The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

She smiled at him as he spoke over her, his body looming over her deliciously. How could she have ever hated him? Sure, they had been at odds once. But he was perfect. Absolutely perfect. He knew her for what she really was, though he had met her and knew her where she was the most degraded and dishonored. When he flipped off the bed she sat up and leaned over, kissing him full on the lips as he dressed himself. She pressed into him for a couple of moments. Then she pulled back and sighed contentedly, looking him up and down again affectionately, almost lovingly. "Anything you bring me. I'll be here waiting for you. I might go take a shower though. Like a good girl," she giggled and rolled back onto the bed, wrapping herself up in the sheet like a cocoon.
Brendan gave her a little half-embrace as she kissed him, draping his arms over her shoulders, and letting them hang down her back. He felt the bars on the tips of her full breasts rub against him a little as he stood up. "That sounds nice, baby. I'll try to pick out something good. It's your last meal, after all, with a good-girl pussy," he said with a smile.

He hummed a little bit as he walked through the halls of the Center, checking on several inmates he was responsible for today. He wondered if he and Elsa could ever be together on the outside. It was hard to find any reasons why he wouldn't want to. The conversation with her was always stimulating. She was certainly attractive, not in an anorexic, barbie-doll kind of way, of course, but that wasn't his type, anyway. And she certainly was dirty enough in bed that he knew they would be able to always try new things, so it would never get stale. The thought plagued him, though, that he'd have to keep it from most people he knew. If anyone from the Center found out, after all, that he was connected with an inmate, he could be blackballed, if not canned. Once he'd finished what he needed to do, he decided to skip the employee kitchen all together. The food was okay, but certainly not great. So he left the building, and headed around the corner to Guido's, a decent Italian place. He wasn't sure what Elsa liked, so he took a guess and ordered two lasagnas to go. While he waited, he went across the street to the liquor store and bought a bottle of white wine. He only had paper cups for the wine, but it would have to do. Scurrying back to the center, he was happy to see that Elsa was in the shower. He cleared off his desk, pulling the two chairs to the same side of it, and laid everything out on it, waiting for her to come out.

((Sorry I had to put her in the shower for you. Hope I'm not controlling your character too much!))
Almost immediately after Brendan left, Elsa got up and went to the shower. She didn't rush herself the same way she had the last time, allowing the hot water to pour over her and scald her body deliciously. She noticed a razor in there, and though it was a man's razor, she decided to shave her legs and armpits with it. She hoped he wo"uldn't mind, but she was beginning to get a little gross and she hated that. Her pussy was getting a little prickly too, but she didn't want to shave there with his razor. After she was finished with that she soaped up the rest of her and rinsed off, doing her hair next. Even after that she stood under the water awhile longer, just relishing it's deliciousness.

She finally stepped out and dried herself off with a towel, redressing in her prison uniform. She stepped out of the bathroom to see Brendan sitting there in one chair with a full lunch spread there. She grinned widely at him, seeing two large plates of lasagna. She squealed and ran over to him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him gently. "You're so sweet. And it's lasagna. One of my favorites." she pulled away from him and sat in the other chair, wriggling a little with excitement.

((Not a problem!))
He grinned widely at her as she came out of the shower, reaching behind her and lifting her off the ground a few inches, and rocking her to the left and right a little before setting her down, returning her kiss. "I guessed at what you might like, so I'm glad it was a good guess," he said, rubbing down her back, taking the liberty of resting his hands on her ass when he was finished. As she sat down, he pulled the cork out of the wine. "I though my classy lady deserved a classy meal today," he said as he poured the wine. "I know you're only twenty, but I would get fired even if you were thirty or forty and anyone found out what I was doing here. Besides, I'm sure it's not like you haven't drank before." He scooted his chair right next to hers as he took his first bite. "You smell nice," he thought aloud.
She squealed and giggled when he rested his hands on her ass, her heart melting even more when he popped the cork out of the wine. She had never considered herself to be under age, especially in the ghetto. Age was just a number there. You could be thirteen and wise on the world or fifty and completely ignorant to it. Your age depended on how you acted, and Elsa'd always been on the more mature side. Her car theft was considered mature too. She'd chosen a fancy car instead of a lamp or some money. She had ghetto class...and now she was getting prison class. "Looks like you're being extra naughty now too," she stuck her tongue out at him and picked up her paper cup, laughing at it a little. She tipped it and took a sip, shuddering as it flowed into her mouth.
He tipped his paper cup back to her with a laugh and drank down himself. Her little squeals of delight were so wonderful, they were like a drug to him. Brendan felt now like he would do whatever it took to make her happy and elicit more and more of them. "I am being naughty," he agreed with a big grin. "I hope I don't get punished, too," he laughed. He ate down his lunch, really enjoying it. He topped off both of their wine cups, corking the bottle and hiding it in a desk drawer before sitting down. It would be nice, of course, to drink some more with her, but with other plans for the later afternoon, it obviously wouldn't be wise. "I think maybe this will calm you down a little for later," he smiled, clinking his paper cup against hers.
She giggled once more as she began to eat her food. It was absolutely amazing. She hadn't had outside food in the longest time, and this was obviously restaurant food. It was superb. She wrinkled her nose at him playfully, "You can punish me instead of getting punished yourself," she laughed again, feeling a little silly from the wine. She didn't get drunk fast, but she loosened up pretty good from wine. She could definitely hold her alcohol (another must in the ghetto), but alcohol had always just chilled her out from her normal tenseness. She nodded, "I think you're right. That's good. I'm still pretty nervous." once she finished her food and had drunk the rest of her wine she put a hand on his thigh and rubbed gently. "Thank you so much, Brendan."
He placed his hand over hers, intertwining their fingers, and squeezing her hand a little bit. "I think you're right- I should punish you instead," he agreed, looking into her gleeful eyes. "So strip and grab your ankles. Now!" he said a little seriously, before staring at her for a few seconds and bursting into laughter. He stood up, and collected the trash, tossing all the disposable containers and utensils into his trash can. "I know it was nothing too fancy, but it was the best I could get together on short notice. Maybe we'll have a real meal together someday..." he trailed off, standing behind her once he finished cleaning up, rubbing her neck and shoulders firmly with both hands. "I guess it's about time for little Elsa to get naughty," he said quietly. "What kind of punishment do you think you'll deserve for being so bad?" he joked, massaging his thumbs down in small circles on either side of her spine.
When he fake ordered her to strip down and grab her ankles she stared at him, at first unsure of if he really wanted her to do it or not. But then, thankfully, he burst out into laughter. She smiled at him and giggled watching him clean up all of the dishes and utensils. She stretched out the chair, yawning a bit. Then he began to rub her neck and shoulders. She dropped her head and groaned, he was working out some of the tension that had inevitably built up there while she'd been at the Center. She giggled again when he said it was time for her to get naughty, "Welllll..." she started, thinking for a moment. "You could always deny me pleasure. Or you could paddle me could put ice on me and let it melt slowly..." she shivered just at the thought of that, "but shouldn't all this wait until after the piercing?"
He rubbed her back a little more, as she obviously liked it. He found a little knot just under her neck and worked on it, firmly kneading with both hands. He leaned over, and brushed some hair away from her ear. "I think we'll have time for those and more," he whispered. "But not until tomorrow." He stooped down behind her, running his hands around the front of her top, slipping them under her shirt, and tracing his fingers along her soft, clean stomach. "You smell really nice. Too bad it took me so long to get back. Maybe we could have had some fun in the shower." He ran his fingers south a little bit, just barely wedging them under the elastic band of her pants. "So, are you ready? C'mon, we should head downstairs."
She sucked in a deep breath, convincing herself that yes, she was ready. She was as ready as she could be to have some doctor root around her pussy and then shove a needle through her and put a ring there that would constantly rub against her clit. She shuddered a little, her nerves beginning to get at her a little again. She was especially glad now that she'd had that wine, she was a lot more calm now than she would've been without it. She stood up from the chair and gently pulled herself away from his grasp, his fingers forced to slip out of her pants. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently before letting go, giving herself one last preparation before they left. She nodded, "Okay. I'm ready."
Brendan squeezed her hand as they headed to the door, pushing it open into the cool, sterile-feeling hallway. He walked out to the elevator, remembering all the trips they'd taken together through these halls. She'd been nude, clothed, happy, sad, angry, on a leash, and more. He'd seen all the extremes of Elsa's personality. And he meant what he'd said to her about what he saw in her. He just felt so drawn to her right now. "It'll work out, baby," he assured her quietly. "You remember, this doctor isn't too bad, he's pretty gentle." As the elevator dinged and opened, they walked side by side into the medical office. He had scheduled all this with Dr. Jenkins ahead of time.

But, to his surprise, Dr. Jenkins wasn't waiting inside for them. Instead, there was a tall, thin woman in her forties, with shoulder-length blond hair, her face twisted into a bit of a wrinkly frown. "Dr. Jenkins is sick," she mumbled. "I'm Dr. Boyer. They sent me 200 miles for this. Let's get it done," she said. Pointing at Elsa, she said "You. Up here," one finger pointing onto the padded table, stirrups at the ready. "I saw in your file that your nipples were already done," she droned. "This won't be as painful. Come on, pants off. Underwear, everything."
"I hope so," she whispered to him in the elevator, shifting her weight back and forth anxiously. He was right, Dr. Jenkins was pretty gentle. He wasn't forceful or even rough with his touch. He just did his job and got it over with, no frills and no thrills. She could deal with that, she guessed. Well, she had to. But she didn't think it would be as hard to do as she had thought before. Her eyes grew wide when they saw the tall thin woman standing there. A different doctor. She cringed a little when the doctor began ordering her about. She shuffled into the clinic and began to declothe herself, her heart racing now. Most of Brendan's work to get Elsa to relax had flown out the window when she saw this other woman.

She slipped her pants off, letting them fall to the floor. Then she shimmied out of her panties, a little embarrassed that yet another person would be seeing her womanhood, though his one was female. She walked over to the padded table and got up onto it, laying back and setting her feet in the stirrups. She realized that her pussy was getting hairy again. Would she need to be shaved again? Cool air brushed against her pussy, but she felt no stimulus. She sighed and closed her eyes, hoping the doctor was telling the truth about it not hurting as much.
"Okay," the doctor said, very cold and businesslike, quickly clicking the locks in the stirrups closed around Elsa's ankles. "Is that necessary, doc..," Brendan asked, being cut off by the response. "Yes," Dr. Boyer responded with a rasp in her voice. "I don't know this one. I don't want her moving and getting stabbed who knows where." She reached down and poked and prodded around Elsa's womanhood, sizing up what she had to work with. She rubbed her fingers up and down above her sex on the stubble. "She needs a shave," the doctor said to Brendan. Although Dr. Jenkins preferred shaving cream, this one evidently liked electric razors. She took one out of a drawer, plugged it in, and shoved it at Brendan. "Here, shave her. I'm going to sanitize everything for the piercing. She headed over to the other side of the room, fiddling with some instruments. "You might want to wear gloves. I'm sure you know that. I could go on about the diseases some of these whores have."

Brendan took the razor, and stood in front of Elsa, spread in front of him with the stirrups. She was right in what she had said, they don't want you appearing very ladylike in the Center. He shrugged at her once the doctor had turned around, turning on the razor. He pressed it against her stomach under her belly button, and worked it down to the top of her slit, smoothing out her skin as it went. He next had to manipulate her lips with his free hand to get access to the short stubby hairs right around her opening. Peeking over his shoulder to make sure the doctor wasn't looking, he quickly tickled her stomach, one of his favorite playful things to do with her, trying to lighten the mood a little. Finally, the doctor returned, carrying a bunch of items; Q-tips, some alcohol, a little pencil, a needle, and some small tubes. "All right, let's get this done," she said.
Whore? Elsa thought to herself. Whore? Just because she was in prison didn't mean she was a whore. This stupid doctor probably didn't even know what she was in for, yet she had the audacity to call her a whore. She fought the urge to spit on the idiot woman, fully aware that there was nothing she could to do her physically. Her ankles were locked in and her hands wouldn't reach far enough to do the kind of damage Elsa wanted done. She hated ignorant people, especially women. Being in prison didn't mean that she prostituted herself out or even that she had children. That was one of the first questions asked. "How many kids?" Zero. Zero. Zero, zero, zero. They didn't usually believe her.

Elsa sighed when Brendan began to shave her, trying to ignore the action. She balled up her hands into little fists, though not especially tight ones. She was really angry, just frustrated. At least it was Brendan shaving her though, she knew he'd be gentle. He even gave her a little tickle. She grinned at him but didn't dare giggle, lest the doctor hear her. She eyed the items in the doctor's hands warily as she walked over, heaving one more sigh as she waited for it to begin.
"Okay," the doctor said, looking into Elsa's pussy. "I'm going to tell you what I tell everyone who gets this. I'm not going to pierce your actual clitoris. Everyone calls it that, but no one actually gets their clit pierced. We're going to pierce the skin that's over your clitoris, so that when the ring goes through, it will be touching your clit. Most of my girls don't bleed, but it's possible that you might a little." With that, she got right down to business, dipping a Q-tip in alcohol, and swabbing it all around the area. She then took the little pencil and made a mark on either side, and also one in the middle of the flap of skin being pierced. She then took a clamp that looked like a long scissors. When she closed the scissors, it pinched a flap of Elsa's delicate skin, and then pulled it an inch or two away from her body. Holding the clamp in one hand, and the long needle in the other hand, she plunged it through the pinched skin where the mark was made, and out the other side, so that Elsa now had a four inch needle sticking out both sides of the pierced flap of skin. Brendan was watching closely, and squinted his eyes when it went through, gritting his teeth in sharing her pain.
Elsa was trying extremely hard not to hyperventilate. In fact, she was taking extremely slow and deep breaths to try to keep herself normal. When the doctor began doing the business of preparation her fists balled tighter and tighter and tighter until her knuckles turned white. She thought she would pass out except for the fact that she was breathing kind of normally. When the cold clamp lifted up the flap of skin her toes curled in an attempt to stop from jumping and screaming. The single thing that Elsa wanted most right now was to hold Brendan's hand, but she knew that was one hundred percent impossible. Then she sliced the needle in through her skin and out the other side. Pierced. But the ring wasn't in yet. She wondered if she would still be allowed to pick the jewelry for it, or if this cold woman would just shove something in her and be done with it.
When he heard Elsa scream, Brendan's instincts kicked in, and he lunged over and grabbed her tight fist, peeling it open and holding it tightly in his hand "Just breathe steady," he said soothingly. When the doctor looked at him like he had two heads, he looked back at her, saying: "She was about to hyperventilate. She just needed someone to calm her a little. I don't want her to have a medical issue, after all." The doctor glared back at him. "I'm the doctor here, she's not in any medical danger," she finally responded. Still, Brendan made no move to let go of her. "I've been around her for weeks, I think I know her physical limits better," he insisted to Dr. Boyer.

She didn't say anything else, but made an annoyed face, and continued her routine, attaching a 'u' shaped ring by magnet to the end of the long needle, and pulling the needle all the way through the piercing, effectively pulling the ring through as well. She then pulled the ends of the ring open a little, inserting a ball in the center, which completed the circle of the ring. "Very good. No bleeding," the doctor said. "Why don't you two get going so I can get the hell out of here." Brendan quickly unstrapped Elsa, helping her to her feet, and handed her clothes back to her, ready to get out of that cold place. He had imagined it being quite a turn-on when she got pierced, but for the moment, it seemed like quite a harrowing experience for him, though of course, Elsa got the worst of it. "Let's get out of here," he whispered, as the doctor cleaned everything off across the room. "Are you okay?"
Elsa was about ready to punch the doctor in the face. She didn't, of course. Instead she slid off of the table when Brendan unstrapped her and let her down, clinging to his hand as if she would die if she let go of it. She breathed heavily for a few moments as she swayed on her feet, but she gradually got her footing. She gingerly pulled her panties on, wincing when they brushed against her new piercing. She pulled her pants off after and let him guide her out of the room. She walked a little bowleggedly, not wanting too much to brush up against her sensitive clit. She whimpered as they walked down the hallway to the elevator. She nodded to him and squeezed his hand. "Yeah. I'm. I'm alright."
"That's good," he said, squeezing her hand still as they headed to the elevator. "She was some bitch, wasn't she? I'm sorry about the jewelry thing. I thought if Jenkins was there, he would let us work something out. But after she gave me a hard time about the hand-holding, I didn't think we should push it. Do you like what you have?" Just then, the elevator door dinged and opened. He saw immediately that someone was inside, and moved to let go of Elsa's hand. But they were pressed together so firmly, that he couldn't release it right away. As the door opened, he finally shook loose of Elsa's hand, but he knew that it had been seen. It was a veteran C.O, an older guy who'd been around for twenty years. He wasn't someone Brendan was particularly friendly with, and the guy didn't say anything about it, if he had seen anything, just: "Hi Brendan." Brendan gulped down and got into the elevator. Once the door closed, he looked at Elsa, running his finger through some strands of her hair. "I think we're walking on thin ice here, baby," he said with a nervous smile.
Her blood ran cold when the other guard walked into the elevator and saw them holding hands. She quickly erased all signs of happiness from her face, trying to look as dour and apathetic as she could. She folded her hands in front of her and twisted them together tightly, nervously, glad that the older C.O. didn't seem to be smirking or anything like that. Once they got out of the elevator she breathed out, not having realized that she was holding in her breath for the entire time. Her heart was beating wildly, and she felt that they were really in trouble now.

She looked up at him when he ran his fingers through her hair, "I think so too. How can we fix it?" she knew there were two possible answers, and they would probably need to be combined. More punishments, including ones that left physical marks, and less being together.
He instinctively reached out to grab her hand once the elevator opened and they started for his office, but stopped himself short of that. "As hard as this is, I think we have to take less of these risks," he sighed sadly and stopped in his tracks to talk for a moment. "Think about it, if I get fired, I won't have a job, and chances aren't too good that your new C.O. will treat you too well, judging from the ones I know around here." He glanced around nervously, reaching out and putting a hand on her shoulder, moving his finger through the soft wisps of hair that lay there on the shoulder. Picking up again towards his office, he added: "I think we should go to the warden's office now. She wanted to see proof of what happened today." As they approached, he knocked on the warden's door, hearing that familiar cold voice. "Come on in," it said.
She nodded, "i...I know. The last thing I want is for you to get fired." she reached up and stroked his face gently, wanting this gentle moment to last forever. She, of course, knew that it couldn't. She was still a prisoner and he was still a correction's officer. Their love was forbidden, even after she got out of the Center it would still be forbidden. When he began to walk her towards his office she took her hand away from his face, lest anyone be looking through a crack in a door or a hidden camera. When he said they would go to the warden's office instead, she shivered. The warden was the scariest person she'd ever met, even scarier than Carlos had been. She swallowed nervously as he knocked on her door and braced herself as she stepped inside the foreboding office.
He shuddered with enjoyment of the loving warmth in her hand as it caressed his face. Just before the door opened, he rubbed his hand comfortingly around Elsa's back, removing it once the door cracked. "Excellent timing, Brendan," the warden said. "I just finished up a teleconference, and this is a perfect time for me to inspect her." She got her thin, skeleton-like frame up from her plush chair, and circled around the desk. "Stand there with your hands behind your back, young lady," the warden barked, pointing to a spot in the center of the room, bathed in sunlight from the open window. The warden herself stood next to the desired spot. "I've heard this one's been seen around the prison in a delightful mood. I certainly hope that's not true," she said, her eyes shooting daggers at Brendan. "This isn't an amusement park, you know." It was clear that the warden was going to do the inspection herself. "Stand over here near us, Brendan. Just in case she's any trouble." Fierce though the warden was, she seemed to recognize that an angry Elsa could probably kick her ass, and wanted Brendan nearby just in case.
Elsa moved to the spot in the center of the room. Her heart was pounding nervously. She hoped that the piercing would be enough to satisfy the warden's careful eye, but somehow she thought that it might not. She cursed herself for allowing her happiness to show through as she went about her business throughout the day. She swore to herself that she would look dour and melancholy every second of every day that she wasn't hidden away somewhere safe with Brendan. She wouldn't get Brendan in trouble, she wouldn't get him fired. She wasn't sure that she could make it at the Center without him.

Elsa had to hide a smirk when the warden told Brendan to stand over near them. The warden knew that Elsa could beat the shit out of her if she wanted to, she'd barely have to lift a finger to do it. And yet Elsa was scared to the bones of the warden, just the way she liked it. Elsa put her hand behind her back and stood tall, her fingers clammy and slippery as they tried to hold on to each other.
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