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My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

Kara whispered over, "She's also curious to which sauce is the base. Which will be using the most so the meat can be covered to soak." She did give Calla a sidelong look that once that was answered, they really needed to move on. She gave her idea to Noel in a whisper. "Once you answer, turn it on her and put her on the hot seat, with how she felt not having a place of her own for the last week. You know. Between having to be here and back home, instead of on her own. What's good for the goose, as they say."
"Oh, umm, well I mix all those things together, then use that to soak the salmon, but I guess, the syrup is the most significant one or the one with the most quantity I suppose" She replied placing a finger to her lips.
"I was also thinking about wasabi being added for a little extra kick."
Kara, remembering the last time she had wasabi whimpered and choked.

Both Stephanie and Calla turned to Noel and asked together, "Okay. What'd Kara do this time? Apparently with wasabi?" Both of them knew what to do with wasabi at sushi dishes and didn't think KARA would've been dumb enough to eat it straight (which she did, if you recall).
Calla looked at Noel, and then Kara and back to Noel, the beginning of a smirk forming at one corner of her mouth. Stephanie was already giggling as well, now. Calla added fuel to the flames as she said, "No! Really? Just straight up, like that, no bread either?" That sent Stephanie on her back in hysterics, covering her mouth with one hand and holding her side with the other, tears starting to form from laughing so hard.

Kara shrugged. "What? First time I saw the stuff. I didn't know what it was for. I had it ate before Noel told us, and I was already sorry. Never doing THAT fool stunt, again."

Calla shook her head. "I should hope not! Home girl pretending to be Supergirl, with wasabi yet! I knew we were making a mistake, never taking you to an actual sushi bar..."

By this point, Stephanie was holding both sides, huge grin, tears streaming and in a fetal position, begging, "Stah-ha-ha-ha-hahp! I can't take it!"
Kara gave a soft smile. "Noel, I've had far worse than this. You know, being a nerdy cheerleader... That's not an instant in." She gave a yawn. "Maybe we should call it, so everyone can get some sleep. Steph and Calla have to be out of the home gym when you and Jeff get up in the morning."

(And I'm out of ideas for the night)
Calla nodded. "We really need to play 21 questions again. I like your idea of adding an extra category, forcing a possible extra question to be added to make it fair. 21 is a card game... Why can't it also be in the question game?"

Tuesday morning would bring Penny to check on Stephanie and Noel, but would she see a surprise when she comes just before seven a.m., and who would be the one to ask who she was before opening the door for her?
Noel smiled glad that her idea was liked. "Thanks Calla, to me it just makes more sense."
"But yeah we should all get some rest, tomarrow could be a busy day"

Noel would go to bed with Kara wanting to cuddle and kiss a little but if she just wanted to rest Noel would agree and just sleep.

The next morning though Noel would wake up her regular time she would decied to stay in bed with Kara quietly. While Jeff would call out and answer the door.
Calla and Stephanie were both yawning at the breakfast table, having been chased out at five, just in case for Jeff, by Pat and Lenard.

Kara was only wanting closeness the night before and seemed to snuggle whilst half asleep during the morning. At the sound of Detective Brown, however, she groaned and pulled back a little, so that Noel could check in with the detective of the day, and ask any questions she may need, even if it's a request.
Noel didn't want to let go of Kara but nodded and gave her a gentle kiss before heading down to talk to the detective, which would be her first time seeing Noel without a shower or changing yet.

"Hey" She was not sure what to say.
Penny apparently had a different do, as her trademark twin ponytails weren't propping her hat up as usual. "Good morning, Noel. Stephanie, I'd like to see you for a moment as well. Please."

As Stephanie came over, Penny got right to business. "Christine informed me about last night. How are you two holding out? No, Nancy Drew, a shrug isn't an answer. I want words to take back to your dad. Depending on what you two tell me, I may have to talk to Jeff. I really don't want to talk to Jeff. At least all business cop like. However, I still would like the truth."

Stephanie looked at Noel silently begging her to go first. And she was slumping again, with her head down, making herself look as small as Noel.
Noel waved to Penny, looking back at Stephanie after she was asked the question. She took a deep breath and decided to go first.
"Well no nightmares or anything last night, but obviously still freaking out, I mean he is out there and he knows I live here, right now it's a bear trap, but what next? Plus I feel like he is somehow watching us, I know it's impossible but can't really convince my brain of that."
Stephanie gulped. "Make that two of us, Detective Brown. I have the same eerie feeling. Almost like he knows."

"I'm telling your father your slouching again Stephanie." Penny scolded Steph before turning to Noel. "For once, your fears are not unfounded. Apparently, Robert found something on the bear trap and Christine found something on the grounds, because they both have been extremely quiet. There had to have been something found in the bushes by the forensics team, because ALL of them, the two lead detectives and the forensics team were in QUIMBY'S office first thing this morning when I came out here to see you two." She looked at both. "Anything else you would like to add?" She shook her head at Stephanie. "Verbally, Stephanie."

"I guess I agree with Noel, only cuz that bear trap wasn't set until Calla came in."

Penny made a face and looked over to the kitchen and the other redhead. "Hmm. So that answers part of the question of why the lead detectives were called into Quimby's office. Looks like I have to talk to Jeff and Mr. Mondale both." She then looked to Noel.
Noel also shook her head.
"That is all I can think of to say for now. I think I am really still processing everything. I have been thinking a lot about before moving here and stuff." She admitted starting to ramble slightly as she twiddled her thumbs.
Penny pointed her pen at her, "Maybe instead of your usual, you bring that up to Dr. Brinker Friday, hmm? With this latest development, I don't know if Robert will be able to take the girls out for breakfast. We'll play that by ear." She wasn't thinking of if Jeff would go out to eat breakfast on the detectives' personal dime as a favor to Brinker and Noel, so they can have their privacy. Jeff might be big enough to keep Steve at bay from Kara and now Stephanie and possibly Calla. "Now excuse me while I talk to Jeff." She looked for him, even called for him.
Noel nodded then sat to think to herself over what she could say and how she could say it to best articulate how she was feeling.

Jeff meanwhile would be found easily, as he was mingling in the kitchen.
Penny came in the kitchen and the same small table, shooing Calla in the process, pulling a chair so he can sit. "Heard there was some excitement here." She began, taking a chair and pointed with her pad to the other. "This time involving Calla, although I can see why. She, Noel and I are all about the same height. Looks like my blonde locks are my saving grace, this time."

Calla meandered in to the living room and Noel just as Kara came down the stairs. "Seven ten. Hey Noel. What's up?"
Jeff nodded and gave her the full explanation of everything he knew, as well as some points on what he thinks might be helpful.

Noel seemed to snap out of her daze as Kara spoke.
"oh, umm yeah, sorry I was just thinking. What about you?" She asked.
Penny frowned a couple of times as she wrote in her notepad. First, as the night was described to her, including what might have been waiting for Calla had Jeff not looked down. The second frown came in the suggestions (but what are some? So I can move the police accordingly) that frown was more in thought. "I'll definitely let Christine and Robert know about these. Robert is only wanting to come Friday for those who want to have breakfast out while Noel is in session, so more than likely, you'll see me again either tomorrow or Thursday. And Robert taking those out to breakfast actually depends on Captain Wainwright and/or Chief Quimby. My suggestion is, count on everyone staying home, and be surprised if breakfast is going to happen. I'll have to talk to Lenard now, about a possibility of his home office being Brinker's on Friday morning. I think, if he hasn't hit the ceiling already, Quimby will with this info. Candy, with her cotton candy colored hair could become a target just by being a budding pop icon, with our plans of denying Steve of his intended target. Let Mondale know that we can't promise Calla's safety... Or his if he comes by. Arrange with him a few hours a day for father and daughter to talk on the phone. Find out when that time is."

With the Zorels usually eating dinner between five and six, the soonest they could have the few hours would be six-thirty the earliest.That time would work for Mondale.

Kara yawned and shrugged. "Gimme some wake up time."

Calla on the other hand was curious. "Thinking? About what?"
(He suggested either a camera be put up, or a car to watch the front. Given how these would likely be noticed and not catch the person it could discourage future attacks at the house.)

Jeff nodded and suggested that he or Lenard do any heading out, as at the very least only women have been targeted.

Noel nodded to Kara and pulled her in to rest on her. She then looked to Calla.
"Just like, everything happening, still processing I think." She admitted.
Penny nodded. "That's a good idea, too. But don't have Candy cancel her CD signing on Wednesday when her album debuts, and don't have Pat cancel her hair. We need to play this smart and try to let those not of the specific color TRY to have a somewhat normal routine. You guard Candy Wednesday at the CD signing," she had no idea that was the plan anyway, "And I'll have Lenard guard his wife on her errands Wednesday afternoon."

Penny would find Lenard getting ready to head to the weather bureau, finishing up in the home office. He sighed and nodded. His boss was aware of the current situation, but didn't want it interfering with Lenard's job. There was a lot of paperwork due to the weather last week early, and he wanted all hands on deck, currently.

A safety measure about to be put in place by Quimby, who would jump all over the camera angle as well, would put a kibosh on Lenard's boss's plans... More on that later.

Kara yawned again, and took one side of Noel, while Calla took the other. Kara would speak first. "You have a chance to eat yet, and know what it is?"

Calla shrugged Kara's way and then looked at Noel. "Don't puzzle until your puzzler is sore, you can't change anything. Besides, the target is redheads and as long as you don't return to one, which is what Detective Andersen said last night, at least that's what it sounded like she said, you're home free. You aren't responsible for what's going on. If he can't move on and is that obsessed? That's on him. You're innocent." This was coming from the female with the biggest target on her back.
Jeff nodded.
"Should not be an issue, as that was the plan anyway I believe. Though Luckily those two are not redheads, assuming that is part of the targeting process."

Noel looked down, enjoying their embraces, not having eaten yet.
"I know, but, I made so many mistakes that lead to this. I know I could have not known, but it doesn't change that fact" She admitted.
Penny came back after talking to Lenard, and frowned. "Heard your comment. Jeff. The problem is... Calla? Stephanie? The ones he's targeting because of their hair color? They will not be accessible, and if we can help it, seen. That could make him change his target. Candy is the most likely of the two due to her celebrity status. Stay vigilant and keep us updated. Especially if you see a suspicious character lurking about."

With that, she left and informed Quimby of the situation while in a meeting with Stephen Wainwright, her captain. "That means Stephanie's off the hook?"

"Hardly. This is affecting her, because she is still slouching. Easily making her a target, since she won't sit up, stand, or walk upright. I have a feeling, as long as Steve's free, Stephanie will be afraid and cower, making her a target. Calla is the same size as both Noel and myself, making her the biggest, no pun intended."

"Initiate the cameras." Quimby barked at an officer taking notes. "Immediately after this meeting." He looked at Penny. "As far as a patrol car nearby, that's a negative. That will definitely scare him away. We'll have an undercover surveillance officer acting as a cable employee to set up the cameras, pretending to check wires because the Zorels are having problems with their internet connection. That way, it won't arouse his suspicions just in case he is casing the house."

Penny rolled her eyes. "That would be me and one other tech. Problem is, he's probably seen me, and knows what I look like. We don't have a Mainframe (GI Joe reference, though COPS had a female Mainframe) calibre IT, besides me."

Quimby smirked. "Don't we? You better look through our personnel files again, Detective. And get yourself a stellar disguise as you'll be the assistant. Assistant. Understood? Dismissed."

Penny gave a meek "yes sir" and headed to the file room to search again.

Meanwhile, back at the Zorels, Kara was quick to point out, "But you have paid for your part. In full. And you're even off on a road to recovery. It's not your fault he can't let go. It's his."

"Right," Calla nodded. "Also... You were discharged, he escaped. Huge difference." She took Noel's hand as Kara took the other. She giggled as Kara gave Noel a double take. "Let's go have breakfast before your stomach tells both you and us what exit to use, and how to use it!"
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