The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

She absolutely adored it when he called her baby. There was nothing better than that. Baby was perfect, all the time. After indulging herself by laying in his arms for a few moments she pulled back. She unwrapped her arms and took a couple of steps back, landing directly under the stream of water. She giggled and nodded, "Okay. Wash me off," she cooed at him, wanting only to jump on him and keep herself wrapped around him forever. She didn't want to leave this shower. She didn't want to go back to her cell. She didn't want to be a prisoner...but she was.

(Gleh, short, sorry)
Elsa's giggle was to die for. She didn't know it, but she probably would have the power to make him do whatever she wanted when she cooed and giggled so lustily at him. It just completely melted Brendan to the soul. Chuckling as she stepped back from him, he rubbed the bar of soap onto the washrag again, and started at her shoulders, gently rubbing around her collarbone. He used the rag like a soft glove between his hand and her wet body, moving down to her breasts, carefully massaging one of them with soap, then the other. His gentleness in washing her was a stark contrast to the ferocity he had just displayed in the throes of passion and desire. Leaning in, he kissed her while he soaped up her stomach, but softly; his lips barely touching hers, as water splashed off her head, some spraying him in the face. "That was amazing, baby," he breathed slowly. "You are amazing." The words 'I love you' ran through his mind in slow motion and almost made it to his lips, before a mental filter caught them. The feeling was there inside, and he knew the words would come out, but now wasn't the time. All that came out of his mouth as he embraced her body and prodded it was: "Turn around."

((Nah, no worries!))
She closed her eyes and allowed herself to lose herself while he washed her. She felt the water pour over her, heating her as his gentle hands explored her with the wash rag. He had just been so fierce and controlling, so deliciously dominating, and now he was being soft, smooth, and tender with her. Another girl might not have liked that. Another girl might have thought he was bipolar or something, but she thought it was amazing. "'re amazing," she cooed back at him, going up on her tiptoes and pecking him gently on the lips. She loved the feel of his lips against hers. It felt so right. She smiled gently at him and then went back down on her flat feet, turning around like he'd asked her to. She wanted to be able to spend the night with him, to sleep with him like real lovers did. But she knew she couldn't do that.
Brendan closed his eyes and accepted her kiss, stealing a glance at her pretty body, shiny and slick from the soap being freshly washed away. His fingers slid behind her ear, his other hand grasping her back, drawing her into him again for a few seconds before pushing her away gently. Every time he held her, he felt like he wanted to stay that way forever. He felt like by holding her, he could take away, or at least share, some of the pain from her troubled life. Brendan felt as if he were absorbing some of the pain and callous from growing up in the ghetto, from the humiliation of imprisonment, the rape she'd experienced, and the pain and abuse she'd been through, some even at his hands. And he wanted to take it all from her, even though he knew that wasn't possible. But holding her made it seem so.

Once she'd turned around, he repeated his process on her back, sliding the cloth and up and down, making long strokes on either side of her spine, trying to massage with his fingers at the same time, pressing his thumbs in little paths just next to her spine. Finally soaping up the rest with side-to-side motions, he knelt down, rubbing her bottom softly, soaping it up, and then reaching around to her front with one hand, slid the cloth between her legs, still careful to avoid her piercing. He cleaned that by moving his finger around it gently, sliding some soap into the area. Finally, he rubbed the cloth up and down her strong, but cute legs. He was sorry the little game was over. He had been taking his time not only to get to know the body of the one he loved, but to delay her return to her cell for the night. "You're all cleaned up, Elsa," he whispered to her as he stood up, and spread some of the clean, warm water around her body to wash off the soap, letting his hands wrap around the front of her and linger on her breasts playfully for a moment, as he kissed the back of her neck again.

((Sorry it's so long, wanted to get it moving a little bit))
When he was finally finished cleaning her she turned around to face him slowly. The last of the soap was just sliding off of her when her eyes connected with his. She smiled softly and kissed his lips gently, lingering there a second longer than she had first thought she would. When she pulled away her eyes were bright and sparkly, something she would have to wipe away the moment they left the shower room. "Thank you, Brendan," she whispered softly. "I've never let anyone wash me before. But that was quite nice," she giggled again and rubbed her nose against his, an eskimo kiss.

Then she stepped away from the shower and over to the towels. She dried herself off as thoroughly as she could, toweling her hair dry as well. Then she began to redress, gathering her clothing from across the room where she'd flung it before. She didn't want to get dressed. It meant that she was a prisoner again, but she knew she had to. Once she was finished she smiled at him softly, knowingly. "Do you need to punish me again today? I...I understand if you do. Maybe...maybe you should do more physical ones."
Brendan enjoyed the closeness with Elsa, sharing one last tight embrace and returning her eskimo kiss. "I have to be honest," he whispered back. "I've never washed anyone before. But I'm glad it was you. Your body is wonderful, Elsa. I would have liked it, no matter what it's like, because it's a part of you. But it really is... just very cute," he concluded, giving her one last nuzzle. As Elsa walked away and got dressed, Brendan quickly rinsed himself off, kneading some water through his hair, before grabbing a towel himself and drying off. He saw some of the luster leave her eyes as she put the uniform on, a reminder of her status here. Pulling on his clothes, he cornered her in the side of the shower area, rubbing the top of her shoulders over her uniform top, hoping he could comfort her a little.

"Not tonight," he answered. Reading her smile, he was glad to see she understood that some more punishments were necessary. "And I wish I didn't have to at all. But tomorrow, it can't be helped," he added with a sigh. He knew that if he continued to spare her, he'd be gone quickly, and things would be worse for both of them. "Let's head down to your cell, Elsa. Don't think about tomorrow too much. This will all be over soon enough." Leaving the shower room, he led Elsa towards her cell for the night, thinking about all the things they could do together if only they were free together. They could have a cup of coffee together, go for a car ride, snuggle up on the couch, hang out in the bookstore, go bowling, whatever they wanted. The list of things his mind wandered to as they walked back was endless. "This was probably the best day of my life," he whispered to her as they approached the cell. "Because I got to connect with you," he added, stopping and looking at her for a moment before making the last turn into her cell block. "Even though I know no day here could be called a good day for you. And I'm sorry about that," he sighed.
She'd been called cute by other men before and had hated it. Cute? Cute? What was that? Like a level down from hot and sexy? She'd thought it was belittling, like she wasn't good enough to be hot or something. But when Brendan called her cute, she loved it. Cute meant something entirely different with him, though she couldn't exactly identify what it was. She nodded, understanding completely that he had to punish her the next day. She knew that. Much as she didn't want to know that, she did, and she tried her best to accept the fact without getting upset about it. She actually thought physical punishments might be easier for her to handle than sexual ones. A bruise would fade, a cut would close, a break would heal. But sexual punishments lasted.

As they left the shower room she wiped every ounce of happiness off of her face. She even gave in to the pain she was feeling in her ass and allowed herself to limp a little. She didn't know if anyone was watching, but she was doing it for him. She wasn't faking it either, there was some pain there, just not as much as she was making it seem. She stole a glance at him before they turned the corner to her block, "Every second I spend with you is good. Even if it's a bad moment," and then she prepared to sleep in her cell, like a normal prisoner.
Sliding open the door, Brendan guided her into the cell with his hand on her back, more to share one last touch with her than to force her in or anything of that nature. But if any of the other inmates were watching, it might have at least looked like a small shove. He closed the door without a word, making a loud thud once it shut, as if to symbolize the finality of their farewell for the day, their inability to actually spend the night together, even though that is exactly what each of them wanted to do.

Going home, Brendan ignored a text message on his cell from a college friend who was evidently organizing a night out at a club. He did pick up a call from his mother, who wanted to remind him about some cousin's out-of-town wedding the next month. He more or less vegged out for the night, his mind drifting to the Center and his need to make a choice of punishments tomorrow, knowing he'd be under scrutiny from the warden. Falling asleep on the couch with the baseball game in the background, he slept well until the next morning, when he got ready, and headed back to the Center. He walked past Elsa's cell before doing anything else, eager to get even a glimpse of her. Banging on the cell grates, he stooped down near the ground. "Okay, inmate. Bra and panties is going to be your uniform today. Fold up your other clothes, and I'll be back for you," he shouted. Quickly, he slid a wrapped bagel and cream cheese under her blanket, throwing a smile in her direction, before walking off. He had scrawled a note on the bagel wrapper in magic marker. "So my baby gets her day off to a good start. And Beautiful- don't let anyone see the bagel."
Elsa slept relatively uneventfully, as was expected. She rolled over on her cot and slept facing the wall, curling up her body as much as she could so that she'd fit under the small blanket. She slept through the entire night, not waking once (unlike she'd awakened so many times right after the rape by Carlos). She heard Brendan bang on her cell bars. She groaned in protest like any other inmate would, rolling over only to reach down under the blanket and grab the bagel. Then she rolled back towards the wall and stuffed her face into the pillow. She knew he'd give her ten minutes, all she needed to eat the bagel with her face stuff into the pillow. She read his note and giggled. She ripped it up into very tiny pieces and placed it in a little pile next to her. Once all evidence of the bagel was gone she got up with the pile and went over to the toilet in her cell. She peed and dropped the pieces in, flushing it all down together.

Then she took her pants off, folding them on the bed. Her shirt came off next and she folded it next to the pants. She took off her socks as well, her sneakers under the cot. She felt a little fidgety in just the bra and panties, but she knew why he was doing it. She sat on the edge of her cot and waited for him to show up.
After going to his office and checking his emails, making a cup of coffee, and straightening up, he took a deep breath, brushed his hair back nervously with his hands, and opened the door, briskly walking down to Elsa's cell. He knew what he had to do, and he'd done it time and again with various inmates, but this was a bit more difficult. "Let's go," he shouted, clapping his hands as he swung the cell door open. Grabbing Elsa by the elbow, he yanked her out of the cell. "We've got a busy day ahead of us." The whole way to the punishment room, there seemed to be activity in the halls, so he couldn't really break character.

Finally arriving there, he changed the sign to 'in use' and headed in. Alone at last with Elsa, he pushed her briskly up against the wall and kissed her long and hard, rubbing his hands around the back of her head. "We've only got a minute, baby," he breathed. "I have to turn on the camera, and the warden will be watching. I'm sorry for what I've got to do to you," he whispered, leaning in, and giving her one last kiss. He savored the lovely, warm taste of her lips a little, before walking over to a tiny camera in the wall, one that could have easily gone unnoticed, and flipping a switch. "Stand here in front of me and face me," he demanded loudly. "Hands behind your head. And stop complaining about how you haven't had breakfast, or there won't be lunch or dinner either." He wondered if his act was believable as he looked towards her, waiting for Elsa to comply.
Elsa frowned at Brendan when he came into her cell and yanked up by the elbow. She stumbled along, following him through the halls. A couple of times she thought of asking him to slow down, but she knew he would want to slow down for her and that might get him in trouble, so she just kept her mouth shut though. She made sure she let herself glare at him though, and she was genuinely unhappy that he was dragging her through the halls, like any inmate would be.

Once they were in the punishment room and he slammed her back against the wall with passion she kissed him back eagerly, yearning to wrap herself around him. But she knew she couldn't do that. She again had the urge to tell him that she loved him, but she knew that this was the absolute wrong time to do that. Once the camera was switched on she slunk against the wall and she held a frown on her face. When he ordered her to move she did so, but slowly. She tried to look a little timid too, she didn't want her mannerisms to be too different that the warden would notice. She stood there in front of Brendan and faced him and put her hands behind her head, but they weren't as uniform or crisp as they could be. She gave him a glance that said she was apathetic.
Brendan stared at Elsa as coldly as he could, reaching under a counter to where all his 'tools' could be found. "You've got quite a day of punishment in store today, Elsa," he said coldly. "Today, you'll earn that reduction in your sentence." Lifting up a blindfold, he wrapped the thick black square tightly over Elsa's eyes, and clasped it behind her head. He knew that blindfolds were one of the warden's favorite 'accessories'. It made the inmate completely unsure and unprepared for what was coming.

Once it was secured in place, and without another word, Brendan placed his arms on her shoulders, and pushed Elsa back towards one of the tables with restraints for her hands and feet. The blindfold, he thought, was an easy way out for him as well, since he couldn't see the feeling in her eyes as he administered the punishments. Backing her onto the table, he lifted up her legs and pushed her body back along the table. Next, he closed the three straps over each arm as she lay on her back, and locked the metal cuffs around her ankles, on the overhang designed for the inmate's feet. Pushing a button that raised her feet up, he stopped once the soles of her feet faced him at chest level. "Are you ready to begin?" he called out to Elsa, picking up a thick leather strap.
Elsa's blood ran cold when Brendan lifted up the blindfold and tied it around her head, covering her eyes completely. And the cloth was black, so it wasn't even like she could hope to be able to see through it. She knew that the blindfold would probably win Brendan points with the warden, but it terrified her. It made the punishments that were coming all the worse because she had no idea what they were going to be. At least when she could see she could try to prepare herself for what was going to happen to her. Now she was completely vulnerable...just the way the warden liked it.

She stumbled when he pushed her backwards. He was being really rough. She'd expected roughness, but her heart was already racing in anticipation and fear, making everything he did seem worse to her. Her butt hit the table behind her and she fell back onto it, wriggling a little bit once she was on it. Before she knew it he was restraining her, clasping her arms and legs in with multiple restraints. She whimpered softly, real fear escaping her mouth. She wriggled more when she felt her legs being lifted up until her feet were fairly high. She was breathing heavily now. She didn't even bother to answer him when he asked her if she was ready, as she had no idea what to say.
Brendan's heart was beating almost out of his chest as he faced his vulnerable lover. He picked up a leather strap, and turned to her. He knew he had to start, whether she admitted to being ready or not. With labored breaths, he wound up, flinched, and then stopped himself. Yes, he had punished Elsa before, even after having feelings for her. But this was the first time that he was obligated to act so inhumanely towards her after he knew that he loved her. Brendan knew that she'd admitted to him that she wouldn't begrudge him the punishments he needed to dole out. But that didn't make it easy. His heart asked him how she could return his love after he'd beaten her? It would be better to lose his job, he thought, than perform an act which would cause her to feel rage in her heart for him. As he watched her wriggle and squirm on the table, it brought to mind how she'd done so while they were making love, expressing their devotion to each other in the most beautiful way possible. And now, here she was, squirming in pure dread of him.

Pulling the strap back again, he beat down the overwhelming desire to loose Elsa, embrace her, and blurt out how much he loved her. He didn't care about his job, but he restrained himself for her sake. He didn't want to imagine what might happen to her, should certain truths be discovered. The strap he had selected was a thinner leather strap than had been used before, one designed for aiming at smaller targets. Winding back again, he let it fall hand on the sensitive sole of her foot, making a loud thwack as it did. Taking a deep, sad breath, he struck it again, and then two on the other side. Part of the reason the blindfold was used, however, was to keep the inmate guessing. So the next two strokes hit hard on the back of Elsa's raised thigh, just where her white underwear stopped covering her pure, wonderful, milky skin. Watching the skin jiggle from the hard impact, he would have found it impossible to continue, were it not for the knowledge the warden was watching. Forcing himself to tune out Elsa's reactions, he resolved himself to continue, striking a new spot on her thigh with each stroke. He couldn't believe the logic; that he was doing this for her sake.
Elsa had absolutely no idea what he was about to do to her until the felt the hard thwack of the leather strap on the sole of her foot. The muscles in her body tensed and she whimpered, her hands balling up into tight fists. She tilted her head back but caught the deeper cry of pain that wanted to come out. She curled her toes to try to control herself too, so opposite of when her toes curled in orgasm. Then the leather strap hit her sole again and she held her breath to stop from crying out in pain. Her face began to turn red and she had to release her breath and gasp for more. She didn't know what she'd expected him to do to her, but this wasn't it.

She tried to get through the other hits on her feet in the same way, but when the strap fell on the skin of her thighs it was much more difficult to hide the pain. Her mouth dropped open and she whined in pain, her fingernails digging into the palm of her hand from her balled up fists. She kept convincing herself, though, that this was for the greater good. That these bruises and welts would heal. Nothing was permanent.
Brendan groaned inside when she curled her toes and writhed in pain before him. But, not letting anything show on his face, he made it through the strapping. He could see enough of the pain on Elsa's face to cut at him, even without being able to see her eyes. Now that the first phase of the punishment was complete, he had to move on to the second. Approaching Elsa's position, he took out what looked like four bandages in little wrappers. Unwrapping them, he taped one to each of Elsa's inner thighs, and then placed the other two on her upper stomach. They were remotely controlled electrodes, not powerful enough to injure, but enough to be cause quite a bit of pain to the unfortunate inmate who wore them.

Once that was done, Brendan began unstrapping Elsa. Grabbing her hand with his once finished, he pulled up at her. "You can get up now. We have a little game to play for your next form of punishment," he growled, trying to sound as cruel as possible. Still blindfolded, she couldn't know what had been attached to her pretty skin. "Stand up with your arms straight out from your body," he directed her. "I'm going to put weights in your hands, and you'll have to hold them up. There'll be a negative reinforcement each time you let your hands fall," he finished coldly.
Elsa was beginning to think that choosing physical punishment over sexual punishment was a bad idea. She'd thought she'd be able to handle this easier, she'd been beaten plenty of times in her life, but until now she'd forgotten just how horrible being beaten really was. There was no relief when Brendan unstrapped her, she knew there was more. When he pulled her up and her feet hit the ground she cried out, her feet stinging and burning from the strapping she'd just received, her legs begging to buckle from the pain in her thighs. She stood up as best she could, but she knew she was lilting at least a little bit.

She tried to breathe deeply and steadily so that she wouldn't pass out. She raised her arms out straight in front of her body, her hands trembling a little bit. She had no idea how long this would last, either. Would she even be able to walk when he was done punishing her?
As she wobbled and wavered, Brendan almost wished he'd chosen a different form of punishment for Elsa. Of course, he wouldn't get turned on by punishing her sexually; denying her orgasm or torturing her nipples or something. At least, that's what he told himself. But looking on at her sorry physical state, he wondered if she could withstand much more. It was too late, however, to change anything, given that the warden would have already overheard. Bending over and picking up two barbell weights of five pounds each, he placed them in her hands, holding onto them until she was able to feel for them and grasp at them.

"Your arms will need to be all the way out, inmate. No bending of the elbows, and no letting the weights down. If you do one of those things, you'll be punished, and have to start again after a two minute break." Brendan grabbed the remote for the electrodes, and sat down in a chair out of the camera's angle, resting his head in his hands. This 'game' was an invention of the cruel warden herself, and he had heard that most inmates would prefer a beating than a session of this sort. He gazed over at his tortured, gorgeous girl, and tried to will the strength into her to be able to hold out.
Elsa whimpered softly and involuntarily when she felt the weights. She grasped them as she knew she had to, her arms still trembling. Five pound weights were nothing, usually. Except now she could hardly stand up straight and she had to keep her arms locked. She wavered a couple of times but managed to keep strong for awhile. He said she'd have to start over after a two-minute break, but he didn't say how long she had to keep her arms out. She bit her lip in frustration and terror as she felt her arms wavering more. She wasn't going to be able to hold it for much longer.

Her heart beat sped up crazily as her arms trembled harder and harder. And then it happened. Her elbow gave out and bent, her hand dropping some. She cried out in horror, aware that she'd just bought herself worse punishment. She tried to lift up the weight again and did it, but her arm was damn near shaking uncontrollably.
Brendan looked on with despair as Elsa finally let the weight drop down. Knowing what he had to do, he pushed his button, letting the electricity course through her body. He almost felt worse about blindsiding her with the punishment, than for doing it in the first place. "Okay, two minutes until you take the position again," he shouted out. Looking around, as if someone might be there watching, he edged over near Elsa's quivering body, and took her right hand and caressed it comfortingly, out of the camera's range, or so he thought.

No more than five seconds had passed, before his phone rang. Nervously picking up, he was devastated to hear the warden's icy voice on the other end. "Tidy up that room, and leave her locked in it. Come up here right now to see me," the voice rasped on the other end. "But, what's the problem, ma'am?" he protested. "Just get up here," she reiterated. Gulping, Brendan looked over at Elsa. His heart sank as he imagined what her fate might be. He had let her down, he suspected, by his lack of self-restraint.
Elsa screamed as the electricity coursed through her body, every tendon and ligament going taught. When it finally stopped her body twitched and quivered, her mind completely fried. For a few moments, she had no idea what had happened. She felt as if some horrible snake had just riveted through her veins and then clamped its ugly teeth down on her heart, sending her into an oblivion of pain. Her body twitched for a few seconds more before her heart rate finally slowed to an almost-normal pace. That was when she felt Brendan's hand. And then she heard the phone ring.

She whimpered as she heard him speak on the phone, the resignation in his voice. Then she heard the door open and close, and he was gone. She didn't know what to do. She dropped the five pound weights, unable to even hold them down at her side anymore. She shivered and stumbled backwards, her butt hitting the edge of the table. What could she possibly do now?
Brendan's heart pounded as he put away the instruments and tidied up the room. He knew it might be the last time he would see Elsa for months, or maybe ever. He'd certainly search her out after all this hell was through, but it was no guarantee that she'd want to be found by him. He didn't want to leave, either, without letting her know how he felt. But at the same time, he couldn't blurt out 'I love you' or something, just in case he might still be able to save his job. Rummaging through his pockets, he found his barber's business card, and took out a pen.

"I'm sorry, Elsa," he wrote on the card. "Stay strong. The course of true love never did run smooth." Knowing she'd probably take her blindfold off when he left, Brendan dropped it at her feet, a location he was sure was off-camera. Locking the door, and walking to the warden's office, his heart pounded. He hoped Elsa got to read his note. He felt that the line he wrote was more meaningful than simply 'I love you', especially given their situation. He had been surprised that Elsa liked books, even being from the ghetto, so thought she might know what it meant. But even if not, he could always explain it when she got out, when they would hopefully be free do to whatever they wanted together. But now, he had other things to think about, as he knocked on the warden's door. When he saw two large security officers inside with her, he knew he was cooked. "You're done, Brendan, you loser," she taunted him. "Losing a good job for some street whore. Pathetic.". With that, Brendan turned and allowed the enforcers to lead him out, now only a civilian.
Elsa waited a few minutes before she took the blindfold off. A part of her had thought that he'd be right back, that the warden just wanted to tell him to do something else to her. But she realized he wasn't coming back. The warden had undoubtedly seen him touch her hand. What else did she know about them? Everything? Nothing? She looked down at the floor and sighed, seeing the card there. She read the words and got a catch in her throat. True love. So he did love her. That made her heart soar, even though she knew that the rest of her time here at The Center was going to be hell on earth now that Brendan was gone.

(Sorry, short!)
Brendan headed home, completely ashamed and dejected. If he had been fired for taking a stand for something, he could live with himself. But getting fired for being careless- it was just embarassing. He fell face down into his bed, a position he would stay in for the rest of the day. He didn't have the heart to tell his friends, his mother, or anyone. He didn't know how he'd pay the rent, and for the moment, he didn't care.

The warden, meanwhile, had summoned Ryan into her office. A tall, handsome guy of thirty-two years old, he had a dirty blond crew-cut, and a big barrel chest. Alone in her office, the warden leaned up and kissed him, giving him a disgusting squeeze on his fit ass. "I have a new assignment for you, Ryan," she rasped at him. "Bring her here from punishment room J. I think I'll let you have some fun with her," the warden added suggestively. "And no need to be gentle with her." Scurrying down, Ryan flung open the door to the room Elsa was in. "Come with me," he barked, grabbing her elbow. "Or even better," he thought out loud, "I'll lead you." Whipping out a leash from under one of the tables, he yanked down Elsa's panties, reaching in and attaching the leash to the surprised girl's lower piercing. "Now, come with me," he barked, tugging at it, pulling at her sensitive skin a little.
Elsa jumped when the door to the punishment room flew open. A giant man came barreling in, racing towards her. She cringed when he grabbed her elbow, her mouth dropping open in surprise. She was going to go with him willingly, despite her state of dress, until he suddenly let go of her elbow and yanked her panties down, revealing her pussy to him. She screeched when he did that and tried to kick him, but before she knew it he'd already attached a leash to her clit piercing and was pulling on it.

She was more confused than anything else, though embarrassment was slowly taking over her. She shook her head at him, "What? Who are you?" but it was obvious enough that he was a CO. Much as she didn't want to follow him, especially since he was pulling her by her clit essentially (how had he even known she was pierced there?), she also knew that she had to. She took a couple of timid steps towards him, mostly to keep him from pulling the piercing too hard. Then she resigned herself and just followed him, glancing behind her to see her panties laying there on the floor.
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