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My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

"Oh, umm okay, Disney forgot about you, and you likely came from a movie? umm. Pocahontas?" She asked not sure what of the characters they may have forgotten about.
Stephanie shook her head. "No. Not real. Princess. Pocahontas was a real person. They messed with history on that one. Good movie otherwise. And good guess."

Calla was counting off things using her fingers as Kara took a guess. "Umm... Calla?"

"What? I'm trying to think."

"Oh. Sorry. No. That's my guess."

The redhead glared at her. "Smack her, Noel! Stephanie said it wasn't a series! Weren't you listening when Noel asked that? Geez! Wasted one of our questions!"

Stephanie nodded. "Right. And no, I'm not THAT forgotten princess... Though, yeah... She's forgotten, too."

Calla shook her head. "Is your movie before Ariel's?"

"Yes. I'm before the Little Mermaid."
Stephanie shook her head with a chuckle. "No."

Kara scratched her head. "If you hadn't been forgotten, would you be the youngest Disney princess?"

"No question. I definitely would."

Calla whimpered and hit the floor with her fist. "I know who it is but can't think of her name! Argh! I can see her face!" Gathering herself she stated, "You're the princess of the Black Cauldron movie!"

Stephanie nodded. "Yes, but you know the rules, Calla, you have to say my name to win. Or at least attempt to."

Calla shook her head and shrugged, "I can't guess if I don't remember the name..."
Noel looked at calla then Kara.
"I don't know that movie, never even heard of it, so I have no idea" she shrugged as well leaving it up to Kara.
Kara made a face. "Um. Ellen wee?"

Stephanie rolled her eyes. "Close enough. It's ay-LON-wee."

Calla facepalmed as soon as she heard the correct pronunciation. "THAT'S it! I knew it was freaking Welsh!"
Calla shrugged. "It's an okay movie by itself. A bit scary. Very unlike Disney although it is Disney... Though you wouldn't believe it if you saw it." A sigh and deep breath. "So, Noel, how things going, living here full time?' She obviously wanted to quickly change the subject.
"Oh!, it's very nice, Kara's family is so nice. And for the first time, I feel like I am not like umm, walking on eggshells is the expression I think." Noel replied not sure what kind of information she was asking for.
"was that what you wanted to know?"
The redhead nodded with a smile and looked to the other two.

Stephanie stayed quiet, but Kara seemed to realize what Calla was doing... Girl talk. "And we finally have someone besides Mom, who doesn't burn Mexican food... And someone who does Japanese food without it costing us a tip. But seriously, I'm curious about your planned dinner on Wednesday. Is that Salmon meal also Asian, I mean Candy is doing something Canadian tomorrow."

Calla sighed wistfully. "Boss lady is cooking Canadian tomorrow for dinner? I wish I could join you guys!"

Stephanie shook a finger at her. "Be careful what you wish for. I asked to be able to be closer to my friend. I'm a permanent member for the foreseeable future!" She said teasingly, although it was the truth, too.
"Hehe, Yeah maybe you will get stuck here as well. and no the salmon I am making I think is a Canadian style as well. I mean it uses maple syrup in it." She shrugged.
Kara blinked. "With soy sauce and mustard? I can almost see with the barbecue sauce, but it calls for garlic, too, you said."

"Depending on what Candy is making, she might be using garlic, too. Has she said or hinted at what she is planning?"
Kara blinked. "Cedar?" She shook her head. "But you got hickory. You even told me it would be hickory. Isn't that what you got for Wednesday with dad? Hickory, I mean?"

"Hickory would be more Canadian. Cedar would be like Mediterranean or Near East." Stephanie said, trying to help. "Just saying." She shrugged.
"Oh! right I meant hickory!" She shook her head.
"Sorry brain fart, that is why I usually check my phone for that stuff" She admitted with an embarrassed blush.
Calla made a face and folded her arms. "Gee, I coulda just asked her myself..."

Stephanie looked over to Calla. "I didn't hear her say specifics."

Kara thought for a minute. "Brunch? I think with potatoes and vegetables. Um. Sounded like the syrup was to sweeten the veggies, I know it's to go in with the eggy entreé... I think. I was sure she said why at the store and that it had to be REAL maple syrup. She was VERY specific, there."

Calla unfolded her arms. "Sounds like her. Specifics on her ingredients, but not what she's making. I swear most of her meals are made up on the fly, but wow are they good."
"Well I certainly hope that my meal can be half as good," Noel smiled excitedly for the on-the-fly meal.

"So, what should we play now?" Noel asked.
Calla thought about it. "What's all in it again?"

Kara explained what the marinade consisted of and Stephanie gave Noel a strange look, before saying, "I think I've heard of that... But without the mustard. It's mixed American and British. Worcester sauce is key in it. Equal parts it and the maple syrup. Two tablespoons each, if I remember correctly. Provided you're using 16 ounce hickory barbecue sauce at least, so that and the wood don't contradict flavors. Soy sauce brings the zing and not the mustard. If that's a real recipe with mustard, too, I want to read it."

Calla nodded. "The garlic would enhance the hickory; to me, by sound, the mustard could be overkill. I think I want to see the recipe, too."
"Oh umm, well it's really just a list on my phone like it was taught to me by my mother," Noel explained.
"I don't know where she got it, to be honest, maybe online, maybe from her mother, maybe she made it up."
Calla's curiosity became too great and she asked to see the list. "Some old family recipes are trial and error. Any chef with her seasoning would tell you that." She explained. "Maybe by sight I could tell you that."

"The fact you have British heritage makes me think mustard is a new addition to a more traditional recipe. I have an idea that you test us out on the more traditional recipe. I mean it is fish. If you were marinating beef, I'd be all about the mustard in it." Stephanie explained.
"Oh I wrote it, but here it is" She showed her the phone, where she had seemed to email herself the recipe some years ago.
"But if you all really don't want mustard I can just not include it" She offered.
Calla scrolled up and down the list as Kara and Stephanie watched with bated breath. She grimaced at one point, and handed it back with a puzzled expression. "I'd bet my right eyetooth your mom tried some experimenting. What fish will you be using?"

"Salmon, isn't it, Noel?" Kara asked.

"Mustard is iffy with that one. I mean, it's one that mustard can work with, along with smelt, and sardines... But you might not want barbecue sauce. Not on fish." Calla said calmly. "Or if you do the barbecue, yeah, you don't want the mustard. Not with fish." She then mentioned something else. "Another you wouldn't want to combine both on is chicken. Not as a marinade, anyhoo. Stephanie is right. The only one of the meats you'd want all those ingredients with is probably hamburger or beef. Possibly pork. Fish either mustard or barbecue... Not both. Same with chicken as I mentioned. Lamb, leave out the mustard definitely, soy sauce is questionable as is Worcestershire and possibly the syrup. It's usually not marinaded at any rate." She took a breath. "Having said all that, I wouldn't mind trying that marinade on like brats, metts, or other sausage links, or a hamburger. It'd probably be best on either ribs: beef or pork."

Kara shrugged, but looked to agree with the assessment as a whole. "Yeah, with the other flavors, leave the mustard out with the fish, but do the rest of the marinade."

Stephanie just silently agreed with a nod.
Noel listened and let them finish before she replied.
"Well, I'll have you know that I have had this before, and I quite enjoyed it." She crossed her arms and furrowed her brow.
"You don't taste much of the mustard or the barbeque sauce, even the syrup is subtle. Plus I already have all the things here to make it." She stated seeming a little annoyed.
Calla didn't look surprised as Noel not only defended the marinade, but said she had had it. She only questioned whether it was the fish, and not one of the two that it would work with. "If it's a marinade, which of these is the base? You have to have enough for the meat to be down in."

Kara gave Calla a look that said that although she didn't have a problem with the questions, especially since it was about food and what went together and what didn't, at least for most people's tastes, she didn't like that Calla was starting to upset Noel.

Stephanie was as subtle as a dumptruck at four in the morning on trash day. "Calla. If you're so worried about it, why don't you stay and be her helper on Wednesday, and let her boss YOU around handing her the different sauces!"

"Hey! Thursday is Mexican night! I'm not even going to be allowed in the kitchen! I want to help Noel! Besides... Friday is my night to cook! It'll be the only time I won't be in charge of cooking! I'll only be the assistant! And don't say Saturday, you can't trade out of helping Dad on the family traditional dinner!" Kara all but whined.
Noel shook her head at the meat question.
"I have only had it with salmon, this exact recipe is what I had before, I am not so dumb to use a steak or whatever marinade on a salmon" Noel retorted arms still crossed, though seemed to relax a little as Stephanie spoke back and the others discussed times in the kitchen.
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