The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

She shook her head slowly when he came back with the towel, wrapping it around herself. She pulled her own pants up but realized that they weren't really very helpful. She kept the blanket tight around herself and stood up slowly, swaying a little bit. She finally found her footing and looked up at Brendan again, the tears finally overflowing from her eyes. For some reason, she didn't really feel hurt or violated as much as she felt guilty. She sobbed, her vulnerability shining through completely. "I'm...I'm okay," she whimpered, walking over to him. She didn't know what she wanted. Well, she wanted to lay down and cry for hours, but that probably wasn't an option.

"Thank you for saving me," she said softly to him, her eyes wide and doe like. "He didn', inside me. But he would've. If you hadn't saved me," she kept saying 'saved' as if he was Jesus or something. Her view of him was one hundred percent different now than it had been this morning.
As Elsa sobbed, and swayed back and forth, her standing alone across from him seemed to signify her position at the Center, the aloneness she must have felt while being raped. He couldn't help but feel for her. He walked over to meet her halfway as she approached him, not sure if she wanted any comfort from him, but he cautiously put an arm out onto her shoulder, as if offering a hug if she wanted one. As he saw her sob uncontrollably, he saw a different side of her than the steely, determined face she usually put up.

"I'm very sorry it happened," he said, looking into her eyes as he spoke. "I only wish I would have been here sooner. And you know, I have to say, I'm sorry about the way I treated you yesterday and this morning. I think I was a little too hard on you." He hadn't been sorry for her before he discovered what just happened, but there was something about her sad state, which demanded compassion, and now he really did feel sorry about it. He looked down at her towel-covered body. "I'll take you out of work early, of course. You can wait here until whenever you're calm enough, and I'll take you back to my office. You can lay on my bed for a while if you want, and rest."
She let him wrap his arms around her in a hug, burying her face into his chest. She cried for a little while longer, hearing his words only made her cry more. She was so sorry that she had spit at him, so sorry that she had said all of those mean terrible things to him. Everything that he had done to punish her seemed like child's play compared to the rape she'd just received. She felt incredibly indebtedness to him, like she owed him her life. She sniffed and tried to pull herself together, pulling out of his hug finally. She gave him a little smile, trying to bring herself back up. "I'm ready to go. Thank you."

(Short, sorry!)
He hugged Elsa back, rubbing one hand on the back of her head as he held her body close in comfort. "It'll be all right, Elsa," he tried to reassure her, rubbing the other hand up and down her back. He held her for what seemed like a long time, finally happy to see her pull away and put on a smile. "Let's go, then" he said with a soft smile, holding her by the hand and leading her to the door. He had to let go of the hand once they walked through the shop, it wouldn't look right of course. He opened the passenger door to the Jeep he'd driven over, and helped her in, then drove her back to the Center. After being waved back in by the guard, he skipped the normal intake procedure, of course, and led her along the familiar walk towards his office, taking her hand again, as nobody was around. "Sit down," he said, motioning towards the bed as they entered. "Are you sure you aren't hurt, Elsa," he asked again. "You have a bruise on your face, and your lip is still a little bloody."
They walked and then rode in silence. She didn't know why he wasn't talking, but she knew that she wasn't because she didn't want anyone else to hear what she might want to say to him, nor was she really exactly sure of what she wanted to say in the first place. Once they got back to his office she collapsed down onto the cot, immediately rolling over onto her side and stuffing her face into the pillow there. She remembered the one other time she'd been there and what had happened, but that seemed like ages ago.

She rolled her head to the side and looked up at him. "I'm okay," she murmured, wriggling a little bit just to make sure. "It's just a bruise, and it was just my nose that got bloodied. He didn't cut me or anything," she sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. "Thank you, Brendan. You really saved me."
"Hold on, I'll be right back," he told her, slipping out the door quickly, and running down to the employee cafeteria, picking up a chicken breast sandwich with fries, and a bottle of iced tea. He also stopped by a supply closet, and grabbed her a new complete set of clothes. Zipping back up to the office, he put everything down on the table next to the cot. "If you don't want the food now, you can have it later, and use my microwave," he offered.

He sat on the edge of the cot, rubbing her back softly. I'll leave and let you sleep. When you're ready, I'll take you down to the shower." He sighed as he massaged her back. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to talk about it, but.. the position I saw him in, did he violate you... you know, anally?"
"Thank you," she said softly when he brought her the food. She realized that she was hungry, but she wasn't going to eat it just yet. In a few minutes she would eat. Right now she was just relaxing, letting her nerves come down. She'd really though that that convict was going to do so many more terrible things to her before he was done. She didn't think that she was going to he saved. She hadn't thought that Brendan would save her, she didn't think he cared.

She shook her head, "No. He was going to, but..." she smiled and laughed softly, "he was having some balancing issues." she liked the feel of his one hand rubbing her back softly, but she noticed that his other one was just resting on his knee. She reached out and took it, holding onto it tightly. It felt good to be holding his hand like that.
Brendan smiled at her as she took his hand, squeezing it tightly, as if to symbolize he was there to protect her, and not let anything happen to her again. He continued rubbing her neck and back, glad that Elsa was able to take a part of her experience a little lightly, even though it wasn't something to be taken that way. "I'm glad to hear that, at least. I've heard from other woman about how that type of thing can be extremely painful." At the moment, he didn't feel anything but care and compassion for Elsa. "Let me leave you rest here. I'll be back in a while to take you for a shower. I was thinking about talking to the warden about it, to see if she might reduce your sentence, considering all you've been through."
Her eyes widened a little bit, "If you think she will. She kind of frightening," she shivered just at the thought of the cruel, tall, thin warden with the colorless eyes. "I'll be here," she said a little playfully, slowly letting go of his hand to let him leave. She sighed and snuggled deeper in the blanket, glancing over at the plate of food again. She was definitely hungry, and would probably eat as soon as he left. She looked up at him one last time, her mind wandering again back to the time they had been together. That had been really good. Really really good, actually. It might take her awhile to recover from the rape, but after that...she didn't think she'd be opposed to being close with him again.
He let go of her hand, his palm warm from squeezing so hard. Brendan looked back at Elsa as he left, closing the door behind him. It was a display of trust to leave her alone in his office. She clearly could go through his things, or leave and hide somewhere in the prison. He knocked on the warden's door down the hall, receiving a cold "Come in" as a response. Sitting down at her desk, faced with her cold stare, he recounted the day's events. "I think, considering the circumstances, ma'am, it might be appropriate to consider the victim for release after her first month, given what she's been through," he concluded.

"That's ridiculous. Most of these women are whores here. You don't even know he was actually raping her. Most of my inmates would give anything for rough sex on the floor with some tough guy. You think I'm going to reward her by letting her out early? Every inmate would pull something like this once word got around." His recommendation shot down, he thanked her for her time, "although I have to say I disagree, ma'am. I can assure you Elsa wasn't complicit in this, she was badly affected by the attack." As he headed for the door, as if she'd read his mind, the warden added "And I don't want to see you taking it easy on her because of this, dispensing your own brand of justice. You can be sure I'll be verifying her punishment logs." He nodded at her and left. Wanting to give Elsa some more time to rest, he made his rounds, checking on several inmates, and then retrieving Jamie from work. Finally, about two hours after he left her, he came back into his office, walking over to the sleeping Elsa, and tracing his hands through her hair. If she stayed asleep, he'd let her rest until she woke, regardless of what the warden had said. "Hey," he whispered softly.
Once Brendan'd left the room and she heard the door click safely she leapt up and lunged towards the food. She was famished, not having gotten breakfast, but she hadn't wanted to eat like such a pig in front of him. She devoured the chicken sandwich and the fries, downing the iced tea quickly after that. Obviously that'd been the best food she'd had in awhile. When she was finished eating she laid back down on the cot, snuggling deep into the pillow and making sure that she blanket was wrapped securely around her. She fell asleep in a matter of seconds, gradually sinking into a deep dreamless sleep that was actually extremely restful.

She felt a soft hand tracing through her hair and a soft greeting. She opened her eyes slowly, seeing Brendan bent over her. She smiled at him and rolled over onto her back, stretching a little. She winced at the pain she felt but tried not to show him much of it. "Hi," she said softly. She read his face easily, "She said no, didn't she?" she nodded to herself and looked down, "It's okay."
Obviously, his look had given it away. He nodded sadly at her. "I did my best to talk her into it," he offered, scratching her back a little, until Elsa rolled over. Brendan thought it wouldn't be good to relay what the warden had said about the punishments. "We'll figure something out, though," he added. He couldn't help but think the weird thought to himself that she acted a little like a cat as she stretched herself out. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "I'm glad you were able to eat," he added with a smile. He sat down on a nearby chair, just sitting and looking at her for a while. She was only half-awake, and he didn't want to jolt her into action all at once. "Did you want to have a shower now. Don't worry, I won't watch," he said with a laugh, hoping that comment wouldn't bring up any bad memories.
She sat up and nodded, "The food was delicious. Clearly guard food," she laughed a little and slid her legs over the sit of the cot, stretching out again. "Yes, I would appreciate a shower." she stood, the blanket still wrapped around her. She let it drop back onto the bed, knowing that she couldn't take it back with her to her tiny dog cage. She walked gingerly over to the pile of fresh clothes, picking them up and holding them to her naked chest. Her body was going to hurt even longer now, she was sure. She sighed softly, remembering that she still had such a long time here. She doubted that he would commute her sentence to three months anymore after their fall out, though they seemed to be on much better terms now.
"You know, I was going to take you down to the usual place, but there's a shower in my bathroom here. Why don't you use it. You can get dressed and everything there once you're done. There's a towel there, I hope you don't mind that I've used it." He paced around once she'd gone inside, thinking about how he should handle her now. He clearly could give her a bigger cell tonight. Bathroom and food deprivation were out of the question for now. But there was still the touchy punishment issue. The warden had clearly told him not to take it easy on her, and he could be risking his position, a good job, if he defied the warden. He would start out with a decent cell now, and go from there, he thought to himself. Maybe he'd even sneak her a book or something to take her mind off things.
She smiled widely at him when he offered her his private bathroom. "Thank you, Brendan," she said, using his name for quite possibly the first time. She walked in to the bathroom and set the clothes down, taking off the pants as they were the only thing she still wore. She turned on the shower and stepped into it, moaning softly as the hot water poured over her skin. She washed herself thoroughly but tried not to take too long, she didn't want to take too much advantage of his kindness. When she was done she got out and dried herself off with his towel, blushing a little when she remembered that this same towel had rubbed his body down not long ago. She dressed in the fresh clothes and stepped back out into his room, walking over to him and the cot. She looked up at him and said gently, "I owe you again. But even if I didn't owe wouldn't have to force me," she said cryptically, hoping that he understood. He'd said before that he didn't want her anymore, but she sort of wanted him.
Brendan grinned at her as she walked back, it not having escaped his notice that she'd used his name. While Elsa was in the shower, he made a call down to the guard in charge of the womens cell block, to ensure the availability of one of the larger cells. He also rummaged through his desk drawers, searching for anything he might have on hand that she would enjoy. He found a beat up copy of Brave New World , quite an old book, but one of his favorites. He'd read it in High School, and liked it, so he'd re-read it a few times since then. He wasn't sure if it was something Elsa would like, or had already read, but pulled it out, and picked up a sticky note, placing it in the inside cover, and sketching on it: "I hope things can be like they were before between us. Maybe even better. - Brendan." He placed the book back on his deck until it was time to go.

When Elsa came out, she looked pretty and refreshed. He looked down at her, putting his arm around her and resting his chin on her head for a moment. It was funny that she expressed the same sentiments he was thinking about while she was in the shower. "I wouldn't want to force you," he smiled to her, pulling his chin off her head, and looking her in the eyes. "But I might want you to owe me again." He sighed a little, then continued: "I'm sorry, but I have to take you down to your cell soon, Elsa," he said, imagining that whatever she was hinting at, she probably still needed some more rest today anyway. "I think the warden will be keeping an eye on me a little," he said softly. "We'll have the day together tomorrow, though. Maybe we can fudge some of the records," he added with a smile.

((Hope I didn't derail what you were looking for here!))
She nuzzled his shoulder lightly when he rested his chin on her head. She felt several different things there with him, all of them kind of strange. She felt like he was a surrogate father to her, a protective older brother, a much needed friend, and a gentle lover all at the same time. It would take her awhile to sort out those feelings, but she was pretty sure she already knew which one she felt that he was the most. She looked up at him into his deep eyes when he pulled away from her, part of her yearning to just cling to him forever, to stay in his office forever with him. But she knew that couldn't happen, and she didn't want to get him in trouble. This morning she may have wanted to get him into trouble, but now she wanted to raise him up on a pedestal and basically worship him.

She nodded and pulled away from him completely, folding her hands together in front of her nervously again. "I understand." she said quietly, thinking for a moment. "You can punish me. I understand why you need to do it," she wouldn't look at him when she said that though. A teeny part of her liked it when he punished her, but she definitely wouldn't tell him that.

(Haha, nope you didn't! =D)
Brendan enjoyed the closeness with Elsa, sensing a warm emotional connection that probably hadn't even existed when they'd had sex. As she pulled away, he ran his fingers through a few strands of her honey-brown hair. He was glad she accepted the fact that he'd need to punish her still; he knew it would be hard to get away with excusing her from it all together. He regretted even having spoken to the warden now. He knew she'd keep a close eye on him. "C'mon," he sighed, opening the door and leading the way out. They walked side by side down to the cell block. "I brought a book and a little flashlight for you," he whispered. "I'll slide it to you when we get to the cell. I hope it might help pass the time if you want to read it. But please try to keep it hidden. I don't want to get fired."

Although he hadn't told her ahead of time, he led her to a decent sized cell, with a bunk, blanket, standing room, and a toilet. He opened the door, and slid the items under the blanket. "I'll see you in the morning," he said sternly, but with a smile. Brendan headed home, finding it difficult to erase from his mind the image of Carlos hovering over the bent-over Elsa. He tried to banish from his mind the fantasy of being able to do with Elsa what Carlos did, sick though it was.

Over the next week, Brendan administered his own style of "punishment" to Elsa, which was basically none at all. Mornings were spent in the inmate kitchen, where Elsa had been reassigned to work, safe among mostly female inmates. Afternoons were often spent in his office, talking, and having 'guard food'. He had smuggled Elsa more books to read, and they often talked about them in the afternoons. Brendan, meanwhile, falsified her activity logs, noting at least one punishment every day. The only real discipline she'd received was about three days after the rape, when the warden called them into her office together for another paddling session. She evidently liked that form of punishment, so Brendan was forced to strip her at the waist and hit her bottom fifteen times with a wooden paddle. However, a week to the day after the incident with Carlos, the warden intercepted Brendan in the hall first thing in the morning.

"I've been busy, Brendan," she said, "but I finally have some time to devote to you and your little 'victim'," the last word spewing out of her cold mouth with contempt. "Bring her here at the end of the day. I want visible evidnece that she was disciplined today." She looked at Brendan sternly and untrustingly. "And tomorrow, I want the code to the closed circuit TV in the room you'll be using. I'll watch from here. I'd like it to be particularly humiliating," she finished with a sickening smile. Brendan nodded to her and continued to his office.
Elsa had enjoyed her easy week with Brendan. They hadn't had sex, but honestly she didn't think she was ready yet. One time they sort of got close, but they both stopped at the same time. She knew that he purposely wasn't punishing her, and even though she was glad that he wasn't, she had a notion that he might get in trouble for it. The paddling with the warden hadn't been too bad, she'd only had moderate swelling and small bruises on her ass and upper thighs.

She devoured all of the books he gave her. She loved reading and wasn't absolutely ecstatic that he was giving her things to read. She hadn't been able to have anything to read since long before her incarceration. She also enjoyed the guard food, though she was sure that the records would show that she wasn't eating much of the prison food that was brought to her every day. She didn't mind her new working assignment in the kitchen, it was boring but safe. She could deal with boring if it was safe.

She was sitting in Brendan's office one day when he came in with a strange look on his face. She frowned at him, "What's wrong?" she asked him carefully, setting the book down next to her. She could tell that something was wrong. Either something had happened or the warden had talked to him again.
She knew him too well by now, Brendan realized, as his face gave away what was going on. "The warden cornered me," he said, managing a small smile. It was kind of funny to see Elsa there reading in his office, he thought, as if it was some kind of waiting room, not a legalized torture center. "I think she's onto what's going on. She wants to verify that you actually get punished today and tomorrow," he said, walking slowly over to where she was sitting, and brushing some hair out of her face, leaning over and kissing her on the forehead. "I'm going to have to take you down to get another piercing today, Elsa," he said, trying to show some sympathy on his face. "A... genital piercing." He decided against telling her that although the warden required evidence of a punishment, it was he who had selected the piercing. He actually thought that she would look unbelievably hot with a piercing there.

"I'm sorry, Elsa," he said, looking into her eyes and anticipating pain there. "Maybe you can try to see it as our little secret. Besides the warden, only you and I will know about it. If you want, I'll let you pick the kind of jewelry you want to have there." He'd had a girlfriend once with a clit hood piercing, and it provided unbelievable stimulation for her. Although there was no guarantee they would be intimate again, as sexually charged as Elsa was already, he couldn't even fathom how sensitive she would be if she had a piercing down there as well.
The warden wanted to see proof of punishment? Okay. He'd just paddle her or something. She was okay with that, she was actually semi used to him paddling her. His next words made her heart sink. The color in her face drained and she got no warmth out of the gentle kiss he pressed against her forward. Another piercing? A genital piercing? That same doctor who'd pierced her nipples was now going to be fondling her clit to pierce it? That was almost intolerably disgusting to her. She looked up at him timidly to see that sympathy there. That melted her a tiny bit, and it was obvious that she didn't really have a choice anyway. She was going to have to get this piercing whether she was okay with it or not.

He would let her pick out the jewelry? That wasn't much of a comfort. What would she get, a star shaped rhinestone? She sighed and turned away from him, the hair he'd brushed away falling right back into her face. She'd gone this whole week without having anyone touch her womanhood, but now that was obviously over. She sighed and nodded her head, still refusing to look at him. "Okay, I guess. I know that I don't really have a choice anyway,"
"I'm sorry, Elsa," he mouthed softly at her. "You know I wouldn't hurt you if I could help it," he pleaded into the back of her shoulder. As her face paled at the mention of this, he wondered if it was such a good idea. However, he was encouraged to remember that they'd had their first intimate encounter shortly after she'd had her nipples done. Not that he expected anything like that from her today, but still. "It's not that I want any special credit for it, but think of all the things you've been spared from just in the last week. Just try to be strong, okay?"

He massaged her shoulders softly, hoping that at least she wouldn't hold it against him. Of course he was responsible for what she had coming, but she didn't know that. "I understand you may be tender there for a while after this," he said. "So if there's anything you want to do first..." he trailed off suggestively, rubbing his hand down her back a little. "Like use the bathroom, or whatever else," he finished, giving her an out if she wanted to take it.
She melted more when his voice grew soft and he started to massage her shoulders. She really couldn't hold this against him. It was the warden's orders after all, just like she'd ordered the nipple piercings, and at least there'd only be one piercing to get through first. He was right. He'd spared her from a lot in the past week. She didn't really have room to complain about this piercing, much as she didn't want to get it. She nodded, "Okay. I'll be strong."

Her face regained color when he mentioned 'doing things'. Her cheeks flushed and she turned her head to look at him. Then she laughed when he said go to the bathroom. She looked his face up and down for a moment, " you want to?" she didn't really want to have sex with him right before a doctor was going to be prodding around down there, that might give it away. She'd actually prefer to wait.
"That depends," he said with a smirk, pressing his hands down on her lower back, and pulling her up close to him. He leaned up right near her ear, his cheek against hers. "It depends if we're procrastinators." He ran his hands down a little further, enjoying the feel of her nice, firm, but full bottom. "Because the warden has meetings until the end of the day," he whispered. "So we have the whole day to... to play around, relax a while, forget about everything negative. We can take care of anything unpleasant all the way at the end of the day," he offered, pulling back and grinning at her, and moving his hands up to her arms, massaging the sides of her shoulders a little bit. She really looked even more cute and fresh than before, he thought, now that she'd gone a week with little stress and worry.
He was certainly tempting her. She tilted her head back when he ran his hands down her back and began to grope at her ass. She shivered a little bit, becoming a little aroused. The end of the day? It was mid morning now. "Mmm..." she murmured, slowly turning herself around so that she was facing him. She looked him up and down again, becoming even more aroused by looking at him. "Okay. But I don't want the doctor to know what I guess we should get started," she giggled and leaned forward, kissing him boldly. She kissed him again, this time her mouth open and inviting his tongue if he chose to give it to her. She raised her arms up even as he massaged them, resting them on his chest.
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