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My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

The adults in the room just seemed relaxed; truth was they just didn't want to show and worry Kara needlessly. It made it worse when Detective Canyon had suggested changing the family's password or phrase, as he was afraid they might try again... With either girl. Pat and Lenard wanted dinner to be as drama free as possible.

Determined to get Detective Canyon to stay, Kara said there was ample "helpin's" and room. He shook his head. "Rain check, okay? I'm still on duty, plus I have to get this filed at the precinct. Enjoy your chuckwagon." He then bid all a good evening.

They would all be sitting at the table, waiting for Noel to come back, before they started eating as a family.
It wouldn't take too long for Noel to come down, a thin book under her arm when she saw them all sitting at the table. "Oh!, sorry, I didn't mean to hold things up" she placed the book on the coffee table and took her place at the dinner table. "The food looks delicious, thank you Kara" Noel gave her a smile, seeming a bit less nervous then she was before.
"Yes. Thank you, dear." Pat echoed.

"Your first cooking day tomorrow, Noel. Thought of what you're making for certain?" Lenard asked as everyone began eating.

"We might already have the ingredients, just have to pull it down. I understand you have practice tomorrow, still?" Pat asked, both parents looking at Noel.
"Oh umm yeah, sorry I forgot, I umm I can either do sushi or if it's easier I can also just do burritos" She replied. "though again I can do either" She added again, her mind more filled with worry about what had happened with the van.
Pat nodded and grabbed the schedule real quick after putting chives on her baked potato. "We can do 'sushi bar' tomorrow if you can make more than one variety. If you can make it a meal, you can do Mexican, but you'd have to plan the sides as well." She looked at Kara. "I'm leaving yours blank for now. When you're ready to let me know..."

"German. No Swiss. I want alpine music on mine so Swiss. I'll just need a hand, cuz..."

"I can make Swiss." Lenard said. "We'll switch days. Her Italian is a lot better than mine."

"That's fine. Thanks Dad." Kara nodded.
"Oh yes, I can make things like sashimi or hand rolls or the classic type of sushi roll, plus if you want I can make things like chicken fried rice, I mean if you go to the restaurant around here they have lots of variety" she offered. "Or I guess I could make burritos with like chips and salad, maybe some beans and rice that you can put in the burrito or leave out, would it be better if I had all the ingredients ready then you would tell me what you want in them than I make them or I just kinda make them?" she added, wanting to make sure she did things right without being boring.
Pat smiled. "Perfect. I can have all ingredients ready for you tomorrow for the sushi bar. Make as many varieties as you wish, just make too much, please. I'll pick you up immediately after practice." She wrote down on the paper, put it back and dug in.

Lenard said calmly to Noel. "Just surprise us on the sides. That always works best." He then shook his fork at his wife, "Don't let me forget to pick up more rice. Noel will most likely be using the rest of it as needed for the sushi tomorrow."
"Oh yes, and if it can be sticky rice that would be great, if not that is fine I know a way to make regular rice into sticky rice." she smiled and added, getting momentarily distracted by her excitement of making sushi for them.
Pat shook her head. "You'll have to make the regular, sticky, I'm afraid. Correction from a moment ago... DON'T make too much sushi. I don't know if it can be saved until Monday when you can take it to school for lunch."

Kara absentmindedly made her peach half and buttery biscuit into a sandwich and began eating it. Her dad couldn't help but kid her. "Yeah. I'd rather have had a single serve peach pie myself."

"Heh, I am glad you said that, but umm, how much rolls and stuff do you think would be enough, I don't want to make too little either after all," she asked smiling as she looked over at Kara.
Both parents looking at each other, finally shrugged Noel's direction. "I guess however many you'd eat in one sitting? With your side, of course." Lenard finally answered a bit thoughtful, before following his daughter in how he ate dessert, having had to grab a biscuit since he had eaten the one on the plate with the meal.

"Let that be a lesson to you, Kara. Next chuckwagon, single serve pie, as well as biscuits for the meal!" She laughed, shaking her head at the two.
"Oh! I'll also need to get some fresh ingredients like salmon and eel, and seaweed wraps as well." She added after letting out a giggle at their family hazing.
Pat nodded. "Well is going to be a bit high. I know it's not the best, but we have both tuna and salmon in spring water in those little packets in the pantry. Just expect Tabby to be right under foot when you're working with the tuna."

At her name, the fat orange cat came padding into the kitchen.
"Oh well, I may not be able to do the sushi without the ability to flash freeze the fish, or without being able to ensure it was flash frozen before I bought it, otherwise we could get sick" She added. "Though I can still make plenty of Maki rolls and stuff, maybe some Teryaki chicken or beef strips or something as well." She added, wanting her meal to be as good as she could, but also not wanting to be too much of a bother.
"The packet fish shouldn't be like that. SOMEone eats it right out of the package like a tuna flavored GoGurt squeeze tube." She stared at Lenard, causing him to look sheepishly away. "SOMEbody ELSE does the same to the salmon!" Stare at Kara who laughed nervously and gulped. "And they're fine. WEIRD..." Both nervously laughed and blushed. "But fine."

Pat then nodded. "The eel should be at the one seafood market; I'm going to stop by tomorrow during my errands around lunch. If you can make a good batch with those three, we should be in for a treat. As for the others, let me see what we have that can thaw quickly."

Small breakfast steaks would be pulled out in the morning for the beef strips. Noel would find everything she needed in the pantry as soon as she's brought home the next afternoon.
Noel nodded as she looked at the ingredient then looked at Kara. "You know about salmonella right?" She asked seeming concerned. "But as long as it was flash frozen it should be fine she added getting everything prepped as much as she could for now. "I hope everything turns out okay, if not do we have a backup plan hehe," she asked with a nervous chuckle, though she was half-serious.
Kara sighed. "Yeah, but they're... Well, I used to eat two of them right outta the can with some no salt seasoning."

"Now I have two extra cats in the house." Pat smirked, knowing full well, at least they were getting their omega 3 oil... Once a week. She showed the package and how they came. "I'm not real big on sushi like those two, but I'm willing to try anything once. You'll have the eel to work with as well."

(This is just the steaks. I'm sure you've seen the packages in the store for the chunk tuna and salmon?)
"Oh there is much more to sushi then the raw fish, the maki rolls are some of my favorites, and they don't all have raw fish in them, some like the spicy crispy rolls or the California rolls don't have any at all. Plus the Eel won't be raw, it's going to be a barbeque Eel, so kinda a smokey sweet taste" she added wanting her to know there would be plenty of variety.
Pat nodded. "Then I'll leave you to it. Right now, if you're done, help Kara with her homework. She had to start our chuckwagon the moment she got home. LENARD can help with the dishes."

"Ulp. Yes dear." Lenard stated with an exaggerated look of fear on his face.
"Right of course" Noel nodded. "Okay Kara lets get to work, should we go up to work in one of our rooms?" she asked, walking over and grabbing the book she had put down on the coffee table before eating.
Kara nodded and pointed to Noel, before swallowing her biscuit. "Unless you don't have a desk?" She couldn't remember if her dad stuck a computer desk in the spare room which was now Noel's, or not.
"Yeah I have one" She nodded taking a bite of a biscuit as well, the book under her arm still. "I am not trying to rush you, or anything like that" She added relaxing a bit more as they ate.
"I've been done. I'm just waiting to see if you wanted any more." Kara said wide-eyed, pointing to her empty plate... Of even bean "slop" since she had been using a biscuit to clean the plate whilst Noel and Pat had set up the plans for the next night. She arose and headed for the stairs, grabbing her bookbag at the foot of them.
Kara noticed Noel was carrying a book around as she set her bookbag next to Noel's and began unloading her texts and popped open her physics book. "What's going on? You okay? I'm the one who should be confused about the target sitch, the guy was lying about my parents, after all."
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