noel took Kara's hands in hers.
"D-do we continue? or..." She asked.
Kara shook her head and popped the ear she had the phone near with one eye closed. "I think we should head downstairs... Guess we're all gonna serenade Candy tonight."

She would lead Noel back downstairs to the living room, where all except Lenard were sat.
Noel seemed a little disappointed but nodded and took her hand to make her way down the stairs with the others.

"Hey, there they are, no what were you, ladies, up to?" Jeff asked with a wave as they approached.
"Noel was in conversation with Bonnie... I was getting lectured by Bonnie." Kara said, blushing.

Pat raised an eyebrow. "Noel. What did Kara do or not do to get lectured?" She glanced at her daughter with a You, hush look. "I'm glad she got to meet you over the phone, at least."

Candy blinked. She only mouthed the name. She guessed (incorrectly) that Kara knew this Bonnie by Pat's reaction.
"Oh umm, I uhh, I think it was because she didn't mention, uhh our relationship status to her... I think... But umm I don't blame Kara, I mean uh, I might be wrong but you and Bonnie never really officially broke up right? So maybe that is why..." Noel replied nervously, not sure if what she was saying was right, or wrong or what, she was just speaking her mind.

Jeffery remained quiet and gave a 'Not touching this with a 10-foot pole' face.
"Not even close." Kara sighed. "She was mad I didn't have the guts to mention you, but she got royally pissed that I didn't warn you about Facebook and Twitter. She tore me a new one more for that."

Pat could be heard grinding her teeth. "Kara. You don't get to pick one song. Jeffrey, Candy and Noel will pick all yours. That was the most important thing you should have done. ESPECIALLY with what you and Bonnie went through. I'm actually ashamed of you, right now, and you best thank your lucky stars BONNIE reamed you for it." She cleared her throat, before prefusely apologizing to Noel for that omission. "She even needs to explain to you why this family doesn't have Twitter anymore at all, and our Facebook is locked, and for friends and Lenard's family only."

She then apologized to the guests they had to be a witness to that fiasco.

Candy, who was counted as a friend, did have access to the Zorel family page. No biggie, Pat. All cool, though you do have a point. I'm ready to, due to harassment. she wrote for Jeff to read to Kara's mom.
Noel quickly backpedaled.
“Wait don’t get mad at Kara for that.” Noel hugged Kara tight.
“I don’t even have any social media accounts! I just didn’t realize Bonnie didn’t, so asked her to not mention me on it. This is all my fault don’t blame Kara!” Noel held Kara tight in her arms.

Jeff told them what Candy had written for them then added his own points.
“A good lesson, those sights are very dangerous, But! Shall we get to singing? Who is first how do you all pick that stuff?” He asked trying to up the mood.
Pat patted Noel's back. "She still should have mentioned it. That's not all on you. Kara needs to take responsibility. Punishment will still stand. She needs to tell you why the rules are in place, and irresponsibility has consequences. You three get to tell HER what you want to hear."

Candy shrugged Noel's way. Mom was apparently on the warpath.

Pat got up. "I'll go first. Start the music of my pick, if you please, Jeff." Her Australian accent really came out as she sang:

There's an old Australian stockman lying, dying
And he gets himself up on one elbow and turns to his mates
Who are all gathered around and he says

Watch me wallabies feed, mate
Watch me wallabies feed
They're a dangerous breed, mate
So watch me wallabies feed
All together, now

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

Keep me cockatoo cool, Curl
Keep me cockatoo cool
Ah, don't go acting the fool, Curl
Just keep me cockatoo cool
All together now

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

'N' take me koala back, Jack
Take me koala back
He lives somewhere out on the track, Mac
So, take me koala back
All together now

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

And mind me platypus duck, Bill
Mind me platypus duck
Ah, don't let 'im go running amok, Bill
Just mind me platypus duck
All together now

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

Play your didgeridoo, Blue
Play your didgeridoo
Ah, keep playin' 'til I shoot through, Blue
Play your didgeridoo
All together now

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred
Tan me hide when I'm dead
So we tanned his hide when he died, Clyde
And that's it hanging on the she'd!
All together now

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

On the all together now, Pat encouraged everyone to sing the chorus with her with a hand wave.
Jeffery and Noel would both join in but before Jeff started he looked at Candy.
“Not you” he told her before singing.

Noel simply sang along, holding Kara wanting her to join in too.
Kara finally did the last three times, after all she wanted to have fun too, even if she had to sing what the others picked for her. Candy just nodded but still lip synched. After all, the deal was she couldn't make a sound. Lip synching wasn't making a sound.

As Pat finished and sat down, Candy made a motion for Jeffrey to be next.
Noel leaned in and whispered to Kara as Jeffery got up and set up his song.
"Tell me what song you want and I'll pick it for you"

"Well this song is a bit more recent than what I suspect will be a theme tonight, but here it goes.

Ok, ok, I see what's happening here
You're face to face with greatness, and it's strange
You don't even know how you feel
It's adorable
Well, it's nice to see that humans never change.

Open your eyes, let's begin
Yes, it's really me, it's Jeffery
Breathe it in
I know it's a lot
The hair, the bod
When you're staring at a demi-god

What can I say except, "You're welcome"
For the tides, the sun, the sky
Hey, it's okay, it's okay
You're welcome
I'm just an ordinary demi-guy

What has two thumbs and pulled up the sky
When you were waddling yea high?
This guy
When the nights got cold
Who stole you fire from down below?
You're lookin' at him, yo
Oh, also I lassoed the sun
You're welcome
To stretch your days and bring you fun
Also I harnessed the breeze
You're welcome
To fill your sails and shake your trees

So what can I say except you're welcome
For the islands I pulled from the sea
There's no need to pray, it's okay
You're welcome
Ha, I guess it's just my way of being me
You're welcome
You're welcome

Well, come to think of it
Kid, honestly I could go on and on
I could explain every natural phenomenon
The tide, the grass, the ground
Oh, that was Jeffery just messing around
I killed an eel
I buried its guts
Sprouted a tree, now you got coconuts
What's the lesson?
What is the take-away?
Don't mess with Jeffery when he's on a break-away
And the tapestry here on my skin
Is a map of the victories I win
Look where I've been
I make everything happen
Look at that mean mini- Jeffery just tickety-tappin'
(Ha ha ha ha ha ha, hey)

Well, anyway let me say, "You're welcome" (you're welcome)
For the wonderful world you know
Hey, it's okay, it's okay, you're welcome (you're welcome)
Well, come to think of it, I gotta go (hey)
Hey, it's your day to say, "You're welcome" (you're welcome)
'Cause I'm gonna need that boat
I'm sailing away, away, you're welcome (you're welcome)
'Cause Jeffery can do anything but float

You're welcome
(You're welcome)
You're welcome
And thank you

Jeffery sang with enthusiasm and danced around, many of the times looking at Noel or Candy as he sang as if he was directing the lyrics to them. Noel just rolling her eyes as he did so.
Candy clapped the beat, but likewise rolled her eyes with a silly smirk on her face, when Jeffrey looked to be serenading her.

Meanwhile, Kara asided, "Make sure your brother has it on the playlist. Remember that disco song that played on the oldies when you learned to put the dishes away? Dancing Queen by the Swedish pop band ABBA? If he doesn't, pick something you want to hear me sing. I'd like to try my hand at Ode to Billy Joe, too... But again, I'm really not allowed to pick. You guys are."

Candy clapped as the song ended, and that brought Kara and Pat to clap as well. She then pointed at Kara and motioned for Jeffrey to start the song she had picked for Kara before she even knew that was going to be Kara's punishment. The song, was Tiffany's version of I Think We're Alone Now She moved center stage. "Uhh... So this is Candy's pick? What's she want me to sing?"
Noel made a note and as they were prepping the next song she asked jeff to see the phone so she could pick a song, and found the song Kara wanted before giving the phone back as they prepped the song Candy had chosen for Kara's first pick.
Kara heard the first beats and waved off the offer for the words. "Nice choice! I love Tiffany's version!" She began swaying and stepping like the 80s artist did when she made the video, and looked at Noel more.

(Spoken with a beat) Let me hear your heartbeat
I wanna hear your heartbeat
I can hear your heartbeat...

(Singing) Children behave
That's what they say when we're together
And watch how you play
They don't understand, so we're

Running just as fast as we can
Holding onto one another's hands
Trying to get away into the night
And then you put your arms around me
And we tumble to the ground and then you say

I think we're alone now
There doesn't seem to be anyone around
I think we're alone now
The beating of our hearts is the only sound

Look at the way
We gotta hide what we're doin'
Cause what would they say
If they ever knew, and so we're

Running just as fast as we can
Holding onto one another's hands
Trying to get away into the night
And then you put your arms around me
And we tumble to the ground and then you say

I think we're alone now
There doesn't seem to be anyone around
I think we're alone now
The beating of our hearts is the only sound

I think we're alone now
There doesn't seem to be anyone around
I think we're alone now
The beating of our hearts is the only sound

During the music interlude, she really showcased her own spin on the dance steps to Tiffany's version of the song, spinning, stepping twirling and not missing a beat, so much that Candy momentarily forgot herself, clapping and let out a "Wooo!" Albeit, raspy.

Kara picked up right where she was supposed to.

Running just as fast as we can
Holding onto one another's hands
Trying to get away into the night
And then you put your arms around me
And we tumble to the ground and then you say

I think we're alone now (alone now)
There doesn't seem to be anyone arou-ound
I think we're alone now (alone now)
The beating of our hearts is the only sou-ound

I think we're alone now (alone now)
There doesn't seem to be anyone arou-ound
I think we're alone now (alone now)
The beating of our hearts is the only sou-ound

I think we're alone now (alone now)
There doesn't
Doesn't seem to be anyone arou-ound
I think we're alone now (alone now)
The beating of our hearts is the
The only sou-ound

(Spoken to dance beat) I can hear your heartbeat
Let me hear your heartbeat
Your heartbeat
I wanna hear your heartbeat

Candy was the first up with a standing ovation, and poor Kara looked like she wanted to hide, not realizing how good she really did the dancing part.
Noel was entranced by Kara's performance cheering and watching her without missing a moment.

Jeffery gave Candy a light punch in the arm when she Woo'ed.
"bad girl" He lectured.
Candy put on a bit of a pout, after writing, Come on! Weren't you just a bit awed by that? No planning, no rehearsals, on the fly. Sure wasn't nearly as good as Tiffany in her video, but wow!

Noel was up, and she could take a try at the song Candy had picked for her, trying to match abilities... Or choose her own. Would she chance Imagine?

Pat, after applauding her daughter's dance mix version of a 60s song, looked at bing for another Aussie song that was also popular in America.
Jeffery shook his head.
"Oh no she did an amazing job, but I have priorities here" He explained.

Noel blushed.
"Oh I don't have to sing..." She said shyly

"Yes you do, I haven't heard you sing before and as your brother, it's a sin that must be corrected" Jeff spoke up.

"umm okay... uhh I guess I'll do the one Candy suggested then.." Noel said getting up and taking a deep breath once she had the mic.

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today... Aha-ah...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... You...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world... You...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one...
Again, Candy was proven to have an ear for octave. It wouldn't have mattered which Beatle or Monkee. Noel had nailed it, in her opinion and left Pat and Kara in awe. After a few blinks at Noel from both and an awkward silence (mostly because both were floored) they finally joined a smiling teary eyed Candy in the round of applause rightly earned.

Pat cleared her throat, as she got up. "Wow... I don't know if I can top Kara's dancing or Noel's singing.... But Royal Guardsmen, if you have it, Jeff. Snoopy and the Red Baron, please. In a minute. I actually have to go upstairs... Be right back." She looked like she needed to pull herself together, and Kara would be ready with a congratulatory hug and kiss.
Noel basically froze on stage, physically anyway focusing on singing each word she read as it came up. She didn’t know the song so she just winged it with the sound of the music and her default singing voice, which turned out to be perfect for that song.

Noel took a few deep breaths before her mind returned to the world around her and she smiled bright as it seemed everyone enjoyed her song.

“Oh wow that is too much, really, I wasn’t nearly as good as anyone else who has sang, I can’t even dance.” She blushed putting the mic in its place and walking back to her seat to get hugged and kissed by Kara, which she more then happily returned with a blush.
“Oh my goodness..”

“Way to go tiny! That was impressive I expected dying cats and was blown away, no wonder you got the attention of so many professional level singers. You just need some confidence and you will own that stage!” Jeffery complimented her once she had finished kissing Kara, giving her a Pat on the head.

“You got it, coming right up!” Jeff prepared the next song as Pat got prepared for it.
Candy gave Jeffrey a puzzled look. As far as she knew, she was the only professional there. Kara had the talent but had never cut her own CD. She had been a Lollipop, but that just meant Candy knew she could carry a tune real well, and was actually Candy's back up. She mouthed the words to Jeffrey. Who else besides me has been seriously courting your sister to sponsor her? She then gave the look of she knew full well who was courting Noel on a more personal level.
Jeffery leaned in and whispered to her.
"I didn't mean it literally, it was more of a statement to boost the compliment, I was more so implying that Kara, you, and Pat were pro level. Though I know you are the only true pro" He explained.
Candy mouthed an Oh... before nodding. It actually made since the way Jeffrey explained it. Pat needs a few breathing exercises, enough to know how long she can sing without a breath. Her song was a bit easy. Lots of breaths. Now this one she picked next... We shall see. She pointed to Pat coming back down with the towel still around her neck like an open scarf.

Pat nodded to Jeffrey to start, taking a deep breath:

After the turn of the century
In the clear blue skies over Germany
Came a roar and a thunder men had never heard
Like the screamin' sound of a big war bird

Up in the sky, a man in a plane
Baron von Richthofen was his name
Eighty men tried, and eighty men died
Now they're buried together on the countryside

10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or more
The bloody Red Baron was rollin' up the score
Eighty men died trying to end that spree
Of the bloody Red Baron of Germany

In the nick of time, a hero arose
A funny lookin' dog with a big black nose
He flew into the sky to seek revenge
But the Baron shot him down (Curses, foiled again!)

10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or more
The bloody Red Baron was rollin' up the score
Eighty men died trying to end that spree
Of the bloody Red Baron of Germany

Now Snoopy had swore he would get that man
So he asked the Great Pumpkin for a new battle plan
He challenged the German to a real dogfight
While the Baron was laughin', he got him in his sight

(Music interlude)

That Bloody Red Baron was in a fix
He tried everything, but he'd run out of tricks
Snoopy fired once, and he fired twice
And that Bloody Red Baron went spinnin' out of sight.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or more
The bloody Red Baron was rollin' up the score
Eighty men died trying to end that spree
Of the bloody Red Baron of Germany

Well, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or more
The bloody Red Baron was rollin' up the score

Pat had acted like she was shooting at The Red Baron during the music interlude, and again where Snoopy had shot him down.
Jeffery clapped when she was done.
"Well done, a whole performance! I love it!"

Noel didn't say anything but she clapped, leaning against Kara as she enjoyed watching her sing.
Pat made a comment. "I had to splash some water on my face because Imagine gets me right here," she touched her heart, "Only had happen previously when I heard it on the radio. Now I know someone personally who can do it." She smiled at Noel.

Kara leaned into Noel. "That's saying something that you got Mom right in the feels with one of her favorite emotional songs."

Candy cleared her throat and poked Jeffrey, handing him the notebook with the following: Your turn, sport, you're up again. I'm curious. What does Noel want Kara to sing? She looked pleadingly almost like a puppy her favorite bone, or playtime.
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