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My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

Kara seemed satisfied. "Coolness." She stood there, and what followed was a few awkward moments before Christine played her "Waldorf" to the hilt. "Well? Whatta ya two waiting on? Hug it out! Watching your skit is like watching paint dry without the humor!"

"Paint drying is funny?" Pat asked stepping right in it.

"Never second guess a heckler...." Christine deadpanned, as Kara opened her arms, trying not to laugh. Obviously, the hecklers on the show were her favorites... Well, them and Gonzo.
Noel was embarrassed and blushed at the heckling, though she did open her arms to hug Kara.
"heh I will hug it out but I am not sure of all that other stuff" She admitted with a deep blush.
As Kara and Noel hugged, the cart with the trays for lunch could be heard coming. Kara couldn't believe it was around 1130-1145 already.

"What did you order for your last meal in the hospital? Then I'll tell you what's for dinner." Kara said . She and her dad had planned something, that even Pat wouldn't be able to argue about.

As for Candy Pop? She was groggily coming around down in recovery, but Jeffrey wouldn't be to see her yet... However, he could meet the whole band, who were also eagerly awaiting their chance to visit.

Allison Brinker was still some 180 miles away, coming back west on the highway.
Noel thought for a moment before she managed to remember.
"Oh I just ordered the tuna salad sandwich, nothing too crazy, did you want some?" She asked, reaching to hold Kara's hand after the hug.

Jeffery would argue that he told her he would be by her side when she woke up and that he intended to keep that promise. However, if they had continued to not allow him in he would eventually accept it and meet with the rest of the band, introducing himself and getting to know them and their relationship with Candy, explaining his new position with them.
Kara shook her head, taking the hand. "No. I'm good. I'll probably go down and get me some chicken nuggets from the in hospital Cane's. We're going to the Outback for supper tonight."

"We haven't been there in ages." Pat chimed in. In reality, it was just before summer vacation ended. A few months prior.

Shortly, a nurse came in with a bunch of papers, and a bag of clothes. "Don't know if you wanted these, but everything you had when you came in is being returned. Need you to sign these, before you eat. After lunch, you're being released." She pointed where to sign after explaining she was to follow up with her new psyche doctor in a few days. Noel would recognize the name. Dr. Allison Brinker.
Noel nodded, taking the papers and setting her things to the side, the clothes would still have some stains on them from that night. They were her yellow jogging clothes.
"Umm okay, thanks" She nodded, seeming a little down as she read the papers over.
"Oh, it looks like they managed to get Dr. Brinker as my new therapist or whatever." She said out loud seeming at least a little happy about that.

After Noel had finished signing the papers she prepared to eat.
"I have never eaten at a place like that before, umm a bar and grill style place right? my family didn't believe in going out to eat." She stated like it was a normal thing.
Christine looked over. "Our Dr. Brinker? She doesn't have a regular office; it's at the station. I wonder if you're being assigned her for home visits, only? Although she DOES have two regular clients she sees at the station... But both of them are fellow officers who are suffering from PTSD.... Oh. I just answered my own question. I'll shut up, now." She excused herself from the room altogether.

"Kara will let you see her phone so you can have an idea what you want." Lenard explained. "You're right, it is a bar and grill... Of sorts. It's a sit-down restaurant. Although you don't have to, and don't have to dress up, I did make the reservations. For five, because I had thought we could wrangle either your brother or the detective into coming."

Christine had stopped at the door. She looked at Lenard. "See if Jeffrey accepts it. Call me if he doesn't. That should just be family. He's more family than me, and he is a nice guy. Not many of THEM around." Well... She didn't say no...

Meanwhile, Jeffrey was meeting the band, Betty Conrad, a blonde, the guitar; her brother Chuck, on drums; Wendy Snodgrass (don't laugh), a brunette the synthesizer and Calla Mondale, a redhead on bass. Missing, and busy with some of the work Jeffrey would be doing so he could focus on his part as the brass (trumpet), was Antwan Seymour.
Noel nodded in reference to Brinker, then just kind of sat and listened as she talked to herself before walking out.
"Uhh, it's okay I... okay bye" She spoke softly hardly audible.

Noel looked at the rest of them as they explained the restaurant, taking Kara's phone to look at the menu and restaurant's website.
"Oh this sounds yummy, wait, sorry but I don't have any money" She explained seeming genuinely concerned.
"I mean I might have some in my bank account.."

Meanwhile, Jeffery was introducing himself first to the group at large then talking to each member one at a time to get to know them. He would explain that he was hired by Candy to help manage the band. And what he had set up thus far that might concern them.
"Can't wait to hear what Dr. Brinker will be doing, now." Pat mused, hearing she had two clients, fellow officers, who was being seen regularly.

Kara hugged Noel again. "Don't take it personally, Noel. Detective Andersen is probably asked to dinner by other victims families, but has to walk a fine line on what she can accept... Like if there are other choices, they're encouraged to try them first.

Wendy smiled. "Candy's asking for manager help? She usually does that. Scheduling and all that."

"Right now, Antwan, who is our trumpeter, has been doing a lot of the day to day business. That's probably what you'll be doing, so he can come back and be just the band member again." Betty surmised.

"That oughta make him happy." Calla and Chuck commented in unison.

"Speaking of band... We don't really have an official name yet. We've been together and touring for a few years now, and something always comes up that keeps us from having that discussion with Candy." Calla said. "It has to be something to keep with the whole candy motif Candy has. After all her background singers are the Lollipops."

Betty frowned. "I thought we agreed we'd ask about the Sweets."

Chuck shook his head. "You and Calla agreed, sis. Antwan wasn't sure, I said I'd think about it. Wendy doesn't like it at all... But I haven't heard her come up with anything better." He shrugged. "Gumdrops?"

Calla looked over. "Well... It's not as generic, anyway."

Wendy made a face like she didn't care for that one either.

Betty huffed, "At least it's an idea. We'd like to see you come up with something... Anything... Since you don't care for ours." She looked at her brother. "Did you run it pass Antwan?"

Chuck nodded. "Like yours... He'll think about it."

Everyone looked at Jeffrey for his take, and if he had any ideas.
Noel hugged her back.
"That is okay, though I would like her to join us, honestly I would be happy even if it was just the four of us" She smiled.


Jeffery listened to them all speak to one another, waiting until they all looked toward him.
"Oh well, clearly all of you have been trying to come up with a name for a while. One thing you all agree with is keeping the Candy motif, right?" He asked as he placed his hand on his chin.
"Well given that, why don't you work out from that angle, consider a few things, narrow the field a little more. Do you want a single word name or a phrase? Perhaps you can use Candy in the band name of the former? like Candy Caines? do you want a theme? or perhaps a lead? another system, Candy and the Cotten girls? Do you want to use alliteration? Perhaps we can find a whiteboard and make a bubble chart to narrow down what you want?" He suggested.
Lenard sighed. "Well, we'll still honor the detective's request and ask him. And don't worry about money. This is a treat. A celebration that you're back home."

Finicky Wendy looked over. "Candy Canes? Now why didn't one of you guys come up with that? That sounds perfect! A cane is a support, and we do that by providing the accompaniment."

Everyone of the band looked at each other and then Wendy. Calla finally found her voice first. "I think we have a winner. That's the most words she's strung together on the subject. I even like it." Brother and sister were busy texting the missing member.

Shortly the text returned. "Who came up with that one? I approve!" Chuck said, reading.

"All in capital letters, at that." Betty said.

Just then the nurse appeared. "We had to make sure she fully awoke. Mr. Sterling, she's motioning for you. You can visit quickly."

The ladies all went, "Oooooo!"

Chuck shrugged and quipped, "Candy Crush Saga."
Noel nodded. ”Okay, but it's only fair to warn you if you have me and my brother there it won't be cheap, muscle heads like us eat like pigs” she smiled.
”Especially him, though I guess he would be paying for himself? Or I mean I would want to know for when we offer the invite” She asked seeming a bit uncertain.


Jeffery chuckled at their reaction to his name.
”Heh, well that was just off the top of my head, and yeah the whole cane is a support tool like you guys are the support singers was my intent I am glad you caught that. But maybe not commit so quick, that was just an example of the kind of an idea for a name. Not that I am not flattered. But shouldn't we sit on it for a bit first?” He asked before being called into the room with Candy.

”Hehe, real cute, but I got to go see how she is feeling.” He smiled and left to do just that.
”Hey Candy, how are yeah feeling?” he asked sitting by her side.
”Sorry but they didn't let me wait by your side for you to wake, I would have had to crack heads to get in and I think the sterling name has been involved in too much orderly abuse recently.”
"Consider me warned." Lenard chuckled, "But just so YOU know... There's a limit of one entree and dessert per person." He gave a wink, "Sooo, I'm preventing two other somebodies from getting a second dessert to go."

Candy smiled at Jeffrey, but shot a few orderlies a dirty look. With a sigh, she motioned for her notebook as she'd still be a few days of being not allowed to speak as she did just have surgery on her throat.
Noel nodded.
"Right that makes sense, so how are we going to ask Jeff? Do we know where he is?"

Jeffery would hand her the notepad and a writing utensil.
"Don't blame them, they were just doing their job, besides I think I accidentally named your band? Candy Canes, I mentioned it as an example and they all went nuts." He smiled talking as she would have a chance to write.
(focus on Jeffrey this post only)

Just before she began writing, she heard the new band name drop and looked over at Jeffrey in awe. She then quickly jotted down, They've been asking for almost a year for us to all sit down and discuss that. Always some real life emergency would spring up. Family in the hospital, what have you. See? Day to day operation... The small details... That's why I offered you the position. Antwan Seymour volunteered to help do the day to day work of running things, but I want my trumpeter back, y'know?

Wendy Snodgrass is like Mikey from those old Life adverts. I take that back now that I see it on paper... She's more Morris from Nine Lives cat food! Finicky is as finicky does. Surprised you got HER to agree. They are my musical accompaniment... And they DO visit. That's called support and that's the job of the cane, so I can see how they went crazy for it. Just beware of Wendy from now on. Don't expect her to like everything you do. My approval is the only one that really counts.

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox. Could you please bring me some of my favorite ice cream? I'm allowed that in a few hours. King Soopers has it, and I think Baskin Robbins has a version... Root Beer Float. That's the actual name of the ice cream.

She handed the notebook back for Jeffrey to read.
Jeffery took the notebook and read it over before handing it back.
"Got it, I will watch wendy, I got lucky, and I will get that root beer float flavored icecream, not the actual float. Is there anything else I can get you while I am out?" He asked typing something into his phone as she would write her response, but also keeping an eye on her encase she simply shook her head no.
Candy shook her head then did a slap to her forehead almost immediately. Quickly, she jotted down Before you leave the hospital, tell Kara and Noel to visit me before they leave... Please. Actually, make sure Calla has the CDs of my debut album... Then tell them to see me... Without letting the cat out of the bag, as it were. Also, try to meet up with Antwan, introduce yourself, and let him know you'll be taking over. It's almost noon, he should be picking up the fanmail at the post office. Oh.... Here's the address to take it, if you catch him right there. Otherwise go the address I just gave you, and meet him. (which Jeffrey will have to do, just as Antwan gets there, which is a modest house.)

Meanwhile, Kara hadn't answered Noel's question any farther than admitting it was a good one. She went to sitting in the chair next to Noel and making like Winnie the Pooh (but not purposely) tapping her temple with a forefinger and muttering "Think" over and over.

Christine sighed. "Dispatch, this is Detective Obvious... But I doubt he's left the building yet. Elvis might have... But with Candy in a recovery room one floor below us... It's very doubtful Jeffrey has."

Lenard nodded, "Hello! McFly!" He teased his daughter, before heading for the elevator, thanking Christine.
Jeffery paused and waited for her next message, reading it as he took notes on his phone.
"Okay got it, tell Kara and Noel to visit you, Make sure Cella has the CDs, Tell them to see you, meet Antwan, and then get the ice cream" He nodded reading back all his notes and handing back her notebook.
"Final check, is that everything before I go? If not you can always text me if you can't think of anything now." He stated.


Noel looked at the others and nodded at the suggestion.
"Yeah, plus we can also check up on Candy after her surgery"

At that moment Kara would get a text message.

Hey, this is Jeffery, Candy wants you and Noel to visit her before you leave the Hospital.
Thanks: Jeffery
Candy nodded and gave the okay sign, seemingly breathing a sigh of relief as she did. She would next visit with her band.

Calla did have the CD's, patting her duffle bag as Jeffrey asked.

Meanwhile, Kara checked her incoming text. "So... Miss Candy wants to see both of us when you're fully discharged. If you're ready to go."

A nurse checking on Maria nodded over. "As long as she's signed the papers and has her follow-up instructions... And is finished with lunch... Y'all can head out."
Jeffery would give her a thumbs-up before moving onto the next objective on his list.

Noel would nod with a smile as she placed her empty to the side.
"I am done and ready to get going" Noel couldn't wait to get out, hospitals made her uncomfortable and she didn't want to spend a second more than needed here.
Lenard had momentarily met Jeffrey as he was getting on the elevator and had asked, mentioning the reservations at the Outback Steakhouse was for seven pm that very evening.

Antwan would be so grateful, as they meet at the house, he would blow Jeffrey away with his talent, sounding (and even looking a bit like a younger version) like a classic trumpeter named Louis Armstrong.

Candy would insist on Jeffrey going to have dinner with Noel, practically shooing him to go visit with them.

Candy would communicate with Kara and Noel, kidding Noel by writing, I know I'm asking a lot, but try to keep Kara out of trouble? And take her jogging or something... She could stand to lose about ten pounds of gut, there. She gave a wink to show she was just messing with Kara (although she COULD stand to lose some of her belly). Finally, she opened up the duffle bag, pulled out two copies of her debut album, on CD, of course, and signed both, handing them to them.

(This wraps up the hospital arc)
Jeffery let Lenard know he would be in touch before meeting Candy. Once he heard from her he smiled and nodded to her before sending a text to Lenard that he would happily join them if they still had room for him.

Noel would seem a bit conflicted on the advice but smile and nod.
"Kara will get plenty of exercise, I will put her through a rigorous training regimen!" She stated trying to pile onto the joke.
Noel took the CD and thanked her, waiting for Kara before they left.

Once in the car and driving Noel would whisper a question to Kara as she placed a hand on her stomach. "You know that Candy wasn't serious about that belly thing right?"
Kara pinched her stomach, showing the fat between. A good two inches. "Or was she?" She asked mysteriously, before adding, "Either way, go human and not superhuman on me, huh?" She gave a sideways squeeze hug to Noel.

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly and before they both knew it, it was five-thirty. Lenard called up, "Ladies, get ready for dinner." The next voice was Pat's. "Dress nice, but not necessarily up. Be appropriate. That means no tees, Kara"

"Why did Mom single ME out?" Kara mock pouted.

Lenard finished up with. "Jeffrey will meet us there. I asked him if he gets there first, to go ahead and get our table. It's under Zorel. I want to leave here in 45 minutes so he won't be waiting too long."
Noel would Hug Kara back and smile.
"hehe, no promises, I need to live up to the name supergirl after all"

For the rest of the afternoon, Noel would be attached to Kara by the hip, turning to her as Lenard told them to dress properly.
"Help I have no idea what that dress level would be, as a higher class than a t-shirt but lower than a dress? I have no idea, show me what to wear" She asked Kara holding her hand seeming genuine rather than joking.

Jeffery would reply with a conformation and do just that, arriving slightly early to get the table, choosing to sit at one of the ends with the best vision of the entrance to wave them over when they came in. He would also have water.
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