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The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Brendan bristled at her words, but he immediately turned his car around. He couldn't leave her there alone after all. She was the woman he loved. "I do love you. More than anything. And I'm sorry he hit you," Brendan said softly. "But your voice said it all, Elsa. You sounded so desperate to talk to him. I heard you offer to go back to his house when I was on the way out," he added. "You didn't seem to care at all that I was there once the phone rang. I know you, Els," he insisted. "Don't you realize I know you? I know when you're trying to take care of your baby, and I know when you're desperately seeking his approval," he went on. "And I think you know which one just happened. I'm coming back now, though."
"I HAVE TO HAVE HIS APPROVAL." she nearly screamed into the phone, her heart racing at ten thousand miles an hour now. "I have nothing if I don't have his approval. He could kill me, Brendan. He could kill you. He could kill Gui. I love you with all my heart," she knew that she loved Brendan, but at this point she had to question how much, "but you know he has control. You say you know me. Then you know that I love you. Don't come back for me if you don't want me to be with you. If you can't believe that I need you and that I love you, then don't come." and then she hung up the phone, sinking back down into the chair next to Gui.
Brendan didn't say anything in response. He knew nothing good could come of that. He just listened to Elsa finish her rant, and folded up his phone. He knew she didn't have to have Carlos' approval for him to pay the bills. She had to play his slut and go stay with him and fuck him. That was it. He knew she had some feelings for Carlos, whatever she said. But regardless, Elsa was his woman, and he had to go to her. Ten minutes later, he tentatively walked into Gui's room, pausing a few feet from Elsa. After a moment, he approached closer and touched her knee. "Can I sit here?" he said softly, nodding at the empty chair next to her.
It really bothered Elsa that Brendan questioned her. That he would dare to bring up the touchy subject of her feelings for Carlos. Brendan had absolutely no concept of how difficult it was for her to figure out her feelings. Brendan only loved Elsa. He didn't have a child with his rapist. She stared down at sleeping Gui until Brendan walked in and touched her knee. She lifted up her head and looked at him, her cheek swollen and purple and her eyes red from crying. She nodded to him and extended her hand, hoping that he would take it.
Brendan reached out and took Elsa's hand as he sat next to her. He kneaded her hand gently in his, reaching up and cupping Elsa's delicate, swollen cheek in his hand. He wasn't going to press the issue any further as he thought he'd made his point. But if she wanted to marry him, he'd like to think that she could keep feelings of that type restricted to him alone, her future husband. He didn't say a word and just kept squeezing and massaging her hand, but he couldn't help wondering what happened to thing between them and what the future held for the three of them.
Elsa squeezed his hand back silently, not knowing what to say. How could she justify herself to him? He didn't understand her, and she didn't understand him. At least with Carlos, they could understand each other. But she didn't love Carlos. She didn't want to be with Carlos forever. Elsa wanted to be with Brendan forever, she knew that definitively. She slowly climbed from her chair into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and just holding herself there. She heaved a great sigh and tried very hard not to cry. After awhile she whispered to him, "Let's go home."
Things just seemed right when Elsa climbed on his lap, unexpected though the move was. He slowly slid his arms around her back and held her in place, gazing into her moist eyes. When she mentioned about going home, he leaned in slightly and kissed her on the cheek. "What about Gui?" he answered. "Shouldn't we stay with him until visiting hours are over?" He wanted to go home with Elsa in the worst way, but at the same time, he wanted to somehow make them into a family, including Gui, and he thought that meant staying with Gui in his time of need.
Elsa's mouth burst into a great smile when he said that they should stay for the entire portion of visitor's hours. "You're the best," she murmured to him, kissing his neck gently and hugging him even closer to her. "I love you sososososo much," she breathed, almost on the verge on tears again.
Brendan hadn't meant it to score some points with Elsa, but he was glad she agreed with his idea. He wrapped an arm around her and squeezed, kissing her on the side of the head. "Love you too, baby," he answered. "We'll stay here together, and then go home," he offered. "And spend the night together, like we're meant to, babe," he promised, squeezing her as tightly as he could, grateful for the familiar feel of her body up against his.
Elsa stayed curled up in his lap for awhile but eventually her pull towards Gui took her away. She went back into her chair and leaned over the crib, looking down at her little baby. She played with him as much as she could, rubbing his belly and letting him hold her finger. The nurse came in and said she could feed him, and she did so, relishing in it. When visiting hours were over she gave the baby a gentle kiss and then she took Brendan's hand to go.
Brendan quietly kept vigil with Elsa, trying to show a little interest in Gui without intruding on the mother-child bond. He was glad when visiting hours were over though, squeezing Elsa's hand as they headed out and craning his neck down to her. "Love you," he confessed softly. "A lot. I really missed you, baby," he told her as they headed out to his car. "But at the same time, there's no need to dwell on that tonight," he added with a little grin.
On the one hand Elsa was glad that Brendan still wanted her. She could imagine that he might not anymore, after all she spent almost half of her time catering to Carlos. But Elsa really wasn't in the mood to mess around. Her face hurt, her heart hurt for Gui, and she was tired. She squeezed his hand as they got into the car and sighed. "Bren...would you be angry if I asked you nicely if we could maybe not do anything tonight?"
Brendan did want to mess around with Elsa tonight. But at the same time, he understood why she might not feel like that. He didn't even want to think about what may have happened with Carlos. "Of course not," he answered her before getting in the car. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss... that too. But it's mainly being with you that I missed, babe," he told her truthfully as they drove away, reaching across the car and grasping her hand.
She breathed a little sigh of relief and squeezed his hand once more in the car. She rested her head against the back of the seat and closed her eyes, almost dozing off immediately. "I'm just...I'm just so tired. I feel exhausted. I could sleep from now until tomorrow." she felt bad about not wanting to spend time with Brendan. She wanted to be with him, she just...didn't want to do anything.
Brendan just squeezed her hand silently as they headed back to his place. It was a strange feeling pulling up there. It was the home they'd shared for a while when she first got out of the Center. Then, it was a place she visited frequently, and next the place he thought she'd live in again as his fiancee. Now... he wasn't sure. But she was there tonight, and that was all he wanted to think about at the moment. She'd almost fallen asleep, and he pulled her door open after parking, wrapping an arm around her as he led her up the steps to his place. "It's okay, babe," he assured her. "If you want to sleep from now 'til noon a week from tomorrow, I'll be there next to you," he promised as he opened the door. "Although, I have to hold onto some hope you'll be into me again at some point," he teased with a laugh.
She laughed softly as he led her up the steps but stopped and turned to look at him. She cupped his face in her hands and went up on her tip-toes to kiss him lightly. "I'm still into you, Bren." she told him seriously, "I'm just...very tired. And my face hurts. And I miss Gui. It has nothing to do with you, please don't think that. I love being home with you."
"I know, I know," he assured Elsa, giving her a little pat on the cheek after their kiss, and opening the door. Once inside, he led her over to the couch, where he helped her down and then took a seat right up next to her. He actually felt bad for even having brought up sex after she reminded him what Carlos did to her. Something obviously didn't seem fair in that Carlos could beat her and still have sex with her, which was only because he'd raped a baby into her. But he had nothing but love for Elsa, and none of that was Elsa's fault. "I love you being home, too," he told her, tugging her down so she could lay her head into his lap.
Once they were on the couch, Elsa felt better. She fell over into his lap and snuggled down into it. She still held onto his hand, her left in his left, and fell asleep quickly. She must have slept for a couple of hours, but she wasn't sure. She began to stir and stretched her legs out, rolling over onto her back and looking up to see Brendan's head tilted back in sleep as well. She sat up and yawned, pecking his lips gently. "Babe. Are you hungry? I could cook."
Brendan began slowly and rhythmically stroking Elsa's hair and scalp as she slunk down into his lap and rested. He didn't want to let go of her hand or move his legs and wake her, but fortunately he was able to reach the remote and watch some TV with the volume down while she slept. It was a little tedious, but he'd take this over doing anything without her. He'd actually moved his legs a little just before she woke in an effort to stir her some, and held her head up as they kissed when she finally came out of it. "No, no," he insisted. "It's almost ten," he told her. "I'll order us a sandwich from out," he insisted. "You can cook me breakfast in the morning," he offered. "After we sleep together all night."
Elsa smiled at him big again when he told her that he would order them food. She nodded and kissed him again gently, pressing her forehead against his and keeping it there for a moment. It felt so nice to be in Brendan's arms again. So nice, in fact, that she almost didn't even regard him in a sexual manner. She sat up fully on the couch again and stretched. "I'm going to change for bed while you call." she said and got up, padding into the bedroom. She grabbed some short shorts and changed into them. Then she grabbed a tank top and put that on too, leaving her bra off. She took her hair out of the ponytail and took the earrings out as well and then padded back out to the couch.
Brendan called the pizza shop down the street and ordered a meatball sandwich and onion rings while Elsa was changing. He'd gotten to know most of the places of that nature while he'd been living along. He really had felt like cooking even less than before he was with Elsa to begin with. He knew Elsa was trying to be comfortable, not sexy, but it was still hard to stay away from her when she came back in with the tank top and shorts, displaying her nice, soft arms and legs. She was so cute, and he'd missed that a lot. He sat with his back against the sofa armrest and let her lay up against his chest, rubbing her shoulders, and was in that position when the bell rang with the food. "Hungry, babe?" he whispered as he slid out from under her.
"Famished," she proclaimed when he rose up to get the food. She watched him as he walked across the small room and went to the door, a little smile resting on her lips the whole time. Brendan was so perfect. He was fatherly, husbandly, everything that she ever wanted. So why did she feel any connection to Carlos at all? She knew why. Because Carlos was dangerous, Carlos was the kind of man her father would want her to be with. She wondered if her father ever thought about her. She could only imagine what would go down if Carlos found her father. He was notorious in his own right with carjacking and she was surprised he didn't know about him. When Brendan came back with the food she dug into the sandwich, groaning happily with the first bite. "Mmmmm, it's so gooood." she moaned excitedly.
Brendan quickly paid the pizza guy, in a hurry both to eat and to get back to his woman. He dug in as heartily as Elsa and had some sauce and cheese on his mouth by the time she spoke. "Delicious," he mumbled, playfully wiping some messy sauce off her face with his finger. "So sloppy," he teased. "If I can't get youuu tonight, this might be the next best thing," he teased. When they'd finished, he slowly pressed his chest down on Elsa and pushed her down into the couch. He wasn't planning for it to lead anywhere, but it felt nice. He smiled and pressed his lips against hers, feeling her breasts rub against his chest. "This feels right," he said into her ear after nibbling at it.
She laughed at his joke and made a point of kissing him when she had saucy lips. When they were finished and he pressed her down on the couch and smiled up at him. She searched his eyes and sighed, loving the gentle feel of his weight pressed on her. It was so much different than when Carlos pressed his weight on her. She poked his nose gently and nodded, "It does feel right," she murmured. "I'm sleepy...let's go to bed."
Brendan laughed at her saucy kiss. This was what he loved about Elsa. They didn't have to be doing anything sexy or special to enjoy each other. Just rubbing sauce on each other's faces was special enough. He poked her nose back and gently pressed his body down against hers, smiling at the soft feel before getting up slowly. Leaning over, he plucked Elsa up from the couch, cradling her in his arms and smiling down at her. "Settled. I'm taking you right to bed, miss," he told her as he carried her into the bedroom they used to share, setting her gently on the cool bed before climbing in under the sheets. "I'll warm you up quick, babe," he joked, pressing up against her and wrapping his arms around her frame.
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