The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

She stood up after he was finished, wincing. The wince was real, her ass did hurt, just not as badly as she had expected it to. She walked over to the chair and picked up her clothes, about to redress when the warden began to speak again. Her face dropped when she said she had to be pierced. She stared at the warden for a few moments in disbelief before dropping her eyes down to the ground. The tears she had been forcing now truly welled up in her eyes and she had to shake her head to keep them from spilling over. And even beyond that, she had to walk all the way there naked. She held the clothes to her chest tightly, glad that she could at least cover her breasts that were going to be defiled while she walked to the doctor's suite. Her pussy was exposed, but she couldn't see it, so it didn't bother her as much. She followed Brendan as he left the warden's office, keeping her face as stoney as she possibly could.
Brendan led her back into the quiet hallway. He thought about what a long day this was going to be for her. First the orgasm control, then the paddling, and now this. And to top it off, although she had been naked plenty at the center, this was the first time she was paraded through the halls in such a condition. As he shut the door to the warden's office behind them, he looked over and saw the tears welling up in her eyes. "I don't have any control over this one," he offered. "But afterward, I'll let you rest up the remainder of the afternoon and night. You know, I think you picked up on it, but I wasn't hitting my hardest in there." He cleared his throat a bit. "Not that you should expect any favor, though. It's just that, despite my position here, I don't believe in causing serious injuries if I can help it."

He led her to an elevator this time, as the doctor was four levels below. There were two guards there waiting, one male, and one female. They both gave a glance at the emotional, naked inmate, her tears and red ass giving away where she had just been. As they all filed onto the elevator, Brendan took a look down at her bottom. It seemed to have gotten even more red since they left. The two guards got off first. Once they did, he whispered "I'll give you something to soothe your butt once we're done here." As the doors opened at their floor, he led the way out the elevator and down the hall. "You know, piercings are pretty routine here. And you can take them out once you leave the Center. But a lot of girls out the outside get them just for fun, so it can't be that bad." As they arrived, he opened the door to the doctor's suite where she had been examined upon arrival, motioning for her to enter.
She nodded, "I know you weren't. I appreciate that." she opened her mouth to speak again, but then hesitated. Her face turned a little red but she pushed it out of her mouth, "I owe you." she said it softly, but knew that he had heard it. She was basically guaranteeing him something, should he choose to ask it of her. She wouldn't outright offer it to him though, she liked to think she had more dignity than that. She walked into the elevator with him, tightening the clothes against her. She kept her eyes staring at the metal elevator wall, but she could see everyone's reflections in it, including her own. She averted her eyes to the floor and gritted her teeth, staying as silent as possible.

When they got to the doctor's suite she breathed a little sigh of relief, at least they were at their destination. She nodded again, "I know..." she breathed a couple of deep breaths, trying to keep her composure. She walked over to the table where she had been examined before, assuming it would be the same place.
He turned his head with a start when she said "I owe you." There was definitely some kind of sexual tension between the two of them, and they both knew it. He would have made love with her right in the hallway if not for the knowledge that he would lose his job, and the fact that she was being paraded around naked didn't help. As they entered the doctor's room, Brendan helped her up on the table. "She's going to get her nipples pierced, doctor. I was thinking two horizontal barbells might be nice." Dr. Jenkins nodded and took out a needle and some other tools and laid them on the table next to him.

"It will be easier, lying down", he explained to Elsa, assisting her down to the prone position on the table. He took out what looked like a fine-tipped marker, and made a mark in blue ink on either side of each nipple, to set a target for his needle. Next, he picked up a swab and dabbed it in alcohol, rubbing both nipples, and the areas around them with it to disinfect them. Brendan simply looked on with interest. He had always had an interest in piercings, and personally suspected that Elsa's cute breasts were going to look gorgeous with the new jewelry, even if she did view it as another punishent. Dr. Jenkins next picked up a clamp, and placed it on her left nipple, pinching it outward to give him a target. "This is going to hurt, but only for a moment," the doctor said picking up the needle, and before Elsa had time to think about it, expertly plunged it through the side of her nipple and out the other side, right through the designated mark.
She laid back on the cold table, shivering a little bit. This table wasn't anything like the table in the punishment room. That one had been padded and at least room temperature, and this one was cold and hard metal. She took a deep breath as the doctor went about his routine, trying to keep her mind off of what was about to happen. She'd never been particularly fond of piercings, especially not on herself.

She sucked in another breath when he took the needle up, whining when he plunged it through her nipple, her hips bucking up in protest. She breathed heavily for a few moments, her face flushing deeply, but after a few seconds she calmed down, aware that she still had to get the bar through this nipple and both the needle and bar through the other.
Brendan gasped as the needle went through her nipple, observing her quite violent reaction and loud whine. The doctor waited until she calmed down, but not able to wait too long, or else the hole would close, before inserting the bar and fastening it. "I'll let you rest for a moment before we do the other side," the doctor told her. Brendan walked over to the table where Elsa lay panting, reaching out and lightly touching her new jewelry, not pulling it too hard, knowing how sore her nipple still must be. "It's not too bad, Elsa," he said, scratching lightly around her freshly pierced area. "I think you can handle it for the next couple of months."

With that, the doctor walked around to the other side of the table, attaching the clamp to her other smooth, full breast. Brendan stayed at the tableside this time, as he held up the needle, quickly repeating the process before Elsa would have too much time to think about it. "Very nice, doctor," Brendan said, once the other bar had been pulled through. "We'll let you know if we need your services again." He looked at her sore, red nipples, sporting their new bars as symbols of her imprisonment. "Whenever you're ready, you can get dressed and we'll head back to my office," he told Elsa.
Part of her hated the fact that Brendan felt that he could touch her whenever he wanted to. That certainly was not the case. Just because she was an inmate and his charge and just because she had expressed some interest in possibly being intimate with him did not give him license to touch her whenever he felt like it. She desperately wanted to turn away from him when he scratched her breast, but didn't, knowing that would only cause her problems. She simply gritted her teeth through the second piercing, it wasn't nearly as shocking as the first had been.

The second the doctor was done with the second piercing she sat up and nearly ran over to wear her clothes were. She didn't want him to go touching her other breast. She was beginning to have second thoughts about the whole intimacy thing, and she knew that she was supposed to have a choice. She shouldn't have to be with him if she didn't want to be, and at this point, she wasn't sure that she did. He was getting a little too attached for her. She donned her clothes as quickly as she could, wincing a little when the bra tightened around her freshly pierced nipples and when her panties slid over her freshly whipped ass.
Brendan opened the door, leading the way out, and led Elsa back to the elevator, pushing the button for the 4th floor, where his office was. "I'm leaving in a couple of hours. So I'll leave you in your cell for the night then. I'm thinking of assigning you to the auto shop. They service the prison vehicles there. I won't be in work until noon tomorrow, so another officer will escort you there at 8AM. I'll be here when you finish at 5PM." The elevator opened and they walked the short distance to his office. As they walked inside the office, he added "The auto shop is out of this building, so each night when you return, you'll need to be strip searched to be sure nothing is brought back in here. And unfortunately, working doesn't mean you're exempt from punishments. They can still be given after work."

He turned to her, pausing. "Why don't you sit down or lay down and rest on my cot in the corner," he said, pointing in that direction. "I have some paperwork to do. I guess you must be beat," he added, "in more ways than one, I suppose."
Her mood was lifted when he said that he was going to assign her to the auto shop. At least she would be able to do something that she enjoyed there. She was aware that most if not all of the workers in the auto shop would be male, but she didn't care. She'd always lived in a male dominated world, and she'd done well so far, she thought. She probably knew more about every vehicle in there than any of the men did, though none of them would ever admit it. A lot of men who came from the ghetto thought they knew a lot about autos, but they really didn't. Elsa, on the other hand, was well versed in every type and make of vehicle. Her father and brothers had taught her well, three men who really did know a lot about the auto industry.

She walked over to the cot and sat down on it gingerly. She realized that she was still in a bra, she didn't have a shirt. She would need a shirt to work in the auto shop or she would most definitely get crap from all of the guys (though she expected that she would get crap anyway). But...she wasn't going to ask for a shirt. He would either give it to her, or he wouldn't. She would have to deal if he didn't. She laid back on the cot and sighed softly. She glanced over at him and saw him engrossed in paperwork, so she very lightly slid a couple fingers from each hand inside her bra to touch her new piercing. It stung a little, but wasn't so bad anymore. She actually kind of enjoyed the little bars.
As he sat in his desk chair, he filled out the needed information about the punishments which had been administered to Elsa today. He had a couple other things to do, but had some trouble concentrating. He glanced over and saw her gingerly playing with her new piercings. He got up slowly from his seat, eyes on her. No, he hadn't been deprived of pleasure in the same way as she had been earlier in the day, but he felt like he was, having seen such a sexual side of her today, and having been unable to act beyond his official capacity so far with her. He decided that starting right now, he wasn't going to hold back any longer.

In the best case, Elsa wanted him, worst case, she was being a tease. Either way, he wasn't going to wait any longer to take advantage of his the situation. He would give her a chance to go along gently, he thought to himself. Brendan went over to a cabinet and took out a large jar of gel, before sitting next to her in the bed, holding it up, and smiling at her. "This aloe lotion will really soothe the burns from the strapping, Elsa. You're really not supposed to have it, but you know how I feel about the warden's ideas. Why don't you lay down, and I'll put it on for you?"
She was surprised when he came over to her and offered her the lotion. He was cutting a lot of corners for her, it seemed. She appreciated it, but at the same time she was wary of it. She wondered if he was going to try to take some kind of weird ownership of her because he gave her so many extra things she wasn't supposed to have. She'd only been at the Center for a few days and she could already tell that he was becoming attached to her. She'd never been one for being attached to people, though she did need some kind of connection with them to be close with them.

She smiled back at him, tentatively, and nodded. She knew that if she refused it would be extremely bad news for her, and her ass did still sting. She rolled over to her stomach but held onto her breasts, not wanting the piercings to be mashed against the firm cot. She knew enough about Brendan already to know that he would just pull down her pants and panties himself to apply the aloe.
As he sat down, he observed Elsa accept without too much excitement, and lay down without moving her pants. He took this as an indication that she at least didn't mind if he pulled them down, so he slowly tugged on the elastic, silently moving both the pants and panties down just to the bottom of where the redness was, not completely exposing her. He turned the bottle upside down and let a few dots of the moist aloe fall on either side of her ass, before slowly and methodically rubbing it into her scarlet colored abrasions. He rubbed what was left of the lotion onto her bare lower back, massaging it in deeper as there were no wounds on her back to work around.

Once he had finished applying the soothing lotion, he took a deep breath, and ran his hand down to the elastic of her pants, thinking for a moment about pulling them back up into place uneventfully. However, the tingling in his stomach, thighs, and cock told him different. He ran his hand down between the top of the elastic and through her legs, his fingers no longer soaked, but only a little slick from the lotion. He quickly found her pleasure button, rubbing her clit back and forth a couple of times before she would realize what happened, he hoped. He leaned in towards her, running the fingers of his other hand along her lower back, tracing up along the skin. "Did that feel good on your ass?" he asked softly, leaning in towards the back of her head.
She laid there silently as he rubbed the lotion over the dark red wounds on her ass and over her lower back. It felt nice, soothing, it was good relief. She hadn't expected any relief from the wounds at all, and the lotion made the pain dull. It didn't go away, but it was lesser, and that was more than she could ask for. She rested her head down against the cot as she held her tender newly-pierced breasts in her hands. She tried not to think about the day's events, but more had happened to her today than had happened over the last six months. She'd been sexually tortured and then had the most powerful orgasm of her life, then spanked with a leather paddle, and then had her nipples forcibly pierced...and now her guard was rubbing her ass with lotion, which was against the rules.

When he was finished she had expected him to pull her pants back up and be done with it, but instead she felt his hand slid into her pants. She jumped when his fingers touched her clit, rubbing it gently. At first, she had absolutely no idea what he was doing, she was very confused. His question came so fast that she didn't have time to think. "Y-yes..." she answered tentatively, shivering lightly as he ran his fingers up her back. "W-what...are you...?" she tried to ask, but the words weren't forming the way she wanted them to.
Once it became clear that he'd gotten her attention, and apparently made her nervous at the same time, he pulled back his hand out of her waistband. A shiver went through him as he attained to a full erection from the tension and anticipation. What was he doing after all?, he asked himself. As tempting as it had been at times, he'd never done this with an inmate before. And now here he was putting his job on the line for some fun with this cute little car thief. He put his hand under her hip and nudged her to roll over onto her back, lifting off her to allow the move.

As he nudged her, he lifted her silky hair up with one hand and kissed the back of her neck. "I can't resist any more, Elsa." he said, starting to gasp a little with his breathing and his heart started to race. "Not only are you incredibly hot, you just seem so... I don't know, pure," he added between labored breaths. "You know, I think this would take care of what you 'owe' me, and be a good start towards that early release, too," he whispered a little deviously, and with a slight smile, his thigh muscles tensing in anticipation. He traced his hand down her stomach now towards the top of her pants, which hadn't been pulled down before, tugging a little bit at the elastic.
She rolled over when he nudged, almost automatically rather than by choice. She looked up at him with wide eyes as he leaned over her, his breathing labored and his face red. She could see the tent in his pants and knew exactly what he was doing before he even said anything. Her face too turned a deep scarlet color and for a few moments, she was speechless. He actually wanted to have sex with her. She didn't think it would ever happen, she had thought that they were just flirting or whatever, but it was obvious to her now that that was absolutely not the case.

Her heart was beating wildly as he traced his hand down her stomach and began to tug on the front of her pants. How was she pure? She was in prison and obviously not a virgin, she was far from pure. This would take care of what she owed him...and work towards early release. There was no way that she could say no to him now, it would be extremely bad news for her. And besides that...she wanted him a little. Not a lot, but a little, and right now, that was enough. She lifted her hips up silently so that he could tug her pants down all the way.
He stopped almost in shock for a moment at Elsa's unspoken invitation to him, to bare her. Yes, he had stripped her clothes away before this, but those were orders. Although this may not have completely been her will, there was something very different about her inviting him pull down her pants with as simple of a movement as a flick of the hips. Brendan took advantage of the offer, tracing his hand past her soft stomach and tugging firmly on the bands, pulling both her panties and jumpsuit pants down to her knees. His pants no longer able to contain him, he loosened his belt and pushed his pants and boxers down to his own knees, loosing his hungry cock from its confinement.

He looked down into her eyes and tried to imagine what she was thinking. She was pure in his view, not because of lack of experience, but unlike the other inmates, she always seemed to obey orders, and she was always visibly ashamed of the nudity and punishments, unlike those who had been through the system so many time, and were used to the routine. He arched his back over her breasts, careful not to lean on her fresh piercings, and leaned his face in, pushing softly against her lips with his own, before pulling away slightly, and kissing down her neck, her shoulder, and finally on her milky cleavage that showed above the fabric of her bra. Meanwhile, his hand wandered down around her moist sex until it found the clit again, rubbing over it from top to bottom, before finding it between his thumb and index finger, and rubbing her pleasure button firmly and repeatedly between the two fingers.
Her heart began to race when he pulled the front of her pants down. So this was real now. She was really going to have sex with her corrections officer. Despite what she had said earlier, she wasn't entirely sure how she felt about it. She'd always been very particular about who she would have sex with, she had to have known them and trusted them for a long time before she would allow them in. She'd been in prison with Brendan for two days, and she didn't trust him at all, and yet here she was spreading her legs open for him. She didn't understand why she was doing it, other than she knew that if she tried to stop him it would be bad, but at the same time -- she didn't feel like she was about to get raped. It felt consensual in every way.

Her eyes widened when he kissed her lips. His kiss was so gentle, so sweet, that there was no way she could possibly refuse it. She wriggled her hips some when he began to play with her clit, her muscles tensing the same way they had earlier today when he had teased her with the vibrator. After only a few seconds of his touching her she began to get noticably aroused, another thing that was strange to her. She wasn't usually quick to heat, but she seemed to be with him.
As he pulled away from their kiss, he stared down into her eyes, and saw the same look as earlier today. The more he rubbed her clit, the wider her eyes seemed to get, as if desperately trying to hide the pleasure that was building within her. He backed down on the bed, tugging at the straps of her bra on the way down, loosing her full breasts, complete with red nipples and fresh piercings, from her bra. He knelt over her midsection now, continuing to work her most sensitive area, the folds of her bald sex pulsating as her hips bucked a little bit, her inner passage working off instinct, and tensing in preparation for a visitor. He felt himself get even harder as her hips beckoned him to taste what was in between.

Although he couldn't wait much longer before taking her, he wanted her pussy to beg for him, so he rubbed faster against her now, before leaving off her clit and traveling south with his touch, feeling her wet slit. An index finger slid easily in and out of her naturally lubricated entrance. With the knowledge that she was more than ready, he looked down at her. "Turn over on your hands and knees, Elsa," he breathed laboriously. "Stick your ass up in the air." He backed up from over top of her to allow her to maneuver into the requested position.
Her pussy was begging for him. Her clit throbbed, her insides were dripping, her heart was racing and her body was hot. It was only her mind that was wary of this, the rest of her was more than ready for him to take her. Her entire body was begging him really, eager to be filled again. She'd never felt this way with her previous boyfriends, she didn't know what it was about him that did this to her. And yet her mind did not follow suit. It bothered her that her body should want one thing so badly while her mind wanted another. She turned over almost automatically when he told her to, getting onto her hands and knees. Her sore breasts hung below her, aching a little from their fresh piercing, but she tried her best to ignore it.

Maybe, she thought to herself, it would be better if she didn't have to look at him during this. If he was behind her and all she saw was the cot below her, maybe it wouldn't be so strange. But she could still see most of the affects of his office, she knew where she was. She sighed softly and tried to cast off all of her thoughts. She stuck her ass up in the air as he had said and closed her eyes, preparing herself mentally for what her body already wanted.
He resisted the urge again to question what he was doing as she took the position he'd asked of her. His throbbing, pulsing cock was doing all the thinking for him now. As her head dipped down into the bed, and her red bottom protruded up into the air, her wet, shiny slit was already opened partially for him, as if beckoning his manhood inside. A few drops of sweat dripped from his forehead as he knelt behind her, able to smell the inviting scent of her pussy juices as he got close.

Brendan reached between her legs and stroked her hard, raw clit again, before poking his index finger into her womanly slit and wiggling it around a little inside, pulling it out dripping wet. "You're absolutely soaked," he announced to her between breaths, sure she already was aware of this fact. Able to hold back no more, he grabbed a hold of her hips with both hands, and guided his firm cock into her warm, trembling opening. It slid in about a quarter of the way before he felt the strong friction of her inside muscles squeezing it tight. He pulled almost completely out, before pushing in halfway on the next thrust, letting out a unmistakably pleasurable groan. Over the course of several more thrusts, using her hips as handles, his length was completely accepted into her tight passage, squeezed tightly in rhythm on every side, until his stomach touched her raw ass at the end of each thrust.

He increased his speed with every progressive thrust, until her knees came up off the bed as his stomach pushed up on her at the end of each wonderful cycle of motion. He felt some pre-cum leave him inside her, as he told himself to hold in the load which was begging for release inside of her just a little while longer.
Her body tensed some when he reached between her legs and stroked her clit again. He was making it extremely difficult for her to be indifferent about this, which is what she wanted to be. She didn't want to get any kind of attached to him, this was just sex. Just sex. But then he pushed his finger inside of her and wriggled it, pulling it out with a slick sound. She was wet....extremely wet, as he so eloquently announced to her and the rest of the room (though they were alone, his words seemed to echo and reverberate in the empty space). No sooner had he announced her wetness to her, he had grabbed her hips and pushed himself inside of her. At first, she didn't really realize what had happened. She felt a little stretched, but it didn't hurt at all. It was like her muscles had been lax for so long that now that they were getting stretched they felt relieved and right again.

Then he began his thrusts. With each thrust he slid deeper inside of, stretching her open even more. But even as he stretched her, her pussy muscles clung to his cock, as if welcoming him in and begging him to stay forever. As he sped up his thrusts she began to lose her thoughts. She closed her eyes and gripped the cot as best she could, the pleasure beginning to build inside of her. Her knees lifted off the bed as he grew bolder, her body moving in time with his. As before, she'd never been one to come to climax quickly, but now she was approaching it.
As the thrusts became more violent, his throbbing, screaming cock seemed to be on fire. Her pussy had embraced it with a wave of warmth when he first entered, and now the friction of each thrust only made her insides hotter and hotter as he pushed in and out against the inclination of her squeezing muscles. As she grabbed the cot, her bottom thrust even higher into the air, and he had to get a little higher on his knees to hold their position, their bodies rocking in perfect harmony. With her ass pushed out more, he could see her labia stretched wide as it engulfed the base of his cock.

As he let out a gasp of pleasure, he slowed down his movements. Although he was having his way with Elsa, his instinct was not to finish if possible, until she had climaxed. The friction inside her seemed to intensify even more as her muscles squeezed tighter and tighter on him as he slid back and forth. His cock was absolutely begging for release now. Everything just felt perfect and right there. He pulled back his hand, and out of instinct, gave her bottom a hard smack. It wasn't a good idea considering its raw condition, but he wasn't thinking anymore. As he sensed her pleasure coming, he intensified the pace again, thrusting in and out as deep and as fast as he could, rocking her body with each one, feeling his own orgasm quickly approaching.
She was really starting to lose it. She gritted her teeth, but that wasn't enough. She clenched her hands, but that still wasn't enough. She finally opened her mouth and a loud and passionate moan escaped her, her entire body shuddering. She tried to hold on, she tried to keep it together, but then she was forced to moan again, higher this time. Then all of her muscles tensed up and she squeezed down onto his cock, her orgasm exploding from inside of her. This orgasm was similar to her first in front of him, except that now she had a cock inside of her, available for her to squeeze and lavish, it wasn't a fruitless orgasm. She breathed heavily, her body sinking down a little towards the cot. Her arms buckled, folding beneath her as she dipped her head and rested her forehead against the cot.

He hadn't come yet, and she didn't know where he planned on doing it. Inside of her? There were risks with that. On the cot? That might be gross. On her...? She didn't like that idea. It was up to him though, she didn't really have control over it, even if he stopped to ask her, which she didn't think he had the time to do.
He had been breathing in and out deeply to try to stave off his approaching orgasm. But once he heard her mind-blowing moans, felt her inside passage try to squeeze almost to a close on him, and saw her body sink a bit, he let out a deep breath and allowed himself to begin the process of letting himself go. He only thrust a couple times more before pulling out, and not having thought ahead, quickly buried his cock in her crumpled pants, letting out a high pitched moan, followed by an extended "ahhh" as he wrapped the blue pants around himself and released. He quickly removed the pants from around her ankles. "I'll get you another pair," he gasped, as he tried to gain his breath.

He was surprised at how hard he had cum, it was one of the most intense orgasms he'd ever experienced. He could easily collapse there in bed and cuddle up with her for the rest of the evening. But, he reminded himself, she was a prisoner. He still had to treat her as such. Although the cot was narrow, he fell down next to her, her body between himself and the wall, and wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her hair.
Though she was mostly occupied recovering from her own orgasm, she had to actively stifle a giggle when he came into her jumpsuit pants. That was such a strange place to choose to cum, but it made sense considering his other options. She was grateful that he hadn't cum inside of her, it would bother her daily while she wondered whether or not he'd managed to inseminate her. She rolled over onto her side and then onto her back next to him. She had to maneuver with his arms wrapped around her so tightly, but she didn't want to be laying on her still sensitive nipples. She heaved her chest as she regained her normal state of breathing. She'd hadn't had sex in a long time, it was true, but the sex she'd had before this hadn't been nearly as good.

And yet, she still felt like there was something wrong here. He was her corrections officer, she was a prisoner. She began to feel like a jailhouse whore. One of those females who slept with their CO to get extra things, to get off punishments, to get out early. She didn't like feeling that way. But while she was, she thought she'd better use it to her advantage. "A shirt, too?" she asked softly, her leg pressed against his as they laid there haphazardly on the cot.
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