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My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

Jeff nodded at the plan, thinking it made sense.
"Though we do not know how paranoid or skittish for lack of a better term he is. He might see cable men and get scared off, but I guess we can't really do anything about that. The only alternative would really be doing nothing, which obviously is not an option." He added hoping that he was wrong and that they would finally catch him in the act or at least confirm who it was on camera.

Noel leaned up against them as she listened to Kara and Calla.
"I, I know that. Like I know logically there is nothing I can do or could have done with what I knew at the time to stop all this. But umm yeah. Let's go eat" She agreed to get up and go get some food.

Once they had gotten food and eaten Noel reminded them they all needed to clean their plates before cleaning her own. Though if asked she would clean the others as well.
(Bowl? Hot or cold cereal, or did Noel make herself scrambled eggs and toast, which Pat would have allowed)

Calla and Kara each had a bowl of Cheerios and some fruit, splitting an apple between them. Apparently, the blackberries were part of Candy's planned dinner as she actually swatted Calla's hand for grabbing the bowl with them in it.

Lenard left for work, so Pat told Jeff about the altercation over the blackberries, when Jeff got off the phone with the meeting with Quimby. Before hanging up, Quimby reminded Jeff to let Lenard know about the plan. Either Penny or the other tech (who you can name) would call Lenard directly to set up the time. Pat had only heard something about vegetables as part of the main course, not knowing stewed blackberries were called for for the drizzle near the end (although it was optional) according to Candy, who only told the guys... Meaning Jeff and Lenard only, knew about the blackberries in a bowl in the fridge.
Noel cooked herself some eggs and toast given Pats permission. Though the other two were grabbing fruits she was waiting for her eggs to cook.
"Hehe" Noel giggled.

Jeff made sure that everything was ready and prepped. Informing Lenard and Pat about all the new restrictions and plans. Though he had already eaten and was not paying attention to the blackberry situation going on in the kitchen.
"Wonder why the blackberries are going to be stewed as part of the dinner?"

Calla shook her head. "Spinach, snow peas, squash and potatoes as the side? Must be for that. But Candy must need it for the side. I can't see it going in the egg, Canadian bacon, seasonings thing. I mean syrup? Real maple syrup? Sure, why not? But not the berries. Not in that. So yeah. Has to be the side."

Both shook their heads at Noel. Pat said they did their own dishes, so the two were going to wash their bowls and spoons themselves.

With Pat the only parent of the household in, she ran interference as Candy wanted to see Jeff since he was the only one at the house who she had told about the berries needing to stay cool until time to start stewing. She was having difficulty finding a deep enough steamer for the vegetable side. Pat explained the size that was in the kitchen was the only size they had.

Candy frowned and put a hand to her head. "With your family having grown, Pat, no offense, but you need a big steamer now. That 20 gallon... You have to make like three trips." She walked to Jeff. "Jeff. Upstairs. Get in my purse and get that $200. Hopefully, it's enough. The rainy day has arrived, because to feed everyone enough steamed veggies, I'm probably going to need the 55 gallon steamer. Can you run to the store and get it, but on my money... Please? The Zorels will need the bigger steamer anyway, even after we go to our own place after this noise with the escapee."
Noel blushed and looked back down at what she was doing as she received the head shakes. Feeling embarrassed and ashamed at having laughed. Noel had to also wash her cooking utensils once she was finished so it would take her a little longer. Though she would stay till everything was finished and put away.

Jeff paused for a moment and pulled his phone out.
"Okay but this will mean a reduced budget for the next few months until the rainy day fund has been replenished, understand? No extra snacks and treats." He warned her before he would agree to go out for it.
Candy shrugged. "I need a bigger steamer, and so will the Zorels. The one they have is pretty small for the amount I need, and they'll need... So, fine. It's needed." She sighed. "I'll be surprised if you can find a good three-tier steamer for under $100. Here, I took a screenshot of the perfect one."

She sent the screenshot as Pat showed him a picture of the Zorels.

Jeff would learn that Candy would get exactly what she wanted for well under $100, as Jeff would find it at Lowe's for $50 plus tax. It wouldn't take as much of the rainy day fund as she thought!

Meanwhile, Calla and Stephanie would be talking as Kara looked to Noel. "So what are we going to do today? Or should that be what do you want to do that we can?"
Jeff would quickly buy the steamer after double-checking it was the right thing. Then head back once he was sure he had everything.

Noel shrugged when she was asked. "I don't know really, was there anything you had in mind?"
Kara shrugged. "Not really. We have plenty of games, even card games, puzzles, or we could watch videos. I mean, there's things to do, it's just what tickles your fancy?"

"Don't forget the home gym downstairs. Even if that itsy track, the mats, weights, the punching bags, and the sparring ring is all you have. Not like there's a lot of room down there for much more. Especially with half of it being used as a sleeping quarters."

Jeff would have the steamer home around nine to nine-thirty. It would be about three and a half hours before Candy would have to start dinner... Just after lunch.
Noel listened to the others and their suggestions thinking.
"Oh! we could spar, I can show Kara a few of the techniques that I told her that I would show her."
Kara liked that idea, but pestered her mom about an ice chest of waters for afterwards so they wouldn't bother Candy, as she (rightly) figured it would be after one before they were finished. Pat had a better idea as she wanted those cold coffees out of the refrigerator that had been there for about a month, making sure they hadn't expired (none had, but one would the next day) first. She informed all four, "There's two coffee and coke and two Starbucks. But they are for AFTER your workouts." She set the ice chest down near the steps, away from the boxing ring corner.
"Thank you Mrs. Zorel" Noel smiled as she gave them the drinks for after their workout.
"Okay so how do we want to pair off?" Noel asked the others.
"Though I do want to eventually teach Kara the moves she wanted to learn"
Calla shrugged. "Round robin is about as good as any other, I'd imagine. Maybe by first name. Wait. No. That won't do. I'd be paired with Kara. Unless we go by our last names."

Stephanie knew everyone's last name but Calla's. "Uh. I dunno." She mispronounced Noel's name, pointing to her first. "Serling," then to herself, "Wainwright," then to Kara... Again mispronouncing it. "Sorrel."

Calla grinned, "Wow! Your family have the old Twilight Zone host as a relative?" She asked Noel, excitedly.

"No. Calla. Like the expensive type of silver!" Stephanie groaned with a facepalm. She then mispronounced it again! "Serling!"
Noel bit her tongue thinking it would be rude to correct her. Though after she then got Kara's name wrong and hers again even after being corrected she decided to give her some help.
"No like with a tee, STerlling" She told her.
"And with a zed, Zorel" She added.
Calla was even more confused until Noel gave her the correct pronunciation. "So Stephanie is right with the definition of your last name. Sterling is a fine, expensive form of silver. She just kept pronouncing it wrong." Calla explained to Noel, then to Stephanie... "Spell Kara's last name for me."

Stephanie blinked. "Sure. C-O-Ahhh-E-L. Sorrel."

It should be clear now even to Noel that Stephanie has a hard time enunciating hard sounds, like Z, hard R, and St.

"Stephanie.... Why didn't you ever tell us, your friends, you struggle with hard sounds?" Kara gasped.

"It's just in enunciating and it's always figured out, it's no big deal, as long as I don't try out for like a spelling bee, or to being a grammar teacher and like that. That's why I gave Calla the definition of your last name, when I enunciate it. I know I lose the tee when I enunciate. I can't say yours right regardless, Kara. I have to say the Americanized version."

Calla asked her to just say Noel's without trying to enunciate it... And sure enough, Stephanie said "Sterling" clear as a bell, because she wasn't thinking about it!
Stephanie blinked. "Wait. For one name? I'm fine when I'm not trying to enunciate. How often is that gonna pop up if I don't get into teaching grammar or public speaking as a career?"

Kara decided to back off, and touched Noel's arm. "Ehh, yeah, she kinda has a point, there. I mean, she's 16, and has had that impediment at least since she started high school, and she's now in 12th, like you and me."

Calla put everyone back on the same page. "Aren't we going to spar? Maybe we should let Noel and Kara go first, then Steph and I, and the winner of ours faces Noel... Is that fair?"
Noel nodded along and saw that they wanted to move on but also wanted what she felt was best for her friend.
"Oh okay yeah let's do that. But also there is no shame in speech therapy, I mean, if it's only with those names then yeah I guess it's fine but if it's all zed and hard noises then there are a lot of other words that are like that. I mean I needed speech therapy for my Ls and my Rs. But that doesn't really matter that much." Noel got to her position in the sparring area.
"Ready love?"
Kara joined Noel in the ring. "Ready when you are. What should we do first?" She wasn't sure what she was to do, so took a ready wrestling stance.

Meanwhile, Calla asked Stephanie, "What do you do if you're asked where someone can go to see wild animals in town?"

"Most people I know, know about the problem, and usually can figure it out, again when I say 'the soo.' And before you go there, I don't believe in astrology so could care less about the sodiac. I usually even say, 'I'm not into that nor believe in it', if pushed, I say, 'My sign is no. I could care less about the horror-scope' purposely mispronouncing horoscope to farther make my point. I usually just give, if referring the Chinese, 'oh, it's the year of the...' and I fill in the blank with whatever animal it is."

Calla was impressed with how Stephanie coped and had to applaud her ingenuity, before both turned to watch Noel and Kara.
Kara nodded and grabbed under her arm with one in an almost hug while gripping her other shoulder with her other hand. "You didn't say I couldn't use both hands..."
Noel giggled and for a moment hugged her back.
"Hehe true" She then moved her knee up and used it to push Kara back while using her arms to break her hold with each hand.
Kara sighed, "Thought I'd have you with that one, so... What about someone behind you, locked arms under your underarms?" She wasn't in a position to grab Noel like that, and didn't know if she should dare... But would if asked.
"Yeah that is a really heard scenario, and usually you don't want to turn your back to someone who might grab you but we can try." She nodded and turned around.
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