My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

Noel paused for a moment.
"hmm, that is a good question, but I think I'll have to answer, sometimes?" She shrugged.
"But I would say the safer answer is No, I am just not fully aware of the situation."
Steph and Calla continued to be befuddled.

Calla scratched her head, "So you are from the DC universe?" She asked trying to keep things narrowed down to one universe, as her question made number 6

Person/people yes
Real no
Single person technically one
Anime no but possibly
DC superhero sometimes? Safe answer no
DC universe
Noel nodded her head with a smile, surprised but happy she seemed to be presenting a challenge.

Person/people yes
Real no
Single person technically one
Anime no but possibly
DC superhero sometimes? Safe answer no
DC universe Yes
The other three talked among themselves for a few minutes.
Calla: What do you think? Split personality?
Stephanie: Still leaves too many on the table. Do you have any idea how many anti-heroes there are, Kara don't you dare. I know YOU do.
Kara: Wasn't going to say a word, how many though are technically one person, but have two separate people that make them up?
Calla: You two are the comic book nerds. You tell me. *Stephanie gives Calla a glare* Hey, just saying you two will know more than I would on this. Entrigan and Firestorm are the only two I know. Both fit the technically one person antihero.
Kara: Okay we have to narrow it down more, but what do we ask?
Stephanie: Mystical? It would at least put Firestorm out. He's physics. Science.
Kara: Good point.

Clearing her throat, Kara asked their seventh question. "Are you mystical?"
"No I am not firestorm, I am not even sure if I know who that is, I assume they have fire powers" she placed a hand to her chin and said to herself.

Person/people yes
Real no
Single person technically one
Anime no but possibly
DC superhero sometimes? Safe answer no
DC universe Yes
Mystical Probably not
Firestorm No
Another huddle.

Calla: That leaves me out
Stephanie: I'm befuddled and bewitched. Now what?
Kara: Well, what are we certain of?
*Calla and Stephanie exchange looks*
Calla: DC universe antihero that's most likely a two in one.
Kara: Right. An antihero. We're not sure on the gender. Stephanie, you're up. Question nine.

Stephanie posed the question, "Are you female?"
Noel nodded with a smirk on her face.
"yes I am"

Person/people yes
Real no
Single person technically one
Anime no but possibly
DC superhero sometimes? Safe answer no
DC universe Yes
Mystical Probably not
Firestorm No
Female Yes
Kara: Okay. We have this in the bag. There's like maybe, MAYBE twelve Female DC antiheroes. Calla. Think hard. You know three. All are at least B class, one questionably A with her flora abilities. All are dangerous when they fall or get angry. Your turn.
Calla: I forgot Poison Ivy has dual personalities until you just hinted at her. Two are incredibly cracked nuts. You don't think it's one of them?
Stephanie: Depends how much DC Noel knows. She strikes me as fairly intelligent, just not sure of herself. One is a very famous Batman baddie with good tendencies. The other was part of the Doom Patrol, so odds are, that's not her. Who are the three you knew before Ivy?
Calla: Crazy Jane, the one the character would be best known as. Duela Dent, Harvey's cracked offspring. Harley. And now Ivy.
Kara *shakes head* Duela isn't reformed. Not that I know of. Anti-heroine only, Calla. Has some redeeming qualities. Spurts of heroism. Besides. Remember the possibility of anime? Can you really see Duela in an anime?
Stephanie: I can. Goth horror. I just wouldn't watch it. *Kara grimaces and rolls her eyes* Well, you asked.

Calla was chuckling as they separated. "Poor Kara..." She said loud enough for Noel to hear, before actually asking her question. "Are you Harley Quinn?"
Noel was a little confused at the comment but thought it might have to do with the huddle.
"Nope not Harley quinn either"

Person/people: yes
Real: no
Single person: technically one
Anime: no but possibly
DC superhero sometimes? Safe answer no
DC universe: Yes
Mystical: Probably not
Firestorm: No
Female: Yes
Harley: Quinn: No
"Ouch." All three girls said.

Stephanie took a deep breath. "That's okay. Eleven to go, but we lost our biggest hitter."

"In more ways than one!" Kara apparently couldn't help herself, and neither Stephanie nor Calla could hold back their elbows into her. "Ouch..." She whimpered

Stephanie was next. "Are you Cheetah?"

Calla slapped her forehead. "Oh so duh! Yes she's a cracker antihero. Hates Wonder Woman but would still help her out! Especially against a common enemy! Like Ares!"
"Nope not a cheetah, Okay so, remember like I was not super certain about the not a hero part, been thinking more, and think I'll say a solid sometimes, maybe even most of the time, I don't know for sure so I'll just say she has likely been on both sides." She stated not wanting to mislead them with that answer.

Person/people: yes
Real: no
Single person: technically one
Anime: no but possibly
DC superhero sometimes? Safe answer no
DC Universe: Yes
Mystical: Probably not
Firestorm: No
Female: Yes
Harley: Quinn: No
Cheetah: No
"That's why we're focussing on the anti-heroine characters. All the ones we've actually named both have a screw loose, as per your statement of it technically being one person. To us, that means we focus on only the ones who have a mental issue, and work both sides of the field. Good and bad. Which brings me to my guess... Are you Ravager?"
Noel shook her head again.
"Nope not her either" She smiled.

1. Person/people: yes
2. Real: no
3. Single person: technically one
4. Anime: no but possibly
5. DC superhero sometimes? Safe answer no
6. DC Universe: Yes
7. Mystical: Probably not
8. Firestorm: No
9. Female: Yes
10. Harley: Quinn: No
11. Cheetah: No
12. Ravager: No
Calla frowned. "These are some pretty heavy hitters going down." Her eyes lit up. "Even without Duela I still had four! Probably the heaviest hitter ever, and a Teen Titan! Why didn't we think of her before... And yes she's played both sides! Shame on you two comic book nerds! Are you Raven?"

Stephanie and Kara both facepalmed with looks of, "Oh double crap! Calla's right!"
"Oh, Raven! no not her but she is my favorite hero, and now I wish I had picked her" She answered.

1. Person/people: yes
2. Real: no
3. Single person: technically one
4. Anime: no but possibly
5. DC superhero sometimes? Safe answer no
6. DC Universe: Yes
7. Mystical: Probably not
8. Firestorm: No
9. Female: Yes
10. Harley: Quinn: No
11. Cheetah: No
12. Ravager: No
12: Raven: No
"We're definitely out of A list heavy hitters now... Except for the one we need to let Calla have. I thought for sure it'd be Raven when Calla reminded us she was a baddie for a while." Stephanie bemoaned.

"And despite her powers, technically isn't a mystic superheroine. Fully. So fit in with that answer, too. We're not licked, though. Four out, nine to go and eight questions to get it. You're turn Steph. Question 14."

Stephanie nodded and took a deep breath. "Are you Roxy Rocket?"

"Oh yeah! A Batman baddie who turned over a new leaf, but still zoomed around on that flying jetski thing! Definitely crackers. Definitely anime possibilities. Both sides. Female. Nice one Steph!"
"Oh that makes a lot of sense, but no I am sorry not her, and now I am worried I gave misinformation, but I don't think I did" She shook her head, a little nervous she may have messed up since they have not guessed yet.

1. Person/people: yes
2. Real: no
3. Single person: technically one
4. Anime: no but possibly
5. DC superhero sometimes? Safe answer no
6. DC Universe: Yes
7. Mystical: Probably not
8. Firestorm: No
9. Female: Yes
10. Harley: Quinn: No
11. Cheetah: No
12. Ravager: No
13. Raven No
14. Roxy: No
Kara grimaced. "This is a stretch, because technically this B class villainess has all the pretending of being an A. Doesn't have a split personality per se, but does have kleptomania. Always saw her as a high B pretending to be an A. Catwoman. Are you Catwoman?"
"Oh no, sorry, not catwoman." Noel shook her head.

1. Person/people: yes
2. Real: no
3. Single person: technically one
4. Anime: no but possibly
5. DC superhero sometimes? Safe answer no
6. DC Universe: Yes
7. Mystical: Probably not
8. Firestorm: No
9. Female: Yes
10. Harley: Quinn: No
11. Cheetah: No
12. Ravager: No
13. Raven No
14. Roxy: No
15. Catwomen: No
Calla thumped Kara on the head with her second finger and thumb in a flicking motion. "Thanks dork! Unless she was one of the original 12 you were thinking of, we have two legitimates on the outside looking in, now! Bad enough I thought of Raven after the fact! To quote Princess Leia, You half-witted scruffy-looking nerfherder!"

Stephanie's eyes widened. "Ouch!"

Calla turned her attention to Noel. "Are you Kay Challis AKA Crazy Jane from Doom Patrol?"
Noel's eyes narrowed and as Calla turned and asked her the question she was dealt a swift thwap on the back of her head, similar to the one delivered to Kara, though possibly with a little more force.
"First, Apologize to Kara. Then don't hit her again" Noel demanded seeming to put up a defensive posture. Kara would recognize it as being similar to how she stood just before she fought the men at the theater.

1. Person/people: yes
2. Real: no
3. Single person: technically one
4. Anime: no but possibly
5. DC superhero sometimes? Safe answer no
6. DC Universe: Yes
7. Mystical: Probably not
8. Firestorm: No
9. Female: Yes
10. Harley: Quinn: No
11. Cheetah: No
12. Ravager: No
13. Raven No
14. Roxy: No
15. Catwomen: No
16. Kay Challis: (Noel will answer No if Calla apologizes, or Kara defends her actions.)
Kara said calmly, "This is different than what I think you're upset about Noel. I mean come on... If Calla was really going to call me out on that, do you really think a real estate agent would use a Princess Leia insult for retaliation? Besides, she basically thumped me on the head. Universal for 'use your brains instead of sitting on them'."

Stephanie scooted closer to Noel, and then said, "Ohhh-kaaay... Which of you three is the real Princess Leia? I mean only Leia woulda put it like that Kara, and not just simply, 'Use your head!' Which is how I took it, and Noel's retaliation would have been exactly what you'd expect from Leia to get her rebels in line. A 'no fighting amongst yourselves' or 'save it for the Empire!' thwack."

Kara shrugged. "Be that as it may, Steph, that thump was justified, and actually in a sense... So was the insult. I have put another deserving anti-heroine on the outside looking in. She's right. The chance of it being Raven was way higher than Catwoman."

As soon as they learned it wasn't Crazy Jane, the look of them being in trouble started to dawn on their faces. "I know there's others. You said 12, Kara, which was really 13... But I'm about to name the last one I know of anti-heroes." Turning to Noel, "Are you Madam Rogue?"
Noel relaxed as the others most importantly Kara seemed okay with what happened. Though she was embarrassed for reacting that way.
"Sorry, and umm No sorry not Madam Rouge" she shook her head.

1. Person/people: yes
2. Real: no
3. Single person: technically one
4. Anime: no but possibly
5. DC superhero sometimes? Safe answer no
6. DC Universe: Yes
7. Mystical: Probably not
8. Firestorm: No
9. Female: Yes
10. Harley: Quinn: No
11. Cheetah: No
12. Ravager: No
13. Raven No
14. Roxy: No
15. Catwomen: No
16. Kay Challis: No
17. Madam Rouge: No
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