The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

She frowned at the question of her having STDs. Of course she didn't have STDs, she wasn't some loose hooker. But she wiped the frown from her face and pushed the thought away, unwilling to allow herself to get riled up by his comments. She knew that was the point, he wanted her to get upset and break easily. She wasn't going to break. She'd follow the rules and listen when he spoke to her, but she wouldn't go passed that. She wouldn't be his little bitch but she wouldn't be a pain either.

That was how she was going to get herself through these next few months, or at least that was the plan. Whether or not it was going to work, she wasn't sure, but she was going to make her best effort. She saw Brendan look over her body like that and wasn't happy with it. She was already naked and vulnerable, and now he was basically eating her with his eyes. She laid back against the table when he was instructed to. When she looked at the stirrups she shivered a little. It reminded her of going to the gynocologist. Maybe if she just acted like it was the gyno, it wouldn't be too bad. She put her feet into the stirrups, laid back completely, and closed her eyes.
Brendan approached the table where Elsa was laying, with her legs wide open. "She seems to be behaving for you, but I think we should strap her in to be safe. I wouldn't want her to get cut." With that, he clamped a cuff that was part of the device to her ankle, then to the other ankle. A belt strap went around each upper thigh, before he finally buckled a strap over her smooth, soft stomach. "I'll leave you hands free this time, Elsa." After pausing, he added "I hope you're not beginning to regret your decision to stay with us." He stood directly in front of her, unprofessionally admiring his unobstructed view of her privates. "You won't have too much work to do, Doctor. She keeps herself pretty neatly trimmed."

The doctor then sprayed between Elsa's legs with some warm water as Brendan walked over and sat down in the office chair, feet up on Dr. Jenkins' desk, arms folded behind his head. Dr. Jenkins then massaged some shaving cream around, before expertly making a few swipes with a straight razor. He was quite efficient at what he did, and didn't waste any extra motions. He then wiped off the excess cream with a straight razor, revealing what appeared to be a few goosebumps on her completely bald mound.

He pulled a small needle out next from under the table, walking over to Elsa's side. "I'll administer the data chip now. I hope you aren't afraid of needles."
She cringed when he strapped her in, her heart beginning to race. The one thing that had always freaked her out had been being strapped down. She didn't like being physically restrained but something that wasn't human. Even seat belts bothered her. She had been able to deal with the handcuffs, but now her legs and stomach were all held down. She fidgeted a little bit, beginning to grow more nervous by the second. Her face flushed again when she saw Brendan eyeing her most private of places. She couldn't really blame him, she was spread wide open there in front of him. Even so, she could see the lust there.

She jumped the first time the doctor touched her, but he was so quick and professional about it that after the first time it didn't bother her. She breathed a great sigh of relief when he was done. She felt weird that she was clean shaven, as if she was pre-pubescent or something, but it hadn't been too bad of an ordeal.
He saw her thighs quivering as the doctor wiped of the excess cream. "Relax, Elsa, we're almost done here. Then I'm going to take you to the Center spa for a massage and a facial", he said sarcastically. Once she managed to remain still for a moment, the doctor stuck the end of the small needle into the fleshy part of her upper arm, just below the shoulder.

Brendan punched some information into his PDA as the doctor unstrapped Elsa and handed her gown back to her. "Everything seems to be working. I'm getting a signal here from the chip. So I guess your work is done, doctor." He waited for Elsa to finish getting dressed, or at least partially dressed, in her gown. "Let's get you down to the shower block, he said, taking hold of her elbow. I know it's not your fault, but you kind of need it."

He led her down to the end of the hallway, through a door, and into an empty concrete room with a bench on one side and three shower heads on the other, with hot and cold knobs under each. He unlocked a closet and pulled out a small bar of soap and bottle of shampoo, like might be found in a hotel, before locking the closet back up. "It's not customary to be allowed these amenities on your first shower", he said, handing them to her along with a towel. "Usually, you have to earn them. But, I'll make an exception. You're a pretty girl. Maybe I have selfish reasons to see you look and smell decent. I'm going to fetch your initial outfit. You can go ahead and shower and dry off. The door to this room will be locked, so don't try anything. What bra size do you need, by the way?"
She frowned at Brendan's cruel joke. She wouldn't opt for a spa and facial anyway, that was too girly for her. She flexed her arm a little, feeling the chip sitting in there. It was weird, but it didn't hurt too much. It was a strange feeling, like a giant splinter, but it wasn't too bad. She could deal with it. She stood and redressed, following him to the shower room. It was dull and grey in there, as a prison shower room would probably be anywhere.

She took off the gown again and sighed a little sigh of relief after he left. She walked over to one of the shower heads, pressing the button for it to turn on. It was, of course, ice cold. She jumped a little but stayed under the water, allowing it to drown some of the obvious grime off of her. She soaped herself up, all over her body and her hair. She washed herself off, feeling a lot better even though the water had been cold. It woke her up more than anything else could.

She dried off with the scratchy towel, trying not to think about what Brendan had said about his selfish reasons. She had deduced already that he wanted to sleep with her from the way he had eyed her when she'd been naked in the examination room. He probably just wanted to use her. What else would he want from a prisoner?
He returned to the shower room about ten minutes later, unlocking the door and opening it, to find Elsa standing there in her blue towel. Her light brown hair had a darker appearance, as it fell down over her shoulders in wet strings. Here face looked fresh and radiant, despite her unmistakable disappointment in being locked up. "You look refreshed", he said, grinning towards her. "See, it hasn't been bad so far, has it?" He laid a plain white cotton bra and pair of panties down on the bench, along with a pair of sandals. "Here's your outfit. Like I said, having clothes is a privilege here, and if you want more, you'll have to earn it. I could have started you off naked, if your crime had been worse, or if you hadn't behaved during processing."

He paused, then realized Elsa was waiting for him to leave. "I think I've seen plenty already, so I don't see the need to leave the room. Just put them on, and we'll go back to my office.
She frowned at his comment about seeing enough already. She wasn't sure if she liked him or not, though she realized that it really didn't matter what she thought. He had an incredibly pompous air about him that she disdained, but he was corrections officer and she figured that he had to be that way to keep control of his inmates. She slid the towel off of herself and folded it neatly, setting it in the bin that was marked "Used Towels". She got dressed quickly, even though he had seen her completely nude already it wasn't as if she enjoyed it. She felt strange standing there in just underwear and sandals, but at least it was something.

(Sorry, it's kinda short =( )
He watched her quickly get into her underwear, and then held open the door for her, saying, "We'll head back to my office to talk some more, before I put you in for the night." As he led the way, he turned his head back towards her and added "You know your punishment was handed down from the state. I hope you don't see this am coming from me. I keep a detailed log of everything that we do with you, and if the log was empty, I wouldn't have a job."

He wondered why he felt a need to explain himself to her. He didn't usually do that, but it just seemed like she hadn't done anything rude or resisted anything to this point. He liked to have a justification in his own mind for the punishments he doled out. But, he forced himself to remember, her crime itself was the justification. He had to do his job.

((No problem =) I don't care if it's a certain length))
She followed him to his office, looking up at him in surprise when he turned to qualify himself to her. She frowned for a moment and then wiped it off her face, not wanting to give him any extra reason for more punishment. She wondered what the punishments would be like, and if she would be able to take them. She liked to think that she would just grin and bear it, but if he came at her with a crowbar, would she just sit there?

She wasn't really sure. Now wasn't the time to really think about that though. She thought for a moment and wondered, why couldn't he just lie on the log? Punish her sometimes to keep her bruised or whatever, and lie about the rest? Whatever, she shouldn't care. She was an inmate here and not worthy of any kind of privilege.
As they neared his office, he decided to make some more conversation, his passing guilt now banished. "You know I'm going to have to decide what work assignment to give you in a couple of days. Since the purpose of this place is to save taxpayer's money, there aren't only work assignments like kitchen detail or bathroom detail around the Center. We have jobs that bring in money. For example, there is a strip club that female prisoners work in. Of course, the customers don't know the dancers are inmates. So that's one possibility, you could pay your debt to society giving lap dances to truckers."

He thought some more about other options. "There's also a laborer job open on one of our constructions projects. I bet the male workers would like having you around carrying bricks and things. Then again, you seem pretty well behaved. They like to give kitchen jobs to inmates who won't try anything funny with the food. It's a big decision I'll have to make." He looked back at her, studying her expression as he brought up the various options, curious if she would show any reaction. "Unfortunately, they don't have boosting cars available as a work detail here." As they approached his office, he propped open the door, and gestured for her to enter.
Stripping!? Her eyes grew wide and her cheeks flushed at the mention of working in a strip club. Her mother had been a stripped for most of her life, it was how she managed to pay some of the bills. Almost all of her boyfriends (that had never been nice to Elsa or the rest of the children) had been former customers. She didn't want to be a stripper, especially not as a job for being in prison. That was the worst way to be a stripper, without even having a choice.

She frowned when he mentioned the car boosting. She knew she'd be handy in an automotive shop here, though she doubted that they would allow her to work there. She didn't exactly want to, either, she knew the place would be full of men who would love to get all touchy feely with her. She sighed again (she seemed to be doing a lot of that lately) and walked through the door of the office, going to the same chair she had sat in before.
He noticed Elsa's obvious displeasure at the mention of being sent to the strip club. He made a mental note of it, to use in his decision once it was time for that. Once she sat down, he sat in his own desk chair again, looking across at her.

"I just wanted to talk with you some more about what to expect here at the Center. Like I told you before, you must earn your privileges here. You will be expected to completely obey the corrections officers. And as you know, you'll be given a work detail soon. Inmates are expected to be hard-working. Laziness in an assignment is punished strictly."

He took a fleeting glance at her milky cleavage pouring through the top of her white bra, but didn't stare. He continued "some type of discipline is given to each inmate, each day. That's not up to me. But what type is left to my discretion. And one other thing. No one is here to have a good time. So taking sexual pleasure without permission is restricted. Many inmates don't have a problem with this. But there are always some who seem to always be horny and have to masturbate in their cells. That's not allowed without permission. You can submit a formal request if you want gratification."

"Now" he continued, "you've been processed, but you haven't received any formal discipline yet today. So I'm going to ease you in. Stand up", he said, walking over to her side of the desk.
She settled into the chair as much as she could, but the chair wasn't exactly designed for comfort. At least her hands were free now. She folded them in her lap and held them together tightly, her nerves starting to get the best of her. She hadn't even been at this place a day and she was already getting nervous. She had to stop that. She focussed herself mentally, chiding herself for even letting tiny cracks in the fortress show.

There was no doubt that she would be hardworking at her job, except if it was the stripper joint. She didn't think she'd be able to bring herself to do that. She'd rather take a severe beating for disobeying than having to get naked and gyrate for fat slovenly truckers. She furrowed her brows when he spoke of sexual gratification. Again, she didn't think that she would have any problems with that. She'd never really been one to touch herself (Why, when it was so much better when a man touched her?), and she didn't think that she'd be craving anyone's touch here.

She stood when he told her to, keeping her body as tense as possible. What was he going to do to her? Slap her? Kick her? Punch her? She knew that he couldn't break any of her bones or rape her, but there were no other limits. She hoped she was prepared enough.
Once she was up out of her chair, he stood close to her for a moment. He examined the fear in her eyes. It was clear she was terrified of him. She looked like she was expecting a beating or worse. He sat down in her chair and looked up at her. "I'm really not going to harm you like you think", he said, realizing it probably wouldn't reassure her much. "You just have to tough it out and remember you're avoiding five years hard time." With that, he pulled her arm down, forcing her over his knee. "Scoot forward", he requested, pushing her forward until her hands were at the end of the bench, feet still on the floor.

His hand swatted her round bottom over her white panties one time before he stopped to talk some more. "I'm going to give you a spanking. It's quite an old fashioned punishment. I'm sure it will be bearable. Maybe you've even tried it with a boyfriend. I could give you much worse. But it's embarrassing, isn't it?", he asked, unable to see if her face was blushing, since it was facing the other way.
She glanced at him when he went over to the bench and sat on it. What was he doing? She tried to keep her face as clear as possible, but the build up of the suspense of what he was going to do to her was really cracking her. She yelped when he grabbed her arm and pulled her down over him, stumbling and flailing a little as she fell over. She realized that might be construed as resisting, but she hadn't meant it that way. Once she got down onto his lap she stopped moving, but her muscles were tense in preparation for the beating she thought she was going to get. She'd always been active and all of her muscles could be seen by him. She felt a little weird about that, but whatever.

Shock was written all over her face when he spanked her. That was her punishment? A spanking? At first she wanted to laugh, but she held it back. Then he hit her again, and it wasn't so funny anymore. It was embarassing, as he said it would be. She nodded her head silently, biting her lip to keep from crying. Tears had welled up in her eyes, and she didn't know why.
"Just stay still", he told her as she flailed around a bit. "That's the point", he responded to her after she agreed with him that she was embarrassed. After the first strike, he watched his impact reverberate across her bottom, and took note that her butt, although full, was not flabby, but well toned. The same could be said of her thighs, which seemed to tense up and flex all of their muscles and tendons, in expectation of what was coming.

"It's supposed to remind you that your behavior wasn't that different from a defiant child who needs a spanking. If you had acted like a responsible adult, you wouldn't be in this position." With that he brought down several more swats with his hand, alternating between striking one cheek, and then the other. He didn't hit her at full strength, somehow he felt a slight soft spot for her, and wanted to take it easy a bit. Still, each time his hand found its target, a loud sound reverberated around the room. After about ten swats, he informed her "You can get up now", supporting her stomach with his hands so she could regain her balance.
She counted the spanks, the number 'ten' ringing in her head when he was finished. The loud smack his hand against her barely covered butt made was really the worst part for her. She could deal with the quiet pain, it was just a little stinging. It wasn't like he was slapping her with a paddle or stabbing into her flesh. It was just a small smack, a very passive punishment if she thought about it.

She stood up when he was finished, feeling her butt sting when she stood. She hobbled over to the desk and put her hands against it, holding herself steady while she got over the punishment. It really wasn't too bad, it was just the first time she had ever been punished. She turned and looked at him sitting there, he didn't look particularly malicious there. It was just his job, and she could understand that.
Once Elsa stood up, Brendan noticed the remnants of some tears in her eyes. He had observed this many times, before, and his usual approach was not to bring it up to the inmate. In his experience, humiliation and deprivation brought about tears more often than sheer physical pain. He imagined from her reaction to this initial punishment that this would be the case with Elsa as well.

"Turn around and pull down your panties a bit so I can see your bottom", he ordered her. "I need to make sure I left enough to show for tonight's punishment. If my punishments get reinspected by my boss, I need to make sure I left my mark." He could see the resentment in her eyes as he made this latest lewd request, but he just gave her a casual stare as he waited for her to comply, running his fingers through his wavy hair. He had already seen a slight blush on her pale skin of her upper legs where the panties came to and end, doubtless resulting from a few swats which narrowly missed their target and landed on her upper legs.
She turned away from him gladly, not wanting to see the smug look on his face. He knew that he had made her cry, even if she hadn't been vocal about it. She shook her head a little to wipe the tears from her mind, to free herself of them. She didn't want to pull her panties down, but she knew that she had to comply. She also knew that he had already seen everything about her that there was to see, so why should she be self-concious about it? She looped her fingers under the elastic of the panties and pulled them down just enough that he could see the red marks left on her by his spankings.

(Bleh, short again. =( )
He looked on with interest as she slowly and shamefully turned around and lowered her panties enough for him to see the soft blush that his punishment had left on her otherwise pale bottom. Although he had seen it before, he marveled at how smooth and perfectly rounded it was. Something like that, he thought, you didn't get tired of seeing. The sight of that side of her made him think of what he might like to do with her, what fun it could be, and maybe for her as well, but he resisted any such impulses for the present moment.

"OK, you can pull them up", he told her. "It's after 8:30 now, and we'll have a busy day tomorrow. So why don't we get you to your cell", he said, "unless you have any other questions. I'll explain some more on the way down there. But they always pay me overtime to spend the night, on the first couple nights I have a new inmate. So I'll be here all night." He handed her a tissue, silently acknowledging she had come to tears, yet not addressing it.
She pulled her panties up quickly and turned around again, furrowing her brows at the tissue he offered her. She didn't take it, refusing to acknowledge the fact that she had cried. This was probably disobedience, but right at this very second she didn't care. He could punish her again if he wanted to, but somehow she didn't think that he would. She was a little miffed that he was going to be here all night, probably there to bother her the entire time. To torture her and make sure that she doesn't get any sleep. Whatever.

She didn't need him to babysit her. She'd done enough adult things to get her into this prison, she certainly didn't need some guy to watch her the entire time. So what if she was afraid or cried? That didn't mean he needed to stay there with her. She gritted her teeth, resenting him a little.
"Fine, if you don't want it. I was just trying to show some compassion", he said, once she snubbed his tissue. "There's one more part of your outfit before I take you down to your cell", he added, pulling out a black leather collar and fastening it around her neck. There was a little blue button on the front of the collar. "Let's head down to your cell", he told her, leading the way.

As they walked down two flights of drafty stairs towards the cell block, he explained "Once I take you down to the cell, the kitchen officer will be around in a while with dinner. There isn't any bathroom in your cell, Elsa. You can earn a bigger cell with a toilet down the road. If you need to be request to be taken to use one, you'll have to push the button on your collar to page me." He looked back at her, noticing that the outline of her nipples now poked through the cotton bra. He wondered if it was from the drafty stairway, or apprehension.

As they walked out of the stairway, past some larger cells first, the inevitable cat calls came at her. Just throw her in here with me for a minute guard... fresh meat..., some whistles came further along, as they started passing some smaller cells, only about the size of a small closet. "We're getting close", he told her as he continued to lead her down the block.
Compassion? She didn't need compassion from him. She was getting more and more irritated as the seconds wore on, a new and different emotion from her during the time she'd been here. Granted, she hadn't been here long, but she had felt fear and apprehension before. Now she was feeling anger. When he clipped the collar on her neck she felt even more anger, it boiled up inside of her. She was sure that his little PDA was telling him that, was showing him little lines that gave away every fleeting emotion that she felt. She was pretty sure that was going to be the worst part of this.

The bathroom thing bothered her a little bit too. Her offense hadn't even been that bad, why should she be punished like that? Whatever. She wasn't going to contest it and she was going to try to avoid pressing the call button as long as possible. She knew, though, that she would eventually have to pee. When they walked through the mens' wing she gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. She didn't speed up her pace, walking purposefully. She wasn't afraid of them, despite what they had to say to her. She hoped that she would be secluded from the men at least.
After passing through the men's section, they entered the women's sector, which was kept separate for security reasons. They passed cells of various sizes, each containing a single female prisoner, some clothed, some unclothed, and many somewhere in between. A few were sleeping already. The comments in this area were fewer and more subdued. "Who's that", one girl asked. Another, doubtless noticing Elsa's rear, called out jokingly "Did you just spank her, Brendan?" "Why, do you want one too?", he shot back.

They turned a corner leading to a dead end. "This will be your home for now, Elsa", he informed her. There were cells all along the left side, and just a concrete wall on the right. He took her to the last cell at the end, which was about the size of a large dog cage. It was large enough to lay down and sleep in, but only about three feet high, so standing upright was out of the question. A soft mat lay on the floor, and the cell was otherwise bare. The entire front and both sides of the cell had grates, like a cage, and the back was of concrete. Although it was dark, it was possible to see from one cell into the next, and the form of a thin blond girl, wearing only a pair of cotton panties, on her hands and knees, was visible in the cell next to Elsa's.

Brendan slid open the door, and pushed Elsa down towards the opening by grabbing onto her collar. "OK, here we are. The orderly will be by with food shortly. And don't forget, if you need me, call", he said, pointing to his own neck in the place were the button was on her collar.
It weirded her out to think that he bent every one of his inmates over his knee and spanked them. It seemed like such an intimate thing to her that it was just wrong that he would do it to every new inmate. It didn't really matter, though, she supposed. She glanced at the nearly naked girl in the cell next to hers and wondered what she had done. She looked so frail and fragile, as if she couldn't harm a fly. Why would she choose here, too? It looked as if she wouldn't even be able to handle the punishment dolled out in a minimum security prison.

She dropped down to the floor when Brendan pushed her, hitting the concrete a little harder than she had meant to. She crawled inside of the cell, the soft mat not really as soft as she would have liked it to be. She turned herself around in it, exactly like a dog would, and begrudgingly looked up at him from inside the cage. She felt every way like a dog and almost expected the food to be brought in a dog bowl. She sat down on her butt, scrunched over a little as the ceiling of the cage was so low. She touched the warily again, despising it's existence. She didn't say anything to him as he spoke to her, averting her eyes to the ground as soon as she was settled.
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