The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

He was still dazed out in another world as he lay there with her on the cramped cot. He wondered what it was about her that made him cum so intensely? It was more than just her physical anatomy, and he knew the situation added to the excitement, but there was more to it than that too. There was some abstract, amazing, raw sexuality hidden inside this gorgeous prisoner, he concluded. But she clearly was smart, looking to make the most of it, as she ran her leg against his while making her request. This intimate move ran a shiver through his warm body. Looking into her puppy-dog eyes, she certainly was hard to resist. A shirt certainly would be practical, working in the auto shop with male prisoners. He lay there a few more moments in silence, enjoying the intimacy, before, responding "sure."

He lay there with her for a while longer with her, caressing her hair softly, running his finger along her upper arm, and just looking at her, before standing up from the cot. "My shift is over in fifteen minutes. They'll wonder why I'm still here soon." He took her pants and underwear and wrapped them up carefully with the sticky side in, and tossed them to the ground. He would have to do something, he couldn't send them to the laundry like that. He looked back at Elsa, wearing only her bra on the bed. "Let's get you to a shower first. The closest shower block is just down one floor and right down the hall." He didn't offer her anything else to wear on the way, as he made his way for the door. After all, Brendan didn't want her to think that everything was going to be easy from here on out, based on the afternoon's forbidden tryst.
Once he announced that his shift was due to be over, she sat up and stretched her limbs. She was still deep in thought about the encounter she'd just had. She'd never felt this way after sex. She'd always just fallen asleep or immediately regretted it. But now...she didn't know. She didn't feel either of those ways, but she couldn't identify the way she did feel. She stood and stretched again, watching him ball up her clothing and drop it on the floor. As he walked toward the door she realized that he wasn't going to give her anything else to wear. She was going to have to walk out mostly naked. What was he doing, punishing her for making him lose his control like that? It wasn't her fault.

But he was the corrections officer, and she couldn't fight with him about it. She just huffed softly and followed him to the door. She walked into the hallway, her hands moving from her pierced breasts to cover her exposed womanhood. She walked as quickly as he would let her, though she could tell that sometimes he was purposely slowing her down.
Brendan wasn't really trying to delay the trip to the showers, but rather, he was completely spent from the sex. He glanced over at her as she tried her best to attain to some modesty. He thought he detected a hint of hair growth on her sex, where she was shaved a couple of days back. He knew she wasn't happy about her current clothing situation. "I really do hope it was as good for you as it was for me," he commented softly, looking around and determining no one was around to hear. "But you have to keep your expectations reasonable in here. I already told you I'd push your release through early. We talked about getting a full jumpsuit to wear tomorrow. I think those are some good concessions on my part," he continued, not explicitly mentioning that the sex seemed to be in exchange for something, even though on the surface, that was the way it seemed.

Arriving at the shower room, he swiped his card and opened the door, guiding her in. Looking at her, he thought to himself that he would make love to her again right there and then against the shower wall, if only they weren't both so spent. His body absolutely still tingled from the experience. "Go ahead and shower if you like, I'll be right back with a clean outfit." He opened the towel closet and left one on the bench, before leaving, walking down the hall, and retrieving her a new bra, panties, pair of socks, and complete blue jumpsuit, and returning to the shower room.
"It was good for me," she said quietly as they walked into the empty shower room. She glanced around just to ensure that it was indeed empty, and then said, "Very good." once he left she walked over to one of the half-stalls and turned on the water. It poured over her and she breathed a sigh of relief. She'd had just a long day. She soaped herself up, paying careful attention to her still sore nipples, and rinsed herself off. She stood underneath the water for a few moments, just enjoying the sensation, before lathering up her hair. She rinsed that too and then turned off the shower. She padded across the room to the bench and dried herself off as well as she could with the towel.

When he came back in with her clothing, she dressed herself moderately quickly. The bra pressed a little on her nipples, but it was alright. She felt good being completely dressed, including socks. She looked up at him, looking him straight in the eyes for the first time in a few hours. "Thank you."
He was glad to know she enjoyed their activity as well. After all, if she'd screamed or cried, he wasn't sure if he could have went through with it. But to know she actually enjoyed it relieved him a bit. She looked clean and refreshed with her wet hair, and new jumpsuit. He looked her back in the eyes, "Sure, let's head down to your cell, Elsa." He propped the door open to the shower room, and led her out into the corridors. He walked down to the elevator they'd used before and took it to the floor her cellblock was on.

Leading her to her cell, before they got into the block, he looked over towards her. "I'm going to leave you in your cell and come back in a minute. I'll bring you some warm water in a cup with sea salt mixed in. You should use it on your piercings. It keeps the swelling down and prevents infections." Once they got to the cell, he slid open the heavy door. "But go ahead and use the bathroom now. It'll be your last chance until morning." He knew she wasn't going to like that, but everything came with a price here. He knew in the long term, she would be glad she had the sea salt and didn't get herself infected. After closing the door, he went down the call to the medical closet, filled up the cup with the salt and water, and headed back to her cell about five minutes later.
She went to the bathroom, glad that she was able to use it. She hadn't realized just how badly she'd needed to go until then. But then she realized what he'd said. Her last chance until morning? She furrowed her brows, why? It was in her cell. Why should she have to wait until morning? She was going to question him about it, but he'd already begun to walk away. She sighed. Oh well. Would he really know if she'd gone throughout the night? Others went during the night, so why couldn't she? Was this more fake punishment for what they'd done together?

She tried not to worry about it. Giving herself ogeda over something as silly as this would be bad. When he came back with the water she rubbed it over her piercings, wincing now and then as she touched their sensitive and slightly inflamed skin. "Thanks...again," she said a little awkwardly to him when she'd finished.
"No problem," he said, stepping inside the cell through the open door after he'd given her the salt water. "I wouldn't want you to have an infection." He knelt over, and reaching under the sleeping bench, unhooked a heavy metal cuff with a chain which had been concealed underneath it. Before she could realize it, he snapped it around her ankle. The chain was about five feet long, enough to allow a prisoner to stand up, sit down on the bench, or lay on it. However, it would be just painfully short of allowing her to reach the toilet on the other side of her cell. "It isn't anything you did. It's a routine procedure. That's why it's there," he said, not offering anything more in the way of an explanation.

"I'm leaving now," he said, quickly stepping outside the cell, and shutting the door. "You're assigned to work from eight to noon tomorrow. Many of the shifts are half-days." He took a couple of steps away from the cell. "You are scheduled to have something to eat this evening. Someone should be by. And another officer will be at your cell at 7:30AM to take you to work. I'm not in that early. I'll be here by the time your shift it over, to bring you back over here."
She looked down at the chain with disdain. So that was how he was going to keep her from the toilet. Why bother having a toilet in the cell is she couldn't even use it? She sighed and shook her head, thinking once again how messed up this place was. At least now there was the prospect of getting out early. Three months instead of six, when her original sentence had been five. How in the world she would've been able to survive five years in a prison was beyond her. This first week was difficult enough. She sat on the bench and watched him while he detailed her day tomorrow. It seemed reasonable enough.

"Okay. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. At noon. Have a...uh...good evening?" it was a little silly to her to be exchanging pleasantries with her corrections officer. It would be silly enough if he was just that, a corrections officer, but the fact that he had been a lover just an hour before made it even sillier. She knew they had to keep up appearances though, that would be the most important part.
He was surprised to hear her wish him a good evening. "Um, you too... if you can, Elsa." It was difficult enough to continue administering the severe punishments proscribed by the Center with feelings of intimacy stirred up within him towards her. And now her pleasantness and civility towards him only made him feel worse as he clocked out and headed home. Especially for leaving her chained to the bunk. Although it was a perfectly acceptable thing to do, and a wonderful filler for his daily discipline reports, he could have gotten away without it. After all, she'd had quite a litany of punishments already today.

He headed home, walking up the flight of steps to his apartment once he'd arrived. He saw his next door neighbor, a cute, thin redhead, trying to wedge a chair through the door of her apartment. He'd wanted to talk with her since she'd moved in last month. "Let me give you a hand," he offered, carrying one end of it with her to the desired location in her apartment. "Want to stay and have a beer?" she offered afterward. Although he would have loved this opportunity another day, he turned her down and headed into his own place. There certainly wasn't any expectation to have a meaningful relationship with Elsa, but he found it hard to keep his mind off her tonight, and certainly hard to think of any other woman.

The next morning, he slept in a bit, tired from all the overtime this week. He knew that another corrections officer would round up Elsa, as well as the one other female assigned to the auto shop, a butch looking girl with a crew cut, and take them over to the bus destined for the auto repair building, handcuffing them to the seats in the bus, along with the male inmates on the bus, who were restrained in the same way for the short ride.
Elsa at the bland dinner that was brought to her by a female orderly. It was some kind of mystery meat that the orderly said was beef, but it didn't taste like beef. It tasted like cardboard. She wasn't going to complain though. Instead she just ate it, along with the soggy over-cooked broccoli. At least the apple juice was alright. It was from concentrate and warm, but it still tasted like apple juice. Her chain had just enough length for Elsa to reach the bars of the cell to hand back her tray to a male orderly that came by to take it away. He eyed her up and down but didn't seem to have much interest in her fully dressed form.

Elsa padded back over to her bench once she'd given her tray back, glad to be fully clothed, including socks. Her feet were warm for the first time since before she'd been sentenced. She laid down on her cot and heaved a heavy sigh, closing her eyes and praying that she'd fall asleep. She did, within ten minutes, thankfully, and slept soundly throughout the night, or as soundly as she could in a prison cell.

She awoke when a buzzer went off above her ear. She sat up and stretched a little, seeing a bagel and little tin of orange juice already sitting on a tray inside her cell. She rose and padded over to it, picking at the stale bagel and downing the orange juice quickly. She pushed the tray out for collection and awaited the other corrections officer. When she came she followed her down the hall, up the stairs, down another hall, and out the door for the first time since she'd arrived. She walked up the short stairs on the bus and sat in the seat she was pushed into, next to the butch woman. She gave her a sidewards glance but said nothing, just wincing a little as she was cuffed to the seat.
The foreman of the auto shop stood at the ready for the arrival of his workers. He'd heard there was a new one, and a girl at that. When the bus pulled up, the men were unlocked first, and escorted out. Once they were all off the bus, the corrections officer who had been monitoring the bus freed Elsa and the other woman. Seeing her come out, the foreman grabbed her by the wrist, and pulled her off to the side. He was a bald, stocky, greasy-looking man. "I hope your C.O. verified you can actually be of some use to us before he sent you over here. I'm going to assign you with Jamie today," he said, pointing to the girl with close cropped brown hair. "She could hold her own working with these guys, but I'm not sure about you. You two will be assigned to lift H, you'll be changing the brakes on two jeeps. That should last you the morning. All the tools and parts are in the supply closet off the main entrance. Jamie knows where it is. If I find out you don't know a brake pad from a maxi pad, you'll be out of here by break time." The male inmates all seemed to take their time filing to their work assignments, taking turns leering at Elsa. "Hey Mamita," called out a large, muscular Latino guy with a sleeve tattoo. "You need someone to do a tailpipe job for you, you call me over," he shouted out, to a barrage of laughter from the other inmates.

Meanwhile, Brendan enjoyed his morning off, sipping some coffee and watching TV until about ten-thirty. Around then, he got his shower and dressed in his khakis and blue button-up shirt, finally heading out to the Center around eleven-thirty. He wondered how Elsa's first morning at work was going. He would be heading to the delivery entrance once he arrived, to process Elsa and Jamie back into the Center, as a favor to Jamie's corrections officer, who had picked up Elsa for him that morning.
She rolled her eyes at the corrections officer as he lectured her. She didn't want to be rude to him on her first day, but she wanted to make something clear. She knew what she was doing here, probably more than he did. She narrowed her eyes at him and cocked her head to the side, crossing her newly uncuffed arms in front of her chest. "Do you know what I'm in for, sir? Grand Theft Auto. I jacked an Aston Martin DBS, bypassed the security inlay and got almost a hundred miles away before the caught me. Once they did I reversed the fluids in the car so that it'd be ineffective until some douche figured out what was wrong with it. So far as I know, they still haven't figured it out. I think I know what a brake pad is. Thanks for your concern though," she gave him an overly sweet smile and followed Jamie to their station.

She completely ignored the Latino man who called out to her. She wasn't going to show it, but honestly, he frightened her. He was at least twice her size and had obviously done time before. She wasn't going to give him the time of day though, hoping that if she ignored him completely he wouldn't bother trying to antagonize her. She kept glancing up at the clock as she worked, but the time was ticking by horribly slowly. She'd had the brakes changed in both jeeps in less than an hour, she could've done it with her eyes closed. She also took the time to completely clean the insides of the mechanisms, as both of the jeeps were disgustingly built up. Not only would the brakes be pristine, but the Jeep in general would run better.
The foreman didn't say anything back to Elsa, but checking on her work about a half-hour into the morning, he was a little disappointed that she'd proved him wrong. She clearly knew what she was doing.

Brendan, meanwhile, ended up ten minutes early for work, and passed the time heading into the guards' cafeteria, and grabbing an iced tea. He swung by the commissary next, sneaking in a clean, folded pair of uniform pants, that he taken home, and removed his stain from, before bringing them back in a plastic bag. He passed by his office next, flipping through his mail that was in the bin outside the door. He looked around, the sight of his unmade cot reminding him of yesterday's activities. He quickly made the bed, almost still able to detect Elsa's scent in the room. He checked his watch next, showing it was two minutes to noon. He took the elevator downstairs, and walked outside into the bright sunny day, waiting by the location where the bus would soon pull up, carrying the few greasy inmates who were only assigned a half-day in the auto shop.
She breathed a huge sigh of relief when the clock struck 11:50 and the whistle blew. She followed Jamie back to the bus and waited to the side as all of the male inmates filed in. She noticed the same Latino man eyeing her again, but she just kept ignoring him. She thought that she saw his nostrils flare in anger as he passed her, but she tried to push it out of her mind. Once all the males were cuffed to their seats, she and Jamie stepped on and were cuffed as well. The bus ride back to the Center was a fairly short one. She kept her eyes closed the whole time, glad that her first day was done. She regretted wanting to go to the auto shop a little, it had been terribly boring. The cars weren't even interesting. Oh well. Better than the strip club, she thought to herself.

The bus stopped and she could see Brendan waiting there. She began to smile but quickly wiped that off of her face. The men filed out and then the officer who drove the bus uncuffed her and Jamie. She stepped off of the bus and walked to Brendan, giving him nothing but a blank look. She was trying to show impartiality that he was there.
Brendan watched as the male inmates filed off, divided among two big, male correction officers. He finally saw Elsa come down the steps, looking almost bored. "I have you two," he announced, leading them back into the building. He swiped his card, which caused the first sliding metal door to open. Once it closed behind the three of them, a guard inspected them and opened the second large security door, leading into a foyer of sorts. He led the two of them into a mostly empty room right off the foyer, closing the door behind them. "Jamie knows this well, but anytime you leave the building, inmates have to be processed again upon re-entry for contraband." He pointed towards the center of the room, under a bright light. "So, everything off, both of you."

He watched as the butch girl quickly complied, throwing her jumpsuit and underwear into a bin on the side of the room. She was used to this routine upon returning from work every day. She was a lesbian, and made no attempt to hide it. "You know the drill," he said to her as she stood naked in front of him. She was about the same height and weight as Elsa, but didn't have as nice of a body at all. Her breasts were a little droopy, and her stomach and butt a little on the flabby side, although she wasn't heavy overall. Jamie opened her mouth, as he slid a glove on, and poked around a little bit. Without him having to say another word, she reached down, and pulled her sex lips open, Brendan quickly sliding his finger in and out. "You know you'd never get near there on the outside," she said, chuckling. "Not unless you had a big hairy pussy I could eat out." She next bent over, bottom facing him. "Just spread your cheeks and cough three times," he told her. "I think that'll be good enough." She quickly complied, her bottom heaving with each cough, and he was satisfied, pulling his gloves off and tossing them away. He turned his body, and his attention to Elsa next, trying not to show any special emotion.
Elsa didn't do much watching as the butch woman yanked off her clothes and easily spread herself in every fashion for Brendan to inspect. She'd suspected that the woman was a lesbian, but hadn't wanted to make any false assumptions. She sincerely hoped that once she saw Elsa naked, as she would if she stayed in the room for her own inspection, that she wouldn't try to make any lude advances towards her. She could hardly tolerate advances from males, those from females would be a lot more difficult for her to push off.

When it came her turn she didn't even bother to look at Brendan. She knew that if she did her eyes would plead with him to spare her from this nightmare, and he of course, couldn't, especially not with another inmate standing right there. She pulled her shirt off and pulled down her pants, tossing them as carelessly as she could into the bin, though she was positive her face gave away her discomfort with this. She pulled her socks off next as a little bit of a staller. She hurriedly unclasped her bra and tossed it in, hesitating once more with the panties. But she pulled them down and tossed those away too. She stood in front of Brendan and opened her mouth for the initial mouth sweep, but she didn't make any move to spread her own pussy muscles. That was a little too much for her.
Brendan tried to avoid eye contact with Elsa at first as he approached her. He hadn't felt anything sexual at all searching the other girl, but Elsa was a different story. Eventually, he couldn't help it, and his eyes darted down, meeting hers for a brief moment, sharing the private knowledge of their passionate encounter yesterday afternoon. His heart beat accelerated as she stripped down, his inner conflict coming to the fore again. Part of him wanted to show compassion for her, despite all his training. He probed her mouth after putting on a fresh glove, then glanced down at her bare pussy. She didn't make any move to allow access, although she had clearly seen the routine a moment ago.

Noticing that Jamie had stooped over to pick up her clothes, he quickly gave Elsa a wink, and reached down. "Time to spread it," he called out, but before she could do anything, he reached out and only gave her a quick tickle on her stomach. "All clear there," he said aloud, realizing that the other girl wasn't able to see that he'd failed to search her vaginal cavity. But before he could so the same with her anal search, Jamie pulled up her pants and turned to them. "Now this makes it all worth it," the butch inmate grinned. "No offense, babe," she added for Elsa's benefit. Brendan couldn't spare her this one, now that he had an audience. "Allright, you saw what she did," he ordered Elsa. "Bend over; spread and cough."
She made the same face when he tickled her stomach that she probably would have made if he'd done the vaginal search. It was a grimace, though with the tickle she was trying to keep from laughing rather than crying with the vaginal search. She was immensely grateful that he had spared her at least part of this humiliating process. She knew there would be a way for him to thank him at another time, so she waited to show any kind of gratitude to him. She hoped that he might be able to spare the anal search too, but she saw Jamie turn around the same time Brendan saw. Her hopes would not come to fruition. She had to do this part.

She winced when Jamie made her comment. There was advance number one. She turned around begrudgingly and bent over, her butt cheeks spreading as much as they naturally did. She coughed the five times Jamie had coughed and remained bent over until Brendan gave her the all clear.
Brendan didn't really look as she coughed, causing her little rosebud to heave each time. He tried to look at the back of the room, and focus on random thoughts, as he felt a hard-on coming on. Interestingly, he knew that it wasn't from the sight of Elsa's exposed and spread ass. Instead, he'd felt the tingle start to work its way through his groin when he sensed the gratitude in her eyes for sparing her the last exam. Just that little bit of thankfulness on her part somehow got him turned on. He was barely successful in avoiding an embarrassing erection, and as she finished coughing, he took a hold of Jamie's wrist. "Fine, Elsa. Go ahead and get dressed. I'm taking her to her cell, and I'll be back in a few minutes. We have some things to take care of."

"Next time, I'll search her for you if you want," the lesbian called out as he led her out the door. "I ought to tell you C.O. to punish you for your mouth," he told her as he walked her down to her cell. Locking her in her small cage, he headed back to the site of the cavity searches, sliding his card, and opening the door. "So how was the first morning in auto maintenance?" he asked Elsa as he strolled in, feeling free now to speak openly to her.
When Brendan left the room with Jamie she felt as if all the weight in the world was being lifted off of her shoulders. The search was over, the creepy lesbian was gone, and she could get dressed freely. She took some time putting her clothes back on, really appreciating each article she had now. The socks, panties, bra, pants, shirt. They were all almost sacred to her as they covered her body from the world's prying eyes. She sat on the bench against the wall to wait for Brendan to return. She wondered what the rest of their day was going to be like. Punishments? Sex? Nothing?

She smiled a little at him when he returned, though not too much, as she wasn't sure where someone could be watching or a camera could be hiding. She shrugged and stood up, as if she was ready for him to move her somewhere if he needed to. "It was alright. More boring than I thought it would be. But...I should have expected that they'd have no respect for me as a woman."
He looked into her eyes now, finding that he quite enjoyed his conversations with her. "Well, respect often has to be earned, I suppose." He paused before adding. "You've earned some of mine, I would have to say, Elsa." He inched towards her a little, standing only a foot or two from her, able to smell a little bit of auto grease mixed with her natural scent. "You know I've been trying to compromise a bit when it comes to your treatment. But punishments are still required." He extended his arm and rubbed her shoulder a bit.

"So here's what I've come up with. You seem comfortable, how can I say it, expressing yourself sexually in front of me. And if you don't, you do a good job of disguising it. So I thought that a punishment of a sexual nature might be more bearable for you than getting the hell beat out of you." He turned towards the exit. "We'll have to head to the room we used yesterday morning."
She knew punishments were still required. She hated that, but she understood. She was still in prison, whether or not she was off trysting with her corrections officer. She was a little dismayed, though, when he said that he thought sexual punishment was the way to go. Hadn't he seen the kind of pain he'd put her through with those initial sexual punishments? The torture session with the orgasm? The nipple piercing? Just because she had sex with him didn't mean she wanted to be sexual in front of him all the time.

She followed him down the hall and towards the room silently at first, trying to think of a way to say what she wanted to say diplomatically. She cleared her throat and said softly, "I would actually prefer the opposite of what you think," she stared down at the floor as she followed him, praying to God that he would listen to what she'd said and not be offended by it.
He was a little surprised by what she said. However, he was certainly not going to change what he had planned based on her request. Do that, he thought, and she would call the shots for the rest of the three months. He looked over at her, and as previously, it was tough to say 'no' to her pleading eyes, and the tactful way she had made her request. "Well, I'll take that into account for future sessions, but I've already decided on today's routine." He didn't remind her again now many times over her sentenced was reduced to a fraction for what she was going through. She knew it well.

He opened the door to the same room in the line of secure rooms, flipping the sign to "in use" again, and leading her in. Being that she was visibly quite disappointed, he didn't make any more small talk, but got right to the point of what they were doing there. "Yesterday, the point was to deny pleasure until you begged for it. Today, it involves giving it to you until you would do anything for it to stop." He flipped the door closed with a loud 'thud' once they were both inside.
She had sort of figured that he wasn't going to be willing to change what he'd planned for today. If anything, he would want to get his rocks off to seeing her in sexual torture. It'd seemed to do a lot for him the day before, though she'd allowed him to think that she hadn't seen the enormous tent in his pants while she was suffering through the denial. She stepped into the familiar room, shivering lightly at the strange and horrible memories she had here from just the day before.

She wondered what he could possibly do to her that would beg her to stop. Make her orgasm until she cried? She'd heard that some girls, after multiple orgasms, became extremely sensitive and almost could not bear even the lightest of touches. She'd never gone through that, but then again, she'd never been fortunate enough to have multiple orgasms.
Elsa didn't say much else; it appeared she was rather miffed now. And who could blame her, Brendan thought, being forced to be used and controlled sexually. The dark side of him, though, thought about how interesting this would be. Granted, she seemed to enjoy her climaxes, at least physically, but he knew that the continued stimulation after she came each time would be uncomfortable, a little more so each time, due to the increasing sensitivity of her womanly parts. There was the embarrassment, too, of having no control over when she came. He had experienced as well, that some women had more intense climaxes with each successive orgasm.

"I guess there really wasn't much of a point of getting dressed to come over here. You'll have to take everything off, and sit in that chair," he said, pointing to a padded chair on the side of the room with some restraints attached. "You can leave your socks on if you want."
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