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The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Elsa took a moment to look up at Elena. She frowned and almost started to laugh when she saw that the girl was furiously twisting her own nipples. That was pretty hilarious to Elsa, who almost never touched herself, her breasts even less than anywhere else. She always let Carlos or Brendan do the touching, and it worked famously for her. She still growled a little when Carlos taunted her to the people in the room, but she could feel that Elena was about to burst and she wasn't going to ruin her chances of getting out.
Elena's eyes were squeezed shut tightly, so she didn't see Elsa's humored expression. Instead she continued to grind, the tendons in her thighs pulling tight as she pressed her body down hard, pinning Elsa's face between her soaked pussy and the floor with all the force she had, and rearing back and moaning at the ceiling as she twisted her nipples around harder. Carlos returned to being a spectator, and sat down while Elena obviously neared her climax. Then she blew. She released her nipples and grabbed Elsa's shoulders without thinking, using them as a handle to smash her splayed pussy harder against Elsa's face before opening her eyes and crying out, her pussy squeezing at nothing and releasing onto Elsa's face before she ground to a stop, still sitting square on Elsa's mouth. "Clean her up," Carlos called out next, clearly projecting his own dominance through this girl.
Elsa furrowed her brows and choked a little bit when Elena suddenly grabbed hold of her shoulders and squeezed her as she came. She pulled her face away some and swallowed the cum quickly, knowing that Carlos was never going to let her get away with not doing it. She grimaced then, as Elena's cum did taste like something, but it was weird and Elsa didn't like it. She lifted her hands up and pushed the girl away from her a little bit, she was giving her a headache from pushing her into the floor so hard. She licked at her quickly, staying away from the girl's now very sensitive clit purposely. She glanced at her pussy and stopped when she deemed the girl as clean.
Elena flushed again when she opened her eyes and started to breathe normally again, reminded that she was in a room full of people. She gave Elsa a little pitied glance, as if to apologize for what she'd done. Then again, it did feel amazing. She wondered if there was some way she could convince Pedro to do this for her once in a while in private. After all, she still felt devoted to her man, despite what he was putting her through. Carlos strode over when Elsa stopped cleaning, and placed his hands on Elena's dark, bare waist, slowly lifting her up off Elsa, and crouching down, placing one of his knees on either side of Elsa's chest and Elena slunk away, head down. "Tell me what it's like to eat pussy," he demanded with a smirk as he looked down on her gleaming face. "Tell us all. It make you horny?"
For a split second Elsa was afraid when Carlos leaned down and placed his knees on either side of her head. He could easily crush her head between them, and she was sure that was the image he wanted to give her and the rest of the people in the room. She tilted her head back and looked up at him, shaking her head the little bit she could with his legs blocking her movement. "No, Carlos," she said softly, having figured out something much better to say to him, "It doesn't make me horny. You make me horny. That's all."
Carlos would have initially preferred Elsa to mouth off to him, so he could show his dominance over her again in front of his friends. But what she said was perfect. It was succinct and submissive, and in a nutshell was the reason Elsa was his woman. She'd already sucked his dick in front of a crowded room, and submitted to a timid girl who she'd never met before for him. And now, for the first time, Carlos was at a loss for words. He just smiled at Elsa and slowly stood up off her, before grabbing both of her hands with his own, and tugging her up. "You gonna fuck the shit out of me later, and all these people gonna wish they could see, ain't you?" he snickered proudly as he bent over, tossing her bra and panties to her.
Elsa breathed a giant sigh of relief when Carlos smiled and helped her up. She'd dodged a bullet, that was for sure. She knew how to play Carlos, just as he knew how to play her. She snuggled up to him a tiny bit when he grabbed her close, willing to play as much of the game now as she needed to. She nodded and kissed his cheek gently, unsure if he would want her to kiss his mouth after she'd just eaten out that other girl. She grabbed her bra and started pulling it on quickly, stepping into her panties next. "Yes sir," she cooed to him, batting her eyelashes just a little.
Carlos smirked and wanted to kiss Elsa on the mouth, but restrained himself on account of the crowd. He didn't care about the other girl's cum, but he didn't know what they'd think. Instead, he leaned his head sideways and kissed her on the neck, sliding his hands up and down her sides from the sides of her breasts to her hips as she got dressed. "You fuckin' sexy, woman," he teased. "Go make these muchachos some coffee," he went on with a smirk. "In those," he clarified, nodding at her underwear. "That way they can wish they gettin' the hot pussy I'm gettin' me later."
Part of Elsa really enjoyed the way that she could work Carlos. One instant he could be mad at her and the next he could be singing her praises. He was always domineering when he sang her praises, but that didn't matter. That was just how Carlos spoke. She leaned in and kissed his cheek again, lingering there for a moment as if she didn't want to part herself from him. "Okay," she murmured into his ear, licking the lobe just a little before she trotted off into the kitchen, her butt jiggling a little and her breasts bouncing.
The other men didn't hold back from admiring Elsa's wares; after all, Carlos had practically invited them to. But it was Carlos who watched her juicy, panty-clad ass jiggle with special admiration. She could be called many things; his woman, his bitch, his baby-mama, but she was his, and that was what counted to him. As she'd proven, Elsa would seemingly do anything for him, and as he stood there shivering from her little parting lick on his ear, he suddenly couldn't wait to have her to himself. When she came back with the coffee, he decided that her domestic duties had been sufficient for the night, and brought her onto his lap on his reclining chair, stroking her long hair as the men exchanged stories in Spanish. As someone else took the floor with some exaggerated tale of bravado, Carlos bit Elsa's earlobe and whispered in her ear so nobody else could hear. "You make me horny too, mama. I can't wait 'til these people be gone," he admitted, giving her soft hip a little squeeze.
Elsa was surprised when she came back with the coffee and Carlos pulled her into his lap. She had expected him to continue to bark orders at her all night long, but here he was pulling her onto him and cuddling her into his chest. She gladly rested her head on his chest and shut her eyes, thinking about everything that had happened that day. She should be extremely angry with him...but she wasn't. When he spoke to her she lifted her head and smiled at him. "Sometimes I think you're really mean to me," she whispered to him, looking into his eyes gently, " always have a reason in the end." and she lifted her hand and stroked his cheek gently.
Carlos squeezed Elsa closer when she spoke to him, nestling a hand into her soft, pale stomach, the other one stroking her hair as she touched his cheek. "Mean to you?" he gasped in a low voice. "You think I was mean today?" he whispered, knowing that he obviously was. "How 'bout if I be mean to you later on, jus' you and me?" he growled, sliding his hand down and squeezing at her butt through the panties. "After all, you did all the pleasurin' today. You didn't get to get none."
Elsa squealed softly and giggled when he stroked her stomach and pinched at her. At this point, she didn't even realize that there were other people in the room. She was, as she sometimes got, completely wrapped up in Carlos and his words. He was working his charm on her the same way he always did, and she was falling for it quickly. "You don't have to do that," she whispered back to him, her eyes searching his almost innocently, "I love pleasing you."
Carlos squinted back at Elsa and smirked at her, leaving off her butt and squeezing her thigh. "It don't mean you can't pleasure me more, bein' that you like it so much," he rasped with a grin, before slowly prodding her off his lap. He had to get these people out of his house so he could focus on just Elsa. He was that entranced by her now. It wasn't too late in the night, but he quickly thanked his friends for coming, which gave them the hint he intended. After the requisite embraces of farewell, he closed the door behind the last guest and turned back slowly at Elsa, a vicious yet playful sneer on his face. "Hey, mama," he growled.
Carlos just kept surprising her. She sat curled up in the chair while Carlos said goodbye to his friends. She waved goodbye to Elena when she waved to her and nodded to Alex and Luis. When Carlos shut the door and turned back around to her she grinned at him from the chair. "Hi daddy," she purred.
Carlos could barely restrain himself from attacking Elsa immediately. But instead, he slowly stalked up to the easy chair, resting his hands on his belt buckle until he got right up to her. Standing next to the chair, he slid his hands along her shoulder and leaned over, nibbling at her ear. "You think I was mean to you before, mama?" he chided. "You should see what I got in store for you now, sexy." he growled.
"Why you gotta be mean to me, papa?" she whimpered to him when he came up to her and slid his hands along her shoulders. She scooted up close to the edge of the chair and tugged on his belt a little bit, running her hands over his bulge. She gave him a big pout and batted her eyelashes at him.
Carlos was getting pretty horny already, and the little graze against his bulge and sexy pout only got him going more, accenting the bump protruding from his pants. He leaned over more, and slid his hands once over her bra cups, feeling the soft breasts underneath and then dropping his hands down to her waist. "You don't think you can take it, sugar?" he growled, pinching at her hip and letting his steamy breath out across her face. "You too sexy for me to be too nice to," he explained teasingly.
"Mmmm," she groaned as he pinched at her and fondled her breasts. She slid down to the edge of the chair and stood up, pressing herself up against him gently. "You're so strooong...and powerful...and masculine," she growled up to him, "You might be too much for me to handle."
Carlos licked his lips and clenched Elsa's arms as she stood up, drawing her body right up against his own, his body tingling at her words. "I think you right," he growled, working his finger up under the cups of her bra, drawing them away from her breasts and little bit and sneaking a couple of fingers underneath against the warm, bare breast for a moment. "We just gonna have to fuck and see about that," he continued with a big leer.
"Oh yeah?" she growled to him, reaching behind herself and unclasping her bra, letting it fall forward some. "You think I'm gonna let you fuck me?" she purred, rising up on her toes and pressing her lips against his. She had her mouth open immediately, she was hot and horny for him already.
Carlos gripped tightly at her back as the bra fell, slowly working his hands around front and massaging her big breasts, pinching at the nipples a bit as his mouth pressed against hers in an intense kiss, his bulge rubbing against her panties as he slid his tongue inside her mouth. "I think I'ma take you an' fuck you hard either way, mama," he growled, continuing to rub her breasts.
She giggled almost maniacally and wrapped her arms around his neck as he began to play with her nipples. She pressed her pussy against his bulge and kissed him again, actively making out with him. She murred into his mouth and then pulled off of his lips slowly, "I can't waaaaait. You make me so hot, Carlos. You're my Puerto Rican king," she was very obviously under his influence right now.
Carlos continued to make out heavily with Elsa as they practically ground up against each other. As they kissed, his hand snaked down over the front of her panties, and found her clit piercing through the thin material. "I make you hot?" he grunted into her mouth as he rubbed at the little piece of jewelry, backing her up towards the couch. "And wet too," he teased, feeling her moist panties. "What you want your Puerto Rican king to do with your cunt?" he growled as their mouths separated.
She smiled as he started to fondle her through her panties. Her back arched a little bit when he started to really play with her clit ring, her body shaking a little bit. "Agghhh," she groaned, falling back onto the couch, her legs splaying open and her breasts jiggling. "I want you to fuck my cunt," she nearly yelled at him.
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