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The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Carlos grunted and fell down to the couch with her, catching a plump, jiggling breast in his mouth and biting playfully at the nipple. "Oh yeah, slut?" he growled playfully. "You want my dark cock deeeeep inside your tight hole?" he growled as he flicked the ring once more and then yanked her panties down past her knees and ankles. He began massaging her clit with the aid of her ring using one finger once her pussy was bared, yet still grasped the panties in the other hand. Suddenly, he took the panties, and as he'd done before, shoved them into her open mouth without warning. "Suck up your pussy juice while I fuck you, mama," he growled with a laugh.
The last two times that Carlos had shoved her panties in her mouth had been absolutely horrid. He'd done it that first time at the Center and he'd done it once right after Gui'd been born. Now, though, it didn't bother her as much. She was surprised when he did it but instead of crying or screaming she moaned and bucked her hips at him to tell him that she wanted him to fuck her now.
Carlos' heart raced when Elsa's hips bucked for him. He'd promised to be mean,followed though on it, and yet Elsa still was begging for his manhood. He tore down his pants, letting them sit at his knees since he didn't want to bother to waste time removing them. He placed a hand over Elsa's mouth, smashing the panties down there, and grasped her hip with the free hand, quickly centering his cock over her waiting pussy, and sinking it in, immediately trying to fill her up and reach her deepest recesses of her sex. "Ahhhhh, mama," he groaned immediately before beginning to rock.
Elsa, while she usually like Carlos' roughness to a certain point, was absolutely loving it right now. She didn't know what it was, she didn't know how he did it to her, but she was eating it up like no other. She began to breathe faster when he centered his cock over her pussy, anxiously waiting for him to sink inside. Her eyes hooded when he did, her pussy clamping down on him and milking him tightly. "Agjkhhhh," she moaned, feeling her wet panties seep juice into her throat.
Carlos fed off Elsa's pleasure, and felt his heart race as she gripped his cock magically when he started to thrust. Her muffled screams through the panties were delicious, and he let his hand off her mouth and grabbed at her brown hair with both hands, shaking at her head while he rocked her, glaring down at her hooded eyes. He slammed his hips against her over and over, searching to sheath his cock inside her as deep as he could, reaching for the last inch or so she had to give him before he leaned down again. Beads of sweat began to form on his dark skin as he opened his mouth, biting hard at one of her hardened nipples while he thrusted.
Her eyes ended up shutting when he started to shake her head. She was completely lost in the pleasure and she barely even noticed that he was hurting her. She moaned and screamed through the panties in her mouth, her hips bucking up and trying to grind against him. It was as if she too wanted that final inch to disappear inside of her, like she craved it. She clawed at him with her hands, finding something to grab at. She finally found his shoulders, which she dug her fingernails into happily. He was fucking her savagely and she would cum fast if he kept it up.
Carlos was too entranced in the amazing fucking to feel any pain either, and although Elsa's nails pierced his flesh, he didn't even flinch or alter his motions. Instead, he kept pounding savagely, letting go of her hair just long enough to push her legs farther apart, which allowed him to fill her pussy a little more. He thought he could feel the limits of her love tunnel as his cock throbbed inside her, pressing outward on her tight inner walls. He let out a primal groan and slowed down a little bit, tilting his head sideways and biting her neck as he ground up and down, mashing her swollen clit into her body as he hips savagely bucked at him. "Dammmn, you a good fuck," he grunted out. "You my fuck slut, and you good and hot," he raved.
She was completely drunk with pleasure. She was gasping and moaning and whining and whimpering and seething as he fucked her. Her clit was throbbing hotly and her hips were grinding wildly. She whimpered when he bit her, that just sent more waves of pleasure through her. Then her body finally couldn't take it anymore and she came, a loud scream of pleasure erupting from her mouth as he pussy spasmed on him.
Carlos was convulsing with amazing pleasure as well, which was evidenced by loud, deep grunting, as well as steaming his warm breath all over Elsa's neck. Her body was clearly responding to his every move and touch, but nothing really registered compared to when she came. That seemed to be unlike any of the other amazing times they'd had sex before. Now, her pussy was squeezing, wringing, milking his cock like never before, her mouth emitting a scream, a whine that he'd never heard the likes of. The muscles inside her seemed to be flexing at maximum effort as Carlos wrapped his tattooed arms around her body and drove his cock as deep inside Elsa as he could manage until he came as well, filling her pussy with his warm seed, almost drowning out her screams with his own impassioned ones.
Elsa was silenced for a moment when she felt him cum inside of her. That was one of the most amazing feelings in the world to Elsa. It made her feel so womanly, so complete. She sighed and breathed heavily, her chest rising up and down quickly as he hugged her close. After a few moments her body went slack and she felt completely drained. All she wanted now was to curl up next to Carlos in their bed and sleep.
Carlos closed his eyes and rested his face on Elsa's heaving chest as he let the remaining bit of cum drain inside her. The feeling of ejecting directly inside her waiting pussy was wonderful. It was how they'd conceived their son, and it was the basis for a number of other important events between the two of them. It was a clear symbol of the relationship between the two of them. She was completely his when that happened. He leaned down and carefully extracted the panties, sliding his cock out at the same time before planting a soft kiss on her lips. "That.. was.. good," Carlos grunted. "Mama."
She looked up at him as he extracted the panties from her mouth, her eyes hooding just a little when he kissed her. She pressed her lips to his and murred, thinking about how perfect she could feel with him sometimes. Now was one of those times. She felt absolutely perfect. "Daddy," she whispered to him, "Daaaddy," she repeated, her chest still rising and falling quickly. "Take me upstairs to bed, Daddy," she said to him with a little grin.
Carlos pressed his lips up gently for a long time, able to taste some of the flavor from the panties, but indifferent to that. He tasted Elsa, and that was what he wanted. He could lay with this woman all night and it wouldn't be enough. She was devoted to him to an insane degree, and it made him feel a devotion to her that was completely different, yet similar. "Of course, mama," he answered her softly, still catching his breath. He slowly climbed off the couch and leaned back over, plucking his naked woman up with a flex of his tattooed, muscular arms, and heading for the stairs. It was a little awkward navigating the steps with her in tow, but he made good on her request, carrying her clear to his bed before he set her down on the mattress before leaning down and kissing at her supple neck. "You gonna sleep with me now, sugar?" he asked tiredly.
She wrapped her arms around his neck when he lifted her up off the couch and towards the bedroom. She pressed her face into his neck, breathing in his deep and musky smell. For the moment nothing existed but Carlos and the things that were attached to Carlos. Gui wasn't with them, but she could still feel him. The only one she couldn't feel was Brendan. That would change in the morning, but for now he didn't seem to exist. Elsa stretched out on the bed when he laid her down and then rolled on her side, nodding. "Yessss," she cooed, extending her arms so that he would lay with her.
Carlos was exhausted himself, and quickly fell into Elsa's waiting arms, before reaching around and hitting the light. He wrapped himself up with Elsa's body, warming himself from the generous amount of heat her skin was emitting. He curled up and ran his hand along her back, hair, and neck, and before he knew it he was dozing off in a sound sleep, next to the only woman he cared to do that with.
Elsa fell asleep the second the light was off and Carlos' body was next to hers. She slept perfectly throughout the night, her face pressed into his chest with her legs wrapped around his. She woke up to sunlight pouring in through the window and Carlos' light snoring. She blinked a couple of times and then realized what day it was and who she was with. She started to struggle to get free of Carlos' arms.
Carlos was in a deep sleep the entire night, and wouldn't have woke for some time if not for Elsa struggling to free herself from his death grip. "Ahhh, what is it, mama?" he grunted with a snort, squinting at what seemed like extremely bright light pouring in from the window. Releasing Elsa from his grip, he rolled over and buried his face in the pillow.
"Carlos, it's Wednesday!" she proclaimed to him, as if that should mean something to him. She rolled away from his body and slid off the bed, nearly running over to her duffle bag to get dressed. "Get up!" she chirped persistently, "I have to go to the hospital. It's already ten in the morning! I've lost two hours!"
Elsa's voice sounded like some kind of clashing crossed with fingernails on a chalkboard to him this morning, whereas she'd sounded like an angel to him the night before. "What?" he mumbled. "Can't you wait til later?" he protested, sliding the pillow away from his face enough to see her frantically running around the room. Reluctantly, he sat up a little in the bed, trying to remember what was supposed to happen today. "You goin' to the hospital? And not comin' back here?" he asked a little quizically.
Elsa looked up from her bag when he mentioned not coming back here. She'd gotten a bra on and that was it. She padded over to the bed and gently climbed on top of him, straddling him as lightly as she could. She cradled his face in her hands and kissed him lightly, "Carlos. I have to go see our son. You know how much he means to me. Waiting even ten minutes is difficult for me," and she carefully avoided the 'not coming back here' part.
Carlos rolled over and looked up at Elsa. She didn't have to say anything about coming back now. He remembered what was supposed to happen. He knew he could push it another day with Brendan, but it was starting to be too much. Realistically, he knew he'd have to let Elsa go. It was out of fairness to her, to their son. After all, she'd given him more than he could have reasonably expected over the last two days. "Kay," he mumbled, kissing her and massaging her shoulders for a few moments. He rolled out of bed, pushed her gently off him and dressed. In five minutes, he was ready to go. He could eat and shower after he dropped her off, he thought as he walked her out to the call in the cool morning air.
She sighed in irritation when he pushed her off of him and walked away. She sat mostly naked on the bed for a moment and watched him. She thought about convincing him of something or other, but she decided to let it go. She slid off of the bed and got dressed quickly, following him out into the air. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it a little, looking up at him and seeing that he was pensive. "Carlos," she said softly, "You seem angry. Or something."
"No no," Carlos insisted, trying to play it off even though he obviously was irritated. He leaned against the door and stared at Elsa, mulling over the odd anomaly that was their relationship. On one hand, he controlled her utterly and completely. He could do anything with her, and she was still devoted to him, snuggled up at his side by night. But then his hand was being forced to let her go with another man for who knew how long. "Why don't you at least wear somethin' I bought you?" he offered, imagining it might be a little dig at Brendan for her to show up in her ghetto clothes. "And maybe these," he added, picking up a pair of hoop earrings from the dresser that she hadn't worn in a while; the kind that looked like little dogs should be jumping through the hoops.
On the one hand, Elsa was glad that Carlos was trying to play off his irritation. It meant that he cared about her, it meant that he didn't want her to be upset. She took the earrings from him and hooked them into her ears, shaking her head a little bit and making the hoops jingle. "Okay Carlos," she said, appeasing him. She knew it would make Brendan jealous, but she hoped Brendan would be happier with the fact that she was going home with him. She changed out of her pants and pulled on the ghetto jeans that Carlos bought her. "Can I keep this shirt? I am a mama, you know."
Carlos was very pleased that she wanted to put on the tight jeans and earrings for him, and he didn't push the shirt issue. "You is a mama," he laughed, walking up to her and planting a kiss on her, lifting her off the ground for a few seconds in the process. "So that mean you can't be all sexy?" he teased. "But nah, that shirt okay," he conceded before she could answer. "Come on," he encouraged her, licking his lips as he gave her figure a once over and headed for the steps. "Let's go see my boy."
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