Brendan couldn't resist Elsa's kiss one iota. He closed his eyes, pulled her body a little closer, and pressed his lips against hers, easily matching her intensity. He squeezed her tighter for a moment, and then held her shoulders at arm's length when she told him she loved him. "I love you too, baby," he answered, before turning and leaving the room quickly before she could melt him any more.
His next stop was at Carlos' house, where he got no answer. He knew where Carlos hung out, but wasn't crazy about going down there with all his cronies. In that setting, he was likely to only be interested in showing his superiority over Brendan. But now was the time to take care of this. His relationship with his future wife was on the line. So he headed the few blocks to the cantina, stepped inside, where he was front and center in before Carlos, sitting at a table and drinking beer with Luis and two guys he'd never seen before.
"I didn't know if you'd show," Carlos said with a snicker. "Sit down," he offered. Brendan folded his arms, trying his best to be firm without showing Carlos up in front of his friends. "I'll be right outside if you want to talk to me," Brendan said, motioning out to the street. He stepped outside, and to his slight surprise, saw Carlos coming out alone a moment later.
"Hey," Brendan started. "I'm glad you're able to help Gui. It means a lot to Elsa."
Carlos sneered back at him, getting right up in Brendan's face. "Fuck you," he spewed. "You know what it means if I help her? It means our deal is off," he told Brendan, waving a finger in his face.
"Fine, the deal's off," Brendan agreed. "But let her decide where she wants to live. No more games. Or else we can just take the evidence to the police and let the chips fall where they may," he added, using basically his only bargaining chip.
Carlos laughed. "Yeah, okay," he agreed, sticking out his hand to shake on it. Brendan knew better than to trust Carlos' word, but that was the best he bargain for now. Brendan shook his hand. "But if I get hear you're forcing Elsa, I swear, I'll turn you in, and fuck it if I lose Elsa or if I live or die," Brendan insisted, doing his best to act tough with his counterpart. Before Carlos could think of anything else to say, Brendan was around the corner and on his way back to the hospital.