My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

Detective Andersen shook her head. She didn't push the issue. She just looked at Pat with a sigh and nod. She gave the name to the Captain. "At least you're doing better. You really shouldn't be afraid to come forward with information that we can use. It actually makes it harder for us to do our jobs of protect and serve. " She put a hand softly on Noel's shoulder. "Of course, there's too many on our side that abuse their power, making you and others like you, too afraid to come over. I had an idiot partner. He didn't abuse his power, he just was sloppy, couldn't follow procedure..." She felt Robert's hand on her shoulder.

"Christine? Am I going to have to make you promise again to never speak again of Detective Legend?" He asked. He then gave Noel a wink. "Before she came to the States, she worked in Australia on a variety of cases... Let's just say her old partner thought his last name made him one. He was a legend only in his own mind."
Noel looked at and listened to the two talk among each other and to her. "I umm okay, I feel like I have given you all the relevant information I can but umm, you have my number and stuff, I really do want to help, I just don't want to risk sending you in the wrong direction if this isn't the person you are looking for" She admitted. "A-anyway, can- can I go now?" She asked gesturing behind herself toward the stairs that lead back to her room. "I'll keep my phone on me and I'll reply to any questions you ask" she stated, truly wanting to help them catch this person, especially if it was steve.
Christine nodded and then gave Noel her card. "That'll be boffo." She smiled. "Don't hesitate.And remember.." she made like she was uploading the picture.

The Captain buzzed her just as she was ready to go, she was buzzed. "Yes, Cap? Yes? Oh?" Her expression fell. "Ohhh, wallabies." She managed. Trying to sound chipper, she managed a "Thanks, Cap."
Noel got onto her phone and sent the picture right then and there before giving them a thumbs up. "should be all good now, and umm, thanks" She told them before turning and returning to Kara. "Hey did you miss me?" she asked as she peeked her head into the room.
Kara gave Noel a hug. It lasted a little longer than what was normal. Almost like she didn't want to let go. If Noel noticed the books only one had the paper sticking in her book to indicate that the homework was finished. Physics. Calculus was only half done and there were three wadded up balls of paper, indicating she had worked on her Lit essay as well, but didn't like any.

(Did Noel hear Christine's dejected remark, indicating the escape?)
(Yeah but didn't understand what it was about, she knew it was bad news but when nothing else was said assumed it was unrelated.)

"Hey umm sorry that took so long, do you want me to help you finish up?" she asked, happy to hold the hug as long as Kara wanted, embracing her fully. Noel wasn't sure how she felt, she was scared that he might be after her, that he might have gone after Kara because of how close she was to her, or if they were just grabbing random girls, if that was the case then she had a feeling she may know what he is doing. On that thought, she suddenly had another idea of what she should send that cop, but she would wait for her to finish what she needed to do with Kara.
Kara pulled away and nodded, sheepishly, leading Noel to the other chair at the desk. "My mind must be like super-wonky, because I'm not thinking.... Maybe you should briefly go over my Physics homework, too. After Calculus, I'm doing the Economics, because it's almost like math is hard all of a sudden." She sighed and would wait to see what Noel had to say or do to get her mind back on track.
"Oh umm yeah I'll take a look, but I umm, I am kinda distracted myself with everything that is going on, maybe we need to distract ourselves, or maybe just wash our face or something?" She stated. "Umm, any idea's on what we might be able to do?" She asked as she moved her chair a little closer to Kara's.
Kara was indeed "super-wonky" as she stared puzzled at Noel for the space of a good two minutes before managing an, "I guess? But distract how?" It was, maybe not perfectly evident, but at least reasonably so... Kara was already distracted, but the wrong kind of distracted.
"Umm here, take my hand" Noel reached out and reached to grab Kara's hand. "Now look me in the eyes, and answer, what is your name? what is my name? where are we? what work have you done, and what work do you still need to do, in that order" She asked once she had eye contact with her.
Kara looked down just to take the offered hand. Kara looked at her biting her lower lip, and talking like a "Bizzaro" form of herself, said, "Me, Kara. You, Noel. Uhh, me home...." She made a thinking face that would be ironic, even downright funny if it wasn't tragically true... "Uh Physics... Errrrmm... Need Calculus... To do some graphs and percents (Economics)..." Bad part is she broke eye contact to look at her remaining books. "Oh, yeah. I have to at least have outline to my essay on Wizard of Oz for Mr. Ummm... Type of dragon, type of dragon.... Fire (it's actually Wyvern)? Tomorrow afternoon." She couldn't even remember the name of one of her favorite teachers! She failed to mention History, which only had the three extra credit "questions" (where her answers have to be in the form of a question, for Ms. Cooper, another favorite teacher, despite the complaining she'd done in the past). If asked, Kara will call Ms. Cooper, Ms. Trebek, after the Jeopardy! host.
"Oh wow, you are really out of it, umm, I don't know how to umm.." She thought for a minute before kissing her, hoping that would snap her out of it, she only really had one idea if this had failed. She would go and ask her parents for advice, they must know her a lot more then she does, and could have an answer, perhaps food?


Meanwhile on Christine's radio

"Christine, I got the info on the case form that kid you wanted to know about, I sent you the more details, but the short form, he escaped about a month ago, he was charged for attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon on a young girl named Noella, her last name was scratched from the record upon request from the family. He attacked her with a knife to quote, cut out her heart, this was all after he had drugged a girl, no name is given, and attempted to transport her to his uncle, I'll send his information to you as well, so they could quote share her, really messed up stuff, I sent the whole file to you, if this is our guy we should catch him quickly, this is a potential serial killer in the making"
Christine again thanked her captain. "This makes more sense with all the attempts on teen girls lately, and all with the same general body shape. Noel-LA, hrrm? Wish Noel wasn't such a common name for a Christmas baby in French and English speaking countries... I've met two on this case now. Our latest attempted kidnap victim has a house guest named that. Plus one of the other attempted kidnap victims, that blonde, had that name. Hold it..." She radioed her partner, "Canyon! Where are you? We need to interview that one victim again.... Her name was Noella. The blonde, Robert! Right! We need to see if this name rings a bell. I'll have to talk with the other Noel, Kara Zorel's friend, after school tomorrow. Find out how she knows the perp, and if she can give us any more leads."


Meanwhile, at the Zorel home, Kara just smiled at the kiss. "Thanks. Doesn't matter how out of it I am.... This stuff needs to be done tonight, so.... If you can just stay really close and just...uhh... Lovingly point me in the right direction on these?"
Noel nodded, "heh, for sure, but umm one more thing, don't worry I will be right back, and no matter what we will get this done one way or another, okay?" She reassured her, giving her another kiss before standing up. "Again I'll be right back," she told her again before leaving to find Kara's mom, upon finding her she would ask a question. "Hey umm so uhh, Mrs. Zorel, Kara is kinda acting a little umm, out of it, do you have any tips on how to get the spring back into her step?"
Pat looking up from her paper, took the pipe from her mouth and asked calmly, "Out of it, how?" As she listened to the problem, she sighed. "Well... I had a feeling this was too much for her." She looked at Noel. Firmly she said, "Go ahead and do as she asked, staying right next to her. Once it's finished, put her to bed, even if you have to hogtie her AND sit on her, to get her to relax.... If you can sing... I suggest The Lion Sleeps Tonight as a lullaby. That song always works."
Noel smiled "Thank you, I will do whatever it takes" She quickly left back to the room with Kara and started to help her work through her homework, both making sure they kept at a good pace, but also that Kara was actually learning as much as she could.

Lenard checked in as the clock rang the hour downstairs. "Ten o'clock, girls. I'm going to let the curfew for lights out go for another hour, but, Kara, not the room curfew. You're in here for the night. Study quietly, but have the light out by eleven."

Thankfully the history questions were the extra credit ones, and they were working on Kara's outline for her essay on the book. "But I want to include the differences and how misleading the movie is, despite it being so good." Kara whined. "Mr. Wyvern even said I could, but it has to be in sync with the chapter it's in the book. So Dorothy's song has to be before the tornado, and her getting the silver slippers instead of ruby as in the movie, after she lands in Oz... Yet how Glenda didn't greet her, nor give her the shoes as portrayed in the movie."
Noel was relived that Kara seemed to be back in the proper headspace, she nodded as she let Kara continue, encouraging her as she worked. "I am sure we can figure a way for it to umm to work." She smiled before covering her mouth for a yawn. She would stay up with Kara for as long as it took for them to finish everything, then she would put Kara to bed, and if necessary, as her mother said, sit on her to help her relax.
Lenard noticed something was off, but couldn't put his finger on it and went to Kara's room. Soon he was back with a homemade burned CD. "Noel. Track 4." He held it out to her. "It should be more than enough." Track four was the Tokens' version of the song Pat said to sing if Noel knew how. Fifteen minutes after that, Kara had a decent outline for her book crazy Literature teacher. Her homework was finished.
Noel took the CD and thanked him, placing the CD to the side as they had finished her homework. "okay. all done, time to get you ready for bed" Noel took Kara's arm and lead her to the bathroom to brush her teeth and prepare for bed, "Okay, let's can get you to bed," she told her handing her hand and guiding her to the bed.
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Kara didn't mind the attention, simply because now that her adrenaline had lowered she'd gotten more restless. Once she laid down (with Noel's help) her legs started rocking back and forth, unable to lie still.

When Kara was psychologically stressed, which she had been this day... She had restless legs syndrome, and they rocked and moved back and forth, when she was lying down, like now. One of the reasons Pat had said, "Even if you have to sit on her." Maybe if Noel put on the CD and went to track four.
Noel had figured this might happen and reached for the CD, stopping before putting it in the player, deciding to put it down, and try to sing to her. Though she did prep her phone with the instrumental version of the same song. "Hey, shh, close your eyes and relax" She whispered as she climbed into the bed and straddled her, pinning both her legs between her own legs to keep them still. Noel leaned over her and started to sing the best she could.

Weeheeheehee, dee heeheeheehee, weeoh aweem away
Weeheeheehee, dee heeheeheehee, weeoh aweem away
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh

In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle, the quiet jungle
The lion sleeps tonight – ho, ho!

Weeheeheehee, dee heeheeheehee, weeoh aweem away
(A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh)
(A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh)
Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweem away
(A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh)
(A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh)

Near the village, the peaceful village
The lion sleeps tonight
Near the village, the quiet village
The lion sleeps tonight – ho, ho!

Weeheeheehee, dee heeheeheehee, weeoh aweem away
(A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh)
(A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh)
Rrrrrr, lalalaba, weeoh aweem away
(A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh)
(A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh)

Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling
The lion sleeps tonight
Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling
The lion sleeps tonight – ho, ho!

Whoa, whoa, whoa; whoa, whoa, whoa; whoa, whoa, aweem away
(A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh)
(A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh)
Weeheeheehee, dee heeheeheehee, weeoh aweem away
(A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh)
(A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh)

Weeheeheehee, dee heeheeheehee, weeoh aweem away
Weeheeheehee, dee heeheeheehee, weeoh aweem away
Weeheeheehee, dee heeheeheehee, weeoh aweem away
(wish I could have given you a like. Perfect)

As the song played the chorus a second time (between verses one and two) the legs stopped flipping and flopping, giving Noel a chance to get in bed. As the soprano was doing the "ooohhh-oh-oh-oooohhh"s after the second verse, Kara's breathing slowed and her lips smacked... Before the final verse was even over... Kara was asleep. The Tokens strike again.


The next afternoon at their school, Kara would watch Noel practice. Emily would be ogling the living crap out of Stephanie Wainwright, the Captain's daughter, as one of Stephanie's friends decided to walk home alone still dressed as her character Maria, in the West Side Story school play to be performed over the weekend. It was the last dress rehearsal. But would "Maria" be on stage the next morning at 11?

Stephanie, as practice wrapped up, asked "Kara, Noel? Would you two like to go with me to the school play in the morning? I'm Anybody's backup if she doesn't show up, but one of the Jets Girls in the ensemble. I'd love to see someone besides Cop daddy and mom in the audience."
Noel was sure to finish the song and then turn the song off on her phone, she couldn't help but smile excitedly as it seemed it worked, she managed to sing her Girlfriend to sleep! something about that filled Noel with joy as she happily got into the covers and snuggled up to Kara, drifting off to sleep herself a few moments later, the rhythmic sounds of Kara's breathing acting as her lullaby.


Noel wanted to give the girl a yes to her question. "Oh umm I think we would have to ask Kara's parents, umm we are kinda under a watch right now, and I am not sure if that would mess things up, unless, Kara? do you think it would be okay?" Noel replied not wanting to deny her but also wanting to make it so it would be easy if Kara needed to say no.
(is there going to be attempt on the other girl?)

Kara wasn't sure how to answer Noel. "It may not be even up to them." Kara shrugged. "Detectives Andersen and Canyon actually have the last say. I would think they'd want us to go about our normal stuff, I mean your practice wasn't interrupted."

Stephanie's eyes bugged out. "Aw man. Not Chris Andersen!" Stephanie kicked at air. "She'll insist on guarding you guys. Her captain is going to call Dad.... And it's going to be by the book, and tightly by the book. As in 11am means 11am!"
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