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The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Elsa felt like her heart was going to jump out of her throat when he told her that he didn't think he could face her as a man again. She shot up out of her chair and almost attacked him, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. "No!" she screeched, her heart ripping in two. She felt a required devotion to Carlos, but she felt an undying love for Brendan. "You can't do that," she whimpered desperately, "You can't disappear. You can't. I can't live without you."
Brendan took a deep sigh and studied every nuance of Elsa's expression. This was the woman he loved. There wasn't a shadow of a doubt about it. He loved her with all his heart. But here was the same problem that had reared its ugly head before; Elsa fucking Carlos. He couldn't wrap his mind around it and swallow his pride when they were dating, and he certainly couldn't do it now that they were planning to marry. He wrapped his arms tightly around Elsa, still fearing it might be the final time, even with as burning of a love as he felt inside for her. "But how can you ever respect me after I practically pimp you out to another man because I can't afford to support you and your baby?" he pointed out, before pulling away from her. "I really have to go talk to him."
Elsa's face twisted into anger when Brendan questioned her ability to respect him. "What are you talking about?" she almost growled, her face turning red from anger. "I always respect you. I have never lost respect for you. I love you. I have never loved Carlos, ever. Only you, baby, only you. You're the only one for me, and I know that. just Carlos. He's not you." she leaned up and gave him a hard and forceful kiss, not caring if he didn't want it. Then her kiss softened and she melted into him a little bit. Elsa pulled away slowly and then patted his chest, "But go talk to him. I love you."
Brendan couldn't resist Elsa's kiss one iota. He closed his eyes, pulled her body a little closer, and pressed his lips against hers, easily matching her intensity. He squeezed her tighter for a moment, and then held her shoulders at arm's length when she told him she loved him. "I love you too, baby," he answered, before turning and leaving the room quickly before she could melt him any more.

His next stop was at Carlos' house, where he got no answer. He knew where Carlos hung out, but wasn't crazy about going down there with all his cronies. In that setting, he was likely to only be interested in showing his superiority over Brendan. But now was the time to take care of this. His relationship with his future wife was on the line. So he headed the few blocks to the cantina, stepped inside, where he was front and center in before Carlos, sitting at a table and drinking beer with Luis and two guys he'd never seen before.

"I didn't know if you'd show," Carlos said with a snicker. "Sit down," he offered. Brendan folded his arms, trying his best to be firm without showing Carlos up in front of his friends. "I'll be right outside if you want to talk to me," Brendan said, motioning out to the street. He stepped outside, and to his slight surprise, saw Carlos coming out alone a moment later.

"Hey," Brendan started. "I'm glad you're able to help Gui. It means a lot to Elsa."

Carlos sneered back at him, getting right up in Brendan's face. "Fuck you," he spewed. "You know what it means if I help her? It means our deal is off," he told Brendan, waving a finger in his face.

"Fine, the deal's off," Brendan agreed. "But let her decide where she wants to live. No more games. Or else we can just take the evidence to the police and let the chips fall where they may," he added, using basically his only bargaining chip.

Carlos laughed. "Yeah, okay," he agreed, sticking out his hand to shake on it. Brendan knew better than to trust Carlos' word, but that was the best he bargain for now. Brendan shook his hand. "But if I get hear you're forcing Elsa, I swear, I'll turn you in, and fuck it if I lose Elsa or if I live or die," Brendan insisted, doing his best to act tough with his counterpart. Before Carlos could think of anything else to say, Brendan was around the corner and on his way back to the hospital.
Things were kind of stressed between Brendan and Elsa after Brendan's second meeting with Carlos. Elsa tried to make it not be stressed, but what was there really for her to do about it? Gui was still in the hospital but he was doing better, enough that Elsa felt that she could actually leave him for periods of time. She had planned on going back to Brendan's but Carlos called her and asked her to come over and spend the night. They had decided she wouldn't officially move in for awhile yet, while the baby was still sick, because Brendan's place was closer to the hospital.

So Elsa took the bus to Carlos' place after she left the baby, walking up the familiar path to the house. She knocked on the door, which was strange for her, and waited. She wore regular jeans and a black t-shirt, nothing fancy. She hoped Carlos wouldn't be offended by that.
Carlos was in expectation when Elsa got up to the door. He swung open the door without looking out, well aware that Elsa would be on the other side. He studied her up and down, taking notice of her outfit with slight disappointment, although she looked very nice. "Hey sugar," he greeted her softly motioning her in and leaning in with a kiss on the lips for her once she was inside. "You missed stayin' with your man, didn't you?" he asked with a sly smile.
"Hi baby," she said softly when he swung the door open. Surprisingly, she was actually glad to see him. She kissed him and sighed softly, wrapping an arm around him. She giggled softly, having decided before she got here that she was going to keep any arguments away and just make him feel good. She had had enough of fighting for now. "Yes I did," she said to him, going up on her tiptoes and kissing him once more, "I missed sleeping in bed with you."
Carlos grinned at her as he pulled away from their little kiss. "I missed everything we do in bed together," he teased, pinching playfully at her hip. "Come over here. I got some of that wine you like for tonight," he said, pointing towards the kitchen. He popped the cork out, and grinned at Elsa, pouring them each a glass and handing one to her. He wanted to welcome her, but he wanted to screw, too. He didn't want to wait for bedtime. She'd avoided him the last couple times he stopped by Brendan's, and he hadn't even seen much of Erica lately. Not that Erica was anything close to Elsa, anyway. "Drink up baby," he encouraged her, sipping at his own wine.
Elsa knew that Carlos wanted to screw. They hadn't screwed in more than a month, and while she knew that he would occasionally have sex with Erica, she also knew that he didn't like doing her nearly as much as he liked doing Elsa. She took the wine when he handed it to her and took a long sip, letting the deep warmth wash down her mouth and into her throat. "So am I cooking tonight...or are we having something else for dinner?" she asked seductively, pressing herself up against him.
Carlos downed half of his wine glass and then set it down, so his hands could focus on Elsa. He was happy that Elsa was in this kind of mood. It was always a turn on when she was so seductive, and she was good at it, too. "I was thinking of somethin' else for sure," he growled, sliding his hands up under her shirt and leaning in, kissing her neck. "I'm in the mood for some sweet sugar."
She had another long sip of the wine and then set the class down next to his. She slid her hands up his chest and slowly wrapped them around his neck. She gave him a couple of soft kisses, looking deep into his eyes as she did so. "I was thinking I'd have some Puerto Rican food." she whispered, stroking the back of his neck slowly as she pressed her pelvis up into his, "I haven't had any in awhile. I really miss it."
"I think I know where you can get some of that," he growled, looking at her eyes while they kissed, and letting his hand run around her back and along her juicy ass that he'd missed so badly. "I think we might be able to..... dine... here in the living room," he teased. "Real casual style," he continued, leaning in and smashing his lips against Elsa's in another long kiss, starting to pull her shirt off while they made out.
Elsa had to admit that there was a part of her that reeeeeeally missed having sex with Carlos. It could be so good sometimes, and all three of them (including Brendan) knew that she was a borderline sex addict. She had never been before, it was in fact Carlos and Brendan who had made her that way. She kissed him hard as they slowly stumbled towards the couch. Once they got there she pulled away just enough to get her shirt off and then quickly unclasped her bra and tossed it away. "Should I be on top or bottom?" she asked him quickly, already working at her pants.
Carlos loved it when Elsa was horny, which was most of the time they had sex. Before he knew it, she was completely topless, and he found himself feeling at her bare, soft breasts, and kissing her again. "Damn, you horny," he gasped, pausing to tear his own shirt off, and then began assisting her with her pants. At the same time, he tried to edge them towards the couch, where he sat down and beckoned her with his finger. "You on top, sugar," he instructed, tugging his pants down and revealing his dark, hardening cock. "On my lap facin' me. But maybe you should give my cock some attention first," he suggested with a sly smirk.
She giggled a little when he told her she was going to be on top. Secretly, she liked riding Carlos a lot more than she liked riding Brendan. She felt wild and free when she rode Carlos, completely uninhibited. She didn't quite know why she didn't feel that way as much with Brendan, but she didn't. She tugged her pants down and her panties too, dropping down onto her knees in front of him. She reached forward and grabbed his cock, immediately leaning in and giving him a couple of sloppy licks. "Mmmm, Puerto Rican tastes sooo good."
Carlos spread his knees so Elsa could kneel in between. That was a position that he loved, Elsa prostrate before him, attending to his cock. In fact, he actually got fairly hard before she even touched him. But when she started lapping at his scarred cock, it got even firmer. "That's right, mama," he grunted. "Puerto Rican is the best," he affirmed, rubbing at her temples as she licked him. "I think I'm ready for your hot pussy to ride my Puerto Rican cock," he growled, pulling her up gently by the hair.
Elsa also loved it when Carlos rubbed her temples. It made her feel special when she gave him head. She was surprised when he yanked her up so quickly. She enjoyed playing with cocks, it was something that she'd always kept to herself, but it was true. She loved fondling them, licking them, sucking them. But she loved fucking too. She squealed when he yanked her up and climbed up onto him. "So are we going classic?" she asked him playfully, giving him a gentle kiss as she straddled him, prepared to just ride him like she always did.
"Somethin' like that," Carlos rasped, helping her onto his lap. He planned for her to ride her similarly to how they’d done it before, except that he'd be sitting with his feet planted on the ground instead of laying on the bed. This would at least allow each of their faces to be right up in the other's. He found her pussy as it hovered over his lap, and leaned over, kissing several times at her folds, and even taking them into his mouth and licking their length while he rhythmically caressed her breasts with one hand. "Damn I'm ready for you to ride me, my special whore," he said under his breath.
Elsa moaned openly when he leaned in and kissed her pussy. She reacted so well to him licking her, and it'd been awhile. She ground into his face just a little bit before he pulled his face away. "I'm ready to ride you daddy," she moaned to him, pushing her hands over his chest and then suddenly plunging down onto his cock. She yelled out when she felt him sink inside of her, her entire body shuddering. Her face was right in front of his and she was already drunk with arousal.
Carlos moaned deeply when Elsa impaled herself on him. It had kind of taken him by surprise that she did it so suddenly and swiftly. "Ahh, that's right, sugar," he grunted, slapping at her fleshy side, and then leaning his head into her ample chest, pressing his mouth between her breasts, and then taking one nipple into his mouth and biting rather hard. Letting go, he stared deep into her aroused eyes, and used his legs for leverage to push his manhood up into her as she rode.
Carlos usually bucked up into her as she rode him, and she absolutely loved it. All in all, she loved having sex with Carlos. She could only think of a few times when it wasn't good, and then it was more painful than anything else. She moaned and threw her head back when he chomped down on her nipple. "Mmmm," she moaned, forcing her head forward so that she could look at him as she bounced up and down, her clit grinding against him from their sitting position, "I missed you soooooo much. I don't know how I lived without this," she wasn't really listening to what she was saying, it was really as if she was drunk with her arousal.
Elsa was obviously firing on all cylinders, sexually speaking. Carlos usually got her that way, but there was something even more so about this time. She had the power to control her own clit being stimulated now, and she wasn't letting that opportunity pass by idly. He looked down at her bouncing breasts, and saw the teeth mark that he'd just made on one of them. Leaning down, he bit the other nipple, even harder than the first, and pulled it violently away from her body, twisting it around. "Mmmm, fuck me, baby," he cried out as he let it snap back to her chest, bucking his body completely off the couch for a moment, feeling his cock fill her to capacity, feeling the squeezing at his sensitive ridges. "Fuckkkkk me."
"Mmmm, yeaaaah!" she cried out as he chomped down on her other nipple. It hurt, yes, but it was more exhilarating than she'd even thought it would be. She gripped his shoulders with her fingers tightly, bouncing herself up and down on him with a primal need. She was rocking back and forth too, smashing her clit against him with as much force as she could muster. "Caaaarlos," she moaned high as she rocketed up and down on him, her pussy squeezing him with a death grip every time. Then within moments she came, her pussy juices flowing out onto him.
Elsa was getting herself off a little too quick, actually, because Carlos still had a decent amount of ride left in him when Elsa moaned and exploded in an orgasm on him. "Damn, sugar," he cried out as her pussy clenched on him. "Keep ridin' me," he ordered, slapping at the back of her hip. "Just cause you needed to cum fast like a cock whore don't mean you get to stop now," he said with a pleasured laugh, rubbing both large breasts intensely with his hands now.
She giggled when he told her she was a cock whore. Usually that would piss her off, but right now it just made her want to fuck him for hours on end. She leaned in and started to kiss him as she rode even harder (to her surprise). Her pussy was extra sensitive now because she'd just cum, but Elsa was on a little bit of an overdrive right now. "Maybe your big delicious cock will make me cum twice," she whispered to him in between kisses.
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