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My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

Calla who must have been to a lot of sleepovers, and played many of the games, was quick to answer. "We're given two challenging or offbeat choices and say why we chose the scenario we'd rather do." A shrug. "Why I said this could get interesting real quick."
"Okay, you start" Noel smiled wanting to hear an example so she could better get an idea of what kind of things they could suggest. She had not played before and was finding it hard to imagine what kind of things to say.
Stephanie smirked. "Oh, I got a good one to start with. Would you rather eat room temperature generic canned spaghetti and meatballs, or canned dog food with spaghetti?"

"You mean there's a difference?!" Kara asked surprised.

Calla fell backwards from her sitting position, laughing her head off. "Kara's kinda got a point Stephanie!"

"The canned generic spaghetti and meatballs is supposed to be for human consumption." Stephanie was going to try to stand by her question.

"Key word is SUPPOSED!" Kara snarked, wide eyed expression still on her face. "You could probably feed me both and I wouldn't even know the difference!"

Calla turned red from laughing as Stephanie continued stoking the fire. "Damn, girl! What have you got against canned spaghetti and meatballs?"

"Have you ever actually EATEN the generic?! Not that Chef Boy-ar-dees is that much better!" Kara snarked. "Trust me, Steph, there's no difference! Canned spaghetti and meatballs IS dog food!"

Calla was laughing so hard she was starting to gasp for breath. "Change the question! I'm dying here!" She laughed.

Stephanie gave in. "Okay, okay. Retracted. Would you rather get blown down the street from the draft from a jet engine at take off speed or a race car?"

Calla tried to catch her breath. "How fast is the car going? Take off speed?"

Stephanie nodded. "Yes.. 184 miles per hour."

Calla nodded. "The car, then. If I survive the tumble, at least I won't be deaf."

Kara nodded. "Good point. Me too. The car. You might tumble a block down the road, but the whine of the engine won't still be ringing in your ears. The jet you'd probably still hear a mile away."
Noel simply listened for the spaghetti conversation as she had never eaten the food before. Though she smiled and giggled at the others comparing the human food for dog food.

After the others answered the would you rather question, Noel nodded.
"That is a good point I pick the car as well, though as long as it does not hit me." She replied.
"How do we decide who goes when?"
Calla thought for a minute. "Probably how we did the first one. You, Steph, me, Kara. Oh. Guess that makes it my turn. Would you rather spend the night in a haunted bandb in New Orleans or take your chances stuck in a locked hardware store with no snacks overnight."

"You're mean." Stephanie griped.

"Says the one who wanted to feed us canned spaghetti."

"Touché, Calla. Hmm. No ghosts in the hardware store... I'll choose that option." Stephanie said. "And I said why."

Kara shrugged. "Some Nancy Drew you are. I'd probably do the same, really, I'm not partial to crossing no ghosts by being in their haunt."
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Noel nodded again at the others "That makes sense, if there really are ghosts I don't think I want any part of that, so same."

"Guess that makes it my turn," Noel thought for a moment.
"Okay would you rather, be able to eat as much as you wanted without ever gaining any weight, feeling full, and not getting fat. Or never need to eat again without feeling hungry or starving."
Kara's eyes went wide. "Wait. Are you saying you'll never feel full? No matter how much you eat? I mean I love the idea of not gaining weight..."

"What girl doesn't?" Stephanie interjected. "I mean who really likes to watch what she has to eat?"

""Exactly. You just redeemed yourself after that spaghetti fiasco." Kara said. "I'd personally want to eat because I want to, not have to. So the last one. I don't have to eat, I won't."

"Yeah. The Supergirl diet." Stephanie nodded. "That's for me, too."

Calla raised her hand like she was in school. "I third that!" She quipped. "Wait. We skipped Kara."

Kara shook her head. "That's okay. I'm still reeling from spaghetti-gate."

Even Stephanie laughed at that barb. "Fair enough. My turn. Would you rather not be able to make a mistake, but can't sing a note, or can't do anything right but sing?"

"Ouch. That one gets me where I live considering my occupation besides helping my dad. I guess I could still play my bass guitar, so, yeah. Never be able to sing again. I'd go apeshit bonkers not being able to play my guitar or help Candy with lyrics and timing."

Kara winced. "Sing like a bird but not ever be able to walk a straight line again? I hate to say it, Steph... But yeah... I'd even give up my singing ability to be able to function."
Noel looked at them, happy that they all seemed to like her question. Then when it came for her to answer the next question she thought for a moment.
"Umm yeah, I definitely would not want to lose everything, especially since I don't even really sing all too much."
Calla found it was her turn again and took a deep breath. "Would you rather be in a passenger train crash or be a superhero without invulnerability, and crash into Supergirl."

Stephanie smirked. "The latter. I might break something, but the chance to cop some feels on THAT hottie is too tempting!"

Kara balked, "Hey! I resemble that heroine, FYI! And BTW? The real one might knock you into the middle of next year for that, ASAP!"

Stephanie shrugged. "I dunno. It might be worth it."

Calla raised an eyebrow and shook her head with a grin. "Probably. But what would Betty think?"

Stephanie shook her head. "Oh no you don't. That wasn't part of your original question!"

Kara shrugged. "I like my teeth, cuz you said no invulnerability... So I'll take the train wreck. I'm up after Noel answers."
Noel couldn't help but giggle lightly at the others talking.
"I also pick the latter, but not because of the cop a feel thing." She said looking at Kara reassuringly.
"I pick that one because with her speed and good nature she would likely try and reduce the damage done as much as she can, and then bring me to a hospital, the passenger would have no such response." She replied.

"Would you rather flight without invulnerability or invulnerability without super strength?" Noel asked.
Kara raised an eyebrow. "Can you hold yours a minute, Noel? I'd like a turn, and a chance to comment on your response. See, you definitely would get that attention, and Supergirl would have no reason to be angry with you. Midair collisions would likely be a fact of life to superheroes. Stephanie would cross a line and earn her wrath."

Stephanie sighed. "I didn't think of that... Good point. No wonder you pick her to roleplay... Besides having her name. Erm. Legal name, I mean."

Kara nodded and then posed her question. "Would you rather be a kind princess with a pet dragon and a despot for a father, or a nice dad but your pet is a skunk?"

Calla shook her head. "The skunk. The temptation to turn my dragon on my dad would be way too great. Fry, monster! Fwoooossshh! But that wouldn't make me any better than him."

Stephanie shook her head. "Not me. Gimme the dragon and burn the bad guy and castle to the ground! I'll go live in the village with the people and give free dragon rides!"
"Oh! I am so sorry Kara, I thought you said you will go after me, brain fart" She smacked her own forhead.

"The skunk for me, remember, you still need a father in youth to raise you, even if you have a pet dragon from youth, plus a bad father might have the knights try and kill your dragon if he saw it as a threat," Noel replied.

"b-but yeah, if it's my turn that flying question..."
All three girls looked at each other. One after the other, they all picked the same thing with a different reason.

Calla: Invulnerability with no super strength, because that way you can use your normal strength to disarm someone after they wasted all their ammo on trying to shoot you.

Kara: Same, because except for that, you'd be normal, and you could protect your friends. You'd probably need a new wardrobe every day, though.

Stephanie: Same because you wouldn't need a bulletproof vest as a police officer. You'd BE the bulletproof vest! Do we wanna go one more round?
Stephanie nodded and said, "Okay. Would you rather meet the Jetsons and spend a week with them in their time, or the Flintstones and spend a week in their time?"

"Oh wow. Future or stone age. Good one. Good night." Calla commented. "Both have serious perks and flaws."

"Agreed, but let's make sure Noel understands who they are." Kara looked worriedly at Noel.
"Yes and no." Kara said, before explaining both Hanna Barbera cartoons in a nutshell. "I was afraid of that." She then looked at Stephanie. "Noel didn't get to watch a lot of shows we take for granted that are easily accessible to us. Maybe we should save this for a late date after she gets a few episodes of both under her belt."

Stephanie pinched her nose. "Man, I thought for sure with the Jetsons and the Flintstones. I mean, who hasn't seen them? Okay. I hope the X-Men are safe. Would you rather date Jean Grey or Rogue?"

Calla made a grimacing face. "Yikes. Can I have the other one back?"

Kara shook her head. "It's got to be something Noel can participate in."
Kara gave Noel a nudge. "It's not so bad. I know you know about the X-Men. Date Jean Grey or Rogue? Inquiring Stephanie wants to know."
"R-right, well I guess rouge, I know she would have like a no touching thing, but I don't know, I guess I can't really justify my choice" She admitted rubbing the back of her head.
"It's definitely a hard choice, especially since one could read your mind, and yeah, the other can't have any hand holding on the date. I'd probably go with Rogue also, mainly cuz Jean would slap me silly."

Calla chuckled. "Not me. I'd want to hold hands, maybe lean on her shoulder... Maybe even serenade her with singing Gordon Lightfoot. If you could read my mind love, what a tale my thoughts would tell/ Just like an old time movie 'bout a ghost from a wishing well...

Kara pulled off a perfect cartoon Jean Grey voice with, "Watch that next thought, Missy, I CAN read your mind!"

Calla stuck out her tongue through her grin. She then took her turn. "Would you rather try to catch a leprechaun or try to hunt for the elusive Nessie?"
Noel listened to the others, happy she was not the only one who had picked rouge.
"Hmm, well I think Nessie, I feel like it would be really cool and majestic to see, though I would not hunt it to hurt it."
Kara nodded. *And both are practically impossible to catch. Nessie, though, has far more sightings and a chance encounter. Not saying leprechauns aren't possibly real, too, but usually the only ones to claim to have seen a" she changed to an Irish accent that easily had one too many, "wee leprechaun," back to her normal accent, "are the Irish at two in the morning, late at night and drunker than the drunkest skunk."

Stephanie thought for a minute before saying in an Irish accent, "I be apt t' be goin' for the leprechaun an' th' potta gold he has, me boyo. Proof th' legend!" Regular voice. "I mean come on! Nessie IS real. Just elusive, like Calla said. Try to catch and prove the legend; now that's a challenge."

Kara shrugged. "I guess you have a point. Okay. Last one for me. Would you rather fall 30 feet from a tree into a blackberry bush or poison ivy?"

Calla stared wide eyed at Kara... "Providing you survive the sudden stop you're going to be one seriously hurt puppy... And that's BEFORE dealing with the brambles or the itch!"

Stephanie shook her head. "Change that to the anti-heroine Poison Ivy so we have a fighting chance, Kara!"

"Nope. The plant."
Noel looked at the others hoping they would give solid answers before she would reply.
"I umm, is like a blackberry bush all thorny like a rosebush?"
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