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The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

She squealed when he lifted her up and carted her off to the bed, giggling when he plopped her down. She rolled over close to him and snuggled her face right into his neck. She breathed in his clean scent, so different from Carlos', and kissed his collarbone. "Good night, my handsome, amazing, fiancee." she whispered with a smile.
Brendan was delighted to hear Elsa's giggle, something he hadn't heard much of lately. He brought her into his neck and squeezed, kissing her on top of her head and rubbing her butt playfully a little. "Night to you, my gorgeous, wonderful future wife," he said back in a deep whisper. "Love you," he added before settling in, holding her in his arms for the night as he started to fade off.
"Love you," she whispered back to him with a big smile. She fell asleep quickly and stayed asleep, loving every moment of it. When she woke in the morning her face was throbbing a little and she was sore, but she was in Brendan's arms and she loved it. She lifted her face and bit his lip softly to wake him up.
Brendan started a little when Elsa bit him, but then as he stirred awake and realized that the woman he loved was with him, he smiled wide and licked her nose playfully. He squeezed her tight and then let go, freeing her body from his arms for the first time in hours. "Your beautiful face is something nice to wake up to for a change," he said playfully, rolling over to the edge of the bed and sitting up, looking back over his shoulder at her.
"Oh yeah?" she shot back to him, sitting up and rolling off the bed on the other side. She stretched big, still in her tank top and short shorts from the night before. "What do you usually wake up to?" she stuck her tongue out at him and then padded out into the hallway. She went into the bathroom and washed her face and peed and then came back, leaning against the doorframe. "So are you hungry?"
"My own drool on the pillow," he teased as she was on the way out, enjoying the sight of her stretching. It kind of made him want to use his morning wood for something, but he figured that could wait a tiny bit. "I am hungry," he admitted, getting up and holding her by the waist in the doorway. "You trying to get me to take you right on the kitchen floor, babe?" he teased. "Stretching all sexy, cooking a nice breakfast for me... " he trailed off with a laugh and a slap at her butt as he pulled away from her.
Elsa was willing to be playful, but she still really didn't want him to mess around with her. She placed a hand on his chest and pushed him away gently, sticking her tongue out at him and turning around, only for him to spank her. She sighed and rolled her eyes a little bit, "What do you want? Eggs? Bacon? Let me know, babe. I'm going to put coffee on." and then she padded into the kitchen. She dug around in the refrigerator, finding that he didn't stock it as well as she would have hoped. She took out the carton of eggs and some fruit, though, pouring them both glasses of juice while she waited for him.
Brendan was content to settle for just breakfast for now, and laughed at her little hard-to-get routine, which belied the fact that she didn't want to mess around. Actually, despite the heavy dinner, he was quite hungry. "Eggs and bacon sounds great," he agreed, picking up his juice and taking a drink. "It's a shame I have to leave you all day," he explained. "I'll be looking forward to this afternoon, though," he pointed out. "A lot. Are you feeling any better?" he wondered aloud.
She rolled her eyes again when he mentioned how much he would be looking forward to seeing her. What he really meant was that he was going to be looking forward to fucking her. Of course he was. That's what all the men in her life seemed to crave -- her body. Sure, they said things about the rest of her, but she had a hard time believing it most of the time. She fried up eggs quick along side the bacon and plated it for them, sitting at the table with the juice. "So I guess I'll just spend the day here..." she murmured.
Brendan was disappointed that Elsa seemed down about staying home. Before, she never wanted him to take a day off just to spend the day together. "Mmm, good, babe," he complimented her as he dug into the delicious breakfast she'd created. "If you want, I can drive you to the hospital on the way to work and pick you up after. I know you'll be stuck there all day, but it's the only thing I can think of...." he trailed off, shoveling in some more warm food and grinning at his pretty fiancee across the table.
Elsa immediately felt bad for being bitchy when Brendan offered to take her to the hospital. She melted at his grin and nodded, extending her feet under the table and grabbing at his to play footsy with him. "Okay babe," she murmured. "Just let me shower after we eat, I'll get dressed quick, and then we can go." she took another bite of her eggs and thought for a moment. "I really missed you," she said to him softly.
Brendan laughed, taken by surprise when Elsa attacked his feet under the table. He hadn't expected her to be too playful this morning. "That sounds great," he eagerly answered with a grin, poking back at her foot as he forked some more breakfast into his mouth, making quick work of her meal. "I missed you too," he added thoughtfully, slowly dragging his bare foot up the side of her leg, keeping his eyes on hers. "Every moment I was here without you, babe," he continued, standing up and placing his dish in the sink before standing behind Elsa's chair, rubbing a little at her shoulders.
She kept her eyes on his while he spoke, staring at him with as much love as she could muster in that moment. She sighed and let her body slump a little bit when he came around to her shoulders and began to rub at them. She lifted her hand and touched her swollen cheek gently, it stung. "I feel like I'm not good enough for you anymore," she murmured in a moment of weakness.
Brendan kept rubbing at her shoulder in silence for a while, pausing when she made her confession. He slowly let his hands fall onto her chest and collarbone, and leaned forward, kissing her on top of her head. "Elsa," he said softly. "Don't be crazy. You're the only woman for me," he countered her. "Why would you think that? I'll always love you."
"Because..." she insisted, her eyes tearing up just a little bit. "Carlos...he...he has this hold on me." she paused for a moment and closed her eyes, unsure if she should continue on. "I can't explain it. I love you and only you. But he...he knows how to break me down. He knows how to make me...want..." and then she got up quickly and brought her dishes to the sink. "Nevermind. I'll only be ten minutes in the shower."
Brendan let it sink in for a moment, and rubbed at her collarbone and then her shoulders again. He'd known that Carlos had a frightening hold on Elsa, but this was the first it had entered the spoken realm between them. She'd always made it seem before as if she was in control of her own emotions, but only went along with Carlos to protect Gui, to protect him, or out of fear. Now, she was almost admitting for the first time that it wasn't entirely true. "If you're not good enough for me, there isn't a girl in the world who is," he insisted as she got up. He was a little puzzled at what she'd been getting at before she trailed off, but she wasn't in a frame of mind to really discuss it. He grabbed Elsa by the elbow before she could scurry off to shower and drew her body close to him. "Don't worry, baby," he said firmly, leaning in a pressing his lips against hers for a second. "Just go shower. And don't worry."
She yelped when he grabbed her and at first tried to tear away, but he had her folded in to him before she could move away. She sighed and buried her face into his neck after he kissed her. She sucked in a deep breath and nodded into his neck, wrapping her arms around his chest gently. "You're the only man for me. Carlos is obstacle," she said as definitively as she could. Then she nodded and pecked his cheek, pulling away to the bathroom. She undressed quickly and got in, turning the water on scalding hot. As promised she only took ten minutes and was opening the door and letting out steam. She was wrapped in a towel and padded to the bedroom to dress.
Brendan couldn't help but wonder how large of an obstacle Carlos would prove to be. He certainly wouldn't be the kind that was easily overcome, that much Brendan knew. But more and more, he wondered whether that man would be a storm that cannot be weathered in the end. Brendan usually showered after work, so he was just finished getting dressed in his bedroom as Elsa came in dressed in her towel. "I'll let you dress," he offered, pulling his second sock on before walking over to her. He held Elsa loosely by the bare shoulders, squaring her up to look into his eyes for a moment. "We're going to get married," he reminded her with a little smile. "We're supposed to be together," he added before letting her go and heading for the living room to wait.
She went up on her toes and gave him a soft, gentle, long kiss when he told her that they were going to get married. She knew they would get married. They would. She just wondered if she would have to break her vows with him to appease Carlos. She really, really hoped not. Once Brendan left the bedroom she dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved top, not wanting to look any kind of attractive in case Carlos decided to show his face. She put her hair up and then trounced out to see Brendan in the living room. "Let's go see my baby," she breathed, and then paused, "I mean, my other baby," she giggled and stuck her tongue out at him.
Brendan enjoyed that long kiss with her more than he thought possible before leaving the room. There was such a connection, a spark with Elsa that something a simple as a kiss let them share. When he was with her, he could just feel that she was going to be his wife. But when she romped into the living room in an playful mood, that was nice too. That was the Elsa he knew. "Hey," he objected, playfully chasing her down and pinching her waist. "You'd better watch it, miss," he growled playfully before grabbing his keys and heading for the door. He was late already, and smirked at her as he held the door for her before locking it, giving her a soft and playful slap on the butt as she passed him on her way out into the hall.
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