The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

He watched in awe as the powerful vibrations stimulated her insides, her hips rocking more violently with each thrust, until the muscles of her inside passage reached their breaking point and expelled their liquids through her opening. The repeated denial of pleasure had built up the forces inside of her, and it all released now at once, like four orgasms all rolled into one. The wild look in her eyes as they rolled back into her head was the unmistakable look of a woman experiencing a mind-blowing climax.

He let her come down from her high for a few moments, appearing much more relaxed now, and no longer on edge. Her soft eyes reflected only fulfillment, any embarrassment likely forgotten for the moment, happy to just have attained a release. After a minute, he started unbuckling her restraints one at a time. "Well I think we're calibrated fine now," he remarked with a smile. What he had seen, however, had left an indelible impression on his mind. He knew that he wasn't going to be able to rest, until it was his cock filling her up, bringing those moans of pleasure to her. Once all the restraints were removed, he commented "You really seemed quick to want a release, as if you haven't been satisfied in a while. How long has it been, Elsa?"
She sat up slowly as he began to take the restraints off of her. She stretched her limbs, they were all sore from the intense work out they'd just recieved. She looked at her wrists and arms and saw the red marks from the straps holding them down. She sighed and slid closer to the edge of the table. She could feel the wetness on the padding underneath her, but it didn't matter to her right now. She was still breathing a little heavily, but at least she wasn't in as bad a mood anymore. Her pussy was still buzzing with after-pleasure, something she hadn't felt in along time.

She was surprised at his question. She looked over to him and shrugged, "I'm not sure. A really long time." she sighed, trying to remember when the last time was. Before she and her fiancee had split up, which was at least six months ago.
He watched Elsa carefully as she sat up, clearly at the point of exhaustion, both sexually and physically, this evident both by her labored breathing and the spent, satisfied look in her eyes. He glanced down and saw that her entire genital area was still both soaked and bright red from activity, her clitoris still swollen and fully out of its protective hood. "I'm surprised at that, Elsa." Although he wouldn't tell her so for fear it might compromise his authority, he found her very attractive, and would have found it odd if she'd had trouble finding someone to satisfy her, and wondered if she had abstained so long out of some moral code, shyness, or some other reason.

"It's a shame then, you didn't get to have a man really satisfy you today," he said suggestively. "You were really aroused. I bet it would have been even better." He studied her eyes carefully, curious to study her response, wondering if she had shared his craving to be intimate together a moment ago. He picked up her panties and handed them to her, walking over to a supply closet, and unlocking it, taking out a pair of light blue, drawstring pants, and handing them to her without an explanation.
She swayed a little when he feet touched the ground, her center of gravity was still off a little. She held on to the table for a few moments until she got her grounding. She took the panties when he handed them to her and put them on, her face brightening a little when he handed her the pants. She donned them and pulled the drawstring tight, barely conscious that her upper half was still partially exposed. She glanced over at him when he mentioned being with a man. She would have loved to have been with a man today, she would've been with him. She wasn't sure if she should tell him that or not, she didn't want him to make all kinds of advances on her.

She turned and looked at him full on, her face gentle and her eyes void of the hate and disgust it held before. "I can't just be with any man. I have to really like him before I'll let him touch me, or before I'm willing to please him. But...I agree that had the right man made an advance today, I would not have refused him." she tried to be cryptic without being rude. If she refused him, she was sure nothing would get better for her. But she didn't want him to think he had free license.
He studied her as she contemplated his innuendo, dressing quietly before answering. She looked nice with the light blue jumpsuit pants. At the Center, they stayed away from the stereotypical orange, in an attempt to differentiate it from a regular prison. When she answered him, he knew that he could have had her today, judging from her response, vague though she was. While part of him chided himself for missing such an obvious opportunity, he thought in a way, that it was good to wait some more. After all, while she did have a clitoral orgasm today, she had admitted that it had been some time since she'd experienced the pleasure than only a man could provide. This craving would only get worse with time. He knew that he could pleasure her both inside and out, resolved to do just that while she was in his care.

"Come on," he said. "I'm going to take you to a new cell. You'll be served lunch there, while I take care of some other things. Then we'll have some more activity this afternoon. We'll have to talk about your work assignment. We have to finish this all up by 5:00, since I'm off duty then. I won't be back after that until tomorrow morning." He propped the door open, motioning her to exit.
"Okay," she said quietly and walked out the door when he motioned her through. She was glad that she was getting a new cell, it meant that she was moving a step up from the dog cage cell. She didn't know just how far up she was going to move, but anything was better than a dog cage. She eyed the hallways as they walked, but they looked the same as ever. She didn't know how Brendan kept from getting lost every day, all of the hallways looked the same to her.

She held one arm with the opposite hand, a nervous habit that she had. She watched him as he walked, noticing that he had a shapely butt for a man. She hadn't ever spent much time looking at him, but he was attractive. She decided that if he approached her in the appropriate way, she would probably accept his advance.
He led her down the maze of hallways to a row of larger cells, each occupied by a single female inmate, some sitting on top of a bench in their cells. About halfway down the block, he stopped her in front of a small cell of concrete, the only exception to the concrete construction being the cage on the front of the cell. It was just large enough to stand up in, and had a white toilet with a roll of toilet paper on top in the back corner. The only other fixture was a metal bench designed for sleeping on, suspended against the wall about two feet off the ground. He opened the door, and placed his hand on the small of her back, almost the top of her butt, guiding her in. "Looks like you're upgraded to the penthouse suite. Or at least, in might seem so after the last one." He shut the grate behind her, adding "so it's 11:30 now. lunch will come by, and I'll be back in an hour to get you. We'll go up to my office," he said, not providing any more details on what they might do this afternoon.
Her eyes grew a little wide at the site of her new cell. It truly did look like a penthouse suite to her. She walked in easily as he guided her, barely noticing when he nearly touched her butt. She sat on the bench in the corner of the room, resting her hands on her now covered thighs. She could sit on the metal bench easily, it wasn't cold on her butt. She was a little concerned that when she laid down she would be cold as her back and stomach was exposed, but when she placed a hand on the metal she found that it was actually room temperature. It still wouldn't be terribly comfortable, but she was in prison afterall.
Brendan left her in her cell, attending to some business quickly before taking lunch. He escorted the punished kitchen worker back to her cell, a much smaller one than she'd had before. He looked through some paperwork on his computer before heading out, eager to leave the Center for some fresh air. He headed out to a local sub eatery, ordering a roast beef sub, and eating it quietly with some potato chips and lemonade, in a booth by himself at the restaurant.

Meanwhile, a woman was bringing the lunch around today, not a very friendly worker, but she wouldn't be inclined to exact any payment for food. She shoved the tray of boiled chicken, green beans, and apple juice through the space in the cell designed for the food trays, saying nothing beyond "here you go." She went on her way with the food cart without incident. Fifteen minutes later, Brendan was on his way in, passing through the main security checkpoint, and walking down the hall towards Elsa's new cell, standing in front of it, facing in.
She rose off of the bench when the food came. She murmured a thank you to the female orderly, glad that she had been distant and unobtrusive. She'd much rather be ignored by the staff here than harassed by them. She got enough harassment from Brendan as it was. She ate the food as best she could, but it wasn't very good. The chicken was bland, the green beans were soggy, and the apple juice was luke warm. She ate most of it though, aware that refusal to eat could end up with her not having the option of eating at all.

She had finished by the time that Brendan arrived at her cell. She'd been laying sideways on the metal bench and sat up when she saw him there. She stood and walked towards the front of the cell, ready for him to take her wherever it was that she was supposed to go.
As his stood in front of the cell, he saw Elsa's empty plate as evidence she had eaten, and watched as she stood up and came to the entrance before he even said a word. She was learning to be quite reliant on him, he thought. "Let's head up to my office," he said as he opened the door to her cell. He put in hand on her shoulder and nudged her in the right direction, before moving ahead and walking side by side with her. "We're going to have to talk about what work assignment you'll be assigned, among other things."

As they entered the stairway, he contemplated the possibilities for this afternoon. He thought about how, over the past day, he had spanked her, watched her get her pussy shaved, gagged her, led her around on a leash and collar, starved her and taken away bathroom privileges, not even to mention teasing her with orgasm, before denying her repeatedly. Yet, she had just as good as told him that she would have fucked him willingly. He wondered why such a mannerly girl, clearly not a slut, would feel this way. On one hand, maybe she didn't hold the punishments against him. After all, she had agreed to come to the Center, and if not him, someone else would be administering these things. On the other hand, maybe she was subconsciously a submissive, maybe these things only unwittingly aroused her. Either way, he didn't see any reason to hold back from administering the same type of punishments going forward.

As they approached the familiar surroundings of his office, he opened the door, and motioned for her to enter, and then to sit in the same chair he had spanked her in yesterday. He sat down, in turn, across from her in his desk chair. "So, Elsa, we have to make a decision today. As I told you, the strip club we run has an opening. We have the construction job on the new prison wing that's being built. We have one in the kitchen, and believe it or not, something just opened in the auto shop that services our vehicles." He looked at her and sighed. "It's not up to you, but do you have any suggestions?"
She didn't say anything to him when he opened her door, or the entire way to his office. She was thinking. She hadn't expected in the least that when she came to The Center, she would ever have a punishment like the one she'd just had. She thought it would be manual labor, food deprivation, things like that, but never anything sexual. She wondered if future punishments would involve that...or if every punishment would involve that. She severely hoped not, as they would be the hardest punishments for her to get through.

She sat on the bench where she had received her first punishment and fidgeted a little. She was a little uncomfortable, but it was more than bearable. That punishment, after all, hadn't been too bad. She listened as he named off her options, perking up when he mentioned the auto shop. But she was careful. "Well...I would prefer to stay away from the strip club. The auto shop or the kitchen would be where I'd be most productive,"
Brendan noticed her perk up when he mentioned the auto shop, as he explained her feeling about the work assignment. "I'll take your thoughts into consideration. I think we should see how this afternoon goes, and then I'll let you know at the end." He swiveled right and left a little in his chair, studying her expression, finding it difficult to remove from his mind the look in her eyes while she was cumming earlier today. They were just so wild, so sexually charged. "You know Elsa, I'm glad you came here and a promising girl like you won't have to rot away for five years at state. But even to have to stay here six months would be a shame. You should go out and live your life." He sighed and folded his hands, her thrusting hips and throbbing sex still haunting his mind.

"So, I think I could definitely get you out of here in three months. That's the minimum allowed. But you'll have to earn it. Your behavior has been good so far. But I think if you could please me just a little bit more, you'll be out very quickly." He gave her a grin and a half-wink. "That's why I wanted to have you up here. I want to make sure you know where you stand, and what is expected of you."
At first, she wasn't sure what direction his little lecture was going to go. He was always so cryptic she was never sure what he was really going to say. She folded her hands in her lap and clasped them together tightly, nervously. The more he spoke, the more nervous she became. It was clear to her that he had an agenda in mind, but she still wasn't sure what it was. Then he said a word that didn't fit in the sentence. Please. If she could please him just a little bit more...what did that mean? He wanted her to please him, did he mean...physically? She dropped her eyes for a moment, staring at the lightly carpeted floor. She swallowed once, gritted her teeth for a moment, and then sucked in a deep breath.

She looked back up at him, directly into his eyes. "I don't understand what you mean," she said carefully, "I think that you do need to explain it to me, what's expected of me I mean."
He responded to her question with a glare into her soft eyes. Although he had not-too-subtly hinted at intimacy with her, he was not going to say anything explicit, and not only because it was against the rules. He didn't want to outright force her into any particular conduct, although his method wasn't much more noble, to be honest with himself. But she had as much as offered herself up to him earlier, so he wasn't going to beat himself up over it. "Just think about what I said as you go through your activities here, Elsa," he said with a smile.

"We're going down to meet the warden now. She insists on meeting all inmates herself before they go to work. It's not up to me what she does, but she usually requests that a punishment be administered in her presence. She likes to make sure that we don't take it too easy on the inmates, and see what the relationship dynamic is between the officer and the inmate. So, you can come and follow me there. Her office is just down the hall. Maybe we'll talk about what I said after we visit her." He stood up from his chair. "Just remember that punishments here are part of the program. They're not only given for misbehaving here. Try to remember they are retribution for your crimes, part of the deal for the short sentence."
He seemed to have changed. He wasn't apologetic, kind, or gentle anymore. He was conniving, manipulative, and seemingly cruel. She stared at him in disbelief for a few moments, unable to think of a response. One thing that bothered her again was his choice of words. Activities. She had no activities here. She had punishments, was fed, occasionally allowed to shower and pee, and then slept. He was trying to manipulate her, that much she was sure of, but she partially took the blame for it. She had basically told him that she would've slept with him, and now he felt an additional power over her.

A trip to the warden couldn't end well. He was going to punish her again, right after she'd just had a miserable one. All she could do was pray that it wouldn't be another sexual one. It was embaressing enough to have to be vulnerable like that in front of Brendan, but in front of an unknown woman who held more power than she ever would, that would surely be unbearable. She rose from the bench, ready to follow him wherever it was he was going to lead her.
Brendan led the way around the corner, and to the warden's office. Although it was on the same floor, it was much larger than Brendan's, and had a lot of large plate glass windows that let in the bright sunlight. There was a large wooden desk, with her paperwork on it, a big conference table on the other side of the room, and plenty of space in between. Paintings and artwork, in frames large and small hung on the walls. But the most important thing inside was the warden herself. She sat behind her desk, glaring at Brendan and Elsa as they entered. She looked like a warden, with a thin, cold, face, black hair pulled back into a bun of sorts. She stood up, revealing her thin, stern frame, and scowled at them. She appeared to be in her forties. "Hello Brendan, bring her in," she ordered, pointing to two chairs facing her desk. Brendan sat at one with a nod, and pulled the other out for Elsa.

"How is she acclimating to the Center?" the warden asked Brendan. "Very well, ma'am," came the answer. "She's obeyed all orders so far. She was a little too proud to ask to use the bathroom last night, and I therefore looked like she needed to wet herself in the morning. But if that's all I can say about her first full day, I suppose that's not bad." He looked over at Elsa, then at the warden, awaiting her response. "Very well," the warden answered, turning her eyes to Elsa. "Young lady, you are going to receive a punishment of my choosing this afternoon before you leave. That way I can see firsthand if you need any lessons on obedience, and also make sure your corrections officer isn't taking it too easy on you. Now stand up and take off all your clothes. Fold them neatly and place them on your chair." Brendan looked over at her, blushing a little bit for some reason that even he was not sure of.
Elsa's eyes widened as they entered the warden's office. It was far more lavish than she had expected, she had thought it would be understated as was appropriate. But, she figured, this woman was a warden and therefore probably had an enormous ego. She wanted to flaunt her power in front of everyone who came into the room, so she decorated it lavishly. She scanned her eyes over the paintings on the wall, able to identify almost every painter. There was a Goya, a Bosch, and a Dali. She wondered if the warden might be Hispanic...but it didn't matter. She quickly took her eyes away from the paintings and sat in the chair that Brendan pulled out. She didn't necessarily want either of them to know she was intelligent.

She listened silently as Brendan and the warden spoke for a few minutes. She kept her eyes on the edge of the warden's desk so that she wasn't looking at the ground like a pansy, but wasn't challenging the woman with a look into her eyes. But when she addressed Elsa, she was forced to look up at her. Her eyes widened again as she heard the order. Naked...again. She slid her eyes over to Brendan, who was giving her a cold look though he was blushing. She hesitated a moment longer and then stood up, unclasping her bra and folding it before placing it on the chair. She then hooked her fingers into her new pants and pulled them down, stepping out of them and then folding them as well. She placed them next to the bra and then went to remove the panties, but hesitated once more. She swallowed her nervousness and pulled the panties down, folding them and placing them atop the pants. Then she turned and faced the warden, her heart racing as the shame of being nude again took over her.
Brendan didn't watch this time as Elsa undressed. He didn't feel comfortable doing so in front of the warden. He did, however, catch a glimpse of her double-take, as she hesitated before taking off her panties. When she was finally finished undressing, he glanced over again, and saw her nervously standing there, awaiting her fate. The warden cleared her throat before beginning. "I have several things in mind for this one," she said, glaring at Elsa's pretty, full figure, seemingly giving a nod of approval at her shaved sex, glad to see her rules were followed. She stood up, first inspecting Elsa's pile of clothes, seemingly disappointed that they were folded so neatly. It was a favorite of hers to add to punishments for lack of neatness. She then turned and opened a large full-height cabinet behind her desk, revealing what appeared to be several punishment implements. She removed a slightly flexible leather paddle, with a handle, the rest of it long and rectangular.

"I'd like her to receive fifteen swats with the leather paddle, now," she said, holding it out to Brendan. "Young lady, go over to the wall, and bend down, palms against the wall at waist-height." Brendan accepted the paddle from her, his eyes darting between the warden and Elsa. "Are you sure, ma'am?" he asked, knowing the paddle would leave bruises that could last several days. "I gave her this type of reinforcement yesterday by hand, and it seemed to achieve the desired results. I think another one like that may do the trick." The warned glared back at him. "I don't care," she said. "I'll decide what she gets. Now administer the punishment. And young lady," she added, giving a piercing stare to Elsa, "if you move your hands from the wall, I'll add to your strokes."
Elsa's eyes grew very wide when she saw the paddle. Her heart raced and she began to perspire, she already knew how bad a paddle could feel on sensitive flesh. She stared at the paddle for a few moments and then turned towards the wall. She walked over to it slowly, every fiber of her being telling her to run like hell. But she didn't run, she had no where to run. She placed her hands against the wall and gradually bent over, sliding her hands down further and further until she was completely bent over, hands at waist height. Her legs were together, but she was bent so far over that her sex was exposed in addition to her ass. She had placed her hands as firmly against the wall as she could, terrified of how badly this was going to hurt. So far none of her punishments had really involved a lot of pain, but she knew this one would.
Brendan turned his head to the right as Elsa sadly, but dutifully, obeyed the warden. Even he didn't like giving such a harsh punishment. But the warden seemed to come down even more harshly than usual on the pretty ones. He wasn't sure if it was jealousy, some type of substitute retribution for a wrong done to her many years ago, or another reason, but it really didn't matter.

He could see that Elsa's butt cheeks were spread and separated as a result of her deep bending at the waist, her sex lips hanging clearly visible between. To him, her perfectly round, pale, shapely bottom in the air was quite a presentation, almost like a beautiful jewel on a soft plush pillow, something rare and beautiful, begging to be enjoyed in the many possible ways imaginable. However, this was not a time for pleasure, but for unfortunate pain. He pulled his right arm back, paddle in hand, before landing two quick blows on her. "Thwack, thwack," went the leather on her ass, one blow landing on each cheek, a red rectangular mark immediately appearing. He certainly hadn't swung his hardest, and the warden knew it from the dull sound. "Brendan," she scolded sharply. I know you can hit harder than that. This is a punishment, not foreplay."
She gritted her teeth in preparation for the swats. The first one caused her to jump a little, as she hadn't known exactly what to expect. The second one didn't cause anything to happen to her, except the rectangular red mark on her butt cheek. The thwacks hadn't been nearly as bad as she thought they would be, and for a moment, she was greatly relieved. She thought she would make a show of being in pain, of feeling the cruelty of the warden, but really not be the worse for it. But then the warden spoke. He wasn't hitting her as hard as he should be. She swallowed nervously, her mind again racing with all of the pain she could be receiving in the next moment. But, she thought, unless he hit her ten times harder, it still wouldn't be too brutal. But she didn't know how hard he would hit her, she had no idea.
Brendan looked at the warden. She was right, he was holding back a little. He looked back next at Elsa, hard to turn his eyes away from focusing on her pretty bald mound suspended in between her legs. He still couldn't believe she'd hadn't had anything in there to pleasure her in months and months, not even some type of self-stimulation. He wiped a bead of sweat away from his forehead, before turning his attention back to his task. He wasn't going to hit her full force. He knew it would bruise the muscles under the skin, causing it to be painful to sit for days.

But he knew how to make it seem harder than it was for the warden's sake. He pulled back again and swung much harder, but this time pulling back slightly just before the blow landed on her butt, so that only the end of the paddle struck at full force, not the entire thing. This caused quite a loud sound, as well as served to make a mark on the skin, but wouldn't bruise. The warden didn't seem to know the difference, and liked the louder sound. "That's more like it, Brendan," she encouraged. He paused for just a moment before continuing landing stroke after stroke in this manner. He hoped that Elsa would demonstrate some pain, so as not to make the warden think he was still holding back.
She heard the paddle whistle through the air towards her, expecting an explosion of pain on her ass. But when he hit her, it was only slightly more painful than the first two, though they sounded much worse. She realized what he was doing. He was making a show of hitting her without doing it as hard as he could. She sucked in a breath when he hit her, making a show of the pain she wasn't feeling. When he hit her again she let the breath tumble out, a high whine of pain escaping her. She curled her toes and gasped for breath again, making it look like she was trying to hold in her pain, to not show weakness in front of the warden. On the third hit she whimpered and sobbed, shaking her head a little as if holding back tears.
She was doing good, he smiled to himself, selling the pain to the warden. Elsa was quite a good actor, with her believable whines of pain and wriggling of her limbs. The color of her butt, however was no act. As they approached ten strokes, it was all kinds of bright red, a fiery contrast to the pale skin of her full, smooth thighs, much redder than yesterday. He finished the last five in the same manner, trying to alternate areas, knowing that each swat on already raw skin still hurt. He paused for a moment, resting his arm, before picking up the last five strokes, as Elsa seemed to be choked up, on the verge of tears. Once they finished, he put the paddle down on the warden's desk. It actually was quite a bit of physical exertion on his part, giving a punishment like this, and he sat down in his chair.

"You may stand up, young lady," the warden stated. "I'm sure you won't want to have a seat, though," she added to Elsa with a sadistic grin. "I'm satisfied with your manner of discipline with her, as well as your routine so far," she told Brendan, reviewing his log of activity over the last two days. "I think she needs to have some reminder, however, that she's our property while she's here. I want you to take her down to the doctor's suite, and have her nipples pierced. Have horizontal barbs inserted on them." She looked at Elsa, seemingly thinking deeply. "There's no need to clothe her now, she can carry her clothes down there and put them on afterward," the warden instructed. "Very well, ma'am," Brendan replied. "Well, you heard her, lets go," he said, looking over at Elsa.
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