The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Ryan laughed at her question, a deep, baritone laugh. "I'm your new C.O., sweetie," he teased her. Taking a glance down at her piercing, he pulled out on it a little harder than was necessary, contorting her skin, and tugging it outwards. "We're gonna have fun like this all the time now," he added as he slammed the door to the room she'd been waiting in. "But now we're gonna go see the warden." Ryan had quite a jovial attitute about the tortures he put inmates through, in general. With a big smile, he turned back to Elsa, only her bra providing any modesty now as she was tugged down the hall by her genitals. "And I don't think she's very happy with you."

Pushing the door open to the warden's office, the looming woman's figure stood in the middle of the room. "Good work, Ryan," she said in a sugary tone. "You," she barked, pointing at Elsa. "Sit on the couch. I wan't to talk with you. It's come to my attention that you probably haven't been experiencing your required punishments to the full. I saw that scum Brendan hold your hand. He's gone now. So tell me about your relationship with him. Was he punishing you? Were the two of you screwing around? You'd better be honest with me, bitch," she spewed at Elsa, anger now in her voice.
Her new C.O.? Her blood ran cold when he said that. He was obviously nothing like Brendan, and she couldn't have expected him to be. She whimpered when he tugged on her piercing extra hard, stumbling forward a bit. Have fun like this all the time? This was hardly fun to her, and it made her feel sick that he thought it was. Her heart sank. They were going to see the warden. The warden, who would surely beat the shit out of her at the very least. Her eyes widened when Ryan pushed the door open and the warden was standing their ominously. She scampered to the couch when she ordered her to go, getting there with just enough length on the leash before the pulling started to hurt.

She heard the sugary tone in which the warden addressed her new C.O., whose name she know knew was Ryan. It was obvious to Elsa that the warden and Ryan had a thing going on. Elsa's face flushed when the warden began to ask her questions. "Y-yes...we were um," it felt really weird to her to say the words, "screwing around. But he punished me," she was being truthful, he did punish her. She cringed at the warden's anger. "He would hit me regularly, even if we weren't in the punishment room." that wasn't completely a lie either. He spanked her, and that was hitting.
"I see," said the warden, a smile developing again on her wrinkled face. "You're an honest girl. I'll remember that." Walking over to Elsa, she shoved her down onto the couch, reaching down and releasing the leash's hook. "Honest or not, you must be quite a whore, though, putting out for some asshole who didn't even cut back on your punishments." Ryan looming in the background, she walked around the back of her long, comforable leather couch. Running her hands through Elsa's hair, she continued her address of Elsa. "But, even so, I think we need to catch you up on any punishments your asshole lover might have spared you, and give you a few more, to make up for any undue fun you may have had in here. "Ryan- why don't you help me do that," she cooed. "Use your imagination."

Ryan only needed to hear the word, before he sprung into action. He and the warden were sleeping with each other, but they certainly didn't limit their relationship to spending a night together here or there. They had some strange proclivities. And Ryan wasn't necessarily doing it just for career advancement. There was some allure to the power the warden had, depsite her haggard appearance. Leaping onto Elsa, he pushed her lengthways on the couch, so that her head banged down on the side armrest. Holding her down firmly with one hand, he ripped the two electrodes off her thighs, and re-positioned them right next to her pussy, one on either side. Next, he pushed her bra up, her breasts popping out beneath. With a grunt, he continued to force her down with his weight, and placed the other electrodes over her nipples, right on top of the piercings. "Push her legs up to me, Ry," the warden called out. "Let's get her legs over her head like the slut she is," she laughed. "And YOU," the warden warned Elsa, standing behind her and grabbing a handful of brown hair. "Don't even think of saying a word of this to anyone. It'll make things worse for you, and no one will believe you, anyway."
Elsa probably resented the warden the most for repeatedly calling her a whore and a slut. The warden knew barely anything about her, she couldn't possibly know enough to make those assertions. The warden didn't know that Brendan was only the third man Elsa'd ever slept with, not counting Carlos as a fourth. Elsa didn't think she'd slept with Carlos, Carlos had raped her, and that was completely different. Elsa shivered in disgust as the warden ran her cold hands through her hair. The warden was absolutely horrible in every way. She didn't understand how Ryan could possibly sleep with the nasty woman. It was probably mostly for career advancement.

Elsa cried out when Ryan pushed her lengthways on the couch, her head banging painfully against the arm rest. Her head throbbed for a few moments, sending Elsa into a slightly dizzy frenzy. The next thing she realized was that the electrodes were no longer on her stomach and thighs, put on either side of her pussy and directly on top of her pierced nipples. She whimpered and fought as much as she could. They were going to electrocute her pussy? She whimpered again as Ryan pushed her legs up to the warden, her pussy spreading wide open. This really was hell on earth.
Once Ryan had pushed Elsa's legs back, the warden reached out her bony paws, and grabbed Elsa's ankles, holding them tight just above Elsa's head. Ryan looked down at Elsa's terrified face peeking up at him from between her knees. Reaching into his back pocket, and pulling out the remote control, he placed it on the couch armrest. "I'll give you the signal if we need to use it, Corrinne. Maybe if she's a good girl, we won't need to." He noticed the marks on Elsa's inner thighs. So Brendan really had given her a decent beating this moming, he thought to himself. Her bottom was still a little bruised, too, from the last time it was punished a week ago or so. But it didn't stop him from taking his turn on it. Winding up, he gave quite a hard smack to each side of Elsa's bottom, all the skin taut from her legs being stretched all the way back.

Once he had shown Elsa that he meant business, he began to unbuckle his pants, and dropped them and his underwear to his knees. He didn't really care much for the actual sex with Elsa. No, his relationship with the warden, or 'Corinne' as he called her, was all about power. He loved the idea of showing his power over the defenseless Elsa in front of the warden. And the fact that she was helping even made it that much better. In turn, the warden was enjoying the thought that it was she who had 'given' Elsa over to be used by her boy-toy. Holding his massive length, which seemingly matched his massive body, he rubbed it all around Elsa's spread slit. "Aren't you gonna get wet for me, baby," he asked, looking her in the eyes. Spitting on his finger, he rubbed it all around Elsa's sex, even nudging it inside a little, lubricating her in his disgusting way. "So are you ready, for me? You think you can handle me?" he said as he looked into her tortured eyes. "And when you answer, you can address me as 'Officer, Sir,'"
Corinne? The warden's name was Corinne? Elsa had to physically restrain herself from bursting out into a fit of laughter. Corinne was such a beautiful womanly name, and it belonged to a spinster as disgusting as the warden. What a twist of irony. Elsa gritted her teeth when Ryan smacked her ass cheeks, her butt barely jiggled as her legs were pulled so taught. Her ass stung afterwards, exacerbated by the bruising that was already there (little did Ryan know she received those bruises yesterday when Brendan had been fucking her against the shower wall).

Elsa's eyes grew wide at the sight of Ryan's enormous cock. It seemed fake, unreal, impossible. Brendan's cock had been big and juicy, but next to Ryan's it would look like a baby dick. The only man she could think of that might have a rival cock would be Carlos. She shuddered to think of that, she never wanted Carlos to enter her mind again. She cringed when he spit on his finger and then spread it around her pussy, lubricating her himself since she obviously wasn't aroused by him. She wanted to scream profanity at him and spit on him as he spit on her, but the last time she did that Brendan had allowed Jamie to rape her. So she just didn't answer at all, he kept her teeth gritted but stared into his eyes, a challenge. He could hurt her all he wanted, she wasn't going to give him what he wanted.
Ryan stared back at her, waiting for an answer, until it became apparent that she wasn't going to give one. "Oh, do you believe this, Corinne? She wants to play games with me. I asked her if she was ready, and she's just staring daggers at me." Picking up the remote control, he pushed the button down for a good three seconds, watching the sensitive skin around her pussy and breasts tingle with literal electricity. "Now she's ready," Ryan said with a laugh.

Kneeling in front of her, he pointed his huge shaft towards Elsa, and then leaned into her, plunging his tip a couple of inches deep, feeling her stretching to the limit. Pulling almost out, he sunk himself slowly in deeper, then deeper and deeper. Letting out a moan, he then pulled all the way out of poor Elsa. "These electrodes are digging into me," he complained, ripping them off her groin, before plunging his length all the way in again. He reached down and felt Elsa's skin stretched out very tight around the bottom of his shaft, and he could feel her on the inside bulging to accomodate him as well. Finding a rhythm, he slid back and forth, pushing on her butt, almost like he was doing half push-ups, to propel himself in and out. "Don't worry. I'll save some for you, darling," he looked up and said to the warden.
Elsa's back arched as much as it possibly could in the difficult position she was in when Ryan set the electrodes off. A cry of pain caught in her throat but she couldn't utter it, the electrodes had frozen all of her body movement. Her eyes rolled back into her head as he shocked her, the pain coursing through her mercilessly. This was worse than all of the punishments Brendan had given her, combined. Far worse. She was about to get raped, again, with the warden standing by watching. No wonder she hadn't cared when Carlos had raped her. She sanctioned rapes herself.

Once Ryan let his finger off the button her body sank a little and her eyes rolled back to normal. She couldn't think for a few moments and it wasn't registering that he was screwing her until he was almost all the way inside of her. The position she was in gave him the best access to her nubile pussy, but even so she could barely accommodate his entire length. Under other circumstances she may have adored such an enormous cock, but now she dreaded it. She'd regained her mind just in time for Ryan to pull almost all the way out of her and rip the electrodes off of her, leaving giant red marks on either side of her pussy. And then he'd found a rhythm and was doing her steadily, the warden behind her watching. The shocks had forced her into being wet, so her insides were well lubricated, but she wasn't feeling any pleasure from this. She sincerely hoped that the object here was not for her to get any.
Ryan continued pounding her for a while as Elsa's tortured pussy was forced to take it. Finally, he let out a long moan, pressing himself all the way inside her, and leaving his cock all the way in, feeling what he believed was her cervix blocking him from penetrating any farther. He was trying to prevent himself from releasing. After all, he didn't want any DNA evidence, lest she actually try to make something of it, much less a pregnancy. "Corinne," he gasped. "Let her feet down. I want to finish between her tits," he moaned. He really didn't care much whether Elsa climaxed or not. Once the warden obliged, mercifully releasing her legs, Ryan grabbed them, slamming them into the couch. He noticed while pulling out of her what prominent red marks the electrodes had left, and that she was wet, too.

Kneeling hard on her stomach, and pinning her down, in effect, he flapped his erect, throbbing cock between Elsa's full breasts, squeezing the round orbs around his thick shaft. Her juices that had coated his cock while inside of her now served to oil up the passage between her breasts. Rubbing back and forth, increasing the speed of his thrusts, Ryan grabbed her breasts, and tore the electrodes roughly off those, too. He rubbed around her nipples, twisting them a little by the piercings. They were so amazingly soft and wonderful, he thought. He was glad, actually, that she had large breasts, because they felt amazing on him. He took a break from watching her writhe beneath him to throw his head back in ecstasy, letting out a loud, deep moan. Feeling himself on the verge of release, he moaned at Elsa. "Help out a little, bitch. Rub those tits against my cock. NOW!"
"I'd rather cut my own hand off," she spat at him, leaving her hands where they were at her sides. She was not, in any way, going to assist in this rape and torture. He could do anything to her and she wasn't, not even once, going to respect him the way he wanted her to. She didn't care anymore. They couldn't keep her in for longer than six months no matter what they did to her, she wasn't going to turn into a pride less little bitch just for their amusement. She, again, fought the urge to actually physically spit on him. She wanted to badly, she wanted to spit on him like he spat on all of the inmates here. Being an inmate didn't mean being inhuman.
Rage filled Ryan's eyes as she refused to do what he ordered. However, she had won a small victory, because he was so close to the edge, that he couldn't really do anything except cum at this point. The wonderful friction between her breasts had brought him to orgasm, and there was no holding it back to make time to punish Elsa. Pulling his manhood from between her breasts, he did, however, do the one thing that he could to strike at her. Forcing her her torso still downwards into the sofa, he gripped her chin with one strong hand, so that her head was unable to move, and guided his cock into her face with the other. "Fiiiiine," he gasped, a spray of ejaculate cascading over Elsa's face. And the amount of seed he housed evidently matched the rest of his proportions. His seed released forcefully over the course of three spurts, the end product seemingly enough to have filled a small coffee cup. "How do I taste?" he asked her with a nasty laugh as he finally got up off her.

Elsa hadn't been able to see the warden standing behind her, but the middle-aged woman had been making full use of her hands, how that they were free from holding Elsa's legs. Standing against the armrest of the couch, the warden had been rubbing her crotch through her pantsuit, so aroused she was at her boy-toy having such a good time with Elsa. At one point, when Ryan released, she was even rubbing herself against the couch, dry-humping it slowly in arousal. "She's all yours," Ryan told the warden, smooching her with a little kiss on the lips.
Elsa had just enough time to close her eyes before Ryan sprayed his load all over her face. She tried to turn away but his strong hand kept her from doing that, and all of his cum landed on her face. She was nearly covered with it, and unfortunately, some of it dripped into her mouth. She was forced to taste it as it oozed through her lips and onto her tongue. She opened her mouth and gagged, finally turned her head when he got up off of her. She purposely wiped her face off on the warden's couch, though she still had the disgusting taste of Ryan's semen in her mouth.

It was only when she turned towards the back of the couch that Elsa saw the warden humping the couch slowly. Her eyes widened when Ryan said 'she's all yours'. Was this going to be another Jamie repeat?
The warden scowled at the cum-stains now on her couch, but she was too aroused herself to be bothered with that. Ryan now pulled up his pants and took his turn watching, opting for a chair instead, exhausted from his activities. In one motion, the warden dropped her pants and panties, just keeping on her black business suit top. Her wrinkled pussy was completely covered with short, wiry black hairs. For all her insistence on shaving the inmates, she didn't practice much grooming there herself. "Mmmm, young lady, I'd love to have some of Ryan's sweet juices inside me, but it looks like he's going to need some time to recover before he can oblige me." The warden straddled Elsa, rubbing her pussy up Elsa's stomach, grinding it over her breasts. She actually was able to get one of Elsa's nipple rings to stimulate her clit, and hovered there for a while, riding back and forth like a horny dog. Turning her attention to Elsa's sticky, cum-soaked face, she moved her pussy right up to her mouth. "So, why don't you deposit some of it for me, inmate," she said in her raspy, gravelly voice. She began rubbing her pussy in anticipation around Elsa's mouth, trying to force herself in there, even if Elsa attempted to turn her face away. "You know it's rude not to answer your C.O," the warden scolded. "We can finish here when I'm done with you, or we can continue playing with you. Maybe we'll ram a dildo up your whorish ass next," she threatened. "Unless you tell him how he tasted."
Elsa was homophobic in the first place and she'd had enough difficulty surviving through the rape Jamie forced upon her. Jamie, at least, had done all of the work herself, just humping Elsa's face wildly. The warden was essentially asking Elsa to eat her out. It was hard for Elsa to tolerate the warden's pussy grinding up against her breast, but when she brought it to her face and asked her to put Ryan's cum that had been in Elsa's mouth into the warden's pussy, she nearly puked. Which was worse, Elsa asked herself: giving Ryan the answer he wanted or having a dildo rammed up her ass? The dildo, definitely. So she swallowed her pride and said, " tasted...good," it was murderously difficult to get the words out, "Officer, sir."

She tried to turn her face away but the warden had been grinding her clit against Elsa's cheek and Elsa turned the wrong way, ending up with the warden's pussy right in her mouth. She nearly screamed when she felt the warden's clit grind up against her teeth and tongue.
Ryan and the warden both smiled when Elsa was forced to say that Ryan had tasted good. "That's the right answer, young lady," the warden rasped. "I've tasted him, and he's delicious. And if it's good enough for me, it damn well better be good enough for you. In fact, it was quite a privilege, in my opinion, for him to favor you with a taste."

The warden ascertained quickly that Elsa wasn't going to just eat her out. It was painfully obvious that Elsa wasn't enjoying this in the least. "Awww, she's so cute, Ry," the warden continued. "She's never been down on a woman before. Wouldn't it have been a shame if she came all the way to prison, and got sent home without even eating out any pussy?" Kneeling over Elsa, the warden continued to hump Elsa's face, despite the girls' natural instincts driving her to move her face away from the older woman's sex. Laughing when Elsa screamed, she reached down, and stimulated herself with her fingers, alternating between Elsa's face and the fingers. Finally, she reached her climax, shivering and moaning loudly as she came, back arched, grinding herself hard into Elsa's face as she did, before kneeling over Elsa, red-faced and out of breath. "Okay," she gasped. "We'll consider your penance paid for your illegal tryst. You can go back to your cell for the rest of the day. Even all of tomorrow. But there's one more thing. You need to kiss my pussy," she told Elsa, a wicked gleam in her eye, jutting her hips out towards Elsa. "Kiss it like you mean it, and you're all done," she promised.
Elsa wasn't sure how having Ryan has hew new C.O. boded for her. He was the warden's pet, obviously. So she loved him. That would probably mean that everything he did to her would be while the warden was there, and because the warden loved him so much, Elsa was going to be forced to say that she liked it too, or at least make some cessions that she may not have had to make otherwise. On the other hand, everything that happened to her went through the warden, so it wasn't like she could get abused by any prisoners anymore, or so she thought.

Elsa choked and gagged when the warden came in her mouth, doing her absolute best not to swallow it. She'd had to swallow Jamie's cum too, and it had been just as horrid then. The warden kept her pussy over Elsa's mouth so that she had to swallow it, and she did so as quickly as possible so that she wouldn't taste it much. So her penance was paid. This was what she had had to do to get her penance paid. Let the warden's boy toy fuck her and then cum of her face, and then drink the warden's cum. Oh, but there was one more thing. Her eyes widened at the warden's request and she stared at the middle aged woman's wrinkly pouting pussy for a moment. If she kissed it like she meant it, she'd have the entire day to herself tomorrow and the rest of today. But she was homophobic. But...she'd get so much time to herself, torture free. She swallowed her pride and lifted her head, pressing her lips against the warden's pussy. Her lips fell directly on the woman's clit and she let her lips engulf it for a moment, giving it a tiny suck. She left her lips there for a couple of seconds and then pulled back, hoping that was enough.
'Corinne' moaned anew once Elsa gave her clit a little suck. It was actually more than she'd expected from the girl, and her pussy hadn't quite had enough time to calm down from the arousal she'd just experienced. It actually hurt a bit, to tell the truth. "We'll make a 'bi-curious' inmate out of you yet," the warden cackled into Elsa's face. "That's what they're all calling it these days, isn't it? Gay while you're away?" She stood up, and began putting her panties and pantsuit back on. "You can get up and put your underwear back on, inmate. You'll find I'm good on my word." She shot a glance over at Ryan. "You're not bad, though. Maybe if Ryan here isn't available, you can be my backup pussy-eater," she added, laughing wildly at her own joke at both Elsa and Ryan's expenses.

"Why don't you take her back to her cell, Ryan. I've seen she's in a pretty nice accommodation, but it's probably too much trouble to change it. Let her sleep it off for the rest of the day and tomorrow. I think she's earned it, hasn't she," she said, giving Ryan another flirtatious smile. Ryan hopped into action at the warden's command. He let her words just pass over his head. To be honest, he wasn't the brightest guy. He'd always done well professionally, for predictable reasons, when having a woman boss, and the Center was no exception. Not bothering to use a leash now, he led Elsa down to the same cell that Brendan had fed her the bagel in and then plucked her from in the morning, slamming the door behind her.
Elsa put her panties back on warily. Ryan had obviously brought them to the room after he'd so unceremoniously ripped them off of her earlier. She sat up fully and then got off of the couch, standing for the first time in what seemed like hours. Her feet stung from the strapping she'd received earlier, and now her thighs, pussy, stomach, and breasts all hurt from the electroshock. She rearranged her bra so that her breasts were hidden again and followed Ryan back to her cell. She cringed a little when Ryan slammed the door behind her. The first thing Elsa did was go to the bathroom, so grateful to have the toilet there in her cell. Then she collapsed on the cot and began to doze off, thinking of Brendan. She missed him horribly already.
Brendan, meanwhile, had slept the first day away, after being humiliated and fired by the warden early in the morning. As he tossed and turned, his drawn blinds keeping the bright daylight out, he only thought of Elsa. He tried not to think about what the warden might be doing to her, but thought of her the way he remembered her. The meals they snuck together, the tickling and cuddling and kissing, the long talks about books, life, and love. And of course, the feel of her magnificent body. And his one regret was that he'd written to Elsa that he loved her, and she hadn't even had a chance to respond. Even if she didn't love him, he wanted desperately to know how she felt, to give her a chance to express her feelings.

But the next morning, he didn't have time to wallow in it. The bills needed to be paid. Having no other professional experience since college, he called a friend who owned a construction business, and immediately landed a job hanging drywall. It was no glamour job coming home with calloused hands, and joint compound dust in his hair and on his face. But his father and uncles were all in the trades, he'd grown up around this, and it was something that paid, and that he was good at. As he plodded through his first day, drilling, cutting, taping, sanding, and spackling, he contemplated whether something might be able to be done for Elsa. After all, he knew the warden well, well enough to know that she'd break the rules to get back at Elsa. And the warden hadn't taken into account that with his technical background, he'd been integral in designing the pervasive closed-circuit system in the Center. Now that was something he'd have to chew on some more.

Meanwhile, Ryan had let Elsa sleep and rest until after four in the afternoon the following day. But finally, he headed down to her cell, a fresh blue uniform in hand. "You," he barked, banging on the cell grates. "The warden wants to see you again. She said to give you these," he added, holding up the uniform, opening the cell door, and tossing it in. "Get dressed and come with me."
Elsa had spent the rest of the first day sleeping. She'd dreamt of Brendan, of holding him, of him holding her. Of being with him forever, in a real house. In a car, at a restaurant, in a park. Everywhere and anywhere except at the Center, except in the prison. The next day she'd been lazing around her cell, taking the opportunity to sleep whenever the urge took her. She'd eaten the breakfast and lunch that was brought to her, though it made her think of all the times she'd eaten real food with Brendan.

She'd fallen asleep again when Ryan banged on the bars of her cell. Her eyes fluttered open and she sat up, catching the uniform as he tossed it to her. Ugh. The warden. She'd almost begun to believe that the warden was just a figment of her imagination. She pulled on the uniform pants and buttoned the top, following Ryan down the hall with a sigh.
Leading her into the same familiar office, the warden actually greeted Elsa pleasantly, and by name. "Elsa, let me put your mind at ease. We haven't called you here to... er.. fool around with you." The warden actually got up, and pulled out a chair for Elsa to sit in, motioning to it. "I've been thinking, the taxpayers that support this institution are under quite a bit of financial duress, as I'm sure you know." Pausing, she walked around her desk, and sat on top of it, in the front. "Given Brendan's inappropriate actions, sleeping with an inmate, and what have you, he really deserves to lose his pension," she said bluntly, leaving out, of course, any mention of her own sexual predilections. "The problem is, we don't technically have any proof. Seeing how he strung you along, and now left you high and dry, I'm sure you wouldn't mind testifying before the pension board, would you?"
Elsa walked into the warden's office already on edge. She sat down in the chair the woman motioned to, twisting her hands together in her lap in her traditional Elsa position. She crossed her ankles together too, her heart beating a little faster than usual. She sincerely hoped that she wasn't in for more torture. She felt only a tiny bit of relief when the warden said they were going to 'fool around' with her, but all of that relief flew out the window when the warden laid down her trump card. Elsa's eyes grew wide and her face drained of color. Testifying before the pension board? Elsa opened her mouth to answer, but no sound came out. She shook her head weakly and tried to talk, " ma'am. I...I can't do that."
The warden drank in Elsa's comment, rubbing her cheek in contemplation. "Well, Elsa, are you sure about that? You said that he still punished you, even though you put out for him. And, if he promised you any early release, where it he now to do that for you?" She walked in a slow circle around Elsa, reaching out and massaging Elsa's scalp a little. "You know, I could actually deliver on a promise to shave a month or two off the six you're starting at. But a decision is a decision, if you won't do it, I'll have to send you back to your cell." She sat on her desk again, gazing down at Elsa to see if her offer changed Elsa's decision.
It wasn't even a question for Elsa. She would never turn in Brendan, never. She loved him. She would always love him, even if she had to spend the entire six months in this hell on earth. But when the warden reached out and touched her hair and tried to massage her, her decision was really made. That really just sent her over the edge. Did the warden actually think that treating her like a pet would get her to turn on Brendan? She shook her head again, "I'm sorry, ma'am. I'll...I'll serve my six months."
"I see," the warden said simply. "So you're resolute in your stand. Very well." A sour look began to creep upon her face. She wasn't going to threaten Elsa, she knew the girl was stubborn and stood her ground. She'd simply teach the girl a lesson. "Ryan, I'm going to give her a cell transfer," she rasped, writing down: Cell E12 on an index card and handing it to Ryan. "Go ahead and get her down there. She'll have a cellmate now. Ryan simply nodded and led Elsa out.

Carlos, meanwhile, the inhabitant of cell E12 for the last two weeks, had been wasting away in the 'E' block, which was solitary confinement, as punishment for his crime against Elsa in the auto shop. He was still awaiting trial to determine how much longer his sentence would be extended, but had suffered daily tortures for several hours a day, followed by deprivation of any human contact the rest of the time. As he saw a male guard approached with a familiar female prisoner, he leapt off the ground, holding the bars with his dark hands. "Holy Maria!" he exclaimed. Ryan looked at the cell, then the index card. "Maybe she made a mistake," Ryan said, feigning ignorance of the matter. "Oh, well. We'll have to sort that out later," he smirked to Elsa, opening the door and pushing Elsa towards the cage that Carlos was lurking in.
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