The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

After locking Jamie back in her cell, he told her with a smirk: "You owe me one big time." Finding Elsa still bound, spread, and whimpering, he shut the door behind him to the punishment room. It seemed as though all of her pale skin was blushing bright red at him. "I'm not mad at you, Elsa, he said calmly. We still can have a professional relationship, but that's up to you. Believe it or not, I still have.a small soft spot of compassion for you."

He put the vibrator back in place, against her clit, which was now so swollen that it looked like she had a small erection. He turned it on for a few seconds, before stopping it. "If you want to apologize for earlier, we can stop now. Or if you're still too proud, you can be treated like everyone else, like you said, and get those other four you have left."
A professional relationship? What did he mean by that? That they could still have sex, she could still please him? She wasn't sure that she wanted that anymore. However...she didn't what these last four orgasms she was supposed to get. Six had been excruciating and exhausting, she thought she would likely pass out or something after another. She whimpered and panted when he turned the vibrator on again, feeling absolutely zero pleasure from it. She felt only stinging and vibration, though she knew her body would register it as pleasure.

She looked away from him, trying to keep her resolve and accept those last few orgasms. But then he stopped it, and gave her one last chance. Was it worth it to apologize? To take fault for everything? his bitch? She raised her eyes up to his slowly, "I...I'm sorry."
He looked into her pained, spent eyes, red from sobbing. He knew she had only apologized to spare herself from more torture, but she still brought herself to do it. He pulled the vibrator and dildo away, and placed them on the table next to him. "Fine," he said to her, looking Elsa in the eyes as he said it. He reached up and loosed the ring pinned under her left nipple piercing, until it was able to slide over her slightly swollen nipple. He repeated the task with the other side. "Then we'll finish here for today. I hope you see how you made this harder than it had to be for yourself."

He went next to her ankles, first lowering them towards the ground, and allowing her knees back together, her pussy allowed to close for the first time in over an hour. "But me and you, we're finished, and don't think it's just you cutting me off from sex. I wouldn't want to go near you anyway, in that way. Not after the venom you spewed at me, after I went easy on you." Finally, he removed the straps on her arms, releasing her completely. "But I'm not angry with you, and if you're not with me, then it'll be easier to do what we have to do the rest of the time you're here."

((I fixed the other post, although we're kind of past it now. xP))
She was very relieved, in more than one way. For one, he was unstrapping her and taking the weights off of her nipples. She breathed much easier when her legs were closed, her pussy throbbing almost uncontrollably. It wasn't a good throb, it was a horrible throb. She was going to be sore for days, she was sure. Her body sagged some when he unstrapped her and she pushed out her legs to stretch them a little. She gingerly stood up, wobbling a little as she found her placing. She finally was able to stand up completely and walked over to where her clothes were piled on the floor.

She got dressed slowly, and for the most part silently. The only thing she said was, "Good. I didn't want you all over me anyway," but she'd muttered that under her breath. She partially hoped that he hadn't heard it, but a lot of her hoped her had so that she could get one last zing at him. When she was finished and he was waiting at the door she shrugged, "I suppose it doesn't matter if I'm angry at you. I know now that you'll punish me no matter what I say to you. I'm not going to hold a grudge though."
He did hear her comment, but didn't say anything in response. He didn't take his eyes off her as she got dressed, hoping it would make her just a little more uncomfortable. "You're right, it doesn't matter. As long as you keep it inside, unlike today." He propped the door open, leading her down the hallway, and up one flight of stairs, before starting down another hallway. "Wait here a moment," he said as they passed the inmate kitchen. He darted in, and got her a large cup of cold water. "You were sweating the whole time in there," he said, handing it to her. "Not to mention all your other liquid emissions," he added with a grin. "That fluid has to come from somewhere, too."

They turned the corner, heading down a row of tiny cells, just like the one she'd had the first night at the Center. "You're down as rung as far as accommodations," he told her, leading her to a small cell which required bending down to enter. There was nothing in the cell, except for a two sheets on the concrete floor. Occupied cells were on either side of it. "Just like before, you'll have a chance to earn your privileges back. I'll be fair about it." He opened the door, and pushed down on her back to prod her in. He pulled out a collar. "I won't bother making you wear it," he said, tossing it to her. "You'll need the button on it in case you need to page me. Bathrooms, or whatever, you know."
She was regretting her boldness more and more as he led her down the hall to a tiny dog cage like the one she'd been in her first night. She laid down on the sheet, pressing her hot face to the cold ground. She'd drunk the large cup of water quickly, in desperate need of it. When he tossed her the collar she remembered that she'd have to call him to use the bathroom. She'd never called him for it before, but after that large cup of water, she thought she might have to.

She stretched out as much as she could, but the cage was really tiny. She could barely stretch her legs three-quarters out before they hit the bars on the other side. She sighed and glanced up at him from inside the cage. She nodded a little, "Thank you," she muttered, hate for herself seeping throughout her body. At least she could go to work tomorrow, she thought. That might be a plus.
"No problem," he said in reply, closing the door to her cell with a thud. It was actually only mid-afternoon, although it seemed like so much had happened today. He knelt down, leaning against the cage. "The warden allows inmates an hour at exercise or in the library twice a week, at the C.O's discretion. If you just want to sleep until tomorrow morning you can, but since it's early, and you don't have anything else scheduled, if you want to buzz me later, I'll let you do one of those today if you want."

He stood up and headed down the hall, back to his office. It was actually the last of the month, and he had a lot of office work to do. He started poring over expense reports, inmate progress reports, and release paperwork for one inmate. The warden was as organized as she was strict, and required everything to be completed promptly. This would take him the rest of the afternoon, into the early evening, if he wasn't interrupted.
A piece of her thought how fun it might be to buzz him every five minutes, each time with a different legitimate reason why she needed him. She rolled over onto her back and thought about it, staring up through the bars at the white ceiling far above her. She decided against it. She didn't think her cell could get any smaller, but at least he hadn't taken away any of her clothes. That would undoubtedly be the next step, after that she was sure he would have some other kind of thing to torture her with.

She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. She slept for hours and hours, completely undisturbed. It actually turned out to be one of the most restful sleeps she'd had in a long time. Her almost unbearable exhaustion had made her brain welcome sleep with open arms, and now she was resting more than comfortably, even on the thin sheet on the cold concrete.
By the time he looked at the clock, it was quite late, and he hadn't heard from Elsa. He decided to spend the night in his office, pulling up the sheets in his cot. Changed as the dynamic was between them, he couldn't help thinking of what happened there. There was something between them then, even if it was gone now. He dozed until six thirty the next morning, when his alarm woke him.

He heard the main buzzer go off at seven, waking all of the inmates. After showering, eating a cereal bar, and fixing his coffee, he headed down to Jamie's cell first. It was his turn today to get them off to the auto shop. He let her out, leading her through the cool morning halls, stopping at Elsa's tiny cell. He knew he and Jamie were probably the two least favorite people she'd want to see first thing in the morning. "Ready to get off to work, Elsa?" he asked, stooping down and unlocking the door. "Let's go. I assume you might want to stop by the bathroom first?"
She looked up when she heard people walking down the hallway. She figured that she knew who it was, though she dreaded their imminent arrival. She sat up as much as she could when they finally arrived, giving them both equally fiery glares of hate. When Brendan unlocked her cell she crawled out of it and stood up, groaning softly at the pain that shot through her body as she stretched out. Her body was ridiculously sore, having been used beyond belief the day before. And yet, she didn't look any worse for wear. The worst she had was a small bruise on her face from when Jamie'd so nicely smacked her face. No one would know what she'd been through until they saw her walk, where it was obvious. She knew she'd get hell for this at work, and beyond that, she had to spend the entire day with Jamie.

Jamie was busy smirking at Elsa, but Elsa ignored her completely. "Yeah. I'm ready. And yes, I'd like the bathroom...please," she added the please only to ensure that she'd actually get to use the bathroom. She couldn't really afford to be short and rude to Brendan, despite how much she desperately wanted to bash his head into the wall.
Brendan grabbed her under the arm and helped her up, leading her slowly down the hallway alongside Jamie. It was evident from the way she walked, so gingerly, that she had been used to the limit yesterday. Passing the bathroom she'd used before, he said "I think we'll wait at least until we get to the shop. I don't want to keep everyone waiting", a smirk on his face as he said it. He nudged her forward past the bathroom with his fist in her back, knowing she'd be upset about this.

Once they got to the bus, he loaded Jamie and Elsa on first, leading them to the back, and putting them in the same long seat next to each other, cuffing both of their hands to the seat. He ignored Jamie when she said "Why don't you cuff her and leave me, man. C'mon, I'll blow you later if you do.". Brendan next loaded the men onto the bus, placing them all closer to the front of the bus, and cuffing them in place. The same men who had leered at her yesterday did the same, including the Latino who'd heckled her. "You see the way she walked, yo? That's cuz I pounded that ass all night, baby," he said to his seatmate with a laugh. "Ain't that right?" he called back to her, turning his head around. Once the five minute ride was over, Brendan led them all off, and the foreman checked them each in, giving out assignments. "You two will be overhauling a transmission," he told Jamie and Elsa. "You'll find the tools you need in the supply room.". Brendan headed toward the hall next, pulling Elsa with him. Leading her to the nearest bathroom, he opened the door for her, but stood in front of it, blocking her entrance. "After you do what you have to here, I'll leave you with the foreman. But I'll be back during the morning to check on you. I have to do a report on your work progress." Finally, he stood to the side. "Go ahead," he said.
Elsa was quickly beginning to seriously consider murdering Brendan. She'd never been very violent, but the way he was treating her was really getting to her. Sure, she'd lashed out at him the day before. But she thought she'd been more than aptly punished for her words. And they had, after all, only been words. She hadn't assaulted him or even tried. She stumbled passed the first bathroom with gritted teeth, but kept her mouth shut. When they got to the bus she resumed her usual complete ignoring of the male inmates. She saw that the same Latino man was leering at her, and heard his comment. You wish, she thought to herself angrily. Maybe him pounding her ass wouldn't have been as bad as what she had gone through.

She walked gingerly off the bus once they got to the shop. She followed Brendan to the bathroom and just glared at him as he blocked the entrance. "Yeah," was all she said to him, brushing passed him once he moved aside of the door. She peed quickly, washing her hands with the minimal soap that was there. Then she left the bathroom and went to the supply room to get the tools she'd need. Overhauling a transmission was still crap, but it was better than fixing brakes. She got to her work station and sighed, ready to put her mind to this and nothing else.
Brendan could tell that Elsa was seriously pissed. But he didn't really care anymore. What was the point of bathroom use restrictions anyway, if she only couldn't use it while she was sleeping? It wasn't a punishment at all. He saw Elsa off to her assignment, when she'd finished peeing, speaking with the foreman for a moment to let him know he'd be checking back soon on Elsa, before having the bus driver take him back to the main compound on the empty bus. He wondered on the way back what an interesting dynamic Jamie and Elsa would have after yesterday.

Carlos, meanwhile, as Elsa's foremost harasser in the auto shop was named, had overheard Elsa's assignment for the day, and was quite interested. On the outside, he had been a prominent figure in a violent criminal crew. He had access to sexual gratification when and where he wanted it, according to his every whim. But at the Center, he was subjected to daily torture, and hadn't been with a woman in seven months, and now this pretty, dark-haired inmate had caught his attention. He stood out of the way, around the corner, as Elsa entered the supply room, took what she needed, and then left. He saw that she wasn't able to carry everything she would need for the transmission job in one trip. After she left , he stealthily ducked into the empty room, ducking behind a big tool shelf. Carlos had a friend cover for him; if anyone came looking for him, the friend would say that he was underneath the deck working on a truck from the bottom. He knew it might be a while before Elsa came back, but he had waited seven months, and would wait however long for her to return. He only prayed that the lesbian didn't come back for the rest of the supplies.
Elsa worked on the transmission for about an hour before she realized that she was missing a couple of tools. She was glad to have the opportunity to leave Jamie, who'd been 'bumping' into her and eyeing her all morning long. She was pretty sure the only thing that kept the lesbian from trying something was the knowledge that Elsa would knock her teeth off if she even made a motion. Elsa set down her tools and peeled her gloves off, tossing them into the trash next to the door. Then she made her way back to the supply room. She saw that it was empty and rummaged around for the things she needed. She found one of them and held onto it, bending over a table to find the other one.

She was having a strangely difficult time finding it. "Hmmm..." she muttered to herself, "Where the hell is it?" she sighed in exasperation and set down the first tool, moving to go around to the other side of the room. It was sort of dark in the room, but she hadn't seen a light switch. She could've sworn she'd seen the tool out earlier, maybe someone else'd needed it.
Carlos smiled in the dark as the moment came. He let Elsa fumble around a little, before making his move. With one motion, he jumped out from behind the tool chest, cupped his oil-stained hand violently around her mouth from behind, and brought her body down to the ground. Before she could react, he pinned her down, digging his knee in sharply to her stomach, and laying on top of her, his hand still over her mouth. He used his sizable advantage in weight to make sure she couldn't get up. "You scream, and I'ma hurt you bad, Juera. You understand?" With his knee in her stomach, his rock hard cock jabbed into her chest.

"Just lie back and enjoy it. I could see you wanted me when I was talking 'bout you, girl. Now you can have me." He groped her breasts with his free hand, pulling hard away from her, ripping her jumpsuit top open. "You know you want to ride my cock 'til I fill you with cum, bitch, don't you? Tell me you do."

Meanwhile, back at the Center, Brendan had made his rounds among a few prisoners he had to check on, and nothing had really required attention. He was back up in his office, working on his second cup of coffee, getting Elsa's work file started, so that he could file her report it in once he headed back over there. Once he'd finished that, he headed out of his office, planning to head back to the auto shop.
Before Elsa knew what had happened, she was on the ground with an incredible weight on top of her. She crumpled in pain when she felt something hit her in the stomach and she tried to roll over but the weight kept her down on her back. At first she thought maybe something had fallen on her, a toolbox or something, but when she finally managed to look up she saw the Latino inmate's ugly face. Her eyes widened in terror and she struggled, opening her mouth to scream. But then she heard his threat and she closed her mouth. If anyone could hurt her, it would be this man. Brendan's attempts would look like child's play next to this guy's efforts.

"No!" she whimpered as he tore open her jumpsuit top. Her full breasts in their bra were revealed to him and she really tried to fight against him harder now. She tried to kick at him and push him away, but he was at least twice the size of her and she couldn't even get him to budge. "Get off me, you filthy spic!" she used the derogatory name for a Hispanic without even meaning to, it just flew out of her mouth.
Carlos pulled his hand back that had been on her mouth, and struck Elsa with the back of his hand across her cheek. He didn't care about the racial, insult, he just needed to make his point about resisting. Yanking her bra down with his other hand, he exposed her bare breasts. He grabbed a handful of breast with one hand, squeezing it roughly, and pinning the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he twisted it around, almost in a full circle. "This was a warning, bitch. Next time, you gonna really get hurt."

He reached down and tugged at her pants, forcing them down despite her struggle, keeping his knee firmly planted in her stomach. "You know you want all your holes fucked," he sneered at her, "and that's what you gonna get." He smiled deviously, and lifted off her just long enough to peel down his jumpsuit pants and underwear in one swipe, revealing a long, hard, dark cock. There was a scar on it, the result of a very hard bite many years back. He stabbed at her crotch with his erect member, only teasing her with a foreshadowing of what was to come, as her panties still covered her vulnerable sex.
Her neck twisted to the side painfully when he smacked her, a giant red handprint forming there. Tears welled up in her eyes and silently overflowed, streaming down her face and pooling at the base of her neck. Then her bra was yanked down and he was grabbing at her still sensitive breasts. Her back arched and she whimpered in pain when he twisted her pierced nipple mercilessly. That would've hurt enough by itself, but the piercing made it a hundred times worse.

She shook her head at him pathetically and begged, "No, no, no! Please stop. Please!" the tears were still flowing down her face and she was still resisting, attempting to kick him when he pulled back to take his pants off. Then suddenly his giant Latino cock was revealed to her. It was dark and foreign, making it even worse to her. She tried to roll away again when he began to prod her crotch with his cock. It inevitably hit her still extremely sensitive clit, causing her hips to buck up involuntarily.
Carlos laughed when Elsa cried out in pain from his cruel twisting of her nipple. "You know you want me, slut," he smiled at her, leaning in and breathing in her face, his mouth only inches from hers. He had caught a glancing blow from her kick, and after wincing, twisted her other nipple by the piercing until her leg went back down. "Just keep fighting," he gasped. "I'll tear them right off. He nodded down towards her bucking hips. "You see? Your little slut pussy is begging for me." He reached down and tore her panties with a vicious pull at the elastic. He slid himself down lower next, now pinning her upper thighs down with his knees. He forced her chest to stay down by pinning both breasts with the firm grip of his hands. He leaned in, and lapped at her clit with his tongue, laughing as he did it. His throbbing cock was begging to delve into her pussy, but he knew that he wanted her to reach a climax, and from the way her hips bucked, he knew he could get her there by stimulating her orally first.

Pulling his mouth away, he lifted one hand off her breast, pushing a finger up into her sqirming, moist sex. "See how wet you are, whore! I knew you wanted me," he said, his grin showing a missing bottom tooth. He leaned his hand back on her chest after removing it, and finally forced his long, dark cock deep into her pussy. He didn't bother entering slowly or gently, but used the weight of his body to push it in until the base of his shaft was flush agaist her labia. He reared up before sinking himself deep inside her again and again. "Ahhhh," he moaned, sinking himself deep inside her tunnel, bringing his eyes right up to hers, and staring into her tear-soaked eyes. "Tell me you like it, bitch," he said firmly, and stopped his motions, seeming determined to wait until she complied before continuing.
She wanted to kick him until he felt the pain he was giving her, but after she glanced him once he turned her other nipple so hard that she was forced to bring her leg down and submit to him. Her nipples by now were red and puffy, almost as badly as they had been the day before with the weights. She wanted to scream at him, to tell him that no her pussy was not begging for him, but in truth, it was. Her pussy seemed to react to every little stimulant it got here. She couldn't control herself when he lapped at her clit, her eyes rolling back and a high moan of pleasure escaping her. Her clit was still sensitive from the day before and the sensation of his thick tongue against it nearly drove her wild.

She couldn't deny extreme arousal after that. This was still rape, she convinced herself, she still didn't want him her body just wanted something. When his long dark cock finally slid into her, her pussy clenched on to him as if it'd been waiting for this moment forever. He sunk in deep, hitting her furthest spots easily. As much as she hated it, him fucking her felt so good. Her body had been craving attention all morning, especially after the day she'd had yesterday. She turned her face away so that he wouldn't see the pleasure written there, but he got right up into her face and stared into her eyes. She shook her head at his demand, refusing to give him what he wanted. But then he stopped moving, his cock stationary inside of her. Her insides screamed for him to move again, begging for the attention. "I...I..." she stammered, her mind willing her to refuse him but her body not taking no for an answer, "I like it," she moaned, her face flushing deep with shame.
He laughed into her face, once she told him that she liked it. He knew that she was getting aroused from the look in her eyes, her moans, and her vaginal juices lubricating his penetrations, but he had wanted her to say it. "I knew you liked it, Mamita," he laughed, beginning his rhythmic thrusting again, looking directly down into her eyes as he pulsed his cock back and forth, slamming his stomach harder and harder against hers, grinding her against the ground, with each motion. He felt her vaginal muscles squeezing and clenching him with each thrust, and seven months of built up frustration wanted to release inside of her right then, achieving a screaming orgasm in symphony with hers. But that would mean he wouldn't be able to violate her ass, as he had promised, so he did his best to hold out.

"Ahhhh," he moaned, but then pulled out, leaning down and whispering into her ear, keeping her pinned down the whole time. "I'm gonna fuck a baby into you, bitch," he whispered. "You gonna be so cute all swoll' up with my seed inside you. But first, I'm goin' in that tight ass, Mamita." With that, he stood onto his knees, and quickly, with a flex of his tattooed muscles, flipped her over onto her stomach on the cold ground. He pushed her face down into the ground, pinning his leg on top of her calves to try and force her ass to stay up in the air. With a grunt, he reached out, and tried to force her buttocks to part for him.

Brendan, meanwhile, had picked up a jeep, and driven himself the five minutes to the location of the auto shop. He walked inside, passing three men lifting an engine out of a truck with a winch, and saw Jamie a couple of bays down. "Where's Elsa," he asked her.
A...a baby? He was going to do what to her? Being pregnant with his child would ruin her life, would ruin her mind. She would kill it, she was absolutely sure of it. Whether or not she was okay with abortion didn't matter to her when he said that. She would never be able to even bring a rape baby to term, let alone raise it. She opened her mouth to protest and tell him that she'd beat any baby out of herself, but in the next instant he'd flipped her over onto her stomach. She groaned when she hit the cold concrete, her knees and arms bruising. Then he pushed her face down and she was sure she could taste some blood.

Meanwhile, Jamie was raising an eyebrow at Brendan. "In the supply room. Dunno what's taking her so damn long. She went in there twenty minutes ago."
Carlos stabbed at her squirming ass with his cock, hitting her first on her butt cheek, and then on her upper thigh. Finally, he guided his cock with one hand, but now that he wasn't holding her cavity open, he wasn't able to force it in her tight orifice. He has his cock pressed against her hole, trying to force his way in, when the door opened, allowing a beam of light to shine in the room.

Brendan stood there in shock for a moment as he saw the tattooed gang member bent over Elsa's naked ass. For a moment, he suspected a forbidden rendezvous. But when he saw them both freeze, and Elsa look towards him with tear-stained eyes, and a little blood on her lip, he knew different. He launched himself at Carlos, using the training he'd received in subduing wayward inmates. Before Carlos knew was happened, Brendan had a chokehold on Carlos' neck, cutting off his circulation. It seemed like the element of surprise, and Carlos being caught with his pants down, literally, had given him the upper hand. Normally, he probably would have been in for a tough fight with the muscular inmate. Once Carlos went to the ground, he wrapped his hands behind him and cuffed him. "Oh my God, Elsa, are you allright?" he cried out to her, genuine concern actually in his voice.
At first she was terrified that Brendan had opened the door and seen them there. At first she thought that he had planned this, that he had done this so that she would get the ultimate punishment. But then he lunged at the Latino inmate and pulled him off of her, freeing her from his touch. She collapsed on the ground and rolled over onto her butt, scrambling backwards. Her bra was ripped, her top was ripped, her panties were ripped. Most of her clothes were useless now. Tears welled up in her eyes again and she shook her head, "N-no," she whimpered, all of the fear from before taking her over completely now. "," she stammered, trying to control herself.
Brendan boiled over with anger when he learned that Carlos had violated her. He had hoped he stopped things just in time. He kicked Carlos' head, jamming it against a metal shelf, before kicking him again on the underside of his stomach. "You resisted my subduing of you, which is why you got that," he growled at Carlos. He picked Carlos' wrists up by the cuffs, dragging him out towards the exit of the supply room. "Wait there, I'll get you a blanket to cover yourself, Elsa," he called out. Strangely, he was more upset that someone else had abused his inmate, which he believed he had the sole right to do, without his permission, that got him upset, more so than the fact that a sexual assault had taken place.

He dragged Carlos fully out of the room, closing the door, and picking his walkie-talkie out of his back pocket. "Bring backup to auto shop, in front of Bay D," he called into it. Soon, four guards were there to take Carlos away on a golf cart, his pants still down at his knees. Brendan went into the foreman's office, and took an unused blanket used for lying under cars, and brought it in to Elsa. "Do you need to be taken to the medic's office? I can have an ambulance come here to get you if you want," he said, offering her the blanket.
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