My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

"Oh! umm yeah I guess I am just a little paranoid, I wanted to show you an image and make sure it wasn't who you saw, I mean I don't think there is any way it is, but just kinda felt like I should check" she said opening the book up to a page and showing her. It seemed it was a graduation book, and she was pointing to a blond-haired, blue-eyed kid named steve.
Kara made a face. "Haircut. Eyes and lips, are right. Raven hair, scar on left cheek and nose been broken... Probably at least twice." Kara started to get a sinking feeling, but still, "What looks like a heart or broken heart tattoo right here." She pointed on the side of her neck, about where her jugular was, but not quite.
"Well he was blond, umm at least one nose break, maybe that scar last I saw, and umm, the tattoo would be new though was there a name or anything on the tattoo?" She asked taking a photo of the picture on her phone and starting to make the changes in a photo editor.
Kara shook her head. "Not that I could tell, but I wasn't exactly trying to check anything out about him. I couldn't even tell you if there were chipped teeth, which would kinda figure with a broken nose." She sighed. "And once he failed the tests... I didn't exactly wanna stick around, either." She noticed only that Noel was doing something with her phone. "You gonna have that for the detective? I mean... They don't exactly have a whole lot to go on."
"Yeah, umm that's a good idea, umm here does this look like him?" she asked showing her the image, and after her edits, it really did look like who she saw.
Kara nodded with a gulp and wide eyes. "Um. Looks like that guy from your past IS back. B-b-but why's he after ME?!" Kara really did wish she had superpowers. "Noel... How'd he even find YOU?" She decided to try to hide behind her Physics textbook.
"Well I don't know, that is my Ex, as you may have guessed, and he is supposed to be locked up in an Asylum!" She slammed the book shut clearly shook. "I mean, I moved miles away, I dyed my hair, I kind of changed my name, not really I guess, Noella to Noel, isn't really anything but still!, I am living with you, there aren't any like records of my name or your lease or anything so how did he find us?!" she seemed to be getting tenser and tenser as she continued.
Kara put the book down and pulled Noel into a hug. "Let's tell the folks. Now. Let them decide how best to go from here. We now have a better description and a name. Maybe, well... I'm sure, the two detectives... You met the guy... Sorta, but not the ginger gal. Umm... We'll need to give em this." Then in her best Australian accent (which sounded almost Irish instead) said, "You remember anything else of importance. Anything. You gie me a ring, eh?"

Pat came in. Hands on her hips, she quipped in perfect Australian, "Stop butchering me accent, Kara, aye?!" She relaxed. "What are you two on about?"
Noel placed her phone down and hugged Kara back tightly, holding the hug until she had heard Kara's mother speak up, which startled her out of it. "Oh! umm, we uhh made this image of what we think the person may have looked like" she grabbed her phone and sent Pat the image via text. "We were thinking maybe we can send that to the detectives, and umm, we might have a name as well, maybe, I hope not though" she Kinda trailed off as she spoke the last part.
Pat raised an eyebrow and went to Lenard and her bedroom. "I see." They heard her comment from the room. "I'm sure Detectives Canyon and Andersen will be happy to see this." She returned, "Provided one or the other can get back here, Noel, would you be able to talk with them tonight?"
Pat nodded. She made the call immediately. As it turned out Detective Christine Andersen was nearby and Detective Robert Canyon could be there in 'five'. Andersen decided to wait on him.

"Okay. Noel, they'll both be here in about five minutes. It shouldn't take long. Both Detectives are nice and helpful. You can relax with them. If you'll be more comfortable with the lady detective, I'm sure Robert will understand. Let's go wait for them."
"Okay and umm maybe that would be better, but I mean, it probably isn't even this person, it's like probably a coincidence or something, I don't want to hinder the case if like, I contaminated Kara's memory of them with this image" she replied still nervous.
Kara dug into her homework as Noel was led back downstairs to wait on the detectives. Robert Canyon had short brown hair, "salted" with specks of gray, and stood around six even, medium build otherwise in a brown trenchcoat, white shirt and blue pants.

Christine, meanwhile, was six inches shorter with neck length red hair that looked more like rust, parted in the middle, and wore a lilac top and matching slacks several hues darker in purple, but not quite purple. She wore a blue trenchcoat that looked far newer than Canyon's which was showing some fraying. She crossed her arms. "Someone has something that can help us, I believe?" She had a soft smirk playing on her lips that showed she was just acting tough.

Canyon chuckled. "Don't buffalo the witnesses, Chris." He teased.
"I mean, I don't know for certain, but I made this image using someone I had suspected, or umm, was concerned it might be" she spoke up, seeming a little nervous still, trying to address the female officer.
"I comprehend. Have an image I can see?" Detective Andersen asked, calmly, expecting the phone to be handed to her as she relaxed her arms.

"Kara verified this already?" Canyon was actually addressing Pat, who shrugged.

"I assume." Pat said.

Andersen shook her head. "Please don't, Mrs. Zorel. My last partner made me look like the south end of a donkey going north way too much by doing that."
"Umm yeah, we kinda made this image together out of an old photo of him" She replied holding her phone out with the image already on it. "She described characteristics she remembered and I edited them on, I mean, it would be easy, I assume for you to dismiss if it's him or not, as he should be locked away already"
Christine took the phone, looked it over and frowned. "Robert." Just her tone would send chills and the other detective looking, nodded. She handed it back. "Sorry to have to say it.... But that's him. We need that sent to the police station." She then gave Noel directions on how to upload it to their precinct. "That matches the description of the victims of other would be kidnapping attempts. We have one missing. Let's hope he isn't involved in THAT one. "
"wait! if umm, if you contact Rockwell's Asylum for the criminally insane, that's where he was last, and as far as I am aware, where he should be" she added.
Christine put a hand on Noel's shoulder. "Look at me." Once the ginger had the girl's attention, she shook her head again. "Just send us the image. I'm afraid that fits the description of all five victims of attempted kidnapping, INCLUDING Kara's. Everyone describes the same haircut and eyes. Everyone has the scar in the same place. What aren't you telling us?" She had bent down to eye level which wasn't much for the 5-6 plainclothes officer.

Pat put both hands on Noel's shoulders and gave a gentle comforting squeeze. "Is it really necessary, Detective? Sometimes the past is too painful to dig up."
"I mean, this isn't what he looked like before, and if it's him, he might be looking for me or something, which might be why he targeted Kara" She managed to admit, sending the photo anyway. "That may look like the person, but I umm, wouldn't it be better to make sure who you think it is isn't still locked up somewhere?" She asked.
Christine shrugged. "If it'll put your mind at ease, but regardless, I want you to upload your picture to our precinct." She arose erect, and hit her communication device that looked like a walkie talkies. "Dispatch. Get me the Captain." She covered her speaker. "Whether or not, you've got our best lead. You saw Robert nod. Please send that photo in." The radio squawked. "Cap, can you check out a lead that needs to be placed by phone. Rob and I are both busy at the Zorel place. Make a call to the Rockwell Asylum for the Criminally Insane," Christine looked at Noel. "Who are we checking for?"
"I will, umm is there anything else we should do in the meantime? like umm precautions we should take or something?" she asked still seeming a bit worried. "Oh, and can you tell me when you confirm if he is there or not?"
Christine frowned. "Like I said before, what aren't you telling us? We need a name to even check if HE'S there." She emphasized the word to let Noel know she heard.
"Oh!, I am sorry his name is steve, umm steve johnson" She added. "He was incarcerated for attempted murder" She added, not wanting to get too personal with what she told them but still wanting to help as much as she could. "Umm he is a year older than me and Kara"
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