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The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

"That's good," he told her. "Cause I'm play a little game with you," he explained. "I'ma do your ass with this dildo. It ain't much bigger than a finger. But my cock's about ready to fuck somethin'," he continued, beginning to slowly press the dildo inside her anus. It didn't create too much of a problem, being thin and well lubed. "This is the game. We gonna switch. I'ma rub your pussy, and you gonna fuck yourself with the ass dildo," he told her with a chuckle, as he slid the dlido all the way in, and then back out. "If you can keep doin' it the whole time until you cum, I'ma fuck you in the pussy. If you stop, I'ma fuck your ass with my big Latino dick," he warned.
Elsa whimpered louder when he pressed the dildo into her, feeling her tight ass stretch and tingle as it slid inside. But still, she nodded, "Okay Carlos," she whimpered and moved her hand so that she could grip the dildo. She slowly pushed it further inside of herself but had to stop, her face reddening. She paused for a couple of moments, on the verge of tears now, but then started up again, slowly pulling the dildo out of herself and then back in.
Carlos watched and made sure that Elsa started up properly with the dildo. He could see it hurt, and watched as she stopped for a moment, before beginning to rub slowly at her clit, not wanting to make her cum too soon. She should have to work for this, he figured. "How's that feel?" he taunted. "And be careful. Stop again, and you gonna lose," he threatened, watching her body tremble and feeling for her clit, rubbing a circle around it with his index finger.
She nodded again when he warned her, a little comforted by the feeling of his finger rubbing at her clit. It was undoubted that she was a lot more sexually adventurous with Carlos than she was with Brendan. Brendan had never even whispered the word anal to her, while Carlos screamed it all the time. She gripped the dildo tighter and continued to pump it in and out of herself, though it hurt and felt weird at the same time.
Carlos kept slowly stimulating her clit, feeling Elsa get wet for him, even as the dildo stretched out her ass and obviously pained her to some degree "If you like that fake dick, just think how much more my real one gonna stretch out your asshole," he teased, knowing full well she wasn't enjoying the dildo, and she hadn't enjoyed the one time they had anal sex. He left her clit alone, not in a hurry to finish her, and massaged her inner thighs a little, before rubbing at her slit, taking her folds and rubbing them gently between his fingers. "Make sure you stick it in all the way," he added, resting a hand on her lower back.
Elsa whined a little bit when he pressed his hand onto her lower back. She felt the most degraded whenever he was using her ass as the object of his affection. She was pretty sure that he knew that too, or he wouldn't do it so often. While Carlos could be loving and gentle and kind, that wasn't his usual MO. She gripped the dildo tightly and took a couple of deep breaths and then began to push it further inside of herself. She whined again, louder, and stopped once more. This was almost intolerable for her. She knew the only other option was to have him ass fuck her, but she sensed that he was going to do that to her either way. She began to pump the dildo in and out of herself slowly and fragilely, hoping that he wouldn't notice that she wasn't doing a very thorough job of it.
When Carlos noticed that Elsa was clearly half-assing it, he slowly began to halt his motion on her womanhood and watched what she was doing carefully. Carlos could quickly turn from offhandedly degrading Elsa to overtly chastising her, and that's exactly what he did. Letting go of her pussy lips, he gave her a quick smack directly across her pale ass, and before it even stopped jiggling, had grabbed her hand and used her own grasp on the dildo to ram it deeper inside her ass, not gently at all. "Thought I told you to stick it in all the way," he growled. "Or do I got to find somethin' bigger so your ass actually feel it?" he threatened before giving her another strong spank across her butt.
Elsa started to yelp when he slapped her across the ass but her yelp turned into a screech of horror when he grabbed the dildo himself and unceremoniously shoved it deep inside of her. She squirmed and sobbed, the tears she'd been holding back finally spilling out over her cheeks and onto the bed. She sobbed a couple of times and was shaking, but she knew that she needed to control herself. "Why are you making me do this, Carlos?" she whispered to him, hoping that he would be understanding rather than angry that she was questioning him.
Carlos was in one of his heightened states of arousal this evening, and as far as they'd gone already, he was in no mood to stop or even alter his plan. His cock was throbbing, ready to sink inside one of Elsa's tight holes, and that simply had to happen in his mind. So he chose to pay little heed to her cries for mercy, much less the tears streaming onto his sheets. Instead, he grabbed her by the haunches, and pulled her hips up toward him, pressing his cock's tip up against her pussy in the doggy position. "Shut up, mama," he demanded with a sneer, pulling violently on her hips and sheathing himself inside her. "Keep fucking your ass with that shit," he ordered as he felt her pussy squeeze him. "Or else I'ma pull my fat cock right out your pussy and bust your asshole wide open," he growled, giving her yet another firm smack across her abused ass.
Elsa, quite the opposite of Carlos, was at such a point that she couldn't even feel much pleasure from him sinking himself inside of her pussy. Usually just the feeling of fulfillment from that made her feel good, made her know why she was letting him abuse her, but now it barely even helped. She squirmed a little bit, her pussy inevitably milking him a little bit, and regripped the dildo. She start to pump it in and out of herself faster, the tears still silently sliding down her face. She didn't say anything else, but she was very obviously upset by this, even more that he couldn't even give her a reason for his abuse.
"There go you," he grunted, some pleasure in his voice from the feel of her pussy gripping him, which wasn't all that different from when she was a willing participant. "You gotta trust me, like you said," he added, pulling on her hips and starting to rock himself in and out of her. Carlos looked up to the ceiling and moaned lightly as he felt himself slide all the way inside her, and found his motion, rubbing his hands quickly around her smooth ass while he rocked inside her. "You wanna take that fake dick out now, mama?" he offered, scratching his fingertips lightly on her back as he waited for an answer, still keeping with the rhythm he'd found.
She gave the slightest whimper when he pulled on her hips again and started actively fucking her. They'd had sex twice already that day and she really wasn't into it this time. She also hated that her body responded to him so well, squeezing him and fitting him snuggly even when her mind didn't want him inside of her. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on his hands rubbing her gently and his cock inside of her rather than the dildo in her ass. She perked up when he asked her and raised her head, nodding it emphatically. "Yes please," she murmured to him, but didn't actually take it out yet in case he was in one of those moods when he felt like he needed to give her formal permission.
Carlos nodded silently when she said she wanted to take it out, although she couldn't see this of course. He slowly slid his hand along her butt and over her hand, pushing it away and taking control of the dildo himself. "Okay, sugar. But I'ma take it out," he announced, still fucking her with the same precise rhythm as all along. As he did so, he picked up his pace a little, sliding in and out with a grunt accompanying each thrust. But instead of immediately removing the dildo, he pushed it in just a little deeper inside her anus, and held it there, giving her a hard spank with his other hand, careful not to let the dildo slide out even a little when he spanked her. "Ask nicer. Ask Daddy to unplug your ass since you've been a good girl," he grumbled.
She let her hand fall down to the sheets and pulled it up to her face when he pushed it away. Surprisingly, it felt a little better to have him in control of what was happening to her rather than herself. Even though he was pushing it in further rather than taking it out, at least it was him and not her doing it. It also comforted her that he could fuck her so rhythmically and play with her ass the way he was. Carlos was skilled at what he did, that was something she could never deny. She whimpered when he slapped her ass and picked her head up more so that she could talk properly. "Please unplug my ass, daddy. I've...I've been a good girl,"
Elsa's whimpers were like music to Carlos' ears. His baby mama wasn't just a pussy (and ass) to fuck, even though he played that part often. She was his woman. And to know that he was making her whimper so passionately was hot. "You have been a good girl. You earned it," he commended her, slowly sliding the dildo out of her asshole, and letting it fall to the bed. With his hands freed again, he was able to concentrate more on the task at hand, and grabbed her haunches tightly again, picking up the pace as his nails dug into her hips. "Mmmm, stick that ass up more, sugar," he demanded. "I wanna get up in there nice and deep before I cum," he grunted. "Do you feel better with your ass unplugged?"
She breathed a deep sigh of relief when slid the dildo out of her ass. Her entire body relaxed some, her head dropping back down to the sheets. She still jumped a bit when he grabbed her haunches and started to fuck her harder. She was pretty sure she wasn't going to cum from this round of fucking, but she didn't want to. This was much more about Carlos' power over her than lovemaking. She nodded and sighed when he questioned her, "Yes daddy," she murmured, knowing that when he shoved his dick into her ass it was going to just get worse. She tried to stick her ass up further, hoping that if she did what he told her to he would take mercy.
Carlos kept at his mission of pounding Elsa traditionally for the moment, but like a hungry beast with a piece of raw meat dangling, couldn't help but eye up Elsa's freshly stretched out anus, seemingly winking up at him as she slid her ass up higher into the air. He kept pace, but didn't pick it up, as he would have been unhappy for once if he came in his cock's present position. He grunted and felt around in the sheets until he found the tube of lubricant. Wriggling the top open with one hand, he suddenly let a few fresh drops fall on her anus, although with their bodies shaking as they were, it made a little of a mess. Pressing his finger down on top of the trail of liquid, he tickled her anal bud with a couple of light grazes from his index finger as he slowly ground to a stop. "Stand up on the bed and grab some headboard, bitch," he ordered almost playfully, sliding his cock almost out.
She squeezed her eyes shut when he started to lubricate her ass, trying very hard to not start crying again. She squirmed when he tried to tickle her anal bud. While it did tickle her it also made her feel disgusting, and that didn't help her to comply with what he wanted. She crawled forward when he ordered her to stand and pulled almost out, moving herself just enough to feel and hear him slip out of her. "Carlos," she whimpered, her chest heaving up and down as she crawled forward more and started to sit up, groaning as she felt her stiff joints try to move. "Please, it really hurts when my ass," she finally managed to say.
Carlos edged back, expecting Elsa to stand up, but saw she planned to try and sit down and talk her way out of this one. If there was ever one time when Carlos wasn't going to be in the mood for calm discussion, it was when his cock was about to explode, and he needed somewhere for that to happen and soon. He shoved her forward by her back and pushed her face back down into the bed, and stood up on his knees, trying to pull her hips up with him. "Stand up," he growled again firmly, making a little bit of effort to keep his composure. "I lubed your asshole good. It'll be fine. 'Sides, sometimes you just have to do shit that hurts," he added. "Ain't it hurt when you squeezed out my baby?" he asked scoldingly, giving Elsa a hard sideways slap across her hip.
Of course Carlos wasn't going to be empathetic. Of course he was going to turn it around to make it look like she was being ungrateful. The mention of her baby made her take pause though. Her baby, who was sick. That was why she was here now. Because he was paying for Gui's hospital bills. She cried out when he slapped her hip again and finally stood up, swaying a little but managing to keep her footing. She leaned forward and grabbed the headboard, both her ass and pussy splayed out to him. "You're right," she murmured to him defeatedly, "I'm sorry,"
Carlos grunted in response to Elsa's woozy apology. He hadn't been sure which way his mention of Gui would turn Elsa, but since it had her standing up and bent over for him now, he'd count it as a success. "Good girl," he growled yet again, holding onto Elsa's ass while he stood up erect, and clasped onto her hips. Her pussy was dangling before him, still moist, and the lips hanging a little bit, their muscles having been worn considerably from the pounding. Normally that would seem quite inviting, but Carlos was an ass man at heart. And being fully bent over, her anus was lewdly splayed open for him about as much as physically possible. Sliding up to her, he pressed his cock's hard tip against her anus and pushed, but lightened up before penetrating. "You ready, then?" he demanded. "You ready to feel my thick cock deep inside your asshole?"
Elsa was gripping the headboard so tightly that her knuckles were white. She was nervous, she was scared, and she was angry all the same. She knew that this would hurt her even if he had lubed her. But he'd mentioned Gui, and Gui was her one unconditional love. She could get angry at Carlos and Brendan and want to leave them, but she would never want to leave Gui. Gui was her blood and her flesh. Gui had grown inside of her and she would do absolutely anything for him. She whimpered a little when he started to press into her and nodded her head, not wanting to vocally answer him.
Carlos was hoping to force her into a vocal answer, but at the same time this was too amazing to wait any longer. No, it wasn't the first time he'd conquered her in this way, but it was still the one thing that he'd sought after for so long with Elsa. And it was the one act that she still wouldn't give him willingly. It remained as a display of raw power in the relationship, of sheer domination. He knew she owed him for what he'd offered to do for their son, and this was exactly how he'd planned to exact his compensation. No sooner than Elsa had nodded, Carlos grunted and pressed himself in, only the going was much tighter and slower than before. Their bodies shook, Carlos holding Elsa tightly around the stomach as he inched back and forth, trying to press deeper with each movement. After succeeding in getting a couple of firm inches inside, he grunted and paused, closing his eyes and massaging her ass cheeks. "Ahhh, sugar," he groaned deeply.
Elsa let out a long and low moan of pain when he started to press into her ass. If it was even possible, Elsa gripped the headboard even tighter. She sucked in a deep breath and held it for a moment, her face quickly turning purple as he rocked in and out those couple of inches, trying vainly to force himself inside her deeper. "It huuuurts," she whimpered pathetically as he massaged her ass. Her eyes were squeezed shut and she was breathing again, though it seemed to her like the pain was going to completely overtake her mind.
Carlos felt his cock throbbing, and for a moment thought he might lose it at this juncture. It wouldn't have been bad, but he somehow felt an insatiable urge to inflict some more pain on Elsa before they finished. The problem was, even with all the lubrication, he was having trouble burrowing any deeper. "It's almost there," he lied as he pressed onward despite Elsa's cries. He reached back and gave her a spank, and the ripple effect of the impact seemed to loosen her up enough that he could slide in another inch or so. This gave him enough depth that he could start rocking in and out. Even though he couldn't sheath himself all the way inside her, she was incredibly tight, providing friction on all sides, and he felt like he was close to losing it now as he found the rhythm. "Ahhhhhh," he moaned at the top of his lungs. "You workin' me, mama," he growled, giving her yet another spanking, and squeezing his eyes tight, head back toward the ceiling.
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