The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

She stared at the food longingly, her desperation for it growing more and more with each passing second. She was salivating disgustingly and was glad when he handed her the napkin to wipe her lip. She held the napkin tightly, tighter than she really should, trying to contain not only her desperation but also to calm herself down, to hide the little bit of anger that she was feeling. When he left she almost cried, but bit down onto the gag to keep herself from doing it.

The seconds passed like hours again, she had no idea when he was going to come back. She kept staring at the food, aware more than she wanted to be that with every passing second the food was getting colder. She didn't care though, if she got to eat it (which he claimed she would) she would be so grateful that she would probably do anything he asked of her.
Brendan left Elsa, and went down to the inmate kitchen to check on another inmate he was supervising. He had received a page that something was wrong. The other inmate, a thirty year old full-figured brunette teacher, was in for sexual intercourse with a minor, one of her former students. She had been at the center for almost a month, and was assigned to work in the kitchen. Due to the nature of her crime, she was of course, forbidden from any sexual gratification, but now, apparently, had been found masturbating in the bathroom during work hours. She would have to be subjected to the usual punishment for this type of activity. She was completely restrained, nude, at the side of the kitchen, in view of all of her fellow inmates, and a small powerful vibrating device was attached to her. The device was turned on next, and she was left in that position for the rest of the morning, forced to have several uncontrollable orgasms in front of the other inmates. A shame to be embarrassed so in front of others, he thought, as he walked back to check on Elsa, but she knew what she was getting into when she agreed to come, he rationalized. This, however, gave him an idea regarding Elsa....

It had only been less than thirty minutes since he left, but he knew it must have felt like agonizing hours for the girl. As he unlocked and opened the door, he saw Elsa where he had left her. "How are you making out, Elsa?" he greeted her. He walked over and unlocked the gag, not removing it yet from her mouth. "I think enough time has passed. I know it'll be a bit cold, but I'm sure you won't mind. But if I let you eat now, I trust you're going to do your best to follow the rules the rest of the day, right?" He was at the ready to remove the restraint once she nodded her head in anticipated agreement.
She became a little relieved when she saw the door open and Brendan returned, it meant that she was closer to eating the food. She looked up at him, her eyes still the same as they were before, though her desperation had gown exponentially. She swallowed nervously when he came towards her and spoke, nearly jumping to obey whatever command he threw at her. She figured there wasn't anything too bad that he could ask her to do, crawl on the floor, be naked, something ridiculous like that.

She nodded vigorously when he unlocked the gag, choking a little when he pulled it out. She gasped for breath a couple of times and then looked towards the food. She leaned towards it anxiously but then looked up at him just for confirmation. When he gave her a slight nod and she went towards the food, beginning to eat it ravenously. It was cold, but it was delicious. She couldn't believe that this was really what inmates got to eat every day.
He watched her immediately tear in ravenously to the delicious food. "See, it was worth the wait, wasn't it," he mumbled, pretty sure that she didn't hear a word between bites, and pretty sure himself that it wasn't worth the wait. "I'm going to let you eat in peace. Don't get used to this kind of food, either. It's just more effective with the particular exercise we went through", he finished, before walking towards the door. With it half open, he turned back to her with a slightly devious smile. "Oh, yeah one more thing. When you're finished, take off your panties and sit up on the edge of the padded table. Don't worry, it's not a punishment. We have to calibrate your chip implant," he said before closing the door, leaving her to wonder what would be involved.

He went back to the guard's cafeteria, picking up a muffin and eating it on the way back. About ten minutes after he left, he was back at the heavy door to where Elsa was waiting, flashing his card, and pulling it open.
She tore through the food without thinking of anything else until he said the thing about the panties. She stared at the rest of the food for a moment, wondering if part of the reason he had given her this food was to make her comply easier with taking her underwear off. She heard the door click and bit her lip, hating herself for a moment. But then she decided it wasn't worth it, he'd already given her the order.

She finished the food and then stood up slowly, looking down at herself and her panties. She walked over to the padded table and hooked her fingers into the panties. She hesitated for a few moments and then just tore them off, knowing that if she didn't do it like that she wouldn't take them off. Then she got up on the edge of the table, but kept her legs closed.
Brendan wasn't sure what to expect as he re-entered the room. Elsa had been easy to deal with today, but she was proud if anything. He first saw her empty plate on the table, but her chair empty. As he opened the door all the way, he saw that she had complied with what he told her, and was sitting on the exam table, her legs pressed together so hard, that it seemed like her knees were going to turn white.

He approached the nervous inmate, finally placing a hand on her knee. "You know, I thought on the way back that we need to give you a work assignment soon. You'll have to start your assignment tomorrow or the next day. You won't see as much of me then. Maybe you'll be happy about that." He turned away and walked over to a drawer, opening a box wrapped in plastic, and pulling out a small metal object and a roll of medical tape. "So I guess you're wondering what we're going to do here. Well, I need to calibrate your chip implant, like I said. It's been giving off funny signals, although I haven't had time to check it too much. You know, a sexual climax is the most powerful emotion the brain can signal. So we're going to use that for the test."

He held up the metal object, an egg shaped device a bit bigger than an almond. "This is a vibrator. I know you may not feel in the mood for any sexual feelings, but this is very powerful. You won't be able to resist. I'm going to use it to bring you to the edge of a climax, and if your chip is working correctly, I'll be able to stop it when your brain tells me you're right on the verge. We'll go through that a few times to make sure it's calibrated right. Any questions?" he finished with another grin.
She sat there nervously, jumping a little when he opened the door. She stared as he walked over to the drawer and pulled out the almond shaped device. His words made her face drop, the color draining from it, her mouth hanging open. She swallowed slowly, anxiously, and finally blinked at him twice. She looked from him to the vibrator and then to the floor. He was going to torture her by making her almost orgasm and then taking it away...many times. Her heart began to beat wildly in terror, her face beginning to sweat a little.

She didn't know what to do, she didn't know what to say. She stared at the floor for a few moments and then finally nodded weakly. She relaxed the muscles in her legs slowly until they were hanging there limp, but she didn't open them. He would have to pry her legs open for her, though she wouldn't resist. As much as she detested this, she knew that if she resisted, it would be worse for her.
As Brendan approached her, he observed her shock in finding out what was in store for her next. Elsa's face showed the embarrassment that came from being naked in front of someone fully clothed, her brow perspiring, chest heaving. He paused, looking down at her smooth legs. "You realize I'm going to have to put this down there, don't you?" He nudged his knee in between her knees, creating a separation, before stooping down on one knee and pulling them open a little more. He didn't spread her wide open, just enough to do what was needed. He was a little nervous himself, always with the suspicion bugging him that maybe she didn't deserve this.

He was in a dangerous position now, kneeling before her, as she could easily kick him in the face. It would have been easy to restrain her for this procedure, but he felt fairly confident she wouldn't try anything. He still was a little edgy about it though. "You never know what a woman might do if you try to probe her most intimate parts," he thought to himself. He placed the metal egg over her dry clit, the spot being easy to find with her completely shaven. There wasn't even any stubble visible yet down there. He tore off a piece of white medical tape, about to hold the vibrator in place, before asking "you don't want to put any lubrication on first, do you? You're a little dry, I don't know if it might chafe."
She did realize that he had to put it down there, and she absolutely dreaded it. When he pressed his knee in between her own two they fell open a little. Then he spread them open more and tears almost overflowed from her eyes, but she kept them back. She told herself that she couldn't cry with this, that she'd only been here a day, she couldn't cry yet. She had months to go, she couldn't crack on the second day.

She bit the inside of her cheek when he pressed the device to her clit, taking in a breath to prepare herself for what was coming. She shook her head, "Discomfort doesn't matter at this point. It's going to be bad either way," she said softly, swallowing once more before gritting her teeth and readying herself. She was going to try as hard as she could to stay silent as he built up an orgasm only to take it away.
Although Elsa was doing her best to keep it in, the tears welling up in her eyes were hard to miss. He did his best to try to ignore this emotion on her part and pressed the oblong egg softly into her clit again, laying a piece of tape over it tightly, and then another piece of tape, until it was securely in place. "I'm going to have to restrain your hands, Elsa," he said softly. "If that's not done, the subject can interfere with the results by finishing the job, so to speak, herself. Lay back on the table, there are straps for your arms there."

Brendan was now somewhere in the middle of several emotions. On one hand, he was incredibly turned on by the sight of the curves of her stomach and thighs coming together in one smooth, white triangle, with the vibrator in the middle of it all. At the same time, he pitied the plight of the agreeable, polite girl.
She wriggled a tiny bit when he taped the vibrator to her, it was so strange to her for his hands to be so close to her most intimate of parts. She didn't want him to be there, and yet, somehow, she felt that even though he was forcing her to go through this, he wasn't being malicious about it. She knew there was no way for her to get him to not do it, it was a punishment, though she didn't think she deserved this. Her crime had had nothing to do with sexual pleasure and therefore she thought that she should not be punished with it. But what she thought didn't matter.

She laid back against the cool table. It was padded, thankfully, so there wasn't any metal burning cold on her skin, but it wasn't comfortable. She put her arms in the arm straps, waiting for him to tie her down. She was breathing a little quickly already, her stomach and chest moving with each breath. She was afraid.
He looked on as she lay back, willingly presenting her arms to be tied down. He buckled four straps along the length of each arm, standing back over her. "I guess this would be a good time to tickle you," he said with a slight laugh, not sure if she would think that was funny or not. Brendan plugged his PDA into a monitor on the wall, causing what appeared to be some data charts come up on the screen. He held up a small device in his hand. "This is the controller," he informed her. "I'm going to start it, and monitor your results as we go along.

As he got ready to push the 'on' switch, he felt quite nervous. He wasn't sure why, he'd done this type of thing before, but it was somehow different with this inmate. He looked over to the nervous girl, her bra-covered chest rising and sinking. Eventually he switched the device to 'on', starting at the lowest setting, watching it start to move between her legs, the sound of the hum breaking the silence. "It shouldn't feel painful, so if it moves around, or hurts, let me know," he said.
She slid her eyes over to him when he made his joke, her eyes full of disdain. For a moment, she wasn't afraid anymore. She was just irritated. But once he moved away and plugged in his PDA, she became afraid again. She jumped when he switched the vibrator on, feeling it hum against her. She'd never had such direct stimulation as this device was giving her, so at first it was weird. After a few seconds though, it's purpose was beginning to be fulfilled.

She sucked in a sharp breath and bit her lip, holding back the sounds that wanted to escape from her. She'd always been the kind of woman that vocalized her pleasure, voluntarily or not. When a man (or a device, in this case) was making her feel good, she always let them know, even if she was trying not to. She tensed her leg muscles, straining against the straps a little. It had been a long time since she'd gotten any pleasure, so even at it's lowest setting, the vibrator was definitely doing what it was intended to do.
Brendan stood close enough to the table to see Elsa's eyes. He saw that they were confused at the sensation at first, when he turned on the device, but became large and seemed like they wanted to let out a shriek once it began to have its intended effect. When her body tensed, he could tell that she was trying her best not to let the pleasure developing inside her escape. After all, the moans of an impending orgasm are a loud, animal expression, and are hard to hold in, embarrassing as they might be. However, try as she might to stay quiet, the tracking chip implanted in her did its job, showing spikes of sexual arousal within the first twenty seconds. The only thing that surprised him was how quickly these signals developed. "Wow, Elsa," he commented, not elaborating. He hadn't thought she was aroused in any way when they started, so supposed some needs must have just built up in her over time. "I suppose incarceration really lets these things build up inside you," he added.

As her body strained against the tightly buckled straps, he knew that she would reach the breaking point soon, even at the lowest setting. But he decided to get her there a little quicker, turning up the power, the buzz now slightly louder. He monitored the chart, as her brain waves told the computer she was less than ten seconds from initiating an orgasm. He counted down the seconds, hand ready to shut off the device just in time.
She was having a hard enough time containing herself when the vibrator was on its lowest setting, but as soon as he turned it up she really thought she was going to fall off a cliff. She felt all of the sensations of orgasms building and building and building until finally she couldn't keep in inside anymore -- a loud moan barreled from her lips just a second before she would orgasm, but he, of course, turned off the device at the exact moment that would stop her. At first, she didn't understand what had happened. She felt suspended in space for a moment but in the next she felt complete agony. Her body ached for stimulation again, it ached for attention. It would get attention, but not until she had completely come down again and had to do all the work over. She turned her head and glared at him, hate as well as arousal in her eyes. There was no justification for this.
He nodded in approval at the sudden decline in excitement, shown not only on his computer, but also in Elsa's body language, as if he were conducting a serious scientific experiment. "Well, I think that worked quite well, but the instructions for the chip require that we repeat the process. We have to wait now until your blood flow rate to that region comes down, not quite to where it was before we started, but until it's about halfway back. Her moan just before he turned it off was quite powerful - it sent a chill through his spine. He worried for a moment that he had gone too long with her, but when it quickly died out without being followed by any other sounds, he knew things had gone according to plan. He looked on as her stomach and loins heaved up and down a bit. After a few minutes, once this subsided, and without looking into Elsa's cold eyes, he started the vibrations back up, this time starting at the second level.
She swallowed a few times after the device was off, trying to get her bearings back. It would have helped if she could move, but she couldn't. She breathed heavily for a few moments, finally returning to a somewhat normal state. His turning the device back on took her by surprise, he hadn't even given her a warning. She jumped again, a yelp escaping her. The vibrations were stronger now and her clit was still sensitive. She trembled and bit her lip so hard that she began to bleed. She wasn't going to moan again, she wasn't. But it was so hard to hold herself back, especially now that the orgasm she wouldn't have was approaching even faster than the first one had. Her stomach muscles clenched and she lifted herself up, her back arching as she tried to contain herself, the orgasm demanding to be had.
This time, Elsa seemed to be taken off guard the start of the vibrations. She was already in a state of partial arousal and started to creep towards a climax even quicker this time. Brendan started to become quite aroused himself, as she arched her back and moved up and down a bit rhythmically, her motion mimicking the instinctual need for something to fill her sex and finish off what was being cruelly denied. He couldn't kid himself, no matter how many times he had given his speech about deserving punishment, and these things being mandated by the state, this was just hot, to have a young, horny girl gyrating on the table before him, regardless of how the arousal was achieved.

This time, as he was about to shut off the vibrator, the metallic egg fell out onto the cushion of the table. He shut off the device and went over to investigate. It appeared that one side of the tape had lifted up, having absorbed her moisture, since there wasn't any hair to soak up any of it. He lifted off the two pieces of tape completely, careful not to tear the skin. "I guess you didn't need any lubricant, after all, he commented," glad that Elsa was lying down and unable to see his erection. He padded down the area above her sex with a paper towel, before reapplying the device with a new application of tape.
She gasped for breath, her mind in a complete state of confusion. She was so aroused, so horny, that she would do almost anything just to achieve orgasm. She would even let him touch her (though she couldn't really stop him if he wanted to), she would touch him. Her body was yearning for gratification but her mind was screaming for it. She stared up at the ceiling, at first relieved when she felt him take the tape off of her. She thought they were done, that he wouldn't do it again...but then he reapplied the device. He was going to make her go through this again, and this third time would be worse, probably much worse. Her tears finally spilled over and she sobbed quietly, the tears streaming down her face.
After he pressed the tape back on, he looked back up at her, her chest heaving, breath labored. It seemed like tiny beads of sweat were developing on her forehead and even a little between her breasts. He felt kind of funny making conversation with her in her current state. She wasn't exactly doing any talking, unless you counted her moans and gasps. As she began to cry, he knew it wasn't from any physical pain, but this was mental anguish. He picked up a tissue and wiped her face with a couple of dabs, daring to look into her eyes. Although they seemed to show hatred for him, there also seemed to be a hint of desire, arousal there too. "Look, if you're upset, I'll leave the room and let you come down some more first, okay? And the instructions are to do this four to five cycles, but I'll tell you what. We'll do it once more, and call it a day. That's the best I can offer," he concluded, walking away from the table.
She wanted to sling horrible insults at him. She wanted to scream and yell about how much she hated him right now, about how much agony he was putting her through, and about how she didn't deserve any of it. She wanted to bite him and rip his skin off when he came near her with the tissue, but she didn't. She just turned her head away from him and stared at the white wall for a few moments. "No. I'm fine, thank you. I would just like to get this over with, sir." she said as politely as she could. She hoped that her politeness didn't come off as fake, as she didn't mean it to be, but it was hard for her to say 'sir' when she wanted to call him so many other names.
As Brendan watched her turn away from him and ask to finish, he suspected that she was seething inside. Well, they would just finish if that's what she wanted. He checked his monitor and saw that suppressed anger had quickly replaced most of the arousal within her. "Fine, well if you're ready, we'll do the last one," he said, turning away from her as he saw she was no longer crying, but her eyes still quite red and bleary. He turned the vibrator up to the third setting, not yet used by them, and switched it on, hearing the still louder hum, and watching it visibly cause the skin of her stomach and thighs to vibrate at the surface.
She was pretty sure the thing she hated most was his capability to see all of her emotions, even when she was trying to hide them. She had absolutely zero privacy, there was nothing that she could hide from anyone. She was denied everything. She thought that was too harsh a punishment, but she had chosen to come to The Center. She could be rotting away in a regular jail cell for five years, but instead she was being put through sexual torture and food deprivation and would be out in, at most, six months.

She yelped loudly when he turned the vibrator on again, this time at a third higher setting. It felt like a train hit her and was rumbling inside of her. She immediately began to perspire again, her inner muscles clenching hard in its pre-orgasmic motions. This time she had no control over herself, the intensity oft he vibrations had taken all control away from her. She was gasping for breath, squealing, moaning, whining, doing everything except out right scream. If he didn't turn it off in the next second, she was going to lose it.
No sooner than he had turned on the vibrator, Brendan noticed that all of the muscles in Elsa's midsection were tensing and flexing, the tendons in her upper thighs nearly popping out of her skin. The area surrounding her wet slit was a bright blush from all the blood flow, a stark contrast to her otherwise light skin tone. Her pelvis was grinding up and down uncontrollably, squeals and moans of raw emotion uncontrollably escaping her mouth. The animal urge dug at him to strip down and fill her pleading sex with his manhood, but he held back. After what seemed like only a few seconds of this more intense stimulation, he turned off the device, watching her hip thrusts diminish, but not stop immediately. He decided immediately after turning it off, though, to try something different. He switched it right back on, at the fourth, and highest setting. "I'm going to let you finish, Elsa," he said, so she could hear it over the din of the vibrations, telling himself that he wanted to allow her a release, but secretly wanting to see her have a full orgasm.
She really thought that she was going to die when he turned off the vibrator for the third time. She felt like her body would revolt against her and just rip itself apart from the inside. Her hips desperately ground against the air, seeking a body to rub against, begging a cock to fill her. But she wasn't going to get that. She barely heard him as he spoke over the vibrator when he turned it on to the fourth and final level. But she did hear him, and that was all that mattered. He wasn't going to let her come. An hour ago she would've refused, she would've said that she didn't want to, but now she wasn't sure she could live without one. It almost felt like the vibrator was crawling inside of her and stimulating her at some unknown sensitive place. She gasped hard and her hips lifted up, immediately grinding the air again. She moaned in ecstacy, her mouth hanging open and her fists clenched. Her head tilted back and she gasped once more, her inside muscles clenching harder than they ever had in front of him. In the next instant, she came. Her orgasm was more powerful and more fulfilling than any orgasm she'd ever had before. Her eyes rolled back and her hips bucked against the air as if she was fucking some wild beast.

She rode her orgasmic high for a few moments, finally beginning to come down from it. Her body dropped against the table, her juices covering her womanhood and dripping down onto the padded table. She breathed heavily, the faintest smile coming over her lips.
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