The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Brendan gulped as Elsa moved to where she was ordered. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and hold her hand, as he had done during the painful piercing. As he imagined how wonderful it would feel to do that, he tried to look into her eyes and convey the thought silently to her. He made a squeezing motion with his hand, and pointed towards Elsa quickly when the warden looked away for a moment to lower one of her window blinds. As Elsa stood there proudly, Brendan felt like it was she, not the warden, who had prevailed here. Elsa had kept her pride and dignity, despite all attempts to break it.

The warden slowly approached Elsa, smiling devilishly as she unbuttoned Elsa's uniform top, revealing her full breasts, supported by her standard issue white bra. Then, in a most unceremonious manner, not gently at all, she yanked down Elsa's pants and underwear, dropping them to her knees. She peered down, placing a hand on Elsa's fleshy thigh, and took a look at Elsa's freshly shaved womanhood, freshly decorated with a ring over the red, swollen skin. "Very nice, Brendan," the warden cooed at him. "This type of reinforcement was an excellent choice. Is there anything else for me to see?" she asked, standing up, and leaving Elsa's pants at her knees. Brendan looked back at her, then at Elsa. "No, ma'am. I thought that was a sufficient amount of pain to inflict on the inmate for one day." He realized at that moment that Elsa hadn't known the piercing was his decision. He reflected that she might react one of three ways. In her anxiety, it might go over her head that the warden said it was Brendan's "choice." Secondly, she might realize it, but accept it anyway, not holding it against him. The third option was the one Brendan didn't want to think about.

"Very well," said the warden. "I disagree, however, that this is sufficient for a full day at our venerable institution," she scoffed with a sarcastic chuckle, motioning scornfully at Elsa's crotch. "Maybe almost, but not quite enough. I'm disappointed that I have to keep reminding you how to do your job, Brendan." She retreated behind her desk and came back with a leather leash of some sort, with a forked ending, and attachments on both forks. Brendan knew what it was. It was meant to lead a prisoner around by attaching the leash to a piercing or piercings. "Take everything you're wearing off, young lady," the warden ordered Elsa.
Elsa saw Brendan's squeezing motion and appreciated it, but at that point she didn't think she needed it. She knew what had been done to her, a genital piercing, but that hadn't taken away who she was. Piercings could be removed, holes would close. They weren't like tattoos that were unlikely to ever be removed. She could erase this from herself when she got out of prison, as she one day would. When the warden walked up to her Elsa gave her a blank face. No contempt, no disgust, no fear, no anxiety, no smugness, no pride. Just blank. She barely even flinched when the warden unbuttoned her top. The warden had seen her breasts already, it didn't matter. So far the warden had done nothing new, and therefore she was not frightening.

But then she ripped down Elsa's pants and dared to touch her. She touched her thigh, her burning hot skin. The warden had never personally touched Elsa before...and she didn't think she liked it. An excellent choice. ...What? Brendan had made the choice to have her pierced? Elsa's cheeks flushed and she gritted her teeth, but made no movement. She was hurt by this. She had told him that she was scared and he said it had to be done, that it was the warden's orders. He had lied to her. He had wanted her pierced, he thought it was hot. Is that why he did it? To add another decoration onto his jailhouse pet?

Take off all of her clothes. The warden had moved away and taken out a leash-like piece of leather with clasps on it. She gulped anxiously but shrugged off her top and unclasped her bra, allowing it to fall. She stepped out of her pants and underwear, standing naked in front of them both -- all three of her piercings starkly evident. She shot Brendan a glance of anger, of disgust and then looked down at the ground.
Elsa's mere glance filled Brendan immediately with sadness and regret. He only needed to see the disappointed look on her face for a fleeting second before the air was sucked out of him like a burst balloon. He couldn't even concentrate on the fact that Elsa was quite hot when she was angry, even if she hadn't been naked. As she gulped and looked on, wondering what the warden had in mind, the warden approached her, and quickly clipped the leash to her two nipple piercings, tugging on it slightly, pulling her breasts outward. Handing the leash to Brendan, she said: "Here, why don't you take her to her cell now on this, Brendan. I think this will remind her that it's not all fun and games here."

Brendan, now in one of his more sour moods, fairly snatched the leash handle from the warden. He didn't care now what the warden might have known about Elsa and he, or what she thought of him. He led Elsa out the door without a word, after picking up the pile of her clothes. He led her to the elevator, but suddenly decided to take the stairs instead. It would be the only place between there and her cell where they might talk for a moment. Opening the heavy door into the rarely used stairway, he stopped in his tracks once the door was closed safely behind them. Dropping the leash, he looked up at her. "Just take it off, okay?" he barked, ready for the backlash he knew was coming. "Fuck what the warden said."
Elsa thought that she might burst into tears when the warden clipped the leash to her nipple piercings. Her face turned so red that she thought she might pass out from lack of blood anywhere else in her body. She'd never felt more dog like than now, even when she'd worn the collar and had the leash. She was leashed by her nipples now. She could think of nothing lower, except perhaps if she'd been leashed by her genital piercing. This might actually be worse, though, as everyone could see her genital piercing as well as her leashed nipples. She followed Brendan out soundlessly as they made their way to the stairwell. She was surprised that he would take her there, it would take longer than going by elevator.

When they got into the stairwell and he dropped the leash she just looked at him. Then she furrowed her brows, "But Brendan," she said in her most concerned of voices, "You're already on thin ice with the warden. Showing more favoritism wouldn't be good for your job safety," she had nothing else to say to him about it. No anger, no words of betrayal, just fact.
Brendan stared at her in amazement. He had been prepared for a fight about her most recent piercing. He wasn't going to apologize for it, but he had been ready. But she was unbelievably calm and level-headed, especially considering the humiliating way she was being led around. Although, to be fair, he couldn't be blamed for that. "Don't you care about the way she's treating you?" he half-shouted. "Maybe I shouldn't work here if this what she's gonna do," he added, yanking up gently on the leash for effect, pulling her red breasts slightly upward, the nipples pointing even higher.

"I've been able to treat other inmates this way because I didn't care," he said. I don't know why you think I'm interested in you, but it's not about the sex," he sighed. "Is there a part of me that likes controlling you? Hell, yeah," he exclaimed in answer to his own question. "Was it the best sex I"ve ever had? That too. But...and I know it's only been a few weeks here, but the way we connected yesterday, it wasn't just physical. It felt like an expression of the connection we have, and that's probably what made it so good. I meant it when I said you have all the traits in a girl I've been looking for my whole life.". He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "If I care about my job, Elsa, I'm going to have to treat you worse than I already have. And how will I live with myself then," he asked rhetorically. "Why do you care so much about my job security, anyway? No matter what I think, I still can't spare you from this kind of treatment."
"I'm in prison, Brendan. What I think about the way she treats me doesn't matter. My thoughts don't matter at all. I'm not even a name anymore, I'm just a number." at this point, she was feeling fairly emotionless. She had been upset, she had been angry, but now she just didn't care. She just wanted to...she didn't know what she wanted to. But she felt like Brendan had done her wrong. He'd lied to her. Maybe if he'd just told her that he wanted her to do it, that it'd count as a punishment but he would like it, then maybe she would've still done it -- she almost surely would've done it. But instead, he lied. He told her it was warden's orders.

"I'll be gone from this prison in a few months. You still need a job when I'm gone. I'll go back to the ghetto and you'll be here, in your job. I'll miss you like crazy," she finally admitted it to him, though she did it only in passing, barely pausing before continuing on, "but I don't have any place else to go except the ghetto."
Elsa knew how to get to him, Brendan thought to himself. Either that, or she was doing it wonderfully by coincidence. He fed off her colorful emotions. Whether it be happiness, disappointment, playfulness, anger, or passion. But the one thing that ate away at him was to see her practically devoid of any emotion. Had she lashed out at him, he would have responded in kind, and defended himself. But this, he couldn't take. He moved towards her, placing his arms above her shoulders against the wall, corralling her in place. "I know you're upset about the piercing, Elsa," he said, before adding: "Although I'm moved that you'll miss me. I really am. But, I guess I saw an opportunity to put my mark on you, and I took it. You could say that we're not too different, in some ways." He paused, thinking about the comparison he had in mind, unable for a moment to help his eyes from wandering down to Elsa's leashed nipples.

"You see, you saw something you wanted, and took it. And I did the same. You didn't jack a souped up Honda Civic, did you?" He paused, looking into her eyes, before answering. "No, it was an Aston Martin. And I didn't fall for a run-of-the-mill ghetto chick. I fell for the girl of my dreams. Yes, I made my mark on your body, because sometimes I tend to take what I want, just like you did. But just like the car you jacked, I did it to the best one I could imagine. If yours was the only woman's body I could see or touch for the rest of my life, I would sign up for it now." Brendan thought for a moment about what Elsa had said. He knew that he could never go on with his job knowing that Elsa was back to her old life in the ghetto. That was what made the system ineffective. Harsh as its punishments were, it only propagated the same vicious cycles of crime.

"So, I don't know what that means, Elsa. That you shouldn't be in here? Or that I'm the one who deserves to get led around naked? I know it means that we can't be the same anymore, if there is a 'we' anymore. But, to me, it means you don't deserve this," he said, motioning up and down her body. He suddenly yanked out on the leash, pulling her breasts outward with a jerky motion. "If you insist on keeping it on, I'm going to use it like the warden wants," he told her. He pushed the ball of her clothes into her stomach. "So, why don't you take off the leash, and put these on. And stop worrying about my job. I can handle my own career."
His words touched her unlike anything else he'd ever said to her. Elsa wasn't dumb, not in the least, but when he compared what he'd done to her to what she'd done with that car, everything finally made sense to her. She'd done well in school, well enough that they'd wanted to send her to college. Her family obviously didn't have the money. There were some things, though, that could only be explained by example -- and Brendan had just given her the best example possible. She was his Aston Martin. She had been furious at him for making her get the piercing and lying to her about it, but now she was almost in awe of him about it. He'd done it out of devotion. He'd marked her as his.

That was done in the ghetto all the time, except with tattoos. Girls would have big sprawling script that said "Bonez' Bitch" or "Timmy's Sweetie" or something like that. Her ex had wanted her to get a tattoo but she'd refused. That was one of the reasons they'd broken up in the first place. She wouldn't let him mark her. Once she was marked she had to stay his whether she liked it or not. That was a rule in the ghetto. You didn't touch someone else's bitch, no matter what you or her thought about the guy who owned her. Now Brendan owned her, and no one could say anything about it to her. The warden didn't own her. The ghetto didn't own her. They could say they did as much as they wanted, but she knew the truth. She was Brendan's.

She clutched the clothes when he thrust them at her. She reached up with her other hand and unclipped the leash on both of her nipples, allowing the leather straps to fall to the ground with a soft thud. She dressed hurriedly and then basically threw herself at him. She wrapped her arms around his neck for a moment and kissed his lips full on, and hard. But she quickly pulled away, lest someone come into the stairwell.

"I'm yours to take. Any time you want," she murmured to him, a tiny smile playing across her lips. She wanted him right then and there, but she knew that that wasn't practical or prudent.
Brendan watched her intently as she took in what he said, biting his bottom lip as he awaited her response. The wheels were turning in his mind to prepare for the reality of never having sex with Elsa again, and maybe losing her forever once she left the Center. As she took off the leash and dressed, he looked only at her eyes, and was about to head back down to her cell together when she attacked him.

His hands stayed at his side as she grabbed him and nearly made love to his face with her lips, too shocked to do anything but kiss back. He glanced around next, after hearing those few words that meant so much from her. He did all he could to resist ripping her clothes right back off, and accepting her offer right on the floor of the stairway. But, satisfied that no one was there, he pushed her back against the wall, and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her back. As if trying to top her kiss, he lifted her up onto her tiptoes, and continued kissing her for a little longer, opening his mouth and feeling the warmth of hers. Grinning at her, he took a full step backwards. "I'll never let you go back to your old life, Elsa," he said, grabbing her hand, and starting to head hurriedly down the steps. "Let's go somewhere else now; not to your cell. We can't go to my office, though. It's too close to the warden, and she's suspicious. You need a shower to keep your piercings clean, don't you? Let's go there," he said, his words seeming to come out faster and faster the longer he spoke.
She jumped a little when he grabbed her and pushed her back against the wall. His arms were wrapped around her and she was tugged close to him, her body pressed up against his roughly. She loved it. He was never really rough with her, he was sometimes playful but never actually rough. This was the first time she was seeing this from him, and honestly...she loved it. She kissed him eagerly, hungrily, visibly pouting when he finally took a step back from her, her toes sinking back down to the ground. She ran after him quickly when he grabbed her hand and bolted down the stairs. They were hot for each other, that much was obvious in this moment. They weren't going to be able to go without each other's steamy embrace tonight.

She nodded, "Yes! I do need a shower," she said, sort of formally. It was true, she did want to shower, but she also wanted to have wild sex with Brendan. If that could take place in the shower, then she most definitely wanted to go there and stay there for as long as it took for them to both be satiated.
He quickly led her down the steps, still holding her hand. "Let's go get you one, then," he panted. He had noticed the aroused look in her eyes when he shoved her back against the wall and kissed her, and wanted more of it, and now. As they got down the third flight of stairs, he pushed open the door, forcing himself to walk slowly down the hall to the inmate showers. Scanning his card and opening the door, he fairly pushed Elsa inside and slammed the door behind them. Now safe inside, he pushed her back against the door, and kissed her again with all he had, hands initially on the back of her head. They couldn't stay there long, however, his hands following their desire and working down to her shoulders, then quickly undoing the top buttons of her shirt. Reaching inside, he grabbed her wonderful soft breasts through her bra, working them vigorously as he kept kissing her.

Then, Brendan took a step back from her, yanking his shirt over his head, and tossing it to the side, a crazed, animal look on his face. "Turn on the shower" he called out to her, quickly scanning his card at a control panel on the wall. There was hot water in the showers, after all, and he switched it on quickly, chasing Elsa down again. "I think I'm ready for a spin in the Aston Martin," he said softly, grabbing her shoulders from behind.
Once they were in the shower room, almost everything became a blur. She heard the shower door slam and felt herself be pushed up against it, hot lips pressed against her as his hands roamed across her body. She giggled softly and kissed him back eagerly, feverishly. She moaned into his mouth when he opened her top and pushed his hands inside to caress her breasts. His fingers touched her piercings and instead of disgusting her like it used to, it turned her on even more. Once he'd opened her top she made quick work of her pants and panties, taking them off and them flinging them to the side.

When he told her to turn on the shower she went bolting for the nearest stall, pushing the button that turned on the water. He scanned his card at the same time, so the water came out steaming out. She shrugged her shirt off and flung it away, her bra soon after so that they wouldn't get wet. She felt him grab her shoulders and she grinned, "I hear she purrs like a kitten when you ride her hard," she whispered to him in her most seductive of voices.
Brendan quickly unclasped his belt buckle, dropping his pants and underwear, and tossed them towards the door, paying little heed to where they landed. He peeled his socks off too, joining Elsa near the shower spray, holding her whole body from behind, his hands wandering blindly all over her chest and stomach. "I think I'll push her to the limit, and see what she's got," he rasped back to her. He spun her body around, looking straight down into her eyes, and shimmied them both over, holding her shoulders, until they were under the warm water. The soothing water reached his hair first, with his height advantage, cascading down both of their bodies, and soaking them. Brendan leaned in and kissed her lips again, his hand roaming down, feeling around for the part of her that he'd 'marked'. Scratching his nails around her wet slit, he carefully avoided the area of the new piercing. Then, suddenly, Brendan stooped over and lunged at her, picking her up at the knees and bending them, pushing her against the wall of the shower stall. His muscles flexed a bit to keep her in place, the water getting them from the side now. "Throw your legs outside of my arms," he gasped, holding her there in place a good foot off the ground, using the tiles to support her back. "Wrap them around my waist."
She looked up at him and watched the water pour over his hair and then down his body, finally hitting her. It soaked them both, her hair immediately becoming matted to her head. She grinned at him and giggled again, his hands were holding her shoulders tightly, possessively. She loved it. She squirmed a little when his hand went down to her womanhood, his fingers purposely stroking and touching her. She was still a little sore there, but she was incredibly aroused now and the piercing was definitely pushing down against her sensitive clit, arousing her even more. She shrieked when Brendan suddenly picked her up and slammed her against the wall, she hadn't been expecting that at all. When he commanded her though, she acted immediately. She moved her legs and then wrapped them around his waist tightly, opening her pussy there in front of him. She lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck loosely.
Once Elsa's legs were around his waist, it was much easier to hold her in place, so he lifted her up a little more, pushing her securely against the wall. His manhood had long been aroused. Maybe even since they were in the hallway, in fact. Pressing his body against hers, his cock having nowhere to go but to grind against her a little, he kissed her as the warm water massaged their faces. He shimmied his hands underneath her butt to support her. It was a comfortable enough position, one that he knew he could hold for quite some time. And it was good that her butt had some meat to it, otherwise it probably would have been uncomfortable for her.

He glanced down, seeing her spread pussy waiting for him. Although it was soaked with shower water, he could tell from the look in her eyes that it was well-lubricated with her juices as well. Encouraged even more by her shriek as he shoved her up, he quickly moved to enter her. It took a couple of tries, since neither of them had their hands to use, but on the second attempt, he was able to sink his cock inside her warm, waiting womanhood, using his grasp on her ass to leverage himself deep inside. The position, conveniently, also brought his face up to hers again, and he used the opportunity to kiss her wildly, their saliva mixing with the shower water. He let out a deep, powerful moan as he pulled away, at the feeling of her warm insides massaging his cock. "Mmm, Is that hard enough for you?" he moaned, pumping in and out several more times.
Any defenses she may have had left against him in her completely melted when he grabbed hold of her butt and maneuvered himself so that he had the right angle to penetrate her. And then suddenly he'd sunk inside of her, her pussy stretching to the exact right place to fit him snugly. She murred softly and ground her hips up against him as he began to pump in and out of her roughly. This was amazing, but she still wanted more. She opened her eyes and looked at him seriously, her eyes wide and doe like.

"I think you can go harder. You have to push her potential," she lifted her hands up and pushed them into his wet matted hair. She stroked him gently, almost like he was her pet. She knew better though. She was the pet if anyone was.
The feeling of Elsa's hands migrating up to his hair was amazing. It was as if he could feel the affection in her touch, mixed with wild arousal. He kept his gaze fixed directly on her eyes as he pumped in and out of her. He saw her hips trying to buck outward, being kept against the wall only by his body pounding her back towards it with each cycle of their wonderful rhythm. Her next words drove him crazy. "You're lucky I don't have a hand free to spank your exotic ass. See if I can squeeze a few more horsepower out of her." He pumped harder and harder, their bodies rocking against the wall at an amazingly fast pace. At one point, he actually wondered if her butt wasn't developing a bruise from the repeated bumping against the hard ceramic tiles. His shaft fit perfectly inside her, still enjoying the massage of her pussy muscles, and from time to time, he felt the bottom tip of the piercing brushing against the base of his cock, even though at the angle they had, he was entering her from underneath her. "Don't tell me you can take much more," he almost shouted, his voice wavering with arousal.
"Mmmm," she groaned, her eyes rolling back a little. She let her head fall back against the wall, it nearly hit it every time he slammed into her any way. She giggled a little when he said he could spank her. "You could always spank me later. For punishment." her butt was banging against the wall pretty hard, and would probably leave a bruise. She could use that though, as another punishment. Her pussy squeezed him hard every time he thrust deep inside of her, begging him to stay and not leave again. Her nails dug into his shoulders the faster and harder he went, an orgasm building up inside of her steadily. "Ahh, Brendan...I think I'm nearly at my limit," her voice cracked at the end of her sentence and she moaned high, her pussy clenching him even tighter as she finally reached her peak.
Brendan's own moans started getting louder and more frequent as her pussy began contracting upon him, riding out her orgasm as he continued bucking her against the wall. As he approached his own climax, he realized that it was going to be hard to pull out in time in their current position. Slowing down their rocking gradually to a stop, he squatted down, letting Elsa's feet touch the ground. Standing back up, he pointed across the stall to the soap dish molded into the wall about three feet from the ground. "Bend over and grab the soap dish," he gasped, brushing his soaked hair out of his face, and giving her ass a slap as she got her balance. "I need to finish testing out my stolen property," he grinned. "And maybe give your ass a down payment on that spanking."
She pouted at him when he squatted down and her feet touched the ground. She stretched herself out and stood up fully, her pussy throbbing with pleasure. At first she thought they were done, and that upset her a little bit. She didn't want to be done. But then he told her to bend over and she beamed at him. "Mmm...stolen property. You might get in trouble. Have to go to jail," she turned around and bent over, taking hold of the soap dish that was attached to the wall. She squealed when he slapped her ass, she felt her butt jiggle a little. She wiggled it at him playfully, seductively. She'd already had her orgasm, but that didn't mean that she didn't want him to enjoy his to the full.
Elsa's pout was a really cute look on her pretty face, but Brendan was happy to take it away by announcing that they would continue. "It's OK, I'll go to jail, if you can be my C.O," he laughed, trying to imagine what that might be like. But he couldn't keep his mind on things outside the room for long, as she eagerly obliged him by taking the next position, even teasing him by wiggling her cute ass at him. He squatted down a bit, positioning his cock right on the outside of her slit, keeping it pointed upwards with one hand, and stood up, which sunk his cock into her soaked sex again. Once back in the familiar location, he rocked back and forth a few times, before giving her a few more good slaps on the butt, causing it to jiggle back and forth each time. "That's right, give me a target, I'll punish it good," he moaned, finally reaching the point where he felt his cum coursing through his body towards its desired exit. Pulling out, he came hard onto her butt cheeks. Then, he felt a strange feeling, and had another wave come upon him, his juices shooting up into the air and landing on her back. Finally he collapsed down onto her, wrapping his arms around her body, and rubbing them gently on her stomach, hugging her tightly. "I meant it when I said you're the only girl I need. Ever," he whispered.
Elsa gripped the soap dish with all she had when he entered her again. His thrusts were few, but extremely powerful. If she didn't hold on tight enough she could go flying into the shower wall. She felt his cock begin to throb inside of her and knew that he was close. In the next instant he'd pulled out of her and she felt his seed spill onto her ass and back. The water from the shower washed that away almost instantly though. When he collapsed on top of her she let go of the soap dish and turned herself around as best she could so that she was facing him. Then she stood herself up, having to push him off of her a little bit. She wasn't strong enough to hold his weight like that. She nuzzled his neck gently and kissed him, "I meant what I said about being yours. Always,"
Brendan maneuvered himself so that Elsa could turn around and face him, yet he still leaned some of his weight on her, he was so spent. Each sexual encounter with her had been better and more amazing than the last, at least for him. That trend couldn't continue on, could it? He leaned in, closing his eyes and taking in the signs of affection from Elsa. Tilting his head down, he returned her kisses, massaging her arms and shoulders, the steamy shower water still soothing their bodies. "Wait here a second," he whispered, scampering off to the side to where the linens were kept. Returning with a fresh washcloth, he held it under the warm water, and rubbed some soap into it. Standing behind Elsa, he rubbed it gently across her back, leaning in and kissing her neck while he did so. "You know, the finest vehicles aren't just used. They're cared for," he half-joked, unsure if she was tired of his running analogy. After all, she was a million times better than the best car imaginable.
Elsa giggled at his car analogy. So he wasn't going to just fuck her, he was going to take care of her too. At least for now. She could tell that he was on very thin ice with the warden though, that he'd have to give her harsher punishments to keep the warden out of their business. She also realized that they couldn't all be sexual punishments, she was sure that would start to look suspicious. When he came back with the wash cloth she wrapped her arms around him again, hugging herself close to him. She kissed his chest lightly, lovingly, tenderly. She thought she might love him, but she wasn't going to say that to him. That would change the dynamic of their relationship, and she loved the way it was right now. She heaved a sigh and closed her eyes, just resting her cheek against his chest.
He paused his activity with the washrag once she leaned into him again, wrapping his arms around her soft body, and bringing her a little closer. Closing his eyes as she kissed his chest, he moved his hands up and down her back, tracing very lightly with his fingernails. He felt as if he could stand here in her embrace forever, as he leaned his head down and rubbed the top of her wet head with his nose. But he knew that couldn't be. Soon, she'd have to return to her cell. And tomorrow, that was another story. The warden would be watching them on camera. As he held her in his arms, his mind drifted to the blissful fantasy of whisking her immediately out of the Center and going on the lam together. That would be exciting, he thought, that would be a story they could make together. As she rested against him, he combed his fingers through the length of her brown hair, again and again. "C'mon baby, let me wash you off," he whispered in the direction of her ear.
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