The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

She sighed to herself but refrained from making any other concious physical indicator that she was upset with him. Her body language would show it of course, but at least she wasn't flipping him off or something. She began to undress herself, dropping her clothes on the floor next to her carelessly. She wasn't going to fold them neatly as she had for the warden or even watch where she dropped them as she might have the day before. He'd also allowed her to undress privately the day before, which he obviously was not doing now. Once she was naked (including having taken her socks off) she walked over to the padded chair and plopped down into it.

She raised her eyes and shot him an evil glare, more anger and intensity in it than she'd ever shown him before. She'd tried extremely hard to hide her bad side from him, to hide all the years of hard living from him. She hadn't wanted him to see her as some hardass ghetto chick, but she was obviously tapping into her mean side now. She didn't say anything, she just sat in the chair lifelessly while her eyes shot daggers and fire at him.
He looked on as she undressed, sensing the silent resentment boiling inside of her. He knew why; it wasn't as if he hadn't done these things to her before, but this was the first time since they'd shared an intimate time together. And although it had overtones of coercion to it, there was no doubt there had been a connection there. Clearly, she expected more preferential treatment than he had in mind for her part in the affair.

Once she sat in the chair, he knelt in front of her, and pulled a strap around each ankle, her knees still together. After he had secured both ankles, he pushed a button which pulled at the restraints, holding the button down until her ankles were a good three and a half feet apart, leaving her wide open to accept the punishment in store. "I can be gentle about this, or not," he said softly, looking her in the eyes. "Now, I'm still planning to be gentle," he said, leaving unspoken the incentive for her to go along with it.

He opened the locked supply cabinet, and pulled out what appeared to be a very thin chain with a ring on either end. Once her ankles were restrained, he approached her with it. He reached out and placed one of the rings over her nipple barbells. He turned a tiny knob on it, like that on a watch, making the ring smaller and smaller, until it was small enough that it was pinned underneath the barbell. He quickly did the same thing to the other nipple. "This is how it works," he told her. "Every time you have an orgasm, I'm going to attach a one ounce weight to the chain, so it tugs a little at your piercings," he said, tugging down lightly with his finger on the chain suspended between her breasts. "Let's see how many we can accumulate," he said with a smile, knowing that her nipples would become tender as well after each climax.
In this instant, she could not believe that she had ever felt for him. That she had ever thought he was sweet or gentle, caring or compassionate. Sure, he may have spared her some of the inspection there with Jamie, but was that tiny action worth what he was going to do to her now? Oh, he said he could be gentle. As if she should be even more indebted to him because he was still going to torture her, but he was going to be gentle about it. Just how gentle would he be? He would attach small weight instead of large ones? As if that would make much difference. Her nipples were still sore from their being pierced and he was already prepared to hang things off of her.

She didn't say anything to him again. Silence, at least to Elsa, was far more powerful than words were. There she was, sitting in this chair chair strapped in and her legs were spread so wide that every crevice of her pussy was revealed to him. He could stick a banana up her and there'd be nothing she could do to stop it. She simply kept glaring at him and waited for the torture to begin.
Brendan smirked back at her icy stare. He thought it was best to get things underway, as the powerful messages her pleasure sensors would soon send rushing through her body to her brain would quickly overcome whatever thoughts she was focused on now. He walked to the open closet, and took out a new vibrating wand from its plastic wrappings. It had a cord, and needed to be plugged into the wall, and was basically a vibrating head on a stick. Unlike the metallic egg that was used yesterday, it was clearly not made for teasing. It was made to get down to business. He plugged it in to an outlet which was built into the bottom of the chair, and stooped down in front of Elsa, knees bent all the way. He didn't look at her now, but turned on the button, igniting a loud vibrating sound. The vibrations were probably heavier than the highest setting they'd used the day before.

Although her pussy was spread wide open a few inches from his face, it wasn't moist at all, but mostly dry. That would change soon, he thought. With her legs spread so much, he could see a little down into the moist pink canal beyond her outer folds. The wand also came with a stand that could be used to hold it in place against the desired area, but Brendan held it up manually for now. He massaged it against her inner thighs a little, first one side, then the other. He then moved it up and around to her stomach, tracing it back and forth across the area of her navel, wondering if it would feel ticklish to her. It pulsated ripples through the skin everywhere it went. Finally, he slowly moved it down from her stomach, until he found her clit, holding it there, anxious to see her response.
Her anger began to be replaced with fear. She jumped lightly when he turned on the vibrator, it sounded like a small lawn mower starting up. And he was going to put that on her. He was going to stimulate her with that. Against her will, even though she told him that she didn't want him to do it. She wriggled a little when he ran the vibrator against her thigh. She could feel its vibrations all the way from her thigh to her clit, she was already getting aroused. Then he ran it along her stomach and she whimpered softly, her body contracting in reaction to the stimulation to her most ticklish spot.

And then he finally did it. He pressed the vibrator against her clit and held it there. Her mouth dropped open but she tried to stop from making any sound. Her muscles tensed up and she tried to keep from moving too. But her hips had an instinct, and that instinct was to buck forward and grind. She gasped for breath and then held it, trying to bottle in every single emotion and feeling she had.
Brendan realized that Elsa's body was overriding her mind, as her pussy begged to grind against the vibrator, even as her eyes had deeply loathed it a moment before. The familiar scent of her sex juices wafted towards him as she started to become wet. He wondered for a moment why he was doing this to her. After all, he could have sat in the room and talked with her, and just noted in her log that he punished her. She seemed to be an intelligent girl, despite her foolish mistake that landed her here. He probably would enjoy an afternoon just talking with her. He wondered if it was because that after all he had done to her previously, she had done him and liked it, and he subconsciously wanted to push the boundaries and see if she would still accept him.

He made no move to turn off the vibrator as she got aroused, as he had the previous day. He just moved it around a little bit, pushing up and down, and side to side on her clit a little bit. As she gasped, he knew that moans of pleasure were only right around the corner. He knew that try as she might to avoid the humiliation of an orgasm there, it couldn't be delayed for long. He picked up the first small weight, and squeezed it in his palm. "You can't hold out much longer, can you?" he asked to break the silence between them. "You know, this might be your only chance to have multiple orgasms. A lot of women wouldn't complain too much about that, regardless of how you get there."
She could hardly believe that he had the audacity to say something like that. Again, he was turning around the horrible thing he was doing to her to make it look like a benefit. Her inner pussy muscles squeezed and fought against her control, demanding that she allow herself orgasm. She had to hold back long enough to slight him. He wasn't going to be gentle about this even if he said he would be, she was positive. So she decided that she wouldn't be gentle back. "Oh? You're not good enough to provide them yourself?" she seethed at him cruelly, knowing that would be a huge blow to his pride. "Guess there's no reason to fuck you anymore." and therein lied the answer to the question he hadn't even asked. She wouldn't accept him anymore, at least not at this point.

She lasted barely a second after her words. Her back arched and she moan uncontrollably, her stomach knotting up. Then she came, fairly hard, her juices flooding out of her.
He grinned at her angry retort, knowing he had it coming. "You know I'm more than capable of getting you off," he answered. He pressed the wand in a little firmer against her. "And for that matter, I could fuck you right here if I wanted to. Officers do it all the time." Just then, Elsa entered the throes of orgasm, thrusting uncontrollably, her juices soaking the chair, and her stomach contracted, the expanded again with a convulsion as she released.

As the vibrator kept running after she finished, he lifted the chain connecting her piercings, and snapped the first weight onto it. The effect was that her breasts were pulled down, her nipples pointed down towards the ground. "You know why I didn't, Elsa? It's not because I don't want to do it again now. But that's not part of the terms of your sentence. This is." He turned off the heavy vibrations, giving her a momentary respite. "I only went for what we did yesterday because you wanted to. I don't think it"s fair that you expect me not to do my job."
Her image of him was absolutely soiled. All of his compassion was gone. The Brendan she thought she had grown to know was gone. The man in front of her was a cruel corrections officer who 'just did his job'. She leaned forward a little when he attached the weight, but pushed herself back in protest. The weight wasn't heavy, she could deal with it hanging there, though it was making her nipples even sorer. And he didn't make any indication that he was going to move the vibrator from her now extremely sensitive clit.

She bucked against it a little, involuntarily and much to her dismay. Her instinct was to buck, but bucking pressed her clit harder into the vibrator. She moaned passionately, gasping for breath as tears welled up in her eyes. It almost hurt to have the vibrator pressed against her still. "I..I hate you." she moaned, her eyes drunk with pleasure that she didn't want.
It seemed that any chance for a friendly relationship with Elsa had gone down the drain, at his own doing. But then again, most of his inmates hated his guts. If they all liked him, they would send him to work at a regular prison. As she cried, he gave serious thought to the dilemma of whether to bag the whole thing, or continue. But one orgasm, after all, hardly counted as a punishment. So he kept the vibes going against her pleasure receptacle.

The thing that hurt the most, though, was when she said "I hate you." It wasn't something he'd never heard before, but after what they'd been through together, it really stung deep, more than the attacks against his manhood. Her moans pierced through him, as she was clearly well on her way to her second orgasm. Although he knew their relationship would never be the same, guilt continued to plague the conflicted Brendan. "Look, I'm sorry that I had to do this to you. I realize that it's no fun for you, I shouldn't have joked around about it being something good, and about how I could do what I want with you now. I shouldn't have said those things. But we have to continue at least a little more." He was amazed as he looked down at her red pussy, that she never seemed to run out of juices gushing to the aroused area.
She didn't care what he had to say. She didn't believe that he could possibly be sorry. If he was sorry, he would stop. He would. It didn't matter what his job said he had to do, if he cared about her at all he would just lie on the log instead of putting her through this. She was about to answer him when her second orgasm over took her. It'd taken a few minutes for the first one, but this second one had come to her in only two. She moaned louder and her hips really ground hard against the vibrator.

She shook her head at him as tears rolled down her face, her skin a bright red all over, not just in her pussy. She had no more words for him. He could say anything to her, and only a couple of things would crack her. She was sure that he wouldn't say those words though, he couldn't.
Brendan saw that his words were evidently a waste of breath. Or possibly her next climax prevented her from answering him. It was quite explosive, her flushed skin shaking, as tears rolled down her face. Her hips really responded to stimulation, as if they had a separate mind from Elsa. They seemed to almost be begging for something to add even more to the stimulation, begging for something to penetrate inside her as she was vibed incessantly on the outside.

His arm getting tired from holding up the wand, he set up the little holder, placing it so that the instrument continued to be directed right on her clit. As he pulled it away for a second to set the stand up, he saw how red and swollen her clit was. He stood up, and was about to add one more weight to the chain, but observed a little puffiness in her nipples from the fresh piercings. "I'll give you a break on the weights. I think your piercings are too fresh to take it." He picked up a tissue from the side table, and handed it to her to wipe her tears away. "I know you won't think it's much of a break, but the usual quota is eight to ten orgasms. If you can get through two more without insulting me again, we'll call it a day after that." He felt for her, he really did, but he thought that was a reasonable offer, without allowing the girl to think that any time she cried, he would give her what she wanted.
"I don't want your pity," she spat at him and threw the tissue at him, though it only floated down slowly to the arm of the chair, then sliding off of it and onto the floor. "I don't want your preferential treatment. Treat me like you treat all of the other low life prisoners you have. You filthy pig," now she was really trying to piss him off. She really didn't want him to let her off. She would rather go through all ten orgasms than have him give her special treatment and then coerce her into something else. The treatment really didn't help her any it seemed.

Her clit was stinging with pleasure and pain as the vibrator buzzed against her. She wouldn't admit it, but her pussy really was begging for penetration. Her pussy muscles were clenching and unclenching, just as they would to milk a cock. But there was nothing there, they were just blank reactions.
"Have it your way," he shot back at her as she flung the tissue back at him, wiping the spit off his arm, where it had landed. Thoughts ran through his head of all the ways he could make her sorry, if he wanted to, for her arrogance. "You just earned that weight back, another one for spitting at me," he said to her, clipping two more weights to her breast chain. Forget the swelling, he thought to himself. He couldn't believe after all the breaks he had tried to give her, up to and including offering to cut this session short, this was how he was repaid. "And don't think that's all you'll get. How dare you spit at me and talk to me like that, after all I did for you? You'll wish soon, that all you got was the ten orgasms," he seethed back at her.

He adjusted the vibrator, pushing it in against her a little more, as her hips continued to thrust against it, working at the third orgasm. While it worked her raw pussy over, he went back over to the open supply closet, and checked its contents to see what was available to use to punish her for her defiance.
She whimpered when he applied the weights to her, immediately regretting her outburst. She couldn't go back now though. If she begged him for forgiveness, he'd only make it worse for her. She cried out in more pain than pleasure when he pushed the vibrator harder against her clit. That sent off her third orgasm, her cum spurting out from her already dripping love-hole. And then a strange thing happened. She felt her fourth orgasm come right on top of it, but instead of spurting out of her love hole, it came spraying out of her urethra. At first she thought that she had peed herself, but then she realized that she had squirted.

Her fourth orgasm that day was her first ever squirt. She'd heard of squirting but had never done it before. A woman had to be extremely aroused to squirt, and at this point, she was. Six to go, she thought to herself warily, wondering if her body could give her any other strange surprises.
While he was in the supply closet, he heard some shrieks of pleasure coming from Elsa's general direction. He returned in front of her, just in time to see her unexpectedly come, a spray shooting out of her. Had he been another step forward, she would have got it on him. While he'd had many experiences with women climaxing, both in his profession, and personal life, he had never seen any of them actually squirt. He'd actually thought for some time that it was only an urban legend that it could happen. Yet here Elsa was, so aroused that she was squirting all over the place before his very eyes.

He laid down what he had brought with him from the supply closet for a moment. It was a black dildo, long, and on a stick of sorts, like the vibrator. He walked over to her left side, deciding to restrain her arms lest she resist what was coming next. He pushed her arm down against the side of the chair, using the buckles to hold her wrist firmly in place. After doing the same with her other arm, he turned his attention to her feet. The restraints they were in were controlled by a remote control button. He pushed the button so that they were lifted up, until her feet were almost at Brendan's chest level. After recalibrating the vibrator so it still lined up with her clit, he began attaching the dildo to a clip that was attached to the stand for the vibrator, unused to this point. "I told you I had more in store for you," he said, still a bit angrily. He pushed a button and the dildo began mechanically rocking back and forth, the end of its range of motion presently falling just a couple inches short of her pussy. But he was about to change that. "You wanted to be treated like everyone else who doesn't get cut any breaks, so you got it," he said coldly.
It took her a few moments to recover from the squirting. It seemed to have taken more out of her than the others had. She breathed heavily, watching him carefully while he moved her around and strapped her down. At first she didn't realize why he was choosing to strap her arms down suddenly...but then she saw it. The giant dildo. So he was going to have a dildo screw her because she talked back to him? He really was horrid. She couldn't believe that she had actually felt for him before this.

There was a little bit of hurt in her eyes and she tried to envision what was going to happen to her. She glanced down at the dildo as it moved back and forth just in front of her pussy. Soon it would be moving inside of her. Oh well, she thought. It was better than his cock inside of her. "Fine. Fine. I'm sure you have some little bitch at home to give you what you wanted from me anyway."
He laughed at her accusation. "No, you were the only bitch I had," he sneered. "I'm disappointed that you thought I would screw around with you if I was in a committed relationship." He couldn't bring himself to look in her eyes, angry though he was with her. Now that he didn't have to hold the vibrator in place, he knelt in front of her and spread her pussy lips with his middle and index finger, holding the remote with his other hand.

He guided the dildo slowly towards her, until with the farthest point of its advance, it slightly penetrated her pussy lips. He guided it in another eight inches or so, trying to be conservative with the depth. He didn't want to have a medical issue on his hands after all. He could see that it stretched her inside tunnel to its limits, filling it completely. "So, as you can see, you'll have some extra help with the rest of your orgasms," he told her, as it pounded her again and again, the dildo never actually leaving her opening, but almost pulling out with each mechanical retraction before plunging deep back in again.
"So that's it, then? I was your bitch?" she growled at him, even as he guided the dildo inside of her. Her insides were definitely lubricated and it wasn't difficult for him to slide the enormous rubber cock inside of her. And then it began fucking her. The worst part of this, she thought, was how impersonal it was. He had spread open her pussy lips and put a toy inside of her, and yet the only thing they felt for each other in this moment was hate. Or at least, she hated him. The dildo wasn't just long, it was wide too. Her pussy was filled to the brim, and despite herself, it felt good. The dildo wasn't warm and throbbing like a real cock was, but it was still pretty good.

"Your jailhouse pussy. Too bad you only got it once. Or does doing this get you off?" but then she couldn't taunt him anymore. The vibrator was still buzzing against her (she was glad he'd left it at it's current level, she didn't know how much higher it could go, but it was already hard for her to try to control her) and now she was getting fucked too. She felt her insides knot up and her mind slip away from her, moans escaping her now. Her pussy squeezed the dildo inside of her, grateful for something to cling too. She came, her entire body shuddering. Her cum dripped down the dildo, number five.
"You're the one who assumed anyone I was involved with would be a 'bitch'," he answered. He wouldn't admit it to her, but he was getting off a little on her predicament. He got a rush out of the way she would transition from spewing anger at him, to making sounds of uncontrolled ecstasy. As she finished up for the fifth time, he observed her soak the dildo with fresh cum. "I forgot the last two, you've been pushing them out so fast," he said, hanging three more weights on the line, dipping her breasts down a little further. "I have one more surprise for you," he announced. "I don't want to leave these running unattended, so we'll pick up with number six," he said, turning off the dildo and the vibrator.

Without another word, he left the room, locking the door behind him. He found Jamie, the butch inmate from earlier in the day still in her cell. "You liked Elsa, right?" he asked her through the grate of her small cage. "How would you like a crack at her?" When Jamie hastily agreed, he unlocked the cage leading her back to the room Elsa was housed in. Jamie's eyes almost popped out of her head as he opened the door, and she saw the state Elsa was in. "Just, um.. watch her for a while for me. I'll be back in a half hour or so," he said with a devious smile, shooting a glance at Elsa, as he walked towards the door.
Jamie had been languishing away in her cell, fantasizing about what she'd love to be doing to a woman right now. She was in for arson, she'd never been convicted of her sex crimes. The police assumed that all of the torture around her city had been done by a man, seeing as it was sexual sadism. A woman wasn't capable of that sort of thing, they thought. They obviously had never met Jamie. From the first second she'd seen Elsa, she'd been dreaming of how she could defile her.

When Brendan came to her cell and gave her that opportunity, she nearly creamed herself right there. She followed him quickly, her heart racing with excitement. She hadn't had good pussy in almost a year. To make it even better, Elsa was reclined in a chair and spread, her sweet little cunt stuffed with a dildo. She grinned and said, "I'll take good care of her for you sir,"

Meanwhile, Elsa was nearly having a coronary. When Jamie walked in she wanted to die right then and there. The butch woman was coming towards her. Elsa pled with Brendan with her eyes, begging him for anything but this. She was sorry, she was so sorry, she'd never defy him again...but he was already gone.

Jamie walked right up to Elsa and leaned over her, taking a big obnoxious whiff of her pussy. "Hey baby girl. You smell good." she moved the vibrator out of the way and dragged her thick tongue across Elsa's swollen clit. Elsa whimpered, her hips automatically grinding a little. Jamie laughed softly, "That's right. You love me." she licked her clit a few more times, extremely slowly. Then suddenly she chomped down on it, her teeth mercilessly squeezing the girl's swollen clit. Elsa screamed in both pain and pleasure, her hips bucking up wildly as her sixth orgasm came flooding down from her unexpectedly.

Jamie felt the girl cum and slowly slid the soaked dildo out of her. She unclipped it and brought it up to her own face, licking it and tasting the girl. "You're delicious. Try." and then she brought the dildo up to Elsa's mouth, shoving it in before she could close her mouth. Jamie slid off her own pants and panties, soaked from the excitement of this. She crawled up on top of Elsa in the chair, pressing her pussy against Elsa's spread one. She humped her gently, her tongue running up the girl's stomach, across her freshly pierced tits, her neck, throat, and to her face.
Brendan, meanwhile, headed into a 'control room' across the hall, where he flipped on a closed circuit TV, which had a feed from a camera in Elsa's room. There were several hidden camera angles to choose from, and he finally found one centering right on Elsa's chair, bringing it up onto a large monitor. He firstly wanted to make sure Jamie didn't go too far and hurt Elsa. He got a good view of the absolute terror on Elsa's face as the hungry lesbian approached.

He thought to himself that siccing Jamie on her was a good punishment for the way she'd talked to him and spat on him. He saw the creeped out look on Elsa's face earlier when Jamie made her comments during the strip search. Although a lot of women in the Center had bi-sexual tendencies, he could tell that Elsa had none. Disgust filled her eyes as Jamie abused her clit, even as her clit responded with waves of pleasure. Even he was surprised, letting out a gasp when Jamie rammed the soaked dildo down Elsa's throat. As unappetizing as Jamie's body was, he was getting extremely turned on. He wondered what she would do next to Elsa as their pussies ground together. He'd never seen lesbians in action before.
Jamie was loving this. She hadn't had a girl to abuse in the longest time. She kneaded Elsa's sensitive breasts roughly, her nails digging into her soft pale flesh. She continued to grind her clit against Elsa's, moaning right into the girl's ear. She pulled one hand off of a breast and began to pump the dildo in and out of her mouth, but quickly grew bored with that and pulled it out, tossing it behind her. She grinned down at the girl who was crying and whimpering, she loved it when they did that. She leaned down and planted her lips full on the girl's mouth, forcing her tongue inside and making out with her sloppily. Once she thought she was close, she stopped grinding and crawled up the rest of the reclined chair.

"You gonna drink my cum, bitch." she growled at her, crawling up and clinging to the top of the chair. It was an awkward position, but this is where she wanted her pussy to be -- right up against the girl's mouth. Elsa moved to bite Jamie to try to make her move away, but the woman just moaned and ground into her teeth. "Mmm, biting is good." she ground against the girl's mouth and teeth as hard and fast as she could, effectively face fucking her. Then she came, her pussy spasming and pushing cum out onto the girl's face and into her mouth.
Brendan looked on as Jamie seemed encouraged by Elsa's sobbing and whimpering. He hadn't been sure if lesbians could get off just grinding or, if other stimulation was needed, but saw Jamie start to climax after rubbing her clit against Elsa's pussy, and forcibly kissing her. Once Jamie rammed her tongue in Elsa's mouth, Brendan suddenly realized he was rubbing his half-erect cock through his pants. It was, after all, every man's fantasy to witness a lesbian encounter, wasn't it? Much less a forcible one. He knew it was certainly Elsa's first time tasting a woman's sex.

Once Jamie started face-fucking Elsa, the thought entered his mind that even he wouldn't want Jamie's crotch anywhere near his face, and he was straight. He would have felt sorry for Elsa yesterday, or even earlier today, but she had erased any feelings he had towards her emotionally with the way she treated him earlier. He stood up once Jamie came on Elsa's face, heading back in the other room, and prying the fearsome lesbian off his inmate. "Let's go, Jamie," he said, putting his hand on her shoulder.
Jamie crawled off of Elsa and lumbered to the floor. She grinned at the girl laying there, tear soaked and cum soaked. She leaned over and licked her cheek. "Thanks babe. See you at work tomorrow," and then she moved away and pulled her panties up and her pants back on. When Brendan came in she smirked at him and let him take her back to her cage without a word. She laid down on her cot and heaved a heavy contented sigh.

When Brendan came back in Elsa looked up at him and sniffled softly. "I...I..." she tried, but she didn't have any words. Now she was sorry for what she'd done, now she really regretted it. She hadn't thought it would go so far with her, that he'd be so cruel. But now she knew.
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