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The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

A new wave of tears rolled down Elsa's face when he pried at her legs more, really forcing them against the arm of the couch and the back of it. She sniffled a couple of times, trying very hard not to sob and to just cry silently. His smile just made her feel even worse, like he was genuinely enjoying this. Which he probably was. She silently reached down in between her legs and touched her dripping pussy, her clit already a little bit sticky with a tiny bit of his precum on it from him rubbing it. She held her pussy lips open with her fingers and rested her wrists against her inner thighs to keep her legs from inching closed.
"That's a good girl," he said, softly rubbing at her stomach. He knew sometimes, she used to like it when he used that expression, but was almost sure she'd hate it now, which is what he wanted. He looked down, almost salivating at the sight of her hands holding open her soft pussy lips, her pink, gleaming womanhood practically inviting him inside like a desired guest. "Mmm, that's right," he growled, sliding himself off her swollen clit and beginning to press inside her warm, gaping opening, feeling her fingers against the sides of his cock as he entered her. He felt her tight insides and immediately closed his eyes and started rocking, reveling in her spasming warmth.
She probably could have taken him calling her a good girl without feeling much anger about it, but he chose to rub her belly at the time that he said it. To her that suggested motherhood, the fact that she was the mother of his baby. That really upset her. She sobbed softly and was finally able to tear her eyes away from him, squeezing them shut as tears poured out. Elsa felt his cock brush her fingertips as he pushed inside of her, her pussy squeezing him in welcome as it always did.
Carlos didn't change his expression as the tears rolled down Elsa’s face. He just licked his chops, took a deep breath, and started plunging himself deeper inside Elsa's waiting love hole. He knew he was going to give her an orgasm, and that got him going even more. "What's the matter, sugar?" he asked between breaths as he filled her more than halfway now. He grabbed her chin and tilted her face to look up at him, although her eyes were still closed. "Not havin’ any fun? Your pussy tellin' me a different tale, mama."
Elsa's pussy loved Carlos' cock, that was something she couldn't even dream of denying, not even to Brendan. She just hoped that Brendan would never ask her that question so she wouldn't have to tell him that. When he grabbed her face and pulled it up she slowly opened her eyes. They were red and obviously irritated, which was such a contrast to her hot pussy that was gripping at his cock like there was no tomorrow. "I hate it when you do this to me," she murmured to him, even as she felt the primal urge to moan out in pleasure build up inside.
"You hate it?" he objected, pausing his rocking motions for a short moment. "You told me a minute ago you was a cock hungry bitch," he reminded her. "Don't lie to me. Which is it?" he growled, reaching back and slapping her across the cheek, although not as hard as previously. He could tell her pussy was buzzing, and even though she wanted no part of this, he was well aware her womanhood was a sucker for him. He rocked his body back a little, creating some room around Elsa's crotch for his hand, which he wedged in there and began rubbing her clit delicately with his thumb, a stark contrast to the harsh slap across the face, hoping to elicit an especially passionate moan from her.
Elsa was actually taken off guard by the slap across the face. She hadn't expected him to hit her like just because she said she hated it. She'd actually meant that she hated that he could manipulate her like this, not that he was fucking her. Elsa knew at some primal level that she was a cock hungry bitch. She just didn't want to be for Carlos. His plan of attack on her clit worked, as he took her off guard again by his sudden change in the way he was touching her. Her pussy squeezed his cock extra hard and her mouth dropped open, a completely desperate moan escaping her before she could even really say anything.
"That's more like it," he grunted, slamming his cock the rest of the way inside her right as she moaned, feeling his girth fill her up. Deciding to surprise Elsa once more, he leaned all the way over and pressed his open mouth against hers, covering up her loud moan, and giving her a forceful kiss. At the same time, he threw caution to the wind, and began rocking his hips violently in and out of her, keeping his mouth perfectly still on her lips in contrast to his bucking hips, which pulled almost out completely and then suddenly filled her again and again.
Elsa completely lost it once he slammed himself inside of her. Her pussy squeezed him and loved him and she moaned, her body shuddering with pleasure. Her hips bucked a little bit against him, but she was in a weird position so bucking only just made her feel more frustrated. She was taken by surprise when he slammed his lips down onto hers, and for some stupid reason when his lips were against hers she immediately began to kiss him, and powerfully. She knew he was going to make her cum, she could feel it, and it was going to happen fast.
Now that they were in the heat of passion, Carlos forgot about all his rage. They were just two lovers in the heat of a hot, sexy encounter, even if Elsa was wearing the bruises of his blows. He slid his hands up along her sides and dug his short nails into her, smashing his face even harder down on her mouth and sliding his tongue inside. "Mmm, ohhhh, baby," he moaned as he pulled his mouth away a tiny bit, slamming his hips down on her again and again, feeling his own orgasm build, but remembering to control it.
She hated herself for being so lost in this, but there was nothing she could do to get herself back at this point. She was one hundred percent gone. Her lips were kissing his and her tongue was sliding against his and her pussy was squeezing him and she was moaning for him and only him. Carlos had once again successfully taken over Elsa's mind and body. She was moaning passionately into her mouth as her pleasure built and built until she whined high, her cum pouring down over his cock.
Carlos' body writhed over Elsa's at their pleasure built, feeling her squeeze and tug so hard at his manhood. He tilted his head and nearly purred as she ticked his ears with her plaintive whine, the whine of passion that he'd drawn out of her. He pressed his lips even harder against her, creating almost a seal between their respective mouths as he felt his seed get ready to explode. Then, at the last minute, his body uncoiled like a thick spring, yanking his cock out of Elsa, kneeling on her thighs, and holding his cock like a hose as it sprayed all over her upper chest, neck, lips, nose and cheek, coating her with the thick substance as he let out a deep moan.
Elsa almost didn't even notice when Carlos pulled out of her and sprayed her down. She was in such a state of bliss that it almost escaped her. But she realized that her pussy was squeezing at nothing and that there was hot sticky liquid slowly dripping down her body. Her mouth was hanging open from him ripping himself away from their kiss and she felt a little bit of his cum drip into her mouth. She let it sit there, just gasping for breath for a couple of moments before she opened her eyes. She had thought that Carlos was going to rape her this time...but she had enjoyed it just as much as she had every other time. What was wrong with her?
Carlos grinned, sighed, and rubbed his cock clean on Elsa's soft stomach, one of the few parts of the front of her body that was free of cum. Once he'd cleaned off that excess, he grunted and climbed off Elsa's naked body, tugging his boxers on shortly thereafter. "So that's what you want to put an end to?" he chided, standing over her cum soaked body. "You know that other asshole can't make you moan like I do, mama."
Carlos was right about that too, Brendan didn't make her moan the way Carlos did. He made her moan in a very different way. And selfishly, Elsa wished that she could have both of them. She would have the perfect sex life if she could have both of them, but she knew she couldn't keep on doing that. She glanced up at him as he was getting dressed, finally letting her hands slide away from holding her pussy open. "I have to," she whispered.
Carlos watched with some interest as she let her worn-out pussy finally close up. He wasn't going to argue with Elsa any longer about the issue. The way he saw it, he could keep showing up here when he wanted to, and if Elsa wanted to fuck him, great. If not, he'd just 'reason' with her a little bit, like now. "Whatever," he answered. "I'm thinking of making this twice a week, instead of just once," he retorted, throwing his shirt on and sliding back onto the couch near her feet.
What angered Elsa most about Carlos was the way that he ignored what she said sometimes. She had been telling him this entire time that she couldn't see him anymore, and now he just dressed himself and sat down next to her, telling her that he wanted her to cheat on Brendan with him twice a week now instead of just once. It seemed to her that Brendan's plan of scaring Carlos wasn't working as well as he thought it was. She sat up and started to get up, wanting to clean his cum off of her. "Why are you making this so difficult for me?" she grumbled.
Carlos thought he could be entitled to ask the same question about making it difficult. He was the one who had to sneak around and be blackmailed. "Sure, whatever you say, sugar," he remarked dismissively, patting at her foot and leaning back into the couch, hands folded behind his head. He glanced over at her and was sort of proud that his cum was still all over her face. "So I can get going, if you got shit to do, anyway," he offered, still wearing the little smirk.
"You need to get going," she growled, finally getting a little bit of her attitude back as she slid off of the couch and began to pad naked towards the bathroom. "You need to get going, and not come back." she walked into the bathroom but didn't bother to shut the door. She grabbed her towel and immediately began wiping herself down, wanting to get all of his cum off of her as quickly as possibly.
Carlos furrowed his brow as he watched her ass while she walked into the bathroom. He finished getting dressed while she was in there. "Yeah, okay," he shouted as he headed towards the door once his shoes were back on. "I'll leave the twenty on the kitchen counter," he remarked mean-heartedly. "I know you won't turn me away if I come back. A slut never does," he shouted as he opened the door and started to step out into the building's hallway.
Her face turned red with anger when he insinuated that she was a hired whore. She turned her head and glared at him as he walked out into the hallway. "YOU'RE THE ONE THAT TURNED ME INTO A SLUT!" she screamed at him violently, throwing her towel down on the ground in her frustration. She stomped over to the shower and turned it on, impatiently waiting for it to heat up so that she could burn her anger away.
Carlos didn't bother shouting anything else back, contented enough that he'd got Elsa's blood boiling. So as to really jab her, he actually did reach back inside and leave a twenty on the table next to the front door, before slamming the door behind him and heading to his favorite cantina.

Brendan, with no knowledge or suspicion of these events transpiring, returning home at his usual time, having bought a small bouquet of flowers for no particular reason, and poked his head in with a smile, looking around for his woman with the flowers in hand.
Elsa took a long and scaldingly hot shower. She didn't notice the twenty until she came out and put her clothes back on, taking the money and stuffing it into her purse. If he was going to leave her money, even in an assholish way, she would use it. She was taken by surprise when Brendan came home, glancing at the clock and realizing that it was his usual time and she hadn't even thought about making dinner for him. She gave him a small smile and got up to greet him.

"Hey babe," she said quietly, kissing him gently on the mouth. "I completely spaced about dinner, I'm sorry."
Brendan had been waiting all day to see Elsa, and he wasn't going to let a lack of dinner dampen that. "It's okay, darling. I'll go get us something, so you don't have to get Gui all dressed up." He held Elsa by the waist and gave her a second, longer kiss, feeeling her body up close to his. "I missed you, baby," he remarked, almost as an afterthought.

The next month was like a taste of the life Brendan had dreamed about while they were split up. Elsa, Brendan and Gui did so much together. Brendan and Elsa picked out a nice, but understated diamond ring one weekend, and they started to feel like a family for the first time, Brendan thought.
Elsa adored the ring that Brendan got her. It was ten times smaller than the ring that Carlos would have gotten her, if he would have even gotten her one. Carlos tried to come over a couple more times, but once Elsa was legitimately not home and found a note and the second she pretended that she wasn't.

But after about a month of spending time solely with Brendan, she noticed a change in Gui. He wasn't as giggly anymore and he didn't eat as much. He slept more and cried more. So she decided to take him to the hospital, where she discovered that he had a bad infection and needed to be kept in the hospital. Elsa was completely crushed. What crushed her even more, though, was that Brendan told her flat out that he didn't have the money to pay for an extended hospital stay.

One night Elsa was sitting in a rocking chair next to the little crib they kept Gui in at the hospital. Her finger was being held by Gui's tiny fist and her eyes were red from crying. Brendan was nearby, but they hardly talked anymore.
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