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My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

Stephanie scratched her head. "Um. Is that the one where you start with "have you ever done this and if you haven't you lose a finger?"

Calla choke laughed. "You get to keep your fingers! You just put one down!" She giggled.

Stephanie folded her arms. "That's what I meant. And if you eliminate all, you yourself are eliminated."

Kara nodded. "Bonnie and I did a ahh... Less clean version of that once. The Never Have I Ever, where the opposite is the rule. If you have done the mentioned thing, you put down a finger. We used our clothes as collateral, though."
"The version I am seeing here is more like Kara's, essentially everyone holds up five fingers, you say something that you have never done, but if the others have done it they need to put a finger down, last finger standing wins" She explained looking at the others.
"Well, what do you girls think?"
Calla nodded, as did Stephanie. "Just remind me which version we're doing? I've only played the Have You Ever, not the Never Have I Ever." Stephanie said with a blush.

Kara got a comically mischievous look on her face and said, "If it wasn't so late and my family didn't have the sweets rules, I'd want to really make it challenging, and we'd all down a shot of ginger ale if we had done it. First one to burp would be out.

Calla shook her head. "First shot we took, we'd be out. And since Noel mentioned it, she'd get to start the questions. We'd be doomed if we had done whatever she starts with... Shot of ginger ale equals instant burp!"

Kara shrugged. "Moot anyhoo. It's too late to have a soda, number one, and the folks wouldn't allow a bending of their sweet limits rule, number two."
Noel listened and looked at the others confused re-reading the rules of the game.
"I don't understand, what is all this, burping shots thing? Like would that replace the finger rule? If so didn't you mention that you used to play a different version before Kara? What about that one?" She asked, for some reason having it in her head that the rules would involve putting more clothes on.
Calla said calmly, "Sorta making it a drinking game. Using shot glasses with the drink being something we can legally have, or rather you all can. So, instead of putting down a finger, you take a drink instead."

Kara shook her head. "I don't know about Calla, besides she's got a three piece suit on, well, two since she took off her blazer while talking to Jeff, but I don't think you'd be interested in it. If you have done the mentioned thing in Never Have I Ever, you remove something."

Calla frowned. "I don't mind being eyed like a piece of candy by girls with my clothes on. But to be eyed in various stages of undress? Nooooo thank you."
Noel blushed at the explanation of Kara's version.
"Oh... umm yeah no I would like to keep my clothes on thanks. But I also don't drink" She admitted.
"Sorry" She looked down ashamed.
Kara scoffed. "It wouldn't have been alcoholic anyhoo. You know what ginger ale is? It's a carbonated drink usually used for gas relief. Seven Up can be used for upset stomach. Those and ginger beer, a stronger drink than the ale, yet also non alcoholic, would be the ones we'd have if allowed."

Calla rolled her eyes. "Key word being if. We'll just play it the regular way and Noel can start off the game as it's her idea. She is the host. Let's have some fun."
"Oh.. that actually is the ginger ale I know, but I thought since you all called it a drinking game, it was alcohol. I guess that works, though I am not sure if I should be having that much sugar. The body turns sugar right into fat." Noel explained placing a hand on her stomach.
"I guess I am okay with whatever version most people want to play."
Kara raised an eyebrow. "Sure, a lot of sugar. If you're not active. But come on, it is also the easiest "fat" to burn up, because it's actual crime would be hyperactivity."

Calla sighed. "And then comes the crash..."

Stephanie winced with an, "Oof. That's no fun... Go from this incredible high to so run down you don't know what happened."

Kara nodded. "So, we play with fingers and you can start the questions, Noel."

The three put up one hand with all five fingers up.
"Oh okay," Noel nodded and put her hand up as well.
"Never have I ever attended an elementary school as a student," She said with a smile, certain she would get them all with that one.
Kara and Stephanie both put a finger down. They either knew Noel's history or enough of it. Calla, however, frowned. "I call bullshit." Kara then whispered something in her ear. The frown turned to a different form of disgust. More aimed at Noel's overprotective parents. "I... See." She put a finger down.

Stephanie was next. "Never have I ever snuck out of the house." She figured only Noel would keep a finger up. Kara and Calla dropped another finger. They figured as a cop's daughter... Stephanie wouldn't dare even attempt such a thing as sneaking out. They'd be right.

Calla cleared her throat. "Never have I ever dressed as a witch for Halloween." No fingers dropped from the other two.

Kara cleared hers. "Never have I ever gone out with a boy on a date." She said with a nod. Surprisingly, both Calla and Stephanie dropped a finger.
Noel looked down a little ashamed as she saw Calla's response.

Noel didn't drop a finger for the sneaking out of the house, or the witch costume statements.

Noel however hesitated before dropping a finger when Kara made her statement.

"Umm, never have I ever umm, been to a concert."
Stephanie scratched her head as Kara and Calla exchanged questioning glances. They'd been together on stage with Candy in it, but were they actually AT it? Candy had always said there was a difference between their job and going for fun.

Stephanie shrugged. "Um. Does school recitals count?"

Calla was next with a question. "Kara and I have been part of, but not actually been to one to enjoy it. How would we count this?"
Noel thought for a moment.
"I mean I don't know I was just kind of thinking, just like being at one or being in a place where one was taking place, I don't know." She shrugged.
Stephanie shook her head. "It's about 50/50 on whether people count recitals as concerts." She lamented, still unsure if she had technically been at a concert.

Kara shrugged. "Candy always told us it was our gig, we weren't at the concert, we were performing it. We were doing our job to entertain those paying to see it."

Calla sighed. "None of us can technically drop a finger, but at the same time, we may or may not have. That question is kinda a misdeal. I mean, you wouldn't even drop a finger because by perspective, or how we were taught, none of us have either although they might be labeled as such by others... Ok... I'm getting confused. Try again."
"Okay, umm, I'll just change my thing then, because that is confusing. So okay, umm Never have I ever, been a cheerleader" She stated knowing she would at least get some fingers that way.

I think this is right
Noel - 4 fingers left
Kara - 3
Steph - 3
Calla - 2
Noel 4
Stephanie 3
Kara 2
Calla 1

Elementary School. Calla, Kara, Stephanie
Snuck out. Calla, Kara
Dressed as a witch. None. Calla had to put a finger down
Dated a boy. Calla, Noel and Stephanie
Been a cheerleader. Kara

Stephanie then tried to think about a question that might get Noel. "Umm. Never have I ever hid under the covers during a lightning storm since learning what they are."

Calla chuckled. "Good. I'm not the only one here not afraid of a little lightning."

Kara put a finger down. She had freaked and looked about ready to, at the clap of thunder during the blizzard just last week!

Calla's reprieve at least got her one last turn. She figured she was safe with this one around lesbians. "Never have I ever had another girl's pussy." So she HAD dated one.

Kara shook her head, "That one puts me out."

Stephanie sighed and dropped another finger. "Had my first time with Betty just Sunday. I was overly curious, so she taught me. We were kissing and fondling and I mentioned I was ready. Didn't regret it until just now."

Calla apologized to Stephanie. "I couldn't truthfully say I never went out on a date with one. I went out on a date with Candy. Just never had a lesbian experience."
Noel kept her fingers up for the lightning storm.
"Oh I loved lightning storms, my family used to sit out in the garage and watch them" She smiled.

Noel looked over to kara for a moment, her face seeming to be doing its impression of a tomato, and she put a finger down following Calla's statement.

"Ummm, Never have I ever gone out trick or treating," She said thinking of something quick remembering the dressing as a witch question. She had also was trying to move on from the previous question where if the others thought about it even for a moment would know that her experience was with Kara, as that was the only girl she had been with.

Noel 3
Stephanie 2
Kara 0
Calla 1

Elementary School. Calla, Kara, Stephanie
Snuck out. Calla, Kara
Dressed as a witch. None. Calla had to put a finger down
Dated a boy. Calla, Noel, and Stephanie
Been a cheerleader. Kara
Thunder: Kara
Pussy: Kara, Noel, Stephanie
Stephanie and Calla both lowered a finger. "That puts Calla out and I concede. No way will I get you on this turn and I'd probably be out with your next one." She then looked around. "So... What's been going on with you since Wednesday, Calla?"

"Just been helping Dad with his work, and Jeff getting the paperwork in order. They'll be just up the block from you, Noel, on the corner where you turn to go into the park." Calla shrugged. "I know we don't start the European tour until March, and really wish you'd join us, Kara."

Kara shook her head. "I don't wanna leave Noel alone, at least until that bastard is caught." She looked at Noel and pointed a finger, "No you don't. I might have still had a reason not to. School still in session, for one."

Even Stephanie looked sternly Noel's direction, expecting Noel to blame herself. "Not only school, but we're talking about being halfway around the world. And how long is it?"

"Candy's European Tour is March to September. So, six months. Yeah, I might miss the United States before the tour was over." Kara said thoughtfully.

Calla took a deep breath. "What do we play next, Noel? You're the hostess."
Noel smiled as she won, clapping and holding her hands up in victory.

Noel crossed her arms as she was pointed at and lectured for blaming herself.
"Hey, get out of my head already" She teased, implying they were right and that is exactly what she was thinking.

"Hmm okay.." She looked at her phone.
"So there is something called light as a feather stiff as a board. Do you all know what that is?" She asked.
Kara raised an eyebrow. "Um. No offense, Noel, but isn't that a magic trick? Levitation, I think."

Calla shook her head, "yeah, no. I think you even have to put the one being levitated into some kinda trance. I wouldn't even let my therapist do hypnosis therapy when I had one. Something about that just creeps me out. Next."

Stephanie nodded. "You might be right, Calla, as I recall, you chant things around the, um, one to be levitated. I've heard urban legends where some of the ones being levitated have actually died. For real. Because that's in the chant. You don't know what you're doing..." She then grabbed her throat with a throat cutting sound and pratfell backwards with her legs sticking up in the air, and her tongue out to the side. She rocked back to a sitting position. "Best we steer clear of anything like that."
Noel paused for a moment looking at all of them then started to laugh.
"hehe, You are all messing with me right?" She paused a moment.

"Levitation, death, hypnotism, none of that actually happens right?" She asked seeming a little more concerned the second time.
Solemnly, all three shook their heads. Calla spoke up, probably for the other two... But on the safe side. "I can't speak for the other two, but I personally don't want to mess with anything that even has death as part of it. Even spoken. It scares the bejeebers outta me." She shivered. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but before you lift the 'victim', don't you have to say 'she is dead'? No wonder that urban legend arose about the game being cursed. And yeah. I've heard some of the stories Stephanie mentioned about people actually dying. Rather we didn't invite that in. All four of us have enough issues to deal with." Calla was probably the most scared of all there.
Noel nodded,
“oh um okay, let’s see what else I can find.”
She started to look again.

“Okay so there is a game called Bloody Mary, but I’m pretty sure that is a drink so probably a pass, umm.” She looked some more.

“Okay a list here, would you rather, mash, kill marry… umm f word, there is also like truth or dare, spin the bottle. But we talk about those already so I skipped them.”
"MASH doesn't sound like it at first on paper, but it's all sorts of convoluted. Especially if you pick the wrong number to do the skip on." Stephanie had apparently played the game before, and ended up not liking her answers she was left with.

Kara shrugged. "Like, don't you need paper for that anyway? Unless Calla has extra paper..."

Calla shook her head. "I didn't have my briefcase with me. I don't have that much extra in it, even if I had. I'm leaning towards Would You Rather? That could get interesting quick. Especially with the hostess starting and the cop's daughter asking the second question."

Kara choke snorted her laugh. "Funny cuz it's true! I agree. Would You Rather?"
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