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The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

"I think your pussy is gonna have to cum twice," he agreed, now determined to make that happen. Sweating a lot now, Carlos leaned back some into the couch and bucked up harder into her as he felt his orgasm building. "Mmm," he moaned. "I love it when that slut pussy rides me out," he cried out. "Your hot, steamy, drippinggg, squeezinggg cunt," he continued, grabbing her hips and digging his fingers in, plowing his cock in even harder, feeling his climax right around the corner.
"Ahhh, Jesussss!" she cried out in complete desperation when he laid back and really began to hammer up into her at the same intensity that she was riding him. The second orgasm was always quick to follow the first and within a minute she felt it rising up. Her mouth was hanging open and her head was tilted back some as she rode him, completely lost in her pleasure. "I fucking love your cock," she cried out, her pussy squeezing at him again as she unleashed another orgasm.
Carlos' eyes almost bugged out of his head at the pleasure being created by them smashing against each other at full force. Just as he was about to cum, Elsa started on her second loud orgasm. Right as her juices seeped out onto his lap, his body shivered violently as he spurted his seed upward inside Elsa. His hands dug into her hips and his eyes met hers as they came in unison, both of them intoxicated with pleasure. "Damnnn you know how to fuck a man," he commended her.
"I know how to fuck you, daddy," she giggled to him as she started to come down from her orgasmic high. She grinned at him stupidly and leaned in to give him some very loving and affectionate kisses. Elsa loved to give affection after sex, to make her man feel like an absolute god after he'd fucked her gloriously. Her pussy was throbbing and she knew there was a big mess of cum between them, but she didn't care. She wrapped her arms around his neck and continued to kiss at him, trailing down to his jawline.
Carlos was content to kiss her for a while before their hot bodies untangled and she cleaned him off. That was one of the reasons he'd chosen this position for their first time in a long time, so he could watch his woman and she could watch him while they screwed. He let his hands wander up and down her sides and back as he kissed her, enjoying the warmth that her womanhood still offered his satisfied cock. "You do know how," he commended her. "I ain't never known a woman who could fuck like you," he told her, tugging gently at her hair. "I think my cock's gonna need some afterward attention, too, though," he told her with a knowing smirk.
While she was kissing him Elsa thought for a moment about how many times she and Carlos had probably had sex. At least a hundred, she figured, if not more. They'd had sex so many times in the past year that she couldn't even begin to try to keep count. It still made her feel weird sometimes to think about their first time, when he'd brutally raped her on the floor of a room in the Center's auto shop. She grinned when he mentioned his cock needing attention. She nodded and slowly rose up, feeling his cock slosh out of her. She got down onto the floor in between his legs and started to slowly lap at him dutifully.
Carlos grunted and edged up a little closer to the edge of the couch so she could have easy access to fulfill her duty. His cock was a real mess, so covered in their love juices that the dark skin was barely even visible beneath. He got to thinking as she expertly started to clean him up. "You know, I been thinkin', sugar," he began, glancing down at her eyes as her tongue traced the length of his slick manhood. "You realize I'm the man of this house, right?" he asked her.
She looked up at him in surprise when he asked her if she realized that he was the man of the house. Who else could possibly be the man of the house? She was the only other one here (as far as she knew), and she was the one on her knees cleaning his cock. She continued to lap at him, working her way up and down his cock slowly, enjoying just nursing it instead of rushing through it. "Of course you are," she murmured, more to his cock than to him.
Carlos nodded at her, thoughts running through his mind. He actually blamed himself for being too lenient as the reason Elsa had to leave before. "I think we need to make some rules this time," he began to explain. "I know you gonna trust me, 'cause we always make good music together," he went on, rubbing her head. "I'ma require some more sexy shit from you this time around. You trust me, right?" he asked as she continued to lap up all the juices that coated him.
This made Elsa a little wary. She'd never been put under rules from Carlos before, and she wasn't exactly sure how they would be. She stopped licking at him for a moment, his cock sufficiently clean but not as clean as she usually made it. "What do you mean sexy shit?" she questioned him a little. Then she realized she'd stopped doing what he'd told her to do, and that that wouldn't help her if she wanted to get out of something. So she leaned back in and gave his cock a couple of kisses, licking smaller sections now. "And yeah...I trust you,"
"That's good, sugar," he grunted, shifting his weight so the other side of his cock was accessible to her. "I just mean, whatever I want to do, I expect you to go along with it," he explained. "We'll have fun together doin' all that shit, but you need to leave it to me." He liked that the rules were all being laid out while she cleaned him off. A woman cleaning a cock with her mouth was unlikely to be inclined to resist. It was a very submissive station. "If I want you to finger yourself, you do it. If I want to stick somethin' up your pussy, you gonna trust me to do it. Same goes for your ass. It's all mine. That's why you gotta trust me," he explained. "So you still sure you do?"
She scooted over a little bit so that she could get to the other side of his cock easier. She let her hand venture up to squeeze his balls gently, even though she was supposed to be cleaning him not giving him head. What he was proposing was weird to her, and it seemed like he had something to hide and that was why he was doing it this way. She figured that she could finger herself pretty easily for him, even though that wasn't really her thing. She could probably even stick whatever up her pussy that he wanted...but her ass? She squirmed a little when he mentioned that but nodded, hoping that was going to be the end of his rules.
Carlos sighed as she touched his balls, which felt good, although he wasn't sure why she did it. "That's not all, either. I really want you to show you're sorry for trying to cut me out, and grateful for what I'm doing," he went on to explain, still rubbing her scalp gently. "For example, I want dinner ready by six every night, just in case I get home by then. House cleaning needs to be done by two," he added, continuing to lay down the rules. "I want everything you wear to show some belly or some tit," he ordered. "And when you clean when I'm home, nothing more than underwear." He looked down at her sternly, clearly awaiting an agreeable answer.
All of these rules were making Elsa feel uneasy, but she knew that she didn't have a choice in the matter. Not only did she have to do all of this in apology for trying to cut him out of her life, but she also had to do it because he was paying for Gui's hospital bills. That was something he should be doing out of love for his son, but they both knew that Carlos would never accept just that as a reason for doing anything. His demands didn't seem too bad, though. She nodded her head and glanced up at him again as she finally stopped cleaning him, thinking she was done. "I can do that for you," she murmured.
"Thank you, mama," he said, gently stroking her cheek. He felt like he didn't have to thank her, and that was reward enough for her willing agreement to his house rules. His mind turning fast, he thought of one more thing. "Oh, one other rule," he explained. "I might make you earn your meals sometimes," he told her. "No big deal. Just do something nice to turn me on before you get to eat," he told her with a smirk, knowing she'd probably resent this a little more than the other rules. "There's still a little cum," he noted, looking down at his mostly clean dick, waiting for her to lick a little more.
It made her feel a little bit fuzzy when he thanked her, but that fuzziness was immediately pushed away when he said that he might make her earn her meals. She felt like cooking and cleaning for him all the time was work enough to earn her food. Then again, she couldn't imagine anything too horrible that he'd make her do just to eat. Maybe suckle him a little, touch herself, or eat nude. Any of that she could handle. She glanced down at the little bit of cum she'd missed and lapped it up, giving him a couple of extra loving licks to try to make up for it.
Carlos was more than pleased with how she cleaned him off. He slowly got up, grunting as his bones creaked from being on the couch for so long. "I'll give you an example," he said with a little smirk. "You lay down on the couch," he told her, heading over to the refrigerator. "You can earn you very first meal tonight, mama," he told her, coming back with a small cucumber. "What you think I want you to do with this?" he leered, handing it over.
She climbed back up onto the couch after he got up, not entirely sure what he was going to go get. Elsa's eyes widened though when he came back with the small cucumber. It wasn't terribly long, maybe six inches, but it was a fat one. She took it and glanced at it for a moment and then glanced down at her still slightly wet pussy. She'd just cum twice, and now she had to fuck herself with a cuke for him? She swallowed uneasily and glanced back up at him, " want me to...fuck myself with it?"
"Good thinking," he teased, letting the vegetable rest on her stomach. He gently pushed her onto her back on the couch, and grasped both of her ankles, holding her legs up in the air near his shoulders, and spreading them apart. He looked down at her wet, gleaming pussy spread open beneath, waiting for the cucumber, and could even detect the familiar scent of her pussy juices wafting up at him, a product of all the arousal down there. "Fuck away," he ordered, waiting for the show to commence.
She yelped softly when he pushed her down onto her back, even though he did it gently. She felt like this was a test now, and she wasn't sure that she exactly liked it. Her face was flushed red by now and she slowly picked up the cuke from her stomach. She looked at it again and then looked down at her spread open pussy, positioned as such that Carlos could watch everything she did. She took a deep breath and reached her hand down and boldly began to insert the cold cuke inside of her. She yelped again and squirmed, but managed to start to slide it in pretty well. Her pussy muscles began to squeeze it immediately. She glanced up at him warily, unsure if she was doing it how he wanted.
Carlos had an excellent view of the cuke stretching her pussy opening and then going inside. This made her squirm a little, and he liked that. She was most definitely uncomfortable with the task. "That's it," he commended her. "Shove it all the way it. Stretch that pussy to the limit," he prodded her, getting turned on by the show. He strained his arms and spread her legs a little more, watching her love hole engulf the vegetable a little more.
Carlos definitely knew how to work Elsa, he knew how to make her do things she would never consider doing at any other time. She winced at the way he was spreading her legs but said nothing, enduring the pain. She pushed the cucumber in deeper, watching it slowly disappear inside of her. She then grew a teeny bit bold and used her other hand to begin to stroke her clit softly. If she was going to masturbate, at least she would do it right.
Carlos had expected her to push the cuke up inside her, but the playing with her clit was a bonus. "Oh, that's right, sugar," he grunted, easing up on her legs a little. "Lemme see you cum again, bitch." Her juices were flowing again, oozing out all around that cucumber, and even drooling down onto the couch. "Damn, you horny again," he observed. "I wonder if that cuke could fit up your ass too," he wondered, purposely trying to make her squirm some more.
Elsa knew that Carlos wouldn't hesitate for even a second to shove a cucumber up her ass. He'd do it and love it, regardless of what she thought of it. She didn't say anything, even though she noted his order for her to cum again. She gripped the bottom of the cuke and began to slowly pump it in and out of herself, still rubbing at her clit softly. Soon she really felt as if she was going to cum, which surprised her a little. She pumped the cuke in and out faster, her clit swollen and ready.
Carlos growled softly as she worked her pussy with the veggie and her clit with her finger, very close to getting herself off. "Yeah, that's a good girl. You gonna earn yourself a nice reward tonight, mama," he promised. He rested one ankle against the arm which held the other leg, so it freed up a hand to slap her ass. He didn't really have a good angle to get much on the slap, but he made it jiggle a little the way he liked it, and even made her pussy vibrate around the cucumber some as she moaned, clearly about to cum again. She wasn't exactly having a hard time of it.
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