The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Carlos continued to be dismissive of her, holding back the anger for now that built in him when she said it had to end. He walked over to the couch and sat down gingerly, extending his arm around her shoulder. "You don't mean that, mama," he insisted, edging right next to her and blatantly taking a deep whiff from around her neck. "Let's have some fun, then we can talk about whatever," he suggested, grasping at her bare, soft thigh as he tried to kiss her neck.
Her heart started beating faster when he came over to her and sat down, immediately starting to touch her in the ways that he knew she couldn't resist. She bit her lip and closed her eyes for a moment, balling her hand into a fist to try to steady herself. "Carlos, stop." she said desperately, unballing her hand and pressing it against his chest to try to push him away. "You know that if we fool around we're never going to talk. I'm serious. You can't come here every week. It's not right."
Carlos' expression started to change when Elsa surprisingly got more firm about it. "What you mean?" he demanded. "That you the mother or my baby, and I can't come see you? That what don't make sense," he insisted, pulling his hand away. "You said you just needed a place to stay. Now you tryin' to be cuttin' me off? That's how it's gonna be?" he continued, his face reddening with every word.
"Don't be mad at me," she mumbled weakly, seeing his face turn red. She knew she wasn't going to get out of this unscathed. "It's just not right. You coming here every week, to Brendan's house. It's cruel and wrong and I just can't be okay with it anymore." she took a deep breath after she spat all of that out. Elsa'd been staring at the ground the entire time, unable to look him in the face.
Carlos stared right at her while she spoke, even though she was trying to avoid eye contact. "Don't you know me at all by now?" he shouted, grabbing at her wrist. "Don't you I ain't gonna let that happen?" he insisted, pulling her closer to him a little roughly by the wrist. "Here I am, tryin' to treat you nice, not come by here too much, and this is what I get? I'ma give you one last chance. Just forget about all this bullshit you talkin' about," he insisted. "Then we can be allright."
Elsa whimpered when he grabbed her wrist and yanked her to him. She fell over some, half laying in his lap the way she'd been in Brendan's lap the other day. She felt tears welling up in her eyes and kept her face away from his, knowing that she would crack like an egg if she had to look at his face. "No," she whimpered, "You have to leave."
In Carlos' estimation, Elsa just didn't seem to get it. She was pushing his buttons in all the wrong ways. He took her the other way now, grabbing her wrist and shoulder, and shoving her upright against the arm of the same couch they'd had sex upon a week ago to the day. He squinted up his eyes, feeling no compassion any longer for Elsa. She was just being a bitch to him now, and deserved none. "No," he said forcefully, a word that was universal and firm. He observed her teary eyes for the first time, released her shoulder, and struck her hard across the face with an open hand. "I'm not goin' nowhere."
Elsa knew that things were only just going to get worse for her. She didn't know exactly what Carlos would do to her, but she knew that in order to get out of his clutches he was going to have to beat her out. He might rape her again, he might not. At this point it seemed that he enjoyed manipulating her into being his moaning whore too much to rape her. She whimpered only slightly when he shoved her against the side of the couch, slamming home the fact that they'd had sex their not too long ago. When he slapped her though, her neck twisted painfully and she started to really cry. "You have to," she murmured.
Carlos wasn't moved by Elsa's pleas and tears. "You said last week you was okay with this," he continued, grabbing her hard by both shoulders and leaning some of his weight down on her, his face only inches from her hers. "So you want to fuck and enjoy it when I come by here, like I know you can, or you wanna fuck like we used to?" he growled, alluding to his former assaults on her. "Somethin' tell me you like that kind, too," he taunted, releasing one shoulder and grabbing at the waist of her short shorts, tugging the elastic away from her body.
"No!" Elsa screeched when he pressed her against the side even harder and leaned down onto her. She sobbed when he mentioned how they used to fuck, the memories of how much he had hurt her flooding back into her mind. She hadn't thought about those times since the baby had been born, really. She had nearly forgotten how cruel Carlos could be to her. "I don't like it!" she screamed, grabbing at the hand that was tugging on the waist of her shorts and trying to pry it off.
Carlos grunted and struggled with Elsa, not bothering to explain himself to her any longer. The way he saw it, she owed him. He took good care of her after she had the baby, and now he was being deprived of sex with her, not to mention her domestic services. The least she could do was give him some booty on occasion. He only clasped his hand more firmly on her shorts waist, starting to pull them down. With his other hand, he tried to shove it over her mouth and shut her up, but she was wriggling around too much to hold it over her mouth, the screams still coming. "Shut the fuck up, slut," he hollered out, balling his hand up into a fist and striking her on the cheek as he tugged her shorts down.
Elsa was becoming more and more upset with herself with every passing moment. She should have known that Carlos wasn't going to just let her go, that he wasn't going to accept this. Why was she even doing this? Because she loved Brendan. She whimpered and her head fell back when he struck her on the cheek. She could feel her cheek swelling up immediately and her tears spilled down over the new bruise and now onto her neck. She didn't even bother to talk anymore, knowing that it wouldn't be worth it. Maybe if she let him rape her again, he would just go. She even lifted her hips up a little bit to allow him to pull down her shorts, rendering her bottom nude to him.
Carlos could sense the fight going out of Elsa, and as much as he liked the fight, he wasn't going to stop going at her. He tossed her shorts aside, glaring down at her naked pussy, seemingly ripe and fresh, a contrast to her face, which was swollen, red, and tearful. "That's better," he sneered in reference to her helping him out with her clothing. He unbuckled his belt and let his pants drop, revealing his familiar scarred cock. "So you need to be taught the hard way. It's all okay, though," he went on. "I guess I got to get you all fat with my baby again 'fore you respect me," he theorized, starting to pull up on her tank top. "I hope your man do come home and find us fuckin'," he continued. "It would serve you right."
Elsa's eyes glanced towards Carlos' scarred cock and she started to sob again. She knew he was going to hurt her. It was so easy for him to do it too. He didn't even really need to do much to her to hurt her. Grab her arm, shove her, even just say a couple of mean things. She started to sob even harder when he mentioned getting her fat with another baby. Two of Carlos' children? At one time she could have considered that. But now...that was the worst thing that she could ever think of. "Why can't you just go?" she whimpered when he started to tug up her top, "Why do you have to do this to me?"
Carlos let out a half snicker when Elsa protested, continuing to pull up on her top, uintil it was over her face. "I'm the victim here," he exclaimed in all seriousness. "You mine, and now you sayin' you not," he continued. "How many times did you tell me you was mine?" he demanded. "How many? And now you been stolen from me. That's the crime," he insisted. He could tell the thought of another baby really got her upset, so he continued down that path. "Yeah, I think I'ma fuck another baby inside your pussy tonight, mama," he threatened, pulling the shirt over her head and off. "That'll set you straight." He reached down and roughly spread her legs as much as he could on the couch, before letting his hand come to rest on her womanhood. "And you gonna like it."
Elsa just continued to cry as Carlos managed to get her top up from her her chest to her face and then finally off of her. Once she was naked there in the couch and Carlos was prying her legs open she almost completely lost it. She didn't know that she could hold on any longer, she didn't know that she could really survive whatever Carlos was going to do to her to maybe let go of her. And that was still just a maybe. She whimpered pathetically when he rested his hand on her spread pussy, her body half sprawled against the couch. "Please don't," she whispered to him, slowly lifting her eyes up to his in hopes that he would listen to her. It wasn't so much the fucking that she was asking him to stop, she knew he wouldn't stop that, but the fucking of another baby into her. "Please, Carlos,"
Carlos thought he knew what Elsa was getting at, but if he was right, he was going to make her beg for it. She was beyond the point of getting any compassion for nothing. He looked down into her eyes with a steely coldness, beginning to rub at her pussy folds, before pressing one finger inside and feeling her damp warmth. "Please what?" he pressed her, taking his other hand and pushing it against her neck in a position of power, pressing her head down into the couch, his one finger still inside her as he waited for her to clarify.
Elsa was in a strange position on the couch. She was facing Carlos but her butt was slid away from the back of the couch and she was leaning back some, her face turned into the arm of it. Her legs were splayed open, though her pussy was currently covered by Carlos' large hand. She whimpered when he rubbed at her, knowing that she would start to get wet and horny even though she wanted nothing more than for Carlos to leave right now. "Please....please don't fuck another baby into me," she said to him softly, her eyes tearing up again as he stared down at her.
Carlos stared into her eyes as she pleaded for what she wanted above all else; not to get pregnant again. He slowly and methodically rubbed at her pussy, feeling it warm and respond to his touch. He then pulled his finger out of her and rubbed the inside juices all around the area, paying particular attention to her clit, running his index finger lightly over it again and again. "You know I'll need somewhere else to spray my cum, then," he growled. "Your slut face looks like a nice target," he observed.
She hated the way that he knew how to make her horny. He knew exactly where to touch her, the speed, the firmness, to make her feel absolutely amazing. He could make her scream, and he knew it. He loved that. Carlos could have a lot of power over her. She started to squirm when he stroked her clit over and over again. It started to throb and she could feel herself getting wet, her face flushing from arousal now and not just being upset. She nodded and sniffled a little bit, " face,"
Carlos looked on with pride as she flushed with sexual excitement. He loved how he could control her, whether she liked it or not. "Damn you gettin' horny for me, bitch," he exclaimed with a big smirk, no longer coming off quite as angry as before. "Your pussy's all drooling for some Puerto Rican cock," he taunted, taking in her offer to cum on her face. "You know," he began as he sunk his lubricated finger back inside her hole, "I could fuck you up the ass, instead. Even a stupid spick like me know you can't make a baby that way."
Anger flared up in anger when he called her a bitch. He was right though, she was getting horny for him. Some of that horniness dried up when he mentioned fucking her in the ass though. Her face twisted up a little bit and she shook her head desperately, "Please don't!" she whimpered to him, the horror of that written clearly all over her face. "Please, Carlos. You can cum anywhere on me that you want...but please don't do that,"
Carlos snickered when she pleaded with him, grasping her by the neck and pushing her head firmly back into the couch armrest, though not quite as roughly as before. "I'll see what I'm gonna you. You just gonna lay back and take it," he informed her, not willing to promise he wasn't going to violate her ass. He rubbed at her clit a couple more times, before leaning down, taking his hand from her throat, and pressing the tip of his cock against her spread womanhood. "So you a cock horny bitch or not?" he cruelly demanded to know.
Once again, he was right. She was just going to lay there and take it, even if he did decide to fuck her ass. He'd fucked her ass once before and it'd been absolutely horrible, but she'd been through it before. And maybe if he turned her around and forced her face into the couch and fucked it from behind it wouldn't be as bad as it had been the last time. She doubted it though. She nodded silently when he asked her if she was a cock hungry bitch. At this point Elsa wasn't going to fight with anymore, she was just going to let him take everything out on her.
Carlos smiled at her when she gave in to his demand to admit she was cock hungry, even though he knew she didn't mean it. He tried to force her legs even harder apart in the awkward position she was in, but it wasn't easy. "Well if you hungry for some big dark cock, hold your legs open and spread your pussy lips with your hands," he demanded, rubbing the tip of his cock over her clit a couple times. "I don't want to have to do all the work," he offered in explaination, really wanting to make Elsa feel like she was complicit in this forced liason by opening herself up to him.
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