My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

While Robert Canyon interviewed the blonde Noella on the name, which sounded familiar to the victim, yet hadn't; Pat was picking up both girls from the school.

"We have your eel, Noel, and like I mentioned, the packaged fish can and has been eaten right out of the package. I need you to start dinner as soon as we get in."

Christine pulled in right behind Pat and popped out quick as the proverbial blink. Almost like parking and getting out was one fluid motion. "Noel. I need a mo, if you will."

Pat wasn't happy. "If your 'mo' is longer than two minutes, I will have to ask that your questioning be done whilst she's fixing supper. We've been looking forward to sushi all week.... And she's the only one who can make it properly."

"I know that feeling. Dad's the only one who can make shrimp on the barby the right way. I usually barbecue the barby." Andersen nodded. "I'll try to be quick. Rather it be inside."

Kara asided to Noel. "Sounds like the good detective has herself in a bit of a sticky wicket, Watson! Hate to make it stickier for the ol' girl, but don't we really want to go see the school play tomorrow? Ask after she talks to you."

Once inside, right about the time elsewhere Maria makes the mistake of her life by getting in a white van, Christine spells out the situation to Noel including the escape of Steve, and how the other missing girl, Louisa still hadn't been found, she asked straightforward, "How did you know him, and can you give us more details. This is really important as he's targeting girls with similar body builds to you and Kara. Almost like it's a fixation."
Noel seemed shaken by this when she first said it, her face going a pale white and her eyes going wide. But after a moment she shook her head and slapped her cheeks. "Umm yeah, I better tell you while I cook the umm, the distraction will help me focus," She told her before going inside the house brining her with her, starting to cook in the kitchen, following each step as she washed her hands between each one.

"So he uhh, he was my ex, we dated for a few years till one day he snapped and drugged me, he planned to bring me to his uncles, he didn't manage it, but after that, he attacked me with a knife, where I manage to fight him off and run home before being brought to the hospital with a large gash in my chest, he had said he wanted to take my heart since it belonged to him"
She spoke in an almost dead monotone, focusing on her cooking as she spoke.
"After that he and umm, I were sent to Asylums, he to a criminal one, the Rockwell institute and me one more so for trauma victims, though everyone in town knew what happened they all thought I was crazy so I dyed my hair, started going by Noel instead of Noella and moved out here, hoping to leave all that behind me"
She tried to keep the same monotone. However, sadness was clearly creeping its way in as she quietly explained everything to the officer.
Christine nodded, looking almost as sad as Noel. "Can't rightly blame you, luv. Just remember... He's the one with the real problem, not you." She sadly shook her head. "Something doesn't add up. Unless...' the ginger detective tapped a forefinger to her chin. Noticing Pat was distracting Kara with her homework, she asked, "Quickly and quietly, just between us... What was your original hair color?" Sure, all hair colors were targeted, but only one more so. A total of four of the now seven with Maria's (who didn't) snatching, had the color targeted the most.
"Oh umm, red, like yours, maybe a bit darker" She answered. "Is that who is being targeted?" She asked, maybe if it wasn't then it wasn't him? or if it was, then maybe he didn't know about her change? then why target Kara, who is blond?
Christine blinked. "Red? Hrmm..." She shook her head. "Someone with an uncanny appearance to him, then. Every victim has picked him out of a lineup of pictures. Almost all say it's because of the face, scar, double broken nose, or broken heart tattoo. Blondes are his target. Louisa the missing girl, the other Noella that my partner is re-interviewing, Shannon and, of course Kara. One redhead and one raven, but same build as you and Kara. If you ever mentioned to him, even in passing, you might go blonde.... It could STILL be Steve."
"Well the rest of my family other then my mother are all blond, maybe he thought if I were to change it would be to match them? But I don't remember saying I wanted to, though I had mentioned wanting to fit in more, maybe he took that as I would change my hair color, I can't say" she replied.
"Fitting in... Yes, in his twisted thinking, he could very well come to that conclusion. Thank you, Noel, you've been most helpful." As Christine got ready to take her leave, she asked, "Have you any questions right now?" This would be the time to ask about the school play the next morning.

For look

For clothes
"umm no, uhh, thanks" she shook her head before turning to return to her cooking, or more accurately, her preparation of their dinner.

Once she was finished she placed everything on the table, even giving everyone a little container of wasabi and ginger, as well as soy sauce.

Everyone gets:

To Share:

One plate:
Kara loved how it looked going so far as to say, "Nice set up! What's this green stuff, ooo, I know that's ginger from that Hu Nan and Sze-Chuan dishes from before..." Before Noel could tell anyone about the wasabi, Kara had ate it without a sushi roll.

"Ghh-haaaaaaaahhh!" She gasped, eyes wide and watering, and nose running "huwhooouuuu-weeee!" She muttered waving at her mouth and downing her drink in one gulp... Which if it wasn't milk, made it ten times worse.
Noel was about to speak up, but then it was too late, and she saw Kara rushing to cool her mouth down, Noel couldn't help but giggle. "hehe, that's wasabi, it's great for your immune system. I like to mix some in with my soy sauce to give it a little extra kick. "umm bread or milk would be better for that, I umm gave everyone water but you can also really have any drink with this" she smiled. "The soy sauce is for dipping and the Ginger is supposed to cleanse your pallet between different rolls" she explained, stifling a giggle as she did so.
Pat watched Lenard fumble with the chopsticks, even dropping one of the plastic things into his soy sauce, before putting the wasabi in her soy sauce and using a fork to dip and eat. Kara finally had to follow Mom, while Lenard continued to stubbornly use the chopsticks. Finally, dejected, he said, "Oh, I give up. Sorry, Noel." While Pat tried a bit of everything, Kara was slightly more picky, finally finding she enjoyed what was on the last plate the most. She did eat a few things off the large round plate, but always gravitated back to the plate with the meat and vegetables.
"heh, it's no problem, forks are fine" Noel smiled and replied to Lenard, offering him a fork as she used the chopsticks like a pro, picking up the wasabi and putting it in her soy sauce and mixing it before using them to pick up rolls and dip it into the sauce. A short time onto the meal she gasped and got up before putting down a few bowls of rice onto the table. "heh I almost forgot, sorry" She blushed and placed them down alongside some chicken fried rice.
The Zorels continued to enjoy the meal prepared them by their house guest. Despite her pickiness, even Kara was very happy with the variety, soon, though, most everything was eaten as there were four of them, and despite no REAL exercise (the two had been taken to and from school after Kara's scare the day before), even Kara had ate a lot.

"Fantastic meal. Can't wait to see what you cook up for us next time." Lenard smiled, patting his stomach. "I know the next traditional Japanese dinner... We won't forget the music."

Pat facepalmed. "Right. Christine was talking to her about the case, so I wanted to wait until she left to put it on, and still forgot. Sorry all, that one's on me, as Noel doesn't know where we keep those." She cleared her throat. "I know it's Friday, but if you have homework, you can do it now. Kara had a little. The physics and economics, which I distracted her with whilst the detective spoke with you." She said to Noel. "We'll handle clean-up."
"Okay, umm thanks, I am glad you enjoyed it." Noel smiled. "I think I know what I will make next time but will wait till we umm, like the sign that information in or whatever" Noel added before taking Kara's hand. "Let's go finish our homework" She insisted.
Kara noticed as she blushed, holding Noel's hand. "I don't have much. Just some economics left." She admitted as she followed Noel out. "What do you have to do?" She asked curiously.

After a pause and answer, Kara asked, "Oh! Did you ask about us going to the school play in the morning?"
"Oh poop I forgot, I was kinda distracted with everything, and umm, I actually only have to write like two more paragraphs of my essay then I am done as well" she smiled. "Oh!, I will text your mother" she stated getting her phone out. "But I was umm thinking, after we finished homework we can umm maybe like cuddle or do umm girlfriend stuff, after?" she asked seeming embarrassed just to say that.
Kara nodded. "And I'll change into my nightgown... Umm...? Which room will we be in?" It really didn't matter to Kara, but maybe Noel wanted to be particular.
“Oh umm, doesn’t matter to me, as long as we are together” She smiled. “Maybe whoever is done first just knock on the others door?” She suggested.
Kara gave a half hearted shrug with a crooked smile. "Then I'll see you at your place in about forty-five minutes. Give or take a sec or three." She gave an amused face before going into her bedroom to get in her nightgown and finish her economics homework.

Meanwhile, Christine had gotten Noel's message, forwarded by Pat. The detective sighed and read it over again. Finally she sent a message back.

No. Not alone. I'll pick you both up at 10:15. Sharp. Whoever ISN'T ready, isn't going. The perp is still at large. I'll honk once followed by a siren blare. Unmarked car. Sun gold. Four door. See you in the morning.
Noel went to her room, dressing quickly into her shorts and t-shirt to sleep in. She grabbed her books and not yet seeing Kara at her door, she gathered her things and made her way to Kara’s room, a smile on her face as she realized she kind of won their race.

Noel got to Kara’s door and hesitated for a moment before fixing up her hair and clothes a little bit before finally knocking, for some reason she was feeling really nervous, her heart was even pounding. What was she so worried about?
Kara let her in and went back to her few economics problems left, and finally closed her book. "Two paragraphs are so much quicker than ten economics problems." She said with a smirk. "So, cuddles?" She sat next to Noel and pulled her close, rubbing an arm as she held her. "What did Mom say about tomorrow?" She had no idea that it was the lady detective that had answered Noel.

Nobody, not even the detectives knew about the drama that was soon to unfold, because despite being her friend, Maria hardly ever texted Stephanie that much. Not getting a text from Maria would be normal.
Noel smiled, blushing as she entered and sat down, listening to Kara as she spoke, just watching as she walked about the room. Noel nodded at the offer of cuddles and gladly moved in close with her, wrapping her arms around her.

“Huh? Oh! I umm it was actually the detective, she was just she said she will pick us up tomarrow at 10:15 sharp, if we aren’t there we get left behind, listen for a honk and a siren, this guy is still at large and she doesn’t want to take any risks, so I think that vitos anything else.” She replied showing her the text. “See, she even told us what the car looks like” she smiled bright.
Kara nodded again, kissing Noel's cheek, and neck, gently, while continuing to only hold her and rubbing her arm. "Glad for the weekend? I mean, no getting up at six... I plan to sleep in until eight." Which seemed to be Kara's norm on the weekend, although she was moving around by seven thirty the previous Sunday, not getting her shower until quarter til eight.
Noel smiled and closed her eyes as she enjoyed Kara's kisses, wrapping her arms around her, holding her close. "Oh yeah, this will be our first weekend as a couple, I still have my morning routine as always, but I am excited to spend the day with you, I umm maybe we should make some plans?" she offered. "Umm, maybe I can wait a little longer to shower and try to have my schedule a little closer to yours" She offered. "Umm or maybe something else? any ideas?" she asked.
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