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The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Elsa both loved and hated this about Carlos. She hated the fact that her doing this to herself wasn't exactly mutual agreement. He'd told her to do it and threatened not to feed her if she didn't. She loved the fact that he was kinky, though. She wasn't sure if Brendan would ever tell (or ask) her to screw herself with a vegetable. Her hips ground up slowly, working her clit into her fingers as she continued to work the cuke in and out. And then her entire body seemed to freeze, her pussy muscles squeezing the veggie for all it was worth, and then she came, her eyes squeezing shut and a passionate moan escaping her.
Carlos took in a deep breath and slapped her butt again as she came, her juices flooding around the cucumber. "You squeezing the shit out'a that," he snickered loudly as she closed her eyes and came. As she was climaxing, Carlos reached down and extracted the cuke from her opening, and before she even opened her eyes, shoved it between her open, moaning lips. "Oh yeah, taste that pussy juice," he taunted, loving this whole kinky game. "Then you can have some real food," he offered with a grin.
Elsa was taken completely by surprise when he snatched the cucumber out of her and shoved it into her moaning mouth. Her eyes flew open in surprise, but her lips had naturally wrapped around the cucumber and started to suck it like she would suck a cock. Carlos certainly didn't waste any time turning her back into his submissive little bitch, did he? She sucked all of the pussy juice off of the cucumber and then rested her head back against the seat of the couch, finished. Her work wasn't done though, she was pretty sure she would have to cook for him now.
Carlos finished watching her suck the veggie, and then licked his lips, deciding to give Elsa a little token of approval, leaning over, pressing his hand down on the couch and kissing Elsa's neck as he patted her forehead. Once he pulled away, he tossed her panties to her from the floor and headed into the kitchen, where he opened the fridge again. This time though, he wasn't looking for anything exotic to fuck her with. "I got a loaded kitchen, mama," he announced, having sent Alex to shop for him the previous day. "I got everything you need to make me some nice arroz con salchichas," he told her. "You make that shit real good."
She did appreciate it when he leaned down and kissed her neck. He could be really affectionate sometimes and he knew that it melted her heart for him. She sat up and caught the panties when he tossed them to her. She pulled them on and figured that since that was the only thing he'd tossed at her, that was the only thing he wanted her to wear. She supposed the same rules for cleaning applied for cooking. So she stood up and padded into the kitchen, wrapping her arms around him from behind and taking a deep whiff of his smell. "Mmm. I'm glad you like it when I make that." she murmured, unwrapping her arms from him. "Am I allowed to cook alone, or do you want to watch?" she teased.
Carlos has his boxers and sleeveless beater top on now, and took a deep breath as Elsa touched him. She had a way of wrapping her arms around him that was loving, sensual, and devoted all at the same time. He thought she might put on a bra too before cooking, but he wasn't going to complain about her doing so in panties only. That was a sexy way to cook, no bones about it. He went over to the fridge and got himself a beer, and also found Elsa's wine glass and poured her a fresh glass for while she was cooking. "If that's how you gonna look, I think I might want to watch while you work your magic in the kitchen," he answered with a grin. He walked back over and set down the wine glass for her, took a swig of beer, and kissed behind her neck, taking a deep breath from her hair. He'd truly missed having his sexy mamita at home all this time.
She giggled at him when he told her that he wanted to watch her make her magic in the kitchen. She took a deep sip of the second glass of wine when he handed it to her, feeling the familiar warmth wash down into her. It felt nice and kept her loose, kept her from being worried about cooking less than half dressed. She walked over to the counter and pulled out everything that she needed to make Carlos' dinner. She hummed as she set about doing it, shaking her ass every now and then just to be silly. The wine was really making her into Carlos' girl, which made her feel a little bad when she thought of Brendan.
Carlos leaned casually against the counter as she started cooking, happy to see her so loosened up, whether it was from the wine, or something else. The ass shaking was both silly and sexy at the same time, and only made him want some more of Elsa after dinner, which he was probably going to pursue, since she was only here for the one night this time. He was sure the arrangements would change in his favor, though. "You like it a lot when we fuck, don't you?" Carlos asked contemplatively, walking up to her and rubbing her shoulders, pressing his body against her a little by the stove. It was a tiny bit of progress on his part to discuss sex with Elsa. Usually, he just liked to screw, and not talk about it other times.
Elsa was taken a little off guard when he asked her if she liked it a lot when they screwed. She did like it a lot, but she knew that telling him that probably wasn't the best thing if she wanted to remain independent from him. She also knew, though, that telling him that she didn't like it wasn't anything good. So while she was chopping vegetables and dropping them in the pot with the salchichas in it she turned and looked at him as he pressed her against the stove. "Yeah, I do." she said softly, unsure of whether or not he wanted her to elaborate.
Carlos thought about her simple answer, and knew of course, that she wouldn't say otherwise. But he thought she really did like it, which made him wonder why she wasn't more enthusiastic about it. He ran his hands gently around her stomach and then back, squeezing lightly at her soft ass. "You didn't sound like you meant it," he responded. "I think you kinda like it when you had a veggie shoved in your cunt," he proposed. "Not to mention my dick. I don't think most girls would like that shit bein' stuffed up there. Why you like it so much? Or you just pretendin'?"
She started to squirm when he questioned her. She felt comfortable discussing sex with Brendan, it was something they did all the time. They told each other what they did and didn't like and they made the best out of it. With Carlos, though, she did whatever he told her to do regardless of whether or not she liked it. Her face flushed when he mentioned the veggie and thankfully she had to move away a little to pour the rice onto two plates. She sort of liked that he was groping her ass while she was cooking, but at the same time she felt intruded upon. "I...I kind of liked it," she muttered self-consciously, feeling weird about admitting that fact to him. "I love your dick, but...objects is new to me. It wasn't bad though, not at all."
Carlos thought he would like talking about sex. At least that's why he gave it a try. But once they were actually doing it, he found that he was a man more inclined to action than this kind of thing. "Oh," he commented, his way of dropping the subject, and took another sip of his beer. Once the food was ready, Carlos actually went and grabbed her bra from the living room, and tossed it to her before she sat down. "You can wear this," he told her, finding it odd for her to eat topless, even though he liked her to cook that way. Besides, it would be more fun to take it back off later. He asked Elsa for another beer, and popped the second one open as he started eating. The food was delicious, and he made sure to tell Elsa. She hadn't missed a beat. After he'd cleaned off every scrap of meat and rice, they sprawled out on the couch and watched a little TV. Before long, once his food digested a little, Carlos found his hands wandering up along her thighs. "How you feelin', mama," he asked her with a little smirk.
Elsa was very glad when Carlos dropped the subject. She dutifully paraded around in her bra and panties for him, getting his beers, eating, and then cleaning up afterwards. When they were sprawled out on the couch she snuggled up to him and closed her eyes, not really paying much attention to the TV. She opened her eyes when he started to feel at her though, giving him a little bit of an anxious look. "I feel okay," she murmured, but truthfully she really didn't want to screw around again. He'd already made her cum three times.
Carlos could tell that Elsa wasn't as much in the mood as usual. He did fairly wear her out earlier, but he'd only been able to cum once. So considering he'd been deprived for a while, and she'd probably want to run off and see Gui in the morning, he decided he needed some more Elsa time. "I'm gonna go upstairs. It's gettin' close to bed time," he told her with a snicker. It was only nine thirty, so it was clear that he didn't mean time to sleep. "Why don't you come up in a minute and see your baby daddy?" he suggested, squeezing at her cushiony thigh again, but closer to her waist. He gave her a swift kiss on the lips and then popped up, disappearing up the stairs.
It was a little bit suspicious that he wanted to run upstairs before her. Usually he liked it when she was all naked and spread for him when he came upstairs so that he didn't have to do any waiting. It seemed to be the exact opposite this time. She nodded though when he kissed her and ran away, laying there on the couch for a couple of seconds before she moved. She could still feel his hands squeezing at her thighs and she could only imagine what he had planned for her now. So after what she thought was a minute she hopped up and made her way up the stairs to the bedroom.
Carlos was laying sprawled out on the bed when she got there, on his side with his hand supporting his head, smirking at Elsa. He'd even turned out the lights and lit a couple of candles. He wasn't really feeling especially romantic, but he kind of liked the effect that lighting had on Elsa's body. Besides, he was thinking of pushing her limits tonight, so he thought it might help to better her mood. Still wearing his boxers and beater top, he beckoned her to join him in bed. "Come in bed with me, sugar," he said in his deepest of voices, patting the bed and smiling, showing his white teeth bathed in the candlelight.
Elsa had to admit that the romantic air to the room softened her feelings on screwing around again. Her face flushed a little and she smiled at him, sauntering through the room and climbing up onto the bed next to him. She crawled over to him and laid down next to him, staring into his eyes for a couple of moments. "You look sexy in the candle light," she murmured to him, leaning in to give him a soft kiss.
Carlos kept his eyes fixed on her as she climbed into bed, grabbing her by the rear of the thigh and pulilng her closer to him, the yellow light casting shadows on her pale thighs, arms, and stomach. "You look sexy all the time, sugar," he answered. "But 'specially now." He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, taking in her nice taste. "I think there's some more fun to be had today," he teased. "Suddenly, I don't feel like sleepin'," he continued, although of course, he'd never planned that. "I wanna make sure you really trust me, like you said," he informed her with a grin, teasing at her hair with his fingers.
Carlos could definitely make her feel good about herself sometimes. For as bad as he made her feel other times, the goodness surpassed it every time. She pressed herself up against him when he grabbed her and yanked on her, giving him a couple more soft kisses as he teased her hair. "Oh? You don't wanna sleep?" she giggled, licking his lips a little playfully, "I do trust you, baby," she murmured, stupidly clueless as to what he was insinuating.
"Nah, I just ain't tired enough," he told her with a knowing snicker. He bit playfully at her lip as she licked him, running his hand along her back and sliding it down underneath her panties. He rubbed over her ass a little before starting to tug down on the underwear. "You trust me enough to give your body over to me, mama?" he asked her softly. "To do what I want with?" he continued, grinding slowly up against her, pressing his hardening cock up along her stomach and waist through his shorts, looking into her eyes as he got her panties down off her waist.
She swallowed a little uneasily when he asked her to giver her body over to him. That sounded so sketchy, but the way he was acting right now rendered her almost helpless. How could she possibly say no to him when he was being so sweet to her? She lifted herself up a little when he started to roll down her panties, feeling his hardening cock press against her. She nodded again, still looking into his eyes. "Yeah daddy," she murmured, still giving him gentle kisses of affection. "You can do...anything you want to me,"
"Good girl," he said proudly, kissing her once more on the lips before he started getting her body in the position he wanted. He rolled her over so she was on her stomach. "Get on your hands and knees," he told her. "But no face down in the pillows. I want you to answer me when I talk," he explained. He knelt behind her and stuck his finger between her legs, playing with her pussy a little bit. "Start playin' with yourself now," he ordered, waiting for her to reach her hand back between her legs and masturbate under her body.
Elsa had a tiny glimmer of hope when he told her to play with herself. Maybe that was all this was going to be, that he wasn't going to shove himself up her ass again. She got up on her knees and rested on arm down, spreading her legs open and keeping her head up as she reached her other arm down in between her legs. She started to rub her clit gently and found that it was still slightly swollen from a couple of hours ago. She heaved a little sigh and tried to do what she knew worked the best for her, hoping that maybe she would have more pleasure than pain this time.
Carlos knelt behind her and just watched and massaged her butt and thighs for a while as she got herself going. "Spread your legs wider," he told her, prodding them in that direction. He wanted to watch as her hand pleasured her womanhood. He reached behind him next, Elsa unable to see, and pulled out a plastic bag with a new, shiny dildo he'd bought. It was rather thin, and after he tried to quietly get it ready, he poured some lubricant onto in from a small bottle. "How you feel?" he asked her, just before pressing it up against her anal bud.
She dutifully spread her legs open wider, her pussy and ass presented fully to him now. She continued to rub at her clit, reaching down further to press one finger inside of herself a little bit. She whimpered when she felt him press the dildo against her anal bud, her face turning red even though he couldn't see it. "I...I..." she stammered, wanting to tell him how badly she didn't want him to put anything in her ass, "I'm...okay."
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