Noel sat up, pulling her hand up and kissing hers back. "Hey, it's no problem I umm, I am still nervous, but we can take this slow, we don't need to go any further then we have today, heh, honestly even this stuff feels like a lot to me anyway" She explained as she held Kara's hand in both her hands, pulling it close to her like she was hugging it. "We can go as slow as you like, you don't need to worry about me, love, let me do that, if I am ever not ready for something, I promise I will let you know okay?" she told her before leaning over and kissing her lips gently.
"Well often when looking for someone hair color is the easiest identifier" He explained. "Blond was just a guess, albeit a lucky one" He replied not wanting her to panic anymore. "Now head off home, I am sure she will appear before you know it and it will all make sense." he encouraged.