My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

Kara shook her head and had the three huddle up.

Kara: I thought there was 12 or 13, but truth be told, I've only got two left.
Calla: Don't look at me. If it hadn't been for you guys reminding me of ivy... I'd have to fall back to Duela Dent, and she doesn't fit anti-heroine. Villain only. She's def one cracked nut.
Stephanie: I'm out. I don't know anyone else and I don't have a phone to Google it. Tis cheating, anyway.
Kara *grimaces* I think we're licked.
Stephanie: Let's go down swinging. Kara, you use your other two. I'll use Duela. Didn't she have a second name?
Calla *frowns* I think so, but blamed if I can remember it.
Kara: Problem is, only Calla's last one, and my two did good as well as bad. Duela was the next generation Joker and Two-Face rolled up in one. She's most likely not going to be who Noel's thinking of... But okay. Let's go down swinging.

The clapped hands like they were actually huddling for an important play of a football game in the fourth quarter.

"Are you Magenta?"

The other two held their breath.
"Magenta... well, I must say... nope" She had paused for dramatic effect, seeing how they were on edge.
"I honestly thought you guys would get this like turn ten or something, and I am surprised you all stuck to guessing people and didn't ask more questions to narrow down the options."

1. Person/people: yes
2. Real: no
3. Single person: technically one
4. Anime: no but possibly
5. DC superhero sometimes? Safe answer no
6. DC Universe: Yes
7. Mystical: Probably not
8. Firestorm: No
9. Female: Yes
10. Harley: Quinn: No
11. Cheetah: No
12. Ravager: No
13. Raven No
14. Roxy: No
15. Catwomen: No
16. Kay Challis: No
17. Madam Rouge: No
18. Magenta: No
Calla shook her head. "Sure, but what? We found out she's multi personality when you said technically one person. Technically hints to at least having a form of mental illness if not a split personality. We've stuck also with the only ones who could probably make it in anime, and those that have played both good and bad. I'm not sure we could have narrowed it down farther. Which leaves me with my last shot. "Are you Poison Ivy?"
Noel shook her head.
"Not Ivy either, and also, I think you are not thinking broad enough with the technically one-person thing. Or maybe I was? Maybe focues less on that, and since I think you won't get it anyway, I'll say she does not have multi personalities."

1. Person/people: yes
2. Real: no
3. Single person: technically one
4. Anime: no but possibly
5. DC superhero sometimes? Safe answer no
6. DC Universe: Yes
7. Mystical: Probably not
8. Firestorm: No
9. Female: Yes
10. Harley: Quinn: No
11. Cheetah: No
12. Ravager: No
13. Raven No
14. Roxy: No
15. Catwomen: No
16. Kay Challis: No
17. Madam Rouge: No
18. Magenta: No
19. Ivy: No
Kara sighed and nodded to Stephanie who flipped her white hankie. "Unconditional surrender. There was no technically on that answer. It would have been a flat yes. That raised questions we can't ask now, and we wouldn't have started naming names so soon. It's not Duela Dent or Enchantress now for darn sure. You got us."
"Okay maybe once you know who I thought you might understand, or be upset because I messed something up, in hindsight maybe I should have picked someone I was more sure of" Noel replied not sure if they all agreed to the surrender.
Calla looked at Noel wondering what the hold up was but not saying anything. "I was out of turns. It was only up to Stephanie and Kara to continue or not. Kara said it and Stephanie... Sorta threw in the towel."

Stephanie looked at the hankie on the floor. "Should I have waved it?"
Noel looked at the three, it seemed like they all had given up.

"Oh sorry, I'll tell you then. It was power girl, you know the alternate version of supergirl, sometimes she is a bad guy supergirl fights and or is a clone"
"PowerGirl is a superhero. Most universes she's Supergirl grown up, and in others she's Karen Starr, but always a hero. The only time she wasn't that I know of was as Galatea. She was the clone. She tried to be good and had potential, but I think Justice League was cancelled before it became reality." Stephanie said.

Calla shook her head. "Yeah, we never would have guessed PowerGirl, because you said not a hero. And given the throw off of technically... It's still iffy. Two different names and the clone, which I think had a different name, too. So, I can see how you'd have said technically."

Kara sighed. "Yeah, by thinking only of Galatea, which had a different name. And was a clone, and NOT PowerGirl, We'd STILL had missed the boat."
"Stick with something you know from now on." She looked around. "Okay. I'm ready."

Stephanie smirked. "Are you a person?"


Calla raised an eyebrow. "Are you a plant?"


Person No
Plant Absolutely.
Kara shook her head. "No."

Stephanie frowned. "Are you in the DC universe?"

"Not that I'm aware. I don't think so."

"Are you a type of tree?" Calla inquired.


Person no
Plant Absolutely
Green Lantern no
DC Don't think so
Type of tree yes
Kara thought for a moment. "I don't, but my family or genus does." She said calmly.

Stephanie made a face as Calla put a hand to her head and said, "That's interesting."

Stephanie shook her head. "Are you on this planet?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes."

"Are you an Oz apple tree?" Calla asked.

"Absolutely not!" Kara acted absolutely insulted at the indication, and pretend swatted at Calla, actually causing her to giggle.

"I just insulted a tree!" She laughed.

Person no
Plant Absolutely
Green lantern no
DC don't think so
Type of tree yes
Real family yes, self no
On earth in a manner of speaking
Oz apple tree. Absolutely not. And that is an insult to the tree.
Noel thinks for a moment before getting an idea.
"Okay, are you a unique tree? Like a tree famous enough to be named, and would be in stories?"
Kara nodded. "Unfortunately, that counts as two questions because an explanation is in order. Yes. I'm a very unique tree with a name. I'm introduced in a book series which is on film as well."

Stephanie opened her mouth than closed it. "Middle Earth?" She finally blurted.

"My roots and ancestry might trace there, but I might not be from there directly."

"Are you from Hogwarts?" Calla attempted.

"Yes. And that should give it away. Noel, who am I?"
Noel placed a hand to her forehead for a moment.
"Oh, a tree from harry potter? I don't know that series, I mean I know of it. But I have not read the books or seen the movies" she admitted, not knowing of the whomping willow tree.
Kara sighed but nodded, not knowing Noel didn't know. "Yes...?"

Stephanie smiled. "Are you the Whomping Willow?"

Kara nodded. "Yes." She was disappointed Noel hadn't known. So close, yet so far.

Calla chuckled. "That was a good one, Kara. Well done!"

Stephanie cleared her throat. "Um. Are we doing one more so I can have a turn?"

The other two nodded, Kara made a motion toward Noel and Calla nodded.

"Why don't you start the questions, Noel? Kara and I need a moment to gather our thoughts."
Stephanie nodded. "Yes."

Calla noticed Kara with a look of frustration. She was the only one to venture out of the person role. The disappointment was unmistakable.

Calla shook her head, then asked. "Are you real?"


Kara looked over. "Are you... A cartoon?"

Stephanie nodded. "Yes."
Stephanie nodded. "Yeppers."

Calla scratched her head. "Are you... Hanna Barbera?"


Kara knitted her brows as she looked at Stephanie. "Are you from..... Disney?"


Six down, fifteen to go.
Stephanie shook her head. "No."

Calla raised an eyebrow. "Are you a princess?"


Kara snapped her fingers. She was certain if her question was a yes, Noel would surely get it.

"Are you a classic well known princess?"

"Please. I think even Disney forgot about me." Stephanie pouted.
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